楊暘博士於現為美國天普大學(Temple University)旅遊與酒店管理學院助理教授,並擔任旅遊經濟分析中心副主任。楊暘博士畢業於美國佛羅里達大學,獲得經濟地理學博士學位(副修:計量經濟學)、經濟學碩士學位和統計學碩士學位。在獲得全額獎學金留美之前,楊暘先後就讀於南京大學、北京大學和香港理工大學,分別獲得理學學士學位和酒店與旅遊業管理(哲學)碩士學位。
楊暘博士注重使用多學科理論和方法,深入分析旅遊和酒店業經濟問題。其主要研究方向包括:(1) 旅遊需求與區域旅遊經濟成長;(2)酒店區位與財務分析;(3)旅遊數據的統計學和計量經濟學建模。在過去的數年中,楊博士已在SSCI索引期刊發表研究論文十餘篇,包括Annals of Tourism Research,Tourism Management,Journal of Travel Research以及International Journal of Hospitality Management。
- 中文名:楊暘
- 外文名:Yang Yang
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:江西南昌
- 出生日期:1985
- 職業:美國天普大學助理教授
- 畢業院校:美國佛羅里達大學
- 旅遊及酒店業經濟分析(Economic Analytics in Hospitality and Tourism)
- 旅遊需求與區域旅遊經濟成長(Tourism Growth and Demand Modeling)
- 酒店區位與財務分析(Hospitality Real Estate and Financial Analysis)
- 旅遊數據的統計學和計量經濟學建模及大數據分析(Statistical, Econometric Modeling and Big Data Analytics in Hospitality and Tourism
- Luo, H., Yang,Y(通訊作者). and Law, R. (conditionalaccepted). Efficiency analysis of the hotelindustry in major China’s cities,2001-2011. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子1.266)
- Yang, Y. and Wu, X.(2014). Chinesehousehold demand for outbound travel: Evidence from the ChinaFamily PanelStudies. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子0.359)
- Yang, Y., Liu, Z-H. andQi, Q. (2014).Domestic tourism demand of urban and rural residents in China:Does relativeincome matter? Tourism Management, 40, 193–202.(SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子2.571)
- Yang, Y., Luo, H. andLaw, R. (2014).Theoretical, empirical, and operational models of hotel locationresearch.International Journal of Hospitality Management, 36, 209-220. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子1.692)
- Luo, H. and Yang,Y(通訊作者). (2013). Spatialpattern of hotel distribution in China. Tourismand Hospitality Research.
- Yang, Y., Pan, B. andSong, H. (2013).Predicting hotel demand using destination marketingorganizations’ web trafficdata. Journal of Travel Research. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子1.899)
- Yang, Y., Fik, T. andZhang, J. (2013).Modeling sequential tourist flows: Where is the nextdestination? Annals of Tourism Research, 43, 297–320. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子3.683)
- Yang, Y. and Wong, K.(2013). Spatialdistribution of tourist flows to China’s cities. Tourism Geographies, 15(2),338-363. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子0.731)
- Qi, Q., Yang,Y. and Zhang, J. (2013).Attitudes and experiences of tourists oncalligraphic landscapes: A case studyof Guilin, China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 113, 128-138. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子2.314)
- Yang, Y. and Wong, K.(2012). A spatialeconometric approach to model spillover effects in tourismflows. Journal of Travel Research, 51(6), 768-778. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子1.899)
- Yang, Y., Wong, K. andWang, T. (2012).How do hotels choose their location? Evidence from hotels inBeijing. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(3), 675-685. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子1.692)
- Yang, Y. and Wong, K.(2012). The influence of cultural distance on China inbound tourism flows: Apanel datagravity model approach. Asian Geographer, 29(1), 21-37.
- Mao, L., Yang,Y., Qiu, Y. and Yang, Y.(2012). Annual economic impacts of seasonalinfluenza and vaccination on UScounties: Spatial heterogeneity and patterns. International Journal of Health Geographics, 11:16. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子2.195)
- Yang, Y., Wong, K. andZhang, J.(2011). Determinants of length of stay for domestic tourists: Casestudy ofYixing. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 16(6), 619-633. (SSCI索引刊物,2012年影響因子0.359)
- Shi, C. and Yang,Y. (2008).Shift-share analysis and its application in tourism. InternationalJournal of Management Perspective, 1(1), 21-30.
- Shi, C., Zhang,J., Yang, Y. and Zhou,Z. (2007). Application of shift-shareanalysis to international tourismcompetitiveness: The Jiangsu provinceexperience. Chinese Geographical Science,17(2): 173-182. (SCI-E索引刊物)