

楊承海 博士 Dr.Chenghai Yang 礦物學、岩石學、礦床學專業 註冊礦業權評估師山東省礦產資源開發利用方案審查專家庫成員2008年入選山東省高層次人才專家庫1989年7月參加工作,主要從事地質礦產勘查,成岩成礦理論、岩石地球動力學演化研究,及礦產資源評估等方面工作,現為山東省地質礦產勘查開發局地質礦產處副處長、山東省地礦局駐澳大利亞代表處首席代表。


  • 中文名:楊承海
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 性別:男
Position,Education,Employment,Professional experience,Qualifications,學術論文、專著及獲獎情況,論文,專著,獲獎情況,


Chief Representative in Australia;
Deputy Director of Geology and Mining Division of Shandong Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources


9/2003-12/2007: Doctorate on Mineral & Rock & Deposit, Jilin University 9/1999-6/2001: Postgraduate Class on Geological Survey and Resources Exploration, Jilin University(former Changchun College of Geology)
9/1985-6/1989: Bachelor on Geological Survey and Resources Exploration, Changchun College of Geology


4/2008- Now: Chief Representative in Australia, Deputy Director of Geology and Mining Division, Shandong Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
3/2007-4/2008: Senior Geologist, AP Energy Investments LTD.
9/2001-3/2007: Senior Geologist,Manager of Geological Survey and Resources Exploration, Shandong Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
7/1989-9/2001: Senior Geologist, Projects Manager of Geological Survey and Resources Exploration, Shandong Provincial 8th Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources

Professional experience

7/1989-12/1997:1/50000 Area Geology & Resource Survey of East-southern in Shandong Province
3/1998-9/2001: Gold Mine Geology Survey and Exploration in Western Shandong
9/2001-3/2007: Managed Geological Survey and Resource Exploration in Shandong Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resource
3/2007-4/2008: Managed Resource Exploration in AP.
4/2008-Now: Managing Resource Exploration in Shandong Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources


Senior Geologist of China;
Registered Mining Rights Assessor;
Shandong Provincial High-level Professional




[1] 楊承海,許文良,楊德彬 等.魯西濟南輝長岩的形成時代:鋯石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年證據. 地球學報,2005,26(4):321~325. (核心期刊);
[2] 楊承海,許文良,楊德彬 等. 魯西中生代高Mg閃長岩的成因—年代學與岩石地球化學證據. 地球科學,2006,31(1):081~092. (核心期刊);
[3] Yang, C.H, Xu, W.L, Yang, D.B, Liu, C.C., Liu, X.M., Hu, Z.C. Petrogenesis of Mesozoic high-Mg diorites in western Shandong: Evidence from chronology and petro-geochemistry. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2005, 16: 297~308(EI檢索);
[4] 楊承海,許文良,王微,楊德彬等,魯西上峪輝長-閃長岩岩體的成因—年代學與岩石地球化學證據,中國科學(D輯),2008, 38: 44~55. (核心期刊);
[4] Yang, C. H, Xu, W.L, Wang, W., Yang, D.B. Petrogenesis of the Shangyu gabrro-diorites—Evidence from chronology and geochemistry. Science in China (D series), 2008, in press (SCI檢索,待刊);
[5] 楊承海,石玉臣,劉長春 等.山東省焦家金成礦帶大比例尺成礦預測中地質模型的套用與研究,山東國土資源, 2006,22(5):34~37;
[6] 許文良, 楊承海, 楊德彬, 裴福萍, 王清海, 紀偉強. 華北克拉通東部中生代高Mg閃長岩——對岩石圈減薄機制的制約. 地學前緣,2006,13(2): 120~129(核心期刊);
[7] 劉金民,楊承海,楊德彬,許文良等. 魯西下常莊磁鐵角閃岩岩體中鋯石U-Pb年代學及其地質意義.世界地質,2006,25(3):221~228(核心期刊);
[8] 石玉臣,楊承海 等.山東省黃金資源的開發利用現狀及可持續利用探討,中國人口.資源與環境,2005,15(84):171~174. (核心期刊);
[9] 劉長春, 焦秀美, 楊承海 等.我國人口與社會可持續協調發展研究,中國人口.資源與環境, 2006,16(2):79-82.(核心期刊);
[10] 劉長春, 焦秀美, 楊承海 等.山東省尾礦資源現狀及開發利用,山東省礦業發展論文集,2005年10月;
[11] 石玉臣, 劉長春, 楊承海 等.膠東地區蝕變岩型與石英脈型金礦的空間關係與形成機制.山東國土資源, 2005.21(8):19-21.


李士先, 劉長春, 安郁宏, 王為聰, 黃太嶺, 楊承海 主編. 膠東金礦地質,,北京:地質出版社,2007年1月.ISBN 978-7-116-05279-6.


[1] Yang, C.H, Xu, W.L, Yang, D.B, Liu, C.C., Liu, X.M., Hu, Z.C. Petrogenesis of Mesozoic high-Mg diorites in western Shandong: Evidence from chronology and petro-geochemistry. 獲吉林大學學術成果獎二等獎;
[2] 楊承海,許文良,楊德彬等. 《魯西中生代高Mg閃長岩的成因—年代學與岩石地球化學證據》.獲吉林大學學術成果獎三等獎.


