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  • 中文名:楊德勇
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:農產品加工及貯藏工程
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學
  • 性別:男


1999.10 中國-以色列農業合作培訓中心,溫室蔬菜生產、收穫後農產品處理技術



1. 參編:綠色生態低碳儲糧新技術,北京:中國科學技術出版社,2011
2. 參編:常用工業乾燥設備及套用,北京:化學工業出版社,2005
3. 參編:農業騰飛的雙翼(21世紀學科發展叢書·農業機械),山東:山東科學技術出版社,2001


1. Pengxiao Chen, Kai Huang, Fenghe Wang, Weijun Xie, Shuo Wei, Deyong Yang*. Simulation and Experimental Study of Heat and Mass Transfer in a Grain Pile Based on a Three-dimensional Irregular Pore Network. International Agricultural Engineering Journal (accepted)
2. Pengxiao Chen, Kai Huang, Fenghe Wang, Weijun Xie, Shuo Wei, Deyong Yang*. Simulation and Experimental Study on Heat and Mass Transfer in a Grain Pile Based on a 2D Irregular Pore Network. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing (accepted)
3. Weijun Xie, Pengxiao Chen, Fenghe Wang, Xiaoqiang Li, Shuo Wei, Yu Jiang, Yan Liu, Deyong Yang*. Dielectric properties of Camellia oleifera seed kernels related to microwave and radio frequency drying. International Food Research Journal, 2019, 26(5): (accepted)
4. Shuo Wei, Zhenhua Wang, Fenghe Wang, Pengxiao Chen, Weijun Xie, Deyong Yang*. Simulation and experimental studies of heat and mass transfer in corn kernel during hot air drying. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 2019, 117: 360-372
5. 王鳳賀,丁冶春,陳鵬梟,謝為俊,李小強,楊德勇*. 油茶籽熱風乾燥動力學研究. 農業機械學報,2018,49(增刊):435-441(EI)
6. Y. Zhao, K. Huang, X.F. Chen, F.H. Wang, P.X. Chen, G. Tu, D.Y. Yang*. Tempering-Drying Simulation and Experimental Analysis of Corn Kernel, International Journal of Food Engineering, 2018-1-12(DOI: 10.1515/ijfe-2017-0217, SCI)
7. Pengxiao CHEN, Guang TU, Fenghe WANG, Yu ZHAO, Kai HUANG, Deyong YANG*. Stress analysis in different grain stack of silos. The 9th Asia-Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2017), Sept. 24-26, 2017, Wuxi, China
8. Pengxiao CHEN, Guang TU, Fenghe WANG, Yu ZHAO, Deyong YANG*. Study on change of pore structure parameters of grain layer in different depth. The 9th Asia-Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2017), Sept. 24-26, 2017, Wuxi, China
9. Fenghe WANG, Pengxiao CHEN, Yu ZHAO, Guang TU, Deyong YANG*. Study on hot-air drying process of camellia oleifera seeds. The 9th Asia-Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2017), Sept. 24-26, 2017, Wuxi, China
10. Yu ZHAO, Fenghe WANG, Pengxiao CHEN, Guang TU, Deyong YANG*. Effect of inlet temperature of spray drying on qualities of a new sweetener. The 9th Asia-Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2017), Sept. 24-26, 2017, Wuxi, China
11. 黃凱,陳興付,陳鵬梟,王鳳賀,塗廣,趙宇,劉相東,楊德勇*. 玉米籽粒的傳質乾燥模擬及實驗分析. 工程熱物理學報,2017,29(9):2005-2010(EI)
12. 陳興付,陳鵬梟,楊德勇*,劉相東,周曉光. 玉米籽粒緩蘇乾燥過程動力學分析,中國糧油學報,2017,32(2):1-5
13. P.X. Chen, Z.H. Wang, K. Huang, F.H. Wang, Z.J. Zhang, D.Y. Yang*, X.D. Liu. Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on In-store Drying of Grain. 2016 ASABE Annual International Meeting, July 17-20, 2016, Orlando, Florida (EI)
14. P.X. Chen, Z.H. Wang, B. Xiao, F.H. Wang, Z.J. Zhang, D.Y. Yang*, X.D. Liu. Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on Static Storage of Bulk Grain. 2016 ASABE Annual International Meeting, July 17-20, 2016, Orlando, Florida (EI)
15. K. Huang, D. Yang*, X. Liu. A review of grain storage simulation, First Nordic Baltic Drying Conference, June 17-19, 2015, Gdansk, Poland
16. 陳鵬梟,楊德勇*,王振華. 倉儲糧堆通風乾燥的數值模擬與試驗研究,第十五屆全國乾燥技術交流會,2015, 10, 23-24,成都,中國
17. 陳鵬梟,楊德勇*,王振華. 通風道結構對就倉乾燥效果的影響研究,第十五屆全國乾燥技術交流會,2015, 10, 23-24,成都,中國
18. 黃小麗,肖波,王振華,楊德勇,劉相東*. 過熱蒸汽乾燥稻米力學特性試驗,農業機械學報,2014,45(2):199-203(EI)
19. 王振華,楊德勇,丁甜,王姝玲,張季偉,劉相東*. 膨化顆粒飼料穿流乾燥試驗,農業工程學報,2013,29(24):293-301(EI)
20. Kai Huang, Xiaoxiao Wang, Xiangdong Liu, Xibo Wang, Deyong Yang*. Construction of Three-Dimensional Pore Network in Bulk Grain, Drying Technology, 2013, 31(15): 1871-1878 (SCIEI)
21. 汪喜波,胡瓊,肖波,楊德勇,劉相東*. 稻穀紅外輻射與對流聯合乾燥過程的模型模擬,農業機械學報,2013,44(9):145-151(EI)
22. Zhenhua Wang, Bo Xiao, Meiling Wang, Jiwei Zhang, Tian Ding, Xiangdong Liu, and Deyong Yang*. Drying Kinetics of Extruded Pellets in Fixed Beds, Drying Technology, 2012, 30(16): 1881-1889 (SCIEI)
23. Xiaoli Huang, Tingting Qi, Zhenhua Wang, Deyong Yang, and Xiangdong Liu*. A Moisture Transmembrane Transfer Model for Pore Network Simulation of Plant Materials Drying, Drying Technology, 2012, 30(15): 1742-1749 (SCIEI)
24. K. Huang, X.X. Wang, X.D. Liu, X.B. Wang*, D.Y. Yang*. Construction of three-dimensional pore network in bulk grain, 18th International Drying Symposium (IDS), Nov. 11-15, 2012, Xiamen, China
25. 常劍,尤長靜,楊德勇,劉相東*. 多層帶式乾燥機乾燥過程最佳化,農業機械學報,2012,43(8):148-154(EI)
26. 常劍,楊德勇*,路倩倩,劉相東. 熱風乾燥對果蔬薄壁組織細胞結構的影響,農業工程學報,2012,28(14):262-268(EI)
27. Deyong Yang, Zhenhua Wang, Xiaoli Huang, Zhifeng Xiao & Xiangdong Liu*. Numerical Simulation on Superheated Steam Fluidized Bed Drying: I. Model Construction, Drying Technology, 2011, 29(11): 1325-1331 (SCIEI)
28. Yongchun Shi, Zhifeng Xiao, Zhenhua Wang, Xiangdong Liu & Deyong Yang*. Numerical Simulation on Superheated Steam Fluidized Bed Drying: II. Experiments and Numerical Simulation, Drying Technology, 2011, 29(11): 1332-1342 (SCIEI)
29. J. Chang, Y.-J. Yuan, D.-Y. Yang, X.-D. Liu*. Pore network model and simulation of transport process for grain drying, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2011, 34(7): 1049-1056 (SCIEI)
30. 張忠傑,李瓊,楊德勇*,汪喜波,謝剛,曹陽,吳子丹. 準靜態倉儲糧堆溫度場的CFD模擬,中國糧油學報,2010,25(4):46-50
31. 宮英振,牛海霞,肖志鋒,劉相東,楊德勇*. 油菜籽過熱蒸汽流化床常壓乾燥過程的數學模擬,農業工程學報,2010,26(4):351-356 (EI)
32. 崔峰,楊德勇,宮英振,劉相東*. 80kW脈動燃燒器及其測試系統的設計,農機化研究,2010,(3):127-131/135
33. 路倩倩,楊德勇*,郎芝花,劉相東. 脈動燃燒乾燥換熱特性分析與實驗,農業機械學報,2010,41(3):123-127 (EI)
34. 楊德勇,謝翔燕,劉相東*. 料液脈動燃燒尾氣霧化試驗,農業機械學報,2009,40(3):90-92 (EI)
35. 張忠傑,楊德勇,汪喜波,劉相東. 水稻紅外輻射與對流聯合乾燥研究,中日稻穀烘乾新技術研討會,2008.11,85-89
36. 李瓊,汪喜波,楊德勇*. CFD方法在倉儲糧堆溫度場研究中的套用探索,糧食儲藏,2008,37(3):21-24
37. Zhifeng Xiao, Deyong Yang, Yuejin Yuan, Binbin Yang, Xiangdong Liu. Fractal Pore Network Simulation on the Drying of Porous Media, Drying Technology, 26(6):651-665, 2008 (SCIEI)
38. 楊德勇,韓魯佳. 黃芪多糖水提液流變特性研究,農機化研究,2007,5:143-146
39. C.W. Cao, D.Y. Yang, Q. Liu. Research on modeling and simulation of mixed flow grain dryer, Drying Technology, 25(4): 681-687, 2007 (SCI/EI)
40. 楊德勇,韓魯佳. 不同物料粒度浸提工藝參數對黃芪多糖水提效果的影響,中國農業大學學報,2006,11(5):60-64
41. 汪喜波,謝翔燕,劉相東,楊德勇. 脈動氣流霧化試驗研究,糧食儲藏,2005,(2):44-48
42. 謝翔燕,汪喜波,楊德勇. 加強農產品、食品安全質量與監控體系建設,糧油倉儲科技通訊,2005,(3):40-41
43. C.W. Cao, D.Y. Yang, Q. Liu, X.D. Liu. Research on modeling and simulation of mixed flow grain dryer, IDS 2004, 2004.8
44. 汪喜波,劉相東,楊德勇. 熱敏性物質的載體乾燥,農業工程學報,2003,19(2):52-55
45. 汪喜波,劉相東,楊德勇. 紅外輻射在農副產品加熱和乾燥中的套用,農機化研究,2003,7:146-148
46. Yang Deyong, Pei Jing, Mao Zhihuai. Thin-layer Drying of Pumpkin Seeds. IDS 2002, 2002.8
47. Rice Drying and Development of Rice Dryers in China, ADC 2001, 2001.8
48. Applications and Studies on Combined Spin-Flow Pressure Spray Dryer, ADC 2001, 2001.8
49. 於書潔,楊德勇,曹薇. 工程碩士研究生培養實踐探索,中國農業大學學報(社會科學版),2001,(3):76-80
50. 劉木華,曹崇文,楊德勇. 水稻顆粒玻璃化轉變的試驗研究,農業機械學報,2001,32(2):52-54
51. 李棟,楊德勇,馮和平,毛志懷. 稻粒擠壓破裂與乾燥條件關係的試驗研究,中國農業大學學報,2000,5(6):53-55
52. 劉木華,楊德勇. 高分子科學中的玻璃化轉變理論在穀物乾燥及儲存研究中的套用初探,農業工程學報,2000,16(5):95-98
53. C.W. Cao, D.Y. Yang, X.D. Liu. Study on Concurrent Flow Dryer for Drying Rice, IDS 2000, 2000.8
54. 劉相東,楊德勇. 生物物料顆粒空隙率對其乾燥質量的影響,農業機械學報,1999,30(6):56-63(第一屆中國科協期刊優秀學術論文)
55. 郭其泰,楊德勇,汪裕安. 去石精選機清選雜糧時主要參數的試驗研究,農業工程學報,1998.3
56. 楊俊成,趙利華,李俊,楊德勇. 飼料加工工藝流程的計算機輔助設計系統,中國農業大學學報,1997,2(4):81-83
57. 楊德勇,王博,吐魯洪,周祖鍔,郭其泰. 小型杏核破殼機的試驗研究,中國農業大學學報,1997,2(2):55-59
58. 楊德勇,王博. 新型杏核破殼機的研究,農機與食品機械,1996,246(6):20


1. 楊德勇,王鳳賀,黃凱,塗廣,陳鵬梟,李成軍,趙宇. 一種物料脫殼分離裝置及物料脫殼分離方法. 中國專利:ZL201610578848.1,2018-4-6
2. 馬曉蕾、謝翔燕、閆濤、羅長壽、孫素芬、楊德勇、魏清鳳、張峻峰. GB/T 33748-2017 農業社會化服務 農業科技信息服務供給規範,2017-5-12
3. 謝翔燕、馬曉蕾、閆濤、羅長壽、孫素芬、楊德勇、魏清鳳、張峻峰. GB/T 33747-2017 農業社會化服務 農業科技信息服務質量要求,2017-5-12
4. 王繼承,王徐建,董向前,楊德勇,宋建農,張衛鵬,鄧霄榮,王繼躍. 物料懸浮位置參數智慧型獲取裝置. 中國專利:ZL201310637096.8,2015-12-09
5. 劉玉峰,郝西旺,王繼承,楊德勇,張淑敏. 一種播種灌水開溝器[P]. 中國專利:CN2353117,1999-12-15


Technologies for Farm Products Processing,研究生學位課(獨立講授)


