楊帥,東華大學管理學院教授,博導,副院長。從事新媒體行銷、時尚行銷、旅遊管理等研究。在國內外知名期刊上(如行銷科學學報、南開管理評論、Journal of Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, International Journal of Hospitality Management)發表或被收錄學術論文多篇;主持國家自然科學基金2項;擔任中國高等院校市場學研究會常務理事、Nankai Business Review International副編輯(Associate Editor)、Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science編委(Editorial Review Board)、《東華大學學報(自然科學版)》編委。獲2015年Winter AMA Marketing Educators' Conference年會全會最佳論文獎以及“社交媒體和電子行銷”分會的最佳論文獎;獲Journal of Marketing Management期刊2016年最佳論文推薦獎;獲Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science期刊2020年傑出評審人。
- 中文名:楊帥
- 國籍:中國
- 職務:東華大學工商管理學院教師
- 性別:女
- 2009.08-2014.07 市場行銷系, 商學院, 美國康乃狄克大學, 博士
- 2006.09-2009.07 市場行銷系, 管理學院, 復旦大學, 碩士
- 2002.09-2006.07 市場行銷系, 管理學院, 復旦大學, 學士
- 2021.09-至今 旭日工商管理學院, 東華大學, 教授
- 2017.09-2021.08 旭日工商管理學院, 東華大學, 副教授
- 2014.07-2017.08 旭日工商管理學院, 東華大學, 講師
- 2020 獲Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science期刊2020年傑出評審人
- 2016 獲Journal of Marketing Management期刊2016年最佳論文推薦獎
- 2015 研究成果獲2015 Winter AMA全會最佳論文獎及“社交媒體和電子行銷”分會的最佳論文獎
- 2013 入選“AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow”
- 2013 獲“2013 ING Global PhD Fellowship”
- 2013 獲“2012-2013 CIBER Dissertation Support Award”
- Shuai Yang, Xinyu Chang, Sixing Chen, Shan Lin, William T. Ross, Jr. Does Music Really Work? The Two-Stage Audiovisual Cross-Modal Correspondence Effect on Consumers' Shopping Behavior. Marketing Letters, forthcoming.
- 楊帥,陳建宏,柯丹*,李大輝 (2021). 共享住宿定價策略的跨國差異:國家文化價值觀在共享經濟中的調節作用. 南開管理評論(CSSCI), 錄用.
- Shuai Yang*, Joseph Pancras, Yiping Song (2021). Broad or Exact? Search Ad Matching Decisions with Keyword Specificity and Position. Decision Support Systems, forthcoming.
- Yating Li, Bin Li, Gang Wang, Shuai Yang* (2021). The effects of consumer animosity on demand for sharing-based accommodations: Evidence from Airbnb. Decision Support Systems, 140, 113430.
- Shuai Yang, Yahui Liu, Xiaojun Wu* (2021). 1+1<2! Effects of social media engagement and advertising on firm value of tourism and hospitality companies. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, forthcoming.
- Shuai Yang, Sixing Chen*, Jeffrey R. Carlson (2020). How augmented reality affects advertising effectiveness: the mediating effects of curiosity and attention toward the ad. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 54 (May), 54, 102020.
- Shuai Yang, Tao Li, Sixing Chen*, Bin Li (2019). When and Why Do Negative Reviews Have Positive Effects? An Empirical Study on The Movie Industry. Nankai Business Review International, 11(1), 87-101.
- Shuai Yang, Guiyang Xiong* (2019). Try It On! Contingency Effects of Virtual Fitting Rooms. Journal of Management Information Systems (FT50期刊), 36(3), 789-822.
- Minghui Ma, Jian Huang, Shan Lin, Shuai Yang* (2019). From finance to marketing: Initial public offering ownership overhang and marketing in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 76, 71–82.
- Xun Li, Rigoberto Lopez, and Shuai Yang* (2018). Energy-Milk Price Transmission at the Product Brand Level. Agricultural Economics, 49, 289–299.
- Yiping Song, Chee Wei Phang, Shuai Yang, and Xueming Luo* (2018). The Effectiveness of Contextual Competitive Targeting in Conjunction with Promotional Incentives. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 22, 3, 349-385.
- Shan Lin, Shuai Yang*, Minghui Ma, Jian Huang (2018). Value Co-Creation on Social Media: Examining the Relationship between Brand Engagement and Display Advertising Effectiveness for Chinese Hotels. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(4), 2153-2174.
- Shuai Yang, Dong Li, Zhihao Tao, and Xun Li* (2018). Search Engine Advertising for Organic Food: The Effectiveness of Information Concreteness on Advertising Performance. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 17, 47–56.
- Shuai Yang, Yiping Song*, Joseph Pancras (2017). Matching Exactly or Semantically? An Examination of the Effectiveness of Synonym-Based Matching Strategy in Chinese Paid Search Market. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 18(1), 32-51.
- Shuai Yang, Yiping Song*, Sixing Chen*, Xin Xia (2017). Why are customers loyal in sharing-economy services? A relational benefits perspective. Journal of Services Marketing, 31(1), 48-62.
- Shuai Yang,Shan Lin*,Jeffrey R. Carlson,William T. Ross, Jr. (2016). Brand engagement on social media: Will firms’ social media efforts influence search engine advertising effectiveness?. Journal of Marketing Management, 32(5-6): 526-557.
- 楊帥,宋筱瑩,宋亦平. 自我概念的驅使或情緒調適能力的影響?負面口碑傳播的心理驅動探究. 行銷科學學報, 2010, (3): 108-120.
- 楊帥,宋亦平,嚴秀茹. 不同服務行業中關係利益對於顧客忠誠度影響作用的研究. 行銷科學學報, 2007, Vol.3(1): 107-119.
- 宋亦平,楊帥,許諾,范鵬東. 顧客為什麼忠誠——關係利益視角的研究. 上海:格致出版社,上海人民出版社,2010.
- 2020 上海高校一流本科課程《市場行銷學》
- 2020-2023 虛擬試衣間對消費行為的影響機制: 基於大規模隨機田野實驗的研究, 國家自然科學基金面上項目(71972035)
- 2019-2021 東華大學“勵志計畫”(B類), 中央高校基金
- 2017-2019 基於企業視角的品牌社交契合研究: 測量維度和作用機制, 國家自然科學基金青年項目(71602026)
- 本科生: 市場行銷學, 精準行銷, 整合行銷傳播
- 研究生: 學術論文寫作
- 中國高等院校市場學研究會常務理事、理事;
- Nankai Business Review International副編輯(Associate Editor);
- Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science編委(Editorial Review Board);
- 《東華大學學報(自然科學版)》編委;
- 2018年市場行銷國際會議The Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference服務行銷分會聯席主席;
- 國家自然科學基金委面上項目評議人。
- INFORMS Society on Marketing Science(ISMS)
- 美國行銷協會(AMA)