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  • 中文名:楊帆
  • 畢業院校:廈門大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:模式識別
  • 職務:碩士生導師
教育經歷,研 究,主講課程,科研方向,承擔項目,研究成果,


  • 工作經歷
  • 2016.3- 訪問學者,芬蘭阿爾托大學計算禁局機科學系
  • 2015.8- 副教授,廈門大學 自動化系 模式識別與婆欠鍵智慧型系統研究所
  • 2009.10-2015.7 助理教授奔烏愉背,廈門大學 自動化系 模式識別與智慧型系統研究所
  • 教育經歷
  • 2006.9-2009.9 廈門大學自動化系控制理論與控制工程專業,工學博士
  • 2003.9-2006.7 廈門大學自動化系模式識別與智慧型系統專業,工學碩士
  • 1999.9-2003.7 廈門大學自動化系自動化專業,符蜜乘工學學士

研 究

目前, 主持或完成的課題有:
  1. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,61202144,高維數據特徵選擇的穩定性研究,2013/01-2015/12
  2. 福建省自然科故斷紙學基金青年人才項目,2012J05125,基因表達數據特徵選擇的穩定性研究,2012/01-2014/12


  • 數據挖掘方法棄試燥及套用(研究生課)
  • 人工智慧原理(研究生課)
  • C語言程式訓練




國家自然科學基金面上項目,61271337,組中選優機器學習問題建模和算法研究,2013/01-2016/12, 72萬元,已結題,參與


1.Fan Yang,Xuan Li,Qianmu Li,Tao Li*,Exploring the diversity in cluster ensemble generation: Random sampling and random projection,Expert Systems with Applications, 2014,41(10):4844-4866
2.Fan Yang,Wei-hang Lv,Linkai Luo,Tao Li*,Margin optimization based pruning for random forest,Neurocomputing, 2012, 94:54-63
3.楊帆*,林琛,周綺鳳,符長虹,羅林開,基於隨機森林的潛在k近鄰算法及其在基因表達數據分類中的套用,系統工程理論與實踐, 2012,4:815-825
4.Lei Li,Li Zheng,Fan Yang*,Tao Li,Modeling and broadening temporal user interest in personalized news recommendation,Expert Systems with Applications, 2014,41(7):3168-3177
5. Fan Yang, Tao Li, Qifeng Zhou*, Han Xiao, Cluster ensemble selection with constraints, Neurocomputing, 2017, 235:59-70
6. Yongxuan Lai, Hailin Lin, Fan Yang*, Tian Wang, Efficient data request answering in vehicular Ad-hoc networks based on fog nodes and filters, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019 ,93:130-142
7. Xin Liu, Yongxuan Lai, Yifeng Zeng, Fan Yang*, Random Decision DAG: An Entropy Based Compression Approach for Random Forest , 24th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA2019), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019.4.22-4.25
8. Huazhen Wang, Fan Yang*,Zhiyuan Luo,An experimental study of the intrinsic stability of random forest variable importance measures,BMC Bioinformatics, 2016,17(1):20160203
9. Qifeng Zhou, Hao Zhou, Yongpeng Ning, Fan Yang*, Tao Li, Two approaches for novelty detection using random forest, Expert Systems with Applications, 2015,42(10): 4840-4850
10. Huazhen Wang, Bing Lv, Fan Yang *, Kai Zheng,Xuan Li,Xueqin Hu,Algorithmic randomness based feature selection for traditional Chinese chronic gastritis diagnosis,Neurocomputing, 2014,140:252-264
11. Huazhen Wang, Xin Liu,Bing Lv,Fan Yang*,Yanzhu Hong,Reliable Multi-Label Learning via Conformal Predictor and Random Forest for Syndrome Differentiation of Chronic Fatigue in Traditional Chinese Medicine,PLos One, 2014,9(6):20140611


1.Fan Yang,Xuan Li,Qianmu Li,Tao Li*,Exploring the diversity in cluster ensemble generation: Random sampling and random projection,Expert Systems with Applications, 2014,41(10):4844-4866
2.Fan Yang,Wei-hang Lv,Linkai Luo,Tao Li*,Margin optimization based pruning for random forest,Neurocomputing, 2012, 94:54-63
3.楊帆*,林琛,周綺鳳,符長虹,羅林開,基於隨機森林的潛在k近鄰算法及其在基因表達數據分類中的套用,系統工程理論與實踐, 2012,4:815-825
4.Lei Li,Li Zheng,Fan Yang*,Tao Li,Modeling and broadening temporal user interest in personalized news recommendation,Expert Systems with Applications, 2014,41(7):3168-3177
5. Fan Yang, Tao Li, Qifeng Zhou*, Han Xiao, Cluster ensemble selection with constraints, Neurocomputing, 2017, 235:59-70
6. Yongxuan Lai, Hailin Lin, Fan Yang*, Tian Wang, Efficient data request answering in vehicular Ad-hoc networks based on fog nodes and filters, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019 ,93:130-142
7. Xin Liu, Yongxuan Lai, Yifeng Zeng, Fan Yang*, Random Decision DAG: An Entropy Based Compression Approach for Random Forest , 24th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA2019), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019.4.22-4.25
8. Huazhen Wang, Fan Yang*,Zhiyuan Luo,An experimental study of the intrinsic stability of random forest variable importance measures,BMC Bioinformatics, 2016,17(1):20160203
9. Qifeng Zhou, Hao Zhou, Yongpeng Ning, Fan Yang*, Tao Li, Two approaches for novelty detection using random forest, Expert Systems with Applications, 2015,42(10): 4840-4850
10. Huazhen Wang, Bing Lv, Fan Yang *, Kai Zheng,Xuan Li,Xueqin Hu,Algorithmic randomness based feature selection for traditional Chinese chronic gastritis diagnosis,Neurocomputing, 2014,140:252-264
11. Huazhen Wang, Xin Liu,Bing Lv,Fan Yang*,Yanzhu Hong,Reliable Multi-Label Learning via Conformal Predictor and Random Forest for Syndrome Differentiation of Chronic Fatigue in Traditional Chinese Medicine,PLos One, 2014,9(6):20140611


