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楊威,博士,中國石油大學(北京)研究員(教授),博士生/碩士生導師,校優秀青年學者,非常規油氣科學技術研究院地質與地球物理研究所副所長。研究方向為盆山耦合碎屑沉積記錄綜合分析、含油氣盆地分析、非常規油氣成藏地質評價。近年來主持國家自然科學基金項目2項,參與“十三五”國家科技重大專項2項,中石油戰略合作專項1項,獲省部級科技進步一等獎3項。以第一作者身份在地學領域知名期刊《Gondwana Research》《Basin Research》《Tectonophysics》《International Journal of Coal Geology》《Marine and Petroleum Geology》《Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology》《Journal of Asian Earth Sciences》《Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering》等發表學術論文多篇。現擔任《Petroleum Science》副主編、《Terra Nova》副主編、《石油科學通報》副主編、《天然氣工業》青年編委、《沉積學報》青年編委、《海相油氣地質》青年編委。


  • 畢業院校北京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:石油地質學、地質資源與地質工程
  • 職務:副所長




2011.09-2014.06 法國雷恩第一大學 地球科學系 地球與環境科學專業 博士學位
2009.09-2014.06 北京大學 地球與空間科學學院 構造地質學專業 博士學位
2005.09-2009.07 蘭州大學 資源環境學院 地質學專業 學士學位


2022.07 - 至今 中國石油大學(北京)非常規油氣科學技術研究院 研究員(教授)
2016.07 - 2022.06 中國石油大學(北京)非常規油氣科學技術研究院 副研究員
2014.07 - 2016.06 中國石油大學(北京)非常規天然氣研究院 助理研究員


[1] 中國西部陸相緻密油成藏富集機理及其套用成效, 中國石油與化學工業聯合會,科技進步一等獎, 2019
[2] 南方海相頁岩成儲-成藏機理及評價技術與套用, 中國石油和化工自動化套用協會,科技進步一等獎, 2020
[3] 川南五峰-龍馬溪組頁岩氣富集機理及評價關鍵技術, 中關村綠色礦山產業聯盟,科技進步一等獎, 2021


[1] Wei Yang, Marc Jolivet, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Zhaojie Guo*,Zhicheng Zhang, Chaodong Wu, Source to sink relations between the Tian ShanRange and Junggar Basin (northwest China) from Late Paleozoicto Quaternary:evidence from detrital U-Pb zircon geochronology, Basin Research, 2013, 25(2): 219-240.
[2] Wei Yang, Marc Jolivet,Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Zhaojie Guo*, Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic evolution ofsouthwestern Tian Shan: Evidence from detrial zircon U-Pb and apatite fissiontrack ages of the Ulugqat area, Northwest China, Gondwana Research, 2014,26 (3-4): 986-1008.
[3] Wei Yang*, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet,Marc Jolivet, Zhaojie Guo, Laurie Bougeois, Roderic Bosboom, Ziya Zhang, BeiZhu, Gloria Heilbronn, Magneto stratigraphic record of the early evolution ofthe southwestern Tian Shan foreland basin (Ulugqat area), interactions with Pamir indentation and India-Asia collision, Tectonophysics, 2015,644-645:122-137.
[4] Wei Yang*, Baruch Spiro, Zhao-JieGuo, Allan Pentecost, Cenozoic lacustrine stromatolites from the southernmargin of the Junggar Basin, NW China and adjacent areas: indicators for palaeoclimatic and tectonic evolution, Geological Journal, 2017, 52: 249-262.
[5] Wei Yang*,Yan Song, Zhenxue Jiang, Qun Luo, Qianyou Wang, Yuan Yuan, Chen Zhang, Lei Chen, Whole-aperture characteristics and controlling factors of pore structurein the Chang 7 continental shale of the Upper TriassicYanchang Formation in the Southeastern Ordos Basin, China, Interpretation,2018, 6 (1): 1-17.[6] Wei Yang*,Ling Fu, Chaodong Wu, Yan Song, Zhenxue Jiang, Qun Luo, Ziya Zhang, Chen Zhang,Bei Zhu, Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of Cenozoic sediments in the southwestern Tarim Basin, NW China: implications for Eocene–Pliocene source-to-sink relations and new insight into Cretaceous–Paleogene magmatic sources, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2018, 156: 26-40
[7] Wei Yang*,Rusi Zuo, Xu Wang**, Yan Song, Zhenxue Jiang, Qun Luo, Jixuan Zhai, QianyouWang, Chen Zhang, Ziya Zhang, Sensitivity of lacustrine stromatolites to Cenozoic tectonic and climatic forcing in the southern Junggar Basin, NW China:New insights from mineralogical, stable and clumped isotope compositions, Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology, 2019, 514: 109-123.
[8] Wei Yang*,Rusi Zuo, Dongxia Chen, Zhenxue Jiang, Lishuang Guo, Ziyi Liu, Rong Chen,Yunpeng Zhang, Ziya Zhang**, Yan Song, Qun Luo, Qianyou Wang, Jianbo Wang, LeiChen, Yaohua Li, Chen Zhang, Climate and tectonic-driven deposition of sandwiched continental shale units: New insights from petrology, geochemistry,and integrated provenance analyses (the western Sichuan subsiding Basin,Southwest China), International Journal of Coal Geology, 2019, 211: 103227.
[9] Wei Yang*, Qianyou Wang*, Yaohua Wang, Zhenxue Jiang,Yan Song, Yaohua Li, Dan Liu, Rusi Zuo, Xiaomin Gu, Fan Zhang, Pore characteristic responses to categories of depositional microfacies ofdelta-lacustrine tight reservoirs in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation,Ordos Basin, NW China, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020, 118: 104423
[10] Wei Yang*, Qianyou Wang*, Yan Song, Zhenxue Jiang,Wangcai Meng, Guoheng Liu, Bo Zhang, New scaling model of the spontaneous imbibition behavior of tuffaceous shale: constraints from the tuff-hosted andorganic matter-covered pore system, Journalof Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2020, 81: 103389.
[11] Wei Yang*, Liang Xu, Dongxia Chen, Zhenxue Jiang, Ziya Zhang, Bin Hao, Rusi Zuo, Qianyou Wang, RongChen, How argillaceous reservoirs exhibit better quality than silty mudstones ? Anomalous behavior of shale gas-bearing properties of continental fine-grained sediments in Southwest China and its possible forcing mechanisms, Petroleum Science,2021, 18: 1589-1610.
[12] Wei Yang*, Yaohuang Wang, Wei Du, Yan Song, Zhenxue Jiang, Qianyou Wang, Liang Xu, Fuping Zhao, Yi Chen,Fulun Shi, Shuanghong Yao, Haodong Hou, Shuling Xiong, Behavior of organic matter-hosted pores within shale gas reservoirs in response to differential tectonic deformation: Potential mechanisms and innovative conceptual models, Journal of Natural GasScience and Engineering, 2022, 102: 104571.
[13] Liyao Hua, Wei Yang*,Qianyou Wang, Yan Song, Zhenxue Jiang, Lishuang Guo, Yunpeng Zhang, Jianbo Wang, Influence of the actively migrated diagenetic elements on the hydrocarbon generation potential in tuffaceous shale, Fuel,2019, 256 (15): 115795.
[14] Ziya Zhang, Wei Yang*,Xingyu Li*,YanSong, Zhenxue Jiang, Qun Luo, Geochemical Characteristics of the MiddleDevonian Dacaozi-Tanshanping Shale Strata in the Yanyuan Basin, SouthwestChina: Implications for Organic Matter Accumulation and Preservation, Geofluids, 2021, ID 5586065, https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/5586065.
[15]Zhenxue Jiang*, Zhuo Li, Feng Li, XiongQi Pang, Wei Yang, Luo-fu Liu,Fu-jie Jiang, Tight sandstone gas accumulation mechanism and development models, Petroleum Science, 2015, 12:587-605.
[16]Zhenxue Jiang*, Xianglu Tang, Zhuo Li, Wenming Ji, Wei Yang, Yuan Yuan, Pengfei,Wang, Fengyang Xiong, Critical controlling factors of shale gas enrichment andaccumulation, and remaining uncertainties, Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2015, 89(s1): 251-252.
[17]Dongdong Liu, Marc Jolivet, WeiYang, Ziya Zhang, Feng Cheng, Bei Zhu, Zhaojie Guo*,Latest Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic basin-range interactions in South Tian Shan(northwest China) and their tectonic significance: Constraints from detritalzircon U-Pb ages, Tectonophysics, 2013,599: 197-213.
[18] 宋岩, 羅群, 姜振學, 楊威,劉冬冬. 中國中西部緻密油富集機理及其主控因素. 石油勘探與開發, 2021, 48 (2): 1-13.
[19] 楊威*, 蔡劍鋒, 王乾右, 崔政劼, 崔哲, 徐亮, 李蘭, 顧小敏, 王井伶. 五峰—龍馬溪組海相頁岩生—儲耦合演化及對頁岩氣富集的控制效應. 石油科學通報, 2020, 5 (2): 148-160.
[20] 楊威*, 姜振學, 郭召傑, Gloria Heilbronn. 塔拉斯—費爾乾納斷裂系中-中新世活動與深層油氣成藏. 吉林大學學報 (地球科學版), 2015, 45 (1): 1515-18.
[21] 楊威*, 郭召傑, 姜振學, Gloria Heilbronn, 張晨, 王思維. 西南天山前陸盆地侏羅紀‒白堊紀盆山格局—來自碎屑鋯石年代學的證據. 大地構造與成礦學, 2017, 41 (3):533-550.
[22] 鄭忠文, 王乾右, 葛雲錦, 楊威*, 宋岩, 姜振學, 劉聃, 左如斯. 鄂爾多斯鵬西部延長組長8~長6段緻密儲層微觀孔隙特徵差異. 科學技術與工程, 2018, 18 (15): 1671-1815.
[23] 姜振學, 李卓, 唐相路, 紀文明, 楊威*, 原圓, 王朋飛. 頁岩氣成藏富集主控因素研究及目標優選. 吉林大學學報 (地球科學版),2015, 45 (1): 1515-32.
[24] 王乾右, 楊威*, 左如斯, 姜振學, 李耀華, 劉聃, 崔政劼, 蔡劍鋒, 崔哲, 顧小敏, 李蘭, 徐亮. 聯合微米CT和高壓壓汞的緻密儲層孔喉網路結構差異定量評價. 能源與環保, 2019, 41 (7): 80-86
[25] 左如斯, 楊威*, 王乾右, 姜振學, 陳冬霞. 川西坳陷須家河組陸相頁岩岩相控制下的微觀儲集特徵. 特種油氣藏, 2019, 26 (6): 22-28.
[26] 崔哲, 楊威*, 王乾右, 左如斯, 蔡劍鋒, 崔政劼, 徐亮, 李蘭, 顧小敏. 頂底板封閉性對四川盆地及周緣五峰組—龍馬溪組頁岩氣差異富集的影響. 海相油氣地質, 2020, 25 (3): 243-252.
[27] 王乾右, 楊威*, 葛雲錦, 宋岩, 姜振學, 羅群, 左如斯, 李耀華, 劉聃, 張帆, 王耀華, 魯建康. 不同沉積微相緻密儲層的成岩回響及其控儲機理—以鄂爾多斯盆地西部延長組為例. 沉積學報, 2020, 39 (4): 841-862.
[28] 魯建康, 郝彬, 李程善, 王維斌, 王乾右, 楊威*. 基於流動單元分類的緻密砂岩儲層滲透率預測. 石油科學通報, 2021, 6 (3): 369-379
[29] 趙明珠, 楊威*, 王耀華, 魯建康, 徐亮, 李蘭, 李興宇, 姚琳潔. 陸相頁岩儲層連通孔隙系統分布與形成機制—以川西坳陷上三疊統須家河組為例. 石油實驗地質, 2022, 44 (1): 170-179. 379.
[30] 徐亮, 楊威*, 姜振學, 陳冬霞, 王耀華, 魯建康, 趙明珠, 李蘭. 四川盆地川西坳陷須家河組頁岩有機孔演化及成因. 石油與天然氣地質, 2022, 43 (2): 325-340.


