1.Nonexistence of the reversed flow solutions of the Falkner-Skan equations (with K.Q.Lan) Nonlinear Analysis(TMA) 74(2011), 5327-5339.
2.Existence of solutions of laminar boundary layer equations with decelerating external flows Nonlinear Analysis(TMA) 72(2010), 2063-2075.
3. An upper bound on the critical value $\beta^{*}$ involved in the Blasius problem J. Inequal.Appl. Volume(2010), Article ID 960365.
4.Positive solutions of a singular integral equation arising in boundary layer theory Canad. Math. Bull. 51(3)(2008), 386-398(with K.Q.Lan)
5.New results of Falkner-Skan equation arising in boundary layer theory Appl. Math.Comput. 202(2008): 406-412
6.The velocity and shear stress functions of the Falkner-Skan eqution arising in boundary layer theory J. Math.Anal. Appl.328(2007),1297-1308(with K.Q.Lan)
7.Positive solutions of singular Dirichlet boundary value problems with sign-changing Nonlinearities Computers Math.Appl. 51(2006):1463-1470
8.Existence of solutions to the third-order nonlinear differential equations arising in boundary layer theory Appl. Math. Lett. 16(2003):827-832.
9.Positive solutions of some second order nonlinear singular differential equations Computers Math.Appl. 45(2003): 605-614
10.Minimal positive solutions to some singular second order differential equations J.Math. Anal. Appl. 266(2002):479-491
1. The velocity and shear stress functions of the Falker-Skan eqution arising in boundary layer theory
J. Math.Anal. Appl.328(2007),1297-1308,SCI源期刊(和K.Q.Lan合作)
2. Positive solutions of a singular integral equation arising in boundary layer theory Canadian Math. Bull. 51(3), 386-398, SCI源期刊(和K.Q.Lan合作)
3. New results of Falkner-Skan equation arising in boundary layer theory Applied Math.Comput. 202(2008): 406-412,SCI源期刊,獨著
4. Positive solutions of singular Dirichlet boundary value problems with sign-changing Nonlinearities