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  • 中文名:楊元傑
  • 畢業院校:四川大學 
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 職稱:教授 






在Science和Physical Review Letters、Nano Letters、Nanophotonics、Optics Letters等國際學術期刊上發表學術論文60餘篇,其中ESI熱點論文1篇,高被引論文3篇,1項研究成果入選美國物理學會“物理亮點”,1項研究成果入選“2021年度中國雷射十大高光時刻”,1項研究成果入選國際光學工程學會與中國雷射雜誌社聯合評選的Advanced Photonics 2021年度最佳論文獎 (全年僅兩篇文章入選)。在國內外學術會議上作邀請報告40餘次。


1. B. Yu, C. Li, Yang Y, C. Rosales-Guzmán, and Z. Zhu. Directly Determining Orbital Angular Momentum of Ultrashort Laguerre-Gauss Pulses via Spatially-Resolved Autocorrelation Measurement. Laser & Photonics Reviews, 16: 2200260 (2022).
2. Y. Hu, Y. Bai, Q. Zhang and Y. Yang, Electrically controlled molecular fingerprint retrieval with van der Waals metasurface. Applied Physics Letters 121: 141701 (2022).
3. J. Yan, J. Yao, Y. Liu, And Y. Yang, Generalized Newton’s rings with vortex beams. Optics Express 30, 44132 (2022).
4. Y. Qin, L. Zhou, L. Huang, Y. Jin, H. Shi, S. Shi, H. Guo, L. Xiao, Y. Yang, C. Qiu and Y. Jiang. Nonlinearity-induced nanoparticle circumgyration at sub-diffraction scale. Nature Communications 12: 3722 (2021).
5. Y. Yang, Y. Ren, M. Chen, Y. Arita, and C Rosales-Guzmán, Optical trapping with structured light: a review. Advanced Photonics 3: 034001 (2021). (Invited Review)
6. R. Zeng, Q. Zhao, Y. Shen, Y. Liu and Y. Yang, Structural stability of open vortex beams. Appl. Phys. Lett. 119: 171105 (2021).
7. M. Dong, C. L. Zhao, Y. J. Cai, and Y. Yang, Partially coherent vortex beams: Fundamentals and applications, Science China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 64: 224201 (2021). (Invited Review)
8. Y. Yang, L. Wu, Y. Liu, D. Xie, Z. Jin, J. Li, G. Hu, and C. Qiu. Deuterogenic plasmonic vortices. Nano Letters 20: 6774−6779 (2020).
9. Q. Zhao, M. Dong, Y. Bai and Y. Yang, Measuring high orbital angular momentum of vortex beams with improved multipoint interferometer. Photonics Research 8: 745-749 (2020).
10. Y. Yang, Q. Zhao, L. Liu, Y. Liu, C. Rosales-Guzmán, and C.-W. Qiu, Manipulation of orbital-angular-momentum spectrum using pinhole plates. Physical Review Applied 12, 064007 (2019). (Highlighted by “Editors’ Suggestion” and “Featured in Physics”)
11. X. Huang, K. Chen, M. Qi, P. Zhang, Y. Li, S. Winnerl, H. Schneider, Y. Yang, S. Zhang, Plasmonic Field Guided Patterning of Ordered Colloidal Nanostructures, Nanophotonics, 8: 505–512 (2019).
12. Y. Yang, X. Zhu, J. Zeng, X. Lu, C. Zhao and Y. Cai, Anomalous Bessel vortex beam: modulating orbital angular momentum with propagation. Nanophotonics, 7: 677 (2018).
13. M. Dong, X. Lu, C. Zhao, Y. Cai, and Y. Yang, Measuring topological charge of partially coherent elegant Laguerre-Gaussian beam. Opt. Express 26: 33035 (2018).
14. T. Zhang, Y. Liu, K. Yang, J. Wang, P. Liu and Y. Yang, Restriction on orbital angular momentum distribution: a role of media in vortex beams propagation. Opt. Express, 26:17227 (2018).
15. C. Qiu and Y. Yang, Vortex generation reaches a new plateau, Science, 357: 645 (2017).
16. Y. Yang, G. Thirunavukkarasu, M. Babiker, and J. Yuan. Orbital-angular-momentum mode selection by rotationally symmetric superposition of chiral states with application to electron vortex beams. Physical Review Letters 119 094802 (2017).
17. T. Zhang, Y. Liu, J. Wang, P. Liu and Y. Yang, Self-recovery effect of orbital angular momentum mode of circular beam in weak non-Kolmogorov turbulence. Opt. Express 24:20507-20514. (2016).
18. Y. Yang, Y. Dong, C. Zhao, Y-D. Liu, and Y. Cai, Autocorrelation properties of fully coherent beam with and without orbital angular momentum. Opt. Express, 22: 2925-2932. (2014).
19. Y. Yang, M. Chen, M. Mazilu, A. Mourka, Y. Liu and K. Dholakia, Effect of the radial and azimuthal mode indices of a partially coherent vortex field upon spatial correlation singularity. New J. Phys. 15: 113053 (2013).
20. Y. Yang, Y. Dong, C. Zhao and Yangjian Cai, Generation and propagation of an anomalous vortex beam. Optics Letters 38: 5418 (2013).
21. Y. Yang, M. Mazilu, and K. Dholakia, Measuring the orbital angular momentum of partially coherent optical vortices through singularities in their cross-spectral density functions. Opt. Letters 37: 4949 (2012).


