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梁驍,男,1985年4月14日出生,博士中央民族大學信息工程學院 副院長、副教授。


  • 中文名:梁驍
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生日期:1985年4月14日
  • 畢業院校:北京交通大學光通信教育部重點實驗室
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:高速光通信及其關鍵器件、光纖感測、表面電漿生化感測
  • 職務:副院長 
  • 職稱:副教授
  • 任職院校:中央民族大學 信息工程學院


2016年6月畢業於北京交通大學光通信教育部重點實驗室,獲博士學位,2008年畢業於北京交通大學,獲學士學位。曾在北京華為數位技術有限公司從事高速光電鏈路算法研究,現任中央民族大學信息工程學院 副院長,從事教學科研工作,研究生導師。研究方向,計算圖形學、智慧型檢測、光纖感測、高速光電鏈路信號完整性分析。近期在民族語言多模態表示方面開展了大量工作,利用民族數字人對多模態民族語言處理結果進行表達,實現表述方式的升維,在民族語言互譯、民族文化展示交流、民族語言多模態分析等方面進行理論與實踐研究。


主持國家自然基金青年項目1項,校內科研教改項目若干,參與973 國家重大立項1項,國家/北京市自然基金面上項目多項,科研橫向項目若干。以第一作者發表SCI檢索論文10餘篇, EI收錄5篇,專利10餘項。
科研與教學成果:發表論文30餘篇,其中以第一作者發表SCI檢索論文10餘篇, EI收錄5篇,專利10餘項。
(1) Liang X, Ning T, ,et al, Axial Micro-Strain Sensor Based onResonance Demodulation Technology Via Dual-Mode CMECF, Photonic Sensors, 2019,9(1): 78-88.
(2) Xiao Liang; Yang Li; Zhaoxin Geng; Zhingming Liu ; Selectivetransverse mode operation of a fiber laser based on few-mode FBG for rotationsensing, Optics Express, 2019, 27(26): 37964-37974.
(3) Zhang X; Liang X;, et al, Characteristics of Collimators Based on the Large-Mode-Area CMCF forCoupling Laser Beam, Applied Sciences, 2021, 11(24): 2076-3417.
(4) Zuo B, Liang X, et al, Detection of Refractive Index With aTemperatureCompensated MZI-Based Optical Sensor Using Few-Mode Fiber, IEEEAccess, 2021, 9(2021): 158651 -158659.
(5) Liang X, Zuo B, A precision refractometer using strictdual-mode elliptical multilayercore fibers with temperature and straindecoupled, Frontiers in Physics, 2023, 2023(11) .
(6) Liang X, Liu Z, Wei H, et al, "Detection of Liquid LevelWith an MI-Based Fiber Laser Sensor Using Few-Mode EMCF", PhotonicsTechnology Letters, IEEE, 2015, 27(8): 805-808.
(7) Liang X, Liu S, Li Y, et al, "Characteristics of a highextinction ratio comb-filter based on LP 01–LP 11 even mode ellipticalmultilayer-core fibers", Optical Fiber Technology, 2015, 21: 103-109.
(8) Liang X, Li Y, Bai Y, et al, "Stable dual-wavelength lasercombined with gain flattening ML-FMF Bragg grating filter", OpticsCommunications, 2016, 358: 1-5.
(9) Liang X, Ren G, Li Y, et al, "In-fiber liquid-levelprobe based on Michelson interferometer via dual-mode ellipticalmultilayer-core fiber", Journal of Modern Optics, 2016: 1-6.
(10) Liang X, Ren G, Liu S, et al, "Characteristics ofHE11-HE21 mode elliptical multilayer-core fiber with low nonlinearity",Optical Engineering, 2014, 53(10): 105104-105104.
(11) 梁驍, 劉昱, 李唐軍, 等, "160Gbps 光通信系統中光纖準直器的基準插入損耗與功率代價研究", 北京交通大學學報: 自然科學版, 2014,38(5): 1-6.
(12) Liu Z, Yin B, Liang X, et al, "Axial strain andtemperature sensing characteristics of the single–coreless–single mode fiberstructure-based fiber ring laser", Applied Physics B, 2014: 1-5.
(13) Feng T, Yan F, Liang X, et al, "A high stabilitywavelength-tunable narrow-linewidth and single-polarization erbium-doped fiberlaser using a compound-cavity structure", Laser Physics Letters, 2014,11(4): 045101.
(14) Liu S, Yan F P, Wu B L, Tan S Y, Feng T, Liang X, et al,"A multiwavelength thulium-doped silica fiber laser incorporating a highlynonlinear fiber", Journal of Optics, 2014, 16(5): 055201.
(15) Liang L, Ren G,Yin B, Peng W, Liang X, et al, "Refractive index and temperature sensorbased on fiber ring laser with STCS fiber structure", Photonics TechnologyLetters, IEEE, 2014, 26(21): 2201-2204.
(16) Feng T, Yan F,Liang X, et al, "A high stability wavelength-tunable narrow-linewidth andsingle-polarization erbium-doped fiber laser using a compound-cavity structure",Laser Physics Letters, 2014, 11(4): 045101.
(17) Liu S, Yan F P,Wu B L, Tan S Y, Feng T, Liang X, et al, "A multiwavelength thulium-dopedsilica fiber laser incorporating a highly nonlinear fiber", Journal ofOptics, 2014, 16(5): 055201.
(18) Liang L, Ren G, Yin B, Peng W, Liang X, et al, "Refractiveindex and temperature sensor based on fiber ring laser with STCS fiberstructure", Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, 2014, 26(21): 2201-2204.


