- 中文名:梁興群
- 國籍:美籍華人
- 職業:同濟大學特聘教授、博士生導師
- 畢業院校:北京協和醫科大學

梁興群,1995年博士畢業於北京協和醫科大學並留校工作一年。自1996年起,先後在赫爾辛基大學,哈佛大學醫學研究以及加州大學聖地亞哥分校做博士後,研究助理教授和研究副教授,先後從事耳聽力損傷的分子機制,腦腫瘤發生的研究。2002年起,聚焦在心血管發育及功能,以及相關疾病模型的研究工作,取得了一定的學術成果,曾在Circulation, Circulation Research, Developmental cell,Developmental Biol,JCR, Nature,Nat Neurosci,及 MCB 等雜誌發表高質量論文多篇。
2002.10 -2004.07:加州大學聖地亞哥分校醫學系,博士後
2010.05-2011 :加州大學聖地亞哥分校醫學系,研究副教授
2011 -至今 :同濟大學特聘教授,心律失常教育部重點實驗室PI,上海市東方醫院心血管內科學碩士生、博士生導師。
1. Maoqing Ye , Chris Coldren, Xingqun Liang, Teresa Mattina , Elizabeth Goldmuntz D. Woodrow Benson, Dunbar Ivy, MB Perryman, Lee Ann Garrett-Sinha, Paul Grossfeld. Deletion of ETS-1, a gene in the Jacobsen syndrome critical region, causes ventricular septal defects in mice. Human Molecular Genetics. 2010 Nov 19(4):648-656.
2. Liang X, Yunfu Sun and Ju Chen. Particularly Interesting Cysteine- and Histidine-Rich Protein in Cardiac Development and Remodeling. J Investig Med. 2009 Dec 57(8):842-8.
3. Liang,X, Yunfu Sun, Maoqing Yi, Maria C. Scimia, Hongqiang Cheng, Jody Martin, Gang Wang, Ann Rearden, Chuanyue Wu, Kirk Peterson, Henry C. Powell, Sylvia M. Evans, and Ju Chen. Targeted Ablation of PINCH1 and PINCH2 From Murine Myocardium Results in Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Early Postnatal Lethality. Circulation. 2009 Aug 18;120(7):568-76.
4. Sheikh F, Raskin A, Chu PH, Lange S, Domenighetti AA, Zheng M, Liang X, Zhang T, Yajima T, Gu Y, Dalton ND, Mahata SK, Dorn GW 2nd, Heller-Brown J, Peterson KL, Omens JH, McCulloch AD, Chen J. An FHL1-containing complex within the cardiomyocyte sarcomere mediates hypertrophic biomechanical stress responses in mice. J Clin Invest. 2008 Dec;118(12):3870-80. doi: 10.1172/JCI34472. Epub 2008 Nov 3.
5. Yunfu Sun, Iain M. Dykes, Liang X, S. Raisa Eng, Sylvia M. Evans, Eric E. Turner. A central role for Islet1 in sensory neuron development linking sensory and spinal gene regulatory programs. Nat Neurosci. 2008 Nov;11(11):1283-93. Epub 2008 Oct 12.
6. Cai CL*, Martin JC*, Sun Y*, Cui L, Wang L, Ouyang K, Yang L, Bu L, Liang X, Zhang X, Stallcup WB, Denton CP, McCulloch A, Chen J, Evans SM. A myocardial lineage derives from Tbx18 epicardial cells. Nature. 2008 Jul 3;454(7200):104-8. Epub 2008 May 14. (*equal contribution).
7. Liang X, Sun Y, Schneider J, Ding JH, Cheng H, Ye M, Bhattacharya S, Rearden A, Evans S, Chen J. Pinch1 is required for normal development of cranial and cardiac neural crest-derived structures. Circ Res. 2007;100(4):527-535.
8. Sun Y*, Liang X*, Najafi N, Cass M, Lin L, Cai CL, Chen J, Evans SM. Islet 1 is expressed in distinct cardiovascular lineages, including pacemaker and coronary vascular cells. Dev Biol. 2007;304(1):286-96. (*equal contribution)
9. Farah Sheikh, Yinghong Chen, Liang X, Alain Hirschy, Antine E. Stenbit, Yusu Gu, Nancy E. Dalton, Toshi Yajima, Yingchun Lu, Elaine Fusch, Kirk U. Knowlton, Kirk L. Peterson, Jean-Claude Perriard and Ju Chen. (2006). alpha-E-Catenin Inactivation Disrupts the Cardiomyocyte Adherens Junction Resulting in Cardiomyopathy and Susceptibility to Wall Rupture. Circulation. 114(10): 1046-55.
10. Liang X, Zhou Q, Li X, Sun Y, Lu M, Ross J. Jr, and Chen J (2005). PINCH1 Plays an Essential Role in Early Murine Embryonic Development but Is Dispensable in Ventricular Cardiomyocytes. Mol. Cell. Biol. 25:3056-3062.
11. Liang X, Hava Avraham, Shuxian Jiang, Tae-Aug Kim, and Shalom Avraham (2004). Genetic alterations of NRP/B gene associated with human brain tumors. 23:5890-5900.
12. Chen-Leng Cai, Liang X, Yunqing Shi, Po-Hsien Chu, Samuel L. Pfaff, Ju Chen, and Sylvia Evans (2003). Isl1 Identifies a Cardiac Progenitor Population that Proliferates Prior to Differentiation and Contributes a Majority of Cells to the Heart. Dev Cell. 5:877-89.
13. Ylikoski J, Liang X, Virkkala J, Pirvola U (2002). Blockade of c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathway attenuates gentamicin-induced cochlear and vestibular hair cell death. Hear Res.166 (1-2):33-43.
14. Jukka Ylikoski, Liang X, Jussi Virkkala and Ulla Pirvola (2002). Blockade of c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathway attenuates gentamicin-induced cochlear and vestibular hair cell death. Hear Res. 163(1-2):71-81.
15. Aarnisalo AA, Pirvola U, Liang X, Miller J, Ylikoski J. (2000). Apoptosis in auditory brainstem neurons after a severe noise trauma of the organ of corti: intracochlear GDNF treatment reduces the number of apoptotic cells. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol. 62:330-4.
16. Pirvola U, Spencer-Dene B, Liang X, Kettunen P, Thesleff I, Fritzsch B, Dickson C, Ylikoski J (2000). FGF/FGFR-2 (IIIb) signaling is essential for inner ear morphogenesis. J Neurosci. 20:6125-34.
17. Pirvola U, Liang X, Virkkala J, Saarma M, Murakata C, Camoratto AM, Walton KM, Ylikoski J. (2000). Rescue of hearing, auditory hair cells, and neurons by CEP-1347/KT7515, an inhibitor of c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation. J Neurosci. 20:43-50.
18. Liang X, Pirvola U, Saarma M, Ylikoski J.(1999). Neurotrophic factors in the auditory periphery. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 884:292-304.
19. Liang X, Dao-Feng Ni, Zheng-Zhong Wang (1999). Suppressing effect of substance P receptor antagonist on sound evoked potentials the guinea pig cochlea. Chinese Medical J. 112:129-131.
20. Ylikoski J, Pirvola U, Virkkala J, Suvanto P, Liang X, Magal E, Altschuler R, Miller JM, Saarma M. (1998). Guinea pig auditory neurons are protected by glial cell line-derived growth factor from degeneration after noise trauma. Hear. Res. 124:17-26.
21. Liang X, Dao-Feng Ni, Zheng-Zhong Wang (1998). Changes in the expression of Substance P in auditory nuclei of rats deafened by kanamycin. Chinese J. of Otorhinolaryngology;33:24-26。
22. Pirvola U, Hallbook F, Liang X, Virkkala J, Saarma M, Ylikoski J. (1997). The Neurotrophic System in the Developing, Adult, and Regenerating Avian Cochlea. J. Neurobiolog. 7:1019-1033.
23. Liang X, Ni Diaofeng (1995). The Rapid Development of Animal Models of Various Deaf Degrees. J. Auditory and Speech Disorder. 20-4.
24. Ni D, Song M, Liang X (1995). An experimental study of middle ear implantable hearing device. Chinese Medical J.; 75:360-2.
25. Dao-Feng Ni, Feng-Lan Song, Liang X, Zheng-Zhong Wang (1995). The middle ear implant in the guinea pig. Chinese J. Clinical 8:201-4.
26. Liang X, Dao-Feng Ni, Zheng-Zhong Wang (1994). Functional reorganization of the central auditory nuclei after hearing losses. J.Auditory and Speech Disorder. 2:153-5.
1. Yunfu Sun, Liang X, and Sylvia Evans. (2007). Islet1 Progenitors in Developing and Postnatal Heart Cardiovascular Development. Advance in Developmental Biology. 2008 (18): 154-65.
2. Shalom Avraham, Hava Avraham, Shuxian Jiang, Xia Bu, Liang X, Seyha Seng and Tae-Aug Kim (2002). The superfamily of proteins containing Kelch and/or BTB domains: From cytoskeleton dynamics to transcriptional regulation. Recent Res. Devel. Bio. Chem. (Review, book). 1:231-254.
1.Xing-Qun Liang Ulla Pirvola, Jukka Ylikoski. Organ culture of the rat cochlea as an in vitro model to study the mechanisms of ototoxicity and hair cell protection. ARO 1999, abstract # 56.
2. Ulla Pirvola, Xing-Qun Liang, Nina Trokovic, Ylikoski, Juha Partanen. FGFR signaling is required for the formation of the auditory sensory epithelium. ARO 2001, abstract # 266.
3. Xing-Qun Liang Ulla Pirvola, Jukka Ylikoski. Role of stress-activated protein kinases in cochlear hair cell death induced by ototoxic drugs. ARO 2001, abstract #545
4. Jukka Ylikoski, Xing-Qun Liang Ulla Pirvola c- Jun phosphorylation by c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) mediates cochlear hair cell death induced by noise and neomycin, but not by cisplatin. ARO 2001, abstract
1). 1993年中國醫學科學院優秀博士生
2). 國際耳鼻喉協會成員。1998 - 2001
3). 2009加州大學聖迭戈分校傑出心血管研究舒爾曼獎
1. PINCHs在胚胎髮育,心血管發育,心肌功能和 心肌再生中的作用及分子機制。
2. 整合素連線激酶在神經嵴特異性及流出道的發育形成中的作用和分子機制。
3. Islet1在心臟的形成中的作用
4. Nebulette在心臟Z線的組裝和在心肌動作穩定性中的作用。
5. 在Tbx18在脊椎的發展和在感覺神經通路的形成中的作用。