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  • 中文名:梁琦
  • 出生地:四川省高縣
  • 畢業院校:西南交通大學、香港城市大學
  • 性別:男



  1. Liang, Q., Leung, M.Y., Cooper, C. (2018) A focus group study to explore critical factors for managing stress of the construction workers. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 144(5),04018023.
  2. Liang, Q., Leung, M.Y. (2015) Analysis of the relationships between mindfulness and stress for construction professionals. In: Raiden, A (Ed.) and Aboagye-Nimo, E (Ed.),Proceedings 31st Annual ARCOM Conference. 7-9 September 2015, Lincoln, UK.
  3. Leung M.Y.,Liang Q., Olomolaiye P. (2016) The impact of job stressors and stress on the safety behaviors and accidents of construction workers.Journal of Management in Engineering-ASCE, 32(1), 04015019.
  4. Leung, M.Y.,Liang, Q., Chan, I.Y.S. (2017) Development of a Stressor-Stress-Performance-Outcome model for expatriate construction professionals.Journal of Construction Engineering and Management-ASCE, 143(5), 04016121.
  5. Leung, M.Y.,Liang, Q., Yu, J.Y. (2016) Development of a Mindfulness–Stress–Performance model for construction workers.Construction Management and Economics, 34(2), 1-19.
  6. Leung, M.Y.,Liang, Q., Pynoos, J. (2019) The effect of Common Area FM on Environmental QoL of Elders in the Private Buildings. Facilities, 37(3-4), 234-250.
  7. Leung, M.Y., YU, J.,Liang, Q. (2013) Improving Public Engagement in Construction Development Projects from a Stakeholder Perspective. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management-ASCE, 139 (11), 04013019.
  8. Leung, M.Y., YU, J., Liang, Q. (2014) Analysis of the Relationships between Value Management Techniques, Conflict Management and Workshop Satisfaction of Construction Participants. Journal of Management in Engineering-ASCE, 04014004.
  9. Leung M.Y., Bowen P., Liang Q., Famakin, I. (2015) Development of a Job-Stress model for construction professionals in South Africa and Hong Kong. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management-ASCE, 141(2), 04014077.
  10. Zhang, S., Leung, M.Y., Ren, H., LIANG, Q. (2016) International Research on Job Stress of Construction Professionals. Construction Economy,in Chinese, 37(2), 108-112.
  11. Chan, I.Y.S., Leung, M.Y., Liang, Q. (2018) The Roles of Motivation and Coping Behaviours in Managing Stress: Qualitative Interview Study of Hong Kong Expatriate Construction Professionals in Mainland China.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(3), 561.


西南石油大學科研啟動及實驗室建設費項目(Starter funding for early career researcher, funded by Southwest Petroleum University). 時間:06/2019 至 05/2027 (from 06/2019 to 05/2027);
香港政府PASS基金項目(PASS: PS173008):在一帶一路地區推廣及延伸價值管理專業服務 (Promoting and Extending Value Management Professional Services in One-Belt-One-Road Regions). 時間:03/2018 至 02/2020 (from 03/2018 to 02/2020).


2015年 香港城市大學,傑出學術表現獎
2013年 香港城市大學, 傑出畢業生,全額博士獎學金


梁琦,香港價值工程學會 (Hong Kong Institute of Value Management) 執行委員、 香港健康師學會(Institute of Safety and Health Practitioners)執行委員;本科畢業於西南交通大學建築工程專業),碩士畢業於香港城市大學(工程項目管理專業,2013年獲傑出畢業生稱號),博士畢業於香港城市大學(工程管理專業)。其後,於香港城市大學從事博士後研究。
  • 研究生招生專業:土木工程、土木水利、工程管理MEM
  • 研究方向:建築工程行業職業健康與安全管理,老人住宅項目設施管理,以及BIM和其他建築技術的套用。


