

社會兼職包括:中國地理學會理事、學術工作委員會委員、環境地理專業委員會副主任,中國礦物岩石地球化學學會理事,中國礦物岩石地球化學學會環境地質與地球化學專業委員會委員,中國城市研究學會生態城市專業委員會委員,中國地質學會岩礦測試技術專業委員會委員,中國環境科學學會環境風險專業委員會委員;CSCD期刊《鹽礦測試》副主編、SCI期刊《Journal of Geographical Sciences》編委,EI期刊《套用基礎與工程科學學報》和《稀土》編委,《礦物岩石地球化學通報》、《農業資源與環境學報》編委。



  • 中文名:梁濤
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:內蒙古呼和浩特
  • 出生日期:1970年
  • 職業:科學家
  • 畢業院校:北京大學
  • 主要成就:多尺度農業面源污染物流失及水質回響
(1)Shuhan Tian,Tao Liang*, Kexin Li*, Lingqing Wang. Source and path identification of metals pollution in a mining area by PMF and rare earth element patterns in road dust.Science of the Total Environment, 2018(633): 958–966. Doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.227.
(2)Siyang Liu, Shuhan Tian, Kexin Li, Lingqing Wang*,Tao Liang*, Heavy metal bioaccessibility and health risks in the contaminated soil of an abandoned, small-scale lead and zinc mine that underwent collapse,Environmental Science and Pollution Research.2018, DOI : 10.1007/s11356-018-1660-8.
(3)Tao Liang, Yali Tong, Xiahui Wang, Lingqing Wang*.Reactive phosphorus release from sediments in Dongting Lake linked with the Yangtze River.Environmental Chemistry2017, 14, 48–54.Doi: 10.1071/EN16072.
(4)Qian Zhang*, Yongxiao Wang, Guilin Han,Tao Liang, Determination of brominated diphenyl ethers in atmospheric particulate matters using selective pressurized liquid extraction and GC-NCI-MS,Acta Geochimica. 2017, DOI:10.1007/s11631-017-0226-7.
(5)Buqing Zhong, Lingqing Wang*,Tao Liang, Baoshan Xing. Pollution level and inhalation exposure of ambient aerosol fluoride as affected by polymetallic rare earth mining and smelting in Baotou, North China,Atmospheric Environment, 167 (2017) 40-48. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.08.014.
(6)Yali Tong,TaoLiang,Lingqing Wang*, Kexin Li*, Simulation on phosphorus release characteristics of Poyang Lake sediments under variable water levels and velocities.Journal of Geographical Sciences,2017, 27(6): 697-710. DOI: 10.1007/s11442-017-1401-9.
(7)Zhiping Yang,Tao Liang, Kexin Li, Qian Zhang, Lingqing Wang*. The diffusion fluxes and sediment activity of phosphorus in the sediment-water interface of Poyang Lake.Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 2016, DOI:10.1080/02705060.2016.1181113.
(8)Yulu Gao,Tao Liang*, Shuhan Tian, Lingqing Wang, Peter E. Holmb, Hans Christian Bruun Hansen. High-resolution imaging of labile phosphorus and its relationship with iron redox state in lake sediments,Environmental Pollution, 2016(219): 466-474, DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2016.05.053.
(9)Lingqing Wang*, Buqing Zhong,Tao Liang, Baoshan Xing, Yifang Zhu*. Atmospheric thorium pollution and inhalation exposure in the largest rare earth mining and smelting area in China,Science of the Total Environment,2016(572): 1-8, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.07.192.
(10)Kexin Li,Tao Liang*, Lingqing Wang*,Risk assessment of atmospheric heavy metals exposure in Baotou, a typical industrial city in northern China,Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2016(38):843–853, DOI: 10.1007/s10653-015-9765-1.
(11)Xiaodong Zhu, Fen Yang, Chaoyang Wei*,Tao Liang*, Bioaccessibility of heavy metals in soils cannot 1 be predicted by a single model in two adjacent areas.Environmental Geochemistry and Health,2016(38): 233-241, DOI 10.1007/s10653-015-9711-2.
(12)Lingqing Wang*,Tao Liang*.Anomalous abundance and redistribution patterns of rare earth elements in soils of a mining area in Inner Mongolia, China.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016(23), 11:11330–11338,DOI:10.1007/s11356-016-6351-8.
(13)Lingqing Wang*,Tao Liang. Distribution patterns and dynamics of phosphorus forms in the overlying water and sediment of Dongting Lake,Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2016, 42: 565–570.
(14)Kexin Li,Tao Liang*, Lingqing Wang, Zhiping Yang.Contamination and health risk assessment of heavy metals in road dust in Bayan Obo mine region,Journal of Geographical Sciences-CHINA, 2015, 25(12): 1439-1451, DOI: 10.1007/s11442-015-1244-1.
(15)Lingqing Wang*,Tao Liang*.Geochemical fractions of rare earth elements in soil around a mine tailing in Baotou, China.Scientific Reports.2015, 5, 12483; doi: 10.1038/srep12483.
(16)Lingqing Wang*,Tao Liang*.Distribution Characteristics of Phosphorus in the Sediments and Overlying Water of Poyang Lake,PLOS One,2015, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0125859.
(17)Zhe Hao, Yonghua Li*, Hairong Li, Binggan Wei, Xiaoyong Liao,Tao Liang*, Jiangping Yu. Levels of rare earth elements, heavy metals and uranium in a population living in Baiyun Obo, Inner Mongolia, China: a pilot study,Chemosphere,2015, 128(1): 161-170, DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.01.057.
(18)Manxiang Huang,Tao Liang, Lingqing Wang*, Chenghu Zhou, No-tillage and fertilization management on crop yields and nitrate leaching in North China Plain,Ecology and Evolution, 2015, 5(6): 1143-1155, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1420.
(19)Manxiang Huang,Tao Liang, Lingqing Wang*, Nitrous oxide emissions in a winter wheat- summer maize double cropping system under different tillage and fertilizer management,Soil Use and Management, 2015, 31(1): 98-105, DOI: 10.1111/sum.12170.
(20)Manxiang Huang,Tao Liang, Lingqing Wang*, Effects of no-tillage systems on soil physical properties and carbon sequestration under long-term wheat-maize double cropping system,Catena, 2015, 128(1): 195-202, DOI:10.1016/j.catena.2015.02.010.
(21)Qian Zhang, Chukwunonso Peter Okoli, Lingqing Wang,Tao Liang*, Adsorption of nitrophenol compounds from aqueous solution by cross-linked starch based polymers.Desalination and Water Treatment, 2015, 55(6): 1575-1585, DOI:10.1080/19443994.2014.928802.
(22)Zhiping Yang, LingqingWang*, Tao Liang*, Manxiang Huang, Nitrogen distribution and ammonia release from the overlying water and sediments of Poyang Lake, China.Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 74: 771-778,DOI: 10.1007/s12665-015-4081-8.
(23)Zeli Li, Maohui Liu, Yue Zhao,Tao Liang, Jian Sha, Yuqiu Wang*, Application of Regional Nutrient Management Model in Tunxi Catchment: In Support of the Trans-boundary Eco-compensation in Eastern China,CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water,2014, 42(12): 1729–1739, DOI:10.1002/clen.201300380.
(24)Lingqing Wang*,Tao Liang*, Buqing Zhong, Kexin Li, Qian Zhang, Chaosheng Zhang, Study on Nitrogen Dynamics at the Sediment–Water Interface of Dongting Lake, China,Aquatic Geochemistry, 2014, 20(5): 501-517, DOI 10.1007/s10498-014-9232-0.
(25)Buqing Zhong,Tao Liang*, Lingqing Wang, Kexin Li, Applications of stochastic models and geostatistical analyses to study sources and spatial patterns of soil heavy metals in a metalliferous industrial district of China,Science of the Total Environment, 2014(490): 422–434, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.04.127.
(26)Lingqing Wang*,Tao Liang*, Qian Zhang, Li Kexin, Rare earth element components in atmospheric particulates in the Bayan Obo mine region,Environmental Research, 2014, 131: 64-70, DOI10.1016/j.envres.2014.02.006.
(27)Lingqing Wang,Tao Liang*, Effect of rare earth elements on phosphorus adsorption and desorption in different types of soil. Chemosphere, 2014, 103: 148-155,DOI10.1016/j.chemosphere.2013.11.050.
(28)Lingqing Wang,Tao Liang*, Accumulation and fractionation of rare earth elements in atmospheric particulates around a mine tailing in Baotou, China, China,Atmospheric Environment, 2014(88): 23-29, DOI10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.01.068.
(29)Tao Liang *, Kexin Li, Lingqing Wang, State of rare earth elements in different environmental components in mining areas of China.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2014: 186:1499–1513, DOI 10.1007/s10661-013-3469-8.
(30)Xiaoyan Zhai, Yongyong Zhang, Xuelei Wang, Jun Xia andTao Liang,Non-point source pollution modelling using Soil and Water Assessment Tool and its parameter sensitivity analysis in Xin’anjiang catchment, China.Hydrological Processes.2014, 28, 1627-1640. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9688.
(31)ZhongYi Chong, XiaoYong Liao, XiuLan Yan, Lu Sun, Dan Zhao,Tao Liang, Enhanced Desorption of PAHs from Manufactured Gas Plant Soils Using Different Types of Surfactants,Pedosphere, 2014, 24(2): 196-219.
(32)Qian Zhang,Tao Liang*, Lingqing Wang, Yaqi Cai, Cross-linked starch based polymer as solid phase extraction material for determination of nitrophenols at trace levels in environmental water,Journal of Separation Science,2014, 37, 257–264, DOI10.1002/jssc.201300934.
(33)Wang Lingqing,Tao Liang*, Zhang Qian, Laboratory experimentsofphosphorus losswith surface runoff during simulated rainfall.Environmental Earth Sciences, 2013, 70(6): 2839-2846. DOI10.1007/s12665-013-2344-9.
(34)Wei Binggan, Li Yonghua, Li Hairong, Yu Jiangping, Ye Bixiong,Tao Liang, Rare earth elements in human hair from a mining area of China,Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2013, 96:118-123.
(35)Qian Zhang,Tao Liang*, Lili Guan, Ultrasound-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction combined with GC-NCI-MS for the determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in water,Journal of Separation Science, 2013, 36, 1263–1269.
(36)Wang Weili,Tao Liang*, Wang Lingqing, Liu Yifan, Wang Yazhu, Zhang Chaosheng, The Effects of Fertilizer Applications on Runoff Loss of Phosphorus,Environmental Earth Sciences, 2013, 68: 1313-1319, DOI:10.1007/ s12665-012-1829-2.
(37)Zhu Luping, Li Haitao, Chen Jiquan, John Ranjeet,Tao Liang, Yan Maochao. Emergy-based sustainability assessment of Inner Mongolia.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2012, 22(5): 843-858.
(38)Wang Lingqing,Tao Liang*, Wang Weili, Zhang Chaosheng, Effects of antecedent soil moisture on losses of rare earth elements and phosphorus in runoff,Environmental Earth Sciences, (2012) 66(8):2379-2385.
(39)Zhang Qian,Tao Liang*, Wang Lingqing, Cao Hongying. Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from soil samples using selective pressurized liquid extraction,Analytical Methods, 2012, 4 (8), 2441 – 2446.
(40)Xuelei Wang, Qiao Wang, Chuanqing Wu,Tao Liang, Donghai Zheng, Xingfeng Wei, A method coupled with remote sensing data to evaluate non-point source pollution in the Xin’an Jiang catchment of China,Science of the Total Environment, 2012, 430: 132–143.
(41)Wang Lingqing,Tao Liang*, Peter J.A. Kleinman and Cao Hongying, An experimental study on using rare earth elements to trace phosphorous losses from nonpoint sources,Chemosphere, 2011, 85: 1075–1079.
(42)Manxiang. Huang,Tao Liang*, Zhu OuYang, Chaosheng. Zhang, Leaching losses of dissolved organic nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen from a wheat-maize rotation system,Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2011, 91(1): 77-89.
(43)Peter J.A. Kleinman, Andrew N. Sharpley, Richard W. McDowell, Don Flaten, Anthony R. Buda,Tao Liang, Lars Bergstrom and Qing Zhu, Managing Agricultural Phosphorus for Water Quality Protection: Principles for Progress,Plant and Soil, 2011, 349(1-2): 169-182.
(44)Lu Sun, Xiulan Yan, Xiaoyong Liao, Yi Wen, Zhongyi Chong,Tao Liang, Interactions of arsenic and phenanthrene on their uptake and antioxidative response in Pteris vittata L.,Environmental Pollution, 2011, 159: 3398-3405.
(45)Wang Lingqing,Tao Liang*, Chong Zhongyi, Zhang Chaosheng, Effects of soil type on leaching and runoff transport of rare earth elements and phosphorous in laboratory experiments,Environ Sci Pollution Research, 2011, 18: 38-45.
(46)Zhang Jing,Tao Liang, Wang Dong. New Measurements of the River Environment: River Ecosystem Health Assessment in China.International Conference on Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering(ISTP), 2011: 219-221.
(47)Tao Liang*, Song Wenchong, Wang Lingqing, P. J. A. Kleinman and Cao Hongying, Interactions between exogenous rare earth elements and phosphorus leaching in packed soil columns,Pedosphere, 2010, 20(5): 616-622.
(48)Anthony R. Buda, Clinton Church, Peter J.A. Kleinman, Lou S. Saporito, and Barton G. Moyer,Tao Liang. Using Rare Earth Elements to Control Phosphorus and Track Manure in Runoff,Journal of Environmental Quality, May–June 2010, 39: 1028-1035.
(49)Zhang Yongyong, Xiajun, LiangTao, et al., Impact of Water Projects on River Flow Regimes and Water Quality in Huai River Basin,Water Resources Management, 2010, 24:889-908.
(50)Tao Liang*, et al., Estimation of NH4-N Load from Nonpoint Sources in Xitiao River Watershed, China,Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 2008, 20: 1195-1201.
(51)Duan Shuiwang,Tao Liang, et al., Temporal Changes in Nitrogen and Phosphorus Transport in the Lower Changjiang River before the Construction of the Three Gorges Dam, Estuarine,Coastal and Shelf Science, 2008, 79: 239–250.
(52)Tao Liang*, Ding Shiming, et al., A review of fractionation of rare earth elements in plant,Journal of Rare Earths, 2008, 26(1): 7-15.
(53)Cao Hongying,Tao Liang*, et al., Simulating the Temporal Changes of OCP Pollution in Hangzhou, China. Chemosphere. 2007(67): 1335-1345
(54)Ding Shiming, Tao Liang*, et al., Fractionations of rare earth elements (REEs) in plants and their conceptive model,Science in China series C: Life Sciences. 2007, 50(1): 47-55.
(55)Ding Shiming,Tao Liang*, et al., Fractionation Mechanisms of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) in Hydroponic Wheat: An Application for Metal Accumulation by Plants,Environmental Science & Technology, 2006, 40(6): 2686-2691.
(56)Ding Shiming,Tao Liang*, et al., Bioaccumulation of REEs in field wheat under soil dressing and foliage dressing with REE fertilizer,Pedosphere,2006,16(1): 82-90.
(57)Cao Hongying,Tao Liang*, Tao Shu. Simulating the transfer and fate Simulating the transfer and fate of hexachlorocyclohexane in recent 50 years in Beijing, China,Science in China (Series D), 2005, 48(12): 2203-2213.
(58)Wang Lijun,Tao Liang*, et al., Accumulation and fractionation of rare earth elements in soil-rice system,Journal of Rare Earths,2005, 23(6): 747-752.
(59)Ding Shiming,Tao Liang*, et al., 2005, Accumulation and fractionation of rare earth elements (REEs) in wheat: controlled by phosphate precipitation, cell wall absorption and solution complexation,Journal of Experimental Botany, 56(420): 2765-2775.
(60)Ding Shiming,Tao Liang*, et al., 2005, Role of ligands in accumulation and fractionation of rare earth elements in plants: examples of phosphate and citrate,Biological trace element Research, 107(1): 73-86.
(61)Li Haitao, Xia Jun, Xiang Le,Tao Liang, Seasonal Variation of δC of Four Tree Species: A Biological Integrator of Environmental Variables,Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2005, 47(12): 1459-1469.
(62)Tao Liang*, Zhang Shen, Wang Lijun, Dong Yunshe, Wang Yuqi, Hu Aitang, Environmental Biogeochemical Behaviors of Rare Earth Elements in Soil-plant System,Environmental Geochemistry and Health,2005, 27(4): 301-311.
(63)Tao Liang*, Ding Shiming, et al.,Mechanisms of fractionations of rare earth elements (REEs) in plants I. Fractionation patterns and their mechanisms of REEs in different organs of wheat,Journal of Rare Earths,2005, 23(2): 224-229.
(64)Tao Liang*, Wang Hao, Kung Hsiang-te and Zhang Chao-sheng, 2004, Agriculture Land-use Effects on Nutrient Losses in West Tiaoxi Watershed, China,Journal of American Water Resource Association, 2004, 40(6): 1499~1510.
(65)WANG Li-jun,Tao Liang*, et al.,2004,Contents and their distribution pattern of REE in water of intertidalite,Journal of Rare Earths,22(6): 896~903.
(66)WANG Li-jun,Tao Liang*, et al., 2004,Biogeochemical cycle and residue of extraneous rare earth elements in agricultural ecosystem,Journal of Rare Earths,22(5): 701-706.
(67)Ding Shiming,Tao Liang*, et al., 2003, Effect of Rare Earths on Fractionation and Transformation of Soil Available Nitrogen,Journal of Rare Earths,21(5): 583-586.
(68)Wang Lijun,Tao Liang*, et al., 2003, Geochemical Characteristics of Rare Earth Elements in Sewage Discharge Channels in Tianjin,Journal of Rare Earths,21(6): 686-690.
(69)Dong Yunshe, Qi Yuchun, Luo Ji,Tao Liang, et al., The Experimental study on N2O, CH4fluxes from the dark coniferous forest zone soil of the Gongga Mountain, China,Science in China (Series D), 2003, 46(3): 285-295.
(70)Tao Liang*, Zhang Xiumei, Zhang Shen, Yu xingxiu, Wang Hao, Nitrogen export by runoff and sediment under different kinds of land use in west Tiaoxi watershed,Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2002,12(4): 443-450
(71)Tao Liang*, Wang Lijun, Zhang Shen, et al., 2002, Accumulation of La with various species in Oryzias latipes body,Journal of Rare Earths,20(5): 557-561.
(72)Wang Lijun, Zhang Chaosheng, Li Guosheng,Tao Liang*,2002,Geochemical Characteristics of Rare Earth Elements in Intertidalite Sediment of Tianjin,Journal of Rare Earths,20(6): 651-657.
(73)Tao Liang*, Yan Beizhan, Zhang Shen, Wang Lijun, et al., 2001, Contents and their biogeochemical characteristics of rare earth elements in wheat seeds,Biogeochemistry, 54(1): 41-49.
(74)Wang Lijun,Tao Liang*, Zhang Shen, et al., Accumulation of REEs in field wheat and comparison between two kinds of rees dressing methods,Journal of Rare Earths,2001, 19(4): 288-291.
(75)Tao Liang*, Zhang Shen, Wang Lijun, Yan Beizhan, Wang Naifen, Liu Hushengand Wang Xiaoyan, Contents and distribution of rare earth elements in wheat seeds,Chinese Science Bulletin, 2000, 45(7), 664-667.
(76)Shu Tao,Tao Liang, Changfa Liu, and Shangping Xu, Uptake of copper by neon tetras (paracheirodon innesi) in the presence and absence of particulate and humic matter,Ecotoxicology, 1999, 8(99): 269-275.
(77)Shu Tao,Tao Liang, Jun Cao, R.W. Dawson, and Changfa Liu, Synergistic effect of copper and lead uptake by fish,Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 1999, 44(99): 190-195.
(78)Shu Tao,Tao Liang,Long-term monitoring of bioavailable copper in the aquatic environment using a resin-filled dialysis membrane,Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 1997, 58(5), 712-719.
(81)梁濤等,利用格線採樣法比較潮間帶沉積物不同粒度區域重金屬含量特徵,環境科學,2008,29(2): 421-427
(82)梁濤等,2003,不同土地利用/覆被類型下磷素隨暴雨徑流的遷移特徵,環境科學,24 (2): 35-40
(85)梁濤等,城市土地的生態適宜性評價方法研究—以江西萍鄉市為例,地理研究,2007,26(4): 782-788
(87)梁濤等,2003,不同土地利用類型下重金屬隨暴雨徑流遷移過程對比及流失率估算,套用生態學報,14 (10): 1756-1760.
(89)梁濤等,2002,不同外源條件下稀土在小麥植株中的殘留,環境科學學報,22(5): 952-957
(95)梁濤等,1999,魚體(去鰓)和魚鰓對不同形態銅的積累特徵,生態學報,19(5), 763-766


