


  • 中文名:梁漢營
  • 出生日期:1964年12月
  • 畢業院校:武漢大學
  • 學位/學歷:理學博士學位
  • 專業方向:相依與不完全數據的非參數統計分析、非參數與半參數回歸模型等
  • 職務:博士生導師
  • 主要成就:參加過二項國家自然科學基金項目的研究工作


  1. 相依與不完全數據的非參數統計分析 【Nonparametric estimation with dependent and incomplete data】
  2. 非參數與半參數回歸模型 【Nonparametric and semiparametric regression model】
  3. 線性與非線性小波估計 【Non-linear and linear wavelet estimation】
  4. 生存分析 【Survival analysis】
  5. 經驗似然與極大似然 【Empirical likelihood and maximum likelihood】
  6. 分位數回歸【Quantile regression】
  7. 計量經濟 【Econometrics】


128. Liang Han-Ying, Maria Carmen Iglesias-Pérez. Weighted estimation of conditional mean function with truncated, censored and dependent
data.《Statistics》52(6), 1249-1269 (2018) [SCI]
127. Fan Guo-Liang, Liang Han-Ying, Zhu Li-Xing. Penalized profile least squares-based statistical inference for varying coefficient partially linear
errors-in-variables models.《Science China Mathematics》61(9), 1677-1694 (2018) [SCI]
126. Shen Yu, Liang Han-Ying. Quantile regression and its empirical likelihood with missing response at random.
Statistical Papers》59(2), 685-707 (2018) [SCI]
125. Shen Yu, Liang Han-Ying, Fan Guo-Liang. Penalized empirical likelihood for quantile regression model with missing covariates and
auxiliaryinformation.《Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods》47(8),2001-2021 (2018) [SCI]
124. Li Deli, Liang Han-Ying, Rosalsky Andrew. A probability inequality for sums of independent Banach space valued random variables.
Stochastics》90(2), 214-223 (2018) [SCI]
123. Liang Han-Ying, Ould Saïd Elias. A weighted estimator of conditional hazard rate with left-truncated and dependent data.
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics》70, 155-189 (2018) [SCI]
122. Li Deli Li, Liang Han-Ying, Rosalsky Andrew. An extension of Feller's strong law of large numbers.
Statistics and Probability Letters》132, 83-90 (2018) [SCI]
121. Shen Yu, Liang Han-Ying. Quantile regression for partially linear varying-coefficient model with censoring indicators missing at random.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis》117, 1-18 (2018) [SCI]
120. Zou Yu-Ye, Liang Han-Ying. Wavelet estimation of density for censored data with censoring indicator missing at random.
Statistics》51(6), 1214-1237 (2017) [SCI]
119. Liu Ai-Ai, Liang Han-Ying. Jackknife empirical likelihood of error variance in partially linear varying-coefficient errors-in-variables
models.《Statistical Papers》58, 95-122 (2017) [SCI]
118. Xu Hong-Xia, Fan Guo-Liang, Liang Han-Ying. Hypothesis test on response mean with inequality constraints under data missing when
covariables are present.《Statistical Papers》58, 53-75 (2017) [SCI]
117. Li Deli, Liang Han-Ying, Rosalsky Andrew. A note on symmetrization procedures for the laws oflarge numbers.
Statistics and Probability Letters》121, 136-142 (2017)
116. Zou Yu-Ye, Liang Han-Ying. Convergence rate of wavelet density estimator with data missingrandomly when covariables are present.
Communications in Statistics - Theory andMethods》46(2), 1007-1023 (2017)
115. Liang Han-Ying, Phillips Peter C.B.,Wang Hanchao, Wang Qiying. Weak convergence tostochastic integrals for econometric
applications.《Econometric Theory》 32, 1349–1375(2016) [SCI]
114. Liang Han-Ying, Li Deli, Miao Tianxuan. Berry-Esseen type bound of conditional modeestimation under truncation and
strong mixing assumptions.《Communications in Statistics -Theory and Methods》45(17), 5077-5097 (2016) [SCI]
113. Zhang Jing-Jing, Liang Han-Ying. Berry-Esseen type bounds in heteroscedastic errors-in-variables model.《Communications
inStatistics-Theory and Methods》45(13), 3993-4017 (2016) [SCI]
112. Fan Guo-Liang, Liang Han-Ying, Shen Yu. Penalized empirical likelihood for high-dimensionalpartially linear varying coefficient model
with measurement errors. 《Journal of MultivariateAnalysis147, 183-201 (2016) [SCI]
111. Liang Han-Ying, Baek Jong-IL. Asymptotic normality of conditional density estimation withleft-truncated and dependent data.
Statistical Papers》57(1), 1-20 (2016) [SCI]
110. Zou Yu-Ye, Liang Han-Ying, Zhang Jing-Jing. Nonlinear wavelet density estimation with datamissing at random when covariables are
present.《Metrikia》78, 967-995(2015) [SCI]
109. Liang Han-Ying, Li Deli, Miao Tianxuan. Conditional quantile estimation with truncated,censored and dependent data.
Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B》 36(6), 969-990(2015) [SCI]
108. Liang Han-Ying, Jacobo de Uña-Álvarez, Maria del Carmen Iglesias-Perez. A CLT innonparametric regression with truncated,
censored and dependent data.《ScandinavianJournal of Statistics》42(1), 256-269 (2015) [SCI]


  1. 國家自然科學基金 生物醫學中的縱向數據的統計分析2002年1月---2004年12月 參加
  2. 國家自然科學基金(國際合作) 極限理論及其統計學中的套用2004年12月--2005年11月 主持
  3. 教育部留學回國啟動基金 相依樣本下參數與非參數估計 2005年1月---2006年12月 主持
  4. 國家自然科學基金 長程與短程相依數據的統計分析 2006年1月---2008年12月 主持
  5. 國家自然科學基金 相依與不完全數據的統計推斷及其套用研究 2009年1月---2011年12月 主持
  6. 國家自然科學基金 不完全數據推斷方法的進一步討論 2013年1月---2016年12月 主持
  7. 教育部博士點基金 不完全數據基於Jackknife與Copula的統計推斷2013年1月---2015年12月 主持
  8. 國家自然科學基金複雜數據的分位數回歸與模型測試的研究 2017年1月---2020年12月 主持






  • 中國機率統計學會第十屆理事
  • 中國現場統計研究會生存分析分會常務理事
  • 中國現場統計研究會資源與環境統計分會理事
  • 中國現場統計研究會高維數據統計分會常務理事
  • 中國工程機率統計學會理事


