柯滿竹,女,湖北陽新人,2006年博士畢業於武漢大學,獲凝聚態物理專業學位,2006年7月至今,在武漢大學物理科學與技術學院從事教學科研方面的工作,2010年8月至2011年8月,應德方邀請,到德國馬格德堡大學作訪問學者一年。近年來科研方面主要從事聲學人工結構新奇物理特性方面的研究,在聲子晶體的負折射及成像、聲定向效應、聲表面波效應與反常特性、聲超常材料及亞波長成像等方面取得較大進展,在權威物理期刊Physical Review Letters、Applied Physics Letters、Physical Review B等上發表論文50餘篇, 論文他引近500次。2007年獲湖北省優秀博士論文獎,2008年獲全國優秀百篇博士論文提名獎,2008年獲武漢大學優秀導師獎, 2011年獲教育部新世紀優秀人才項目。
- 中文名:柯滿竹
- 外文名:Manzhu Ke
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:湖北陽新
- 職業:大學教授
- 畢業院校:武漢理工大學
- 主要成就:“定向聲發射材料的研究”,國家自然科學基金
- 職稱:教授
1993.9—1997.7 武漢理工大學材料系本科
1997.7—2000.8 武漢國營長江有線電廠 工作
2000.9—2003.7 武漢理工大學材料系碩士研究生
2003.9—2006.7 武漢大學物理系博士研究生
2006.7—至今 武漢大學物理科學與技術學院 工作
2008年11月 武漢大學物理科學與技術學院 副教授
2010.8—2011.8 德國馬格德堡大學 電子工程與信息技術系 訪問學者

1.“定向聲發射材料的研究”,國家自然科學基金,19萬元,批准號:50702038,2008.1-2010.12 (主持)
2.“聲子晶體板的表面波特性研究”,38.00萬元,批准號:10974147,2010.1-2012.12 (主持)
3.“聲波在聲學軟板的傳播特性研究”,教育部博士點基金,3.6萬元,批准號:20090141120073,2010.1-2012.12 (主持)
4.“人工晶體”,國家自然科學基金委國家傑出青年基金,140萬元,批准號:50425206, 2005.1-2008.12 (參加)
5.“彈性波/聲波超常材料(metamaterial)研究”,國家自然科學基金,40萬元,批准號:10874131,2009.1-2011.12 (參加)
1. Tian Wang, Manzhu Ke*, Shengjun Xu, Junheng Feng, Chunyin Qiu, and Zhengyou Liu, Dexterous acoustic trapping and patterning of particles assisted by phononic crystal plate, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 163504 (2015)
2. Jiuyang Lu, Chunyin Qiu, Manzhu Ke, and Zhengyou Liu,Directional excitation of the designer surface acoustic waves,Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 201901 (2015)
3. Yangtao Ye, Manzhu Ke, Junheng Feng, Mudi Wang, Chunyin Qiu and Zhengyou Liu, Transversal Anderson localization of sound in acoustic waveguide arrays, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 27, 155402 (2015)
4. Kun Tang, Chunyin Qiu, Jiuyang Lu, Manzhu Ke, and Zhengyou Liu, Focusing and directional beaming effects of airborne sound through a planar lens with zigzag slits, J. Appl. Phys. 117, 024503 (2015)
5. Chunhui Li, Manzhu Ke*, Yangtao Ye, Shengjun Xu, Chunyin Qiu, and Zhengyou Liu, Broadband asymmetric acoustic transmission by a plate with quasi-periodic surface ridges, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 023511 (2014)
6. Chunhui Li, Han Jia, Manzhu Ke*, Yixiang Li and Zhengyou Liu, Subwavelength image manipulation through oblique and herringbone layered acoustic systems, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47, 135102 (2014)
7. Yangtao Ye, Manzhu Ke*, Chunhui Li, Tian Wang, Chunyin Qiu, Zhengyou Liu, Acoustic lens: A thin plate with quasi-periodic array of holes, Solid State Communications 185, 35-40 (2014)
8. Kun Tang, Chunyin Qiu, Manzhu Ke, Jiuyang Lu, Yangtao Ye & Zhengyou Liu , Anomalous refraction of airborne sound through ultrathin metasurfaces, Sci. Rep. 4 : 6517(2014)
9. Chunyin Qiu, Shengjun Xu, Manzhu Ke, and Zhengyou Liu, Acoustically induced strong interaction between two periodically patterned elastic plates, Phys. Rev. B 90, 094109 (2014)
10. Shengjun Xu, Chunyin Qiu, Manzhu Ke and Zhengyou Liu,Tunable enhancement of the acoustic radiation pressure acting on a rigid wall via attaching a metamaterial slab, EPL, 105, 64004 (2014)11. Jiuyang Lu, Chunyin Qiu, Shengjun Xu, Yangtao Ye, Manzhu Ke, and Zhengyou Liu,Dirac cones in two-dimensional artificial crystals for classical waves,Phys. Rev. B 89, 134302 (2014)
12. Han Jia, Manzhu Ke*, Chunhui Li, Chunyin Qiu and Zhengyou Liu, Unidirectional transmission of acoustic waves based on asymmetric excitation of Lamb waves, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 153508 (2013)
13. Yangtao Ye, Manzhu Ke*, Yixiang Li, Tian Wang and Zhengyou Liu, Focusing of spoof surface-acoustic-waves by a gradient-index structure, J. Appl. Phys. 114, 154504 (2013)
14. Zhaojian He, Shasha Peng, Manzhu Ke, Jing Shi, Ke Deng, Heping Zhao, Zhengyou Liu, Weijia Wen and Ping Sheng, Acoustic surface-guided modes in phononic crystals, EPL, 104, 34005(2013)
15. Ralf Lucklum, Manzhu Ke, Mikhail Zubtsov, Two-dimensional phononic crystal sensor based on a cavity mode, Sensors and Actuators B, 171-172, 271-277(2012)
16. Ralf Lucklum; Mikhail Zubtsov; Manzhu Ke, Liquid Sensor Utilizing a Regular Phononic Crystal With Normal Incidence of Sound, IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, 59 (3): 463-471 (2012) (Invited paper)
17. M. Zubtsov, R. Lucklum,, Manzhu Ke, A. Oseev, R. Grundmann, B. Henning, U. Hempel, 2D phononic crystal sensor with normal incidence of sound, Sensors and Actuators A, 186, 118-124(2012).
18. Rui Hao, Chunyin Qiu, Yangtao Ye, Chunhui Li, Han Jia, Manzhu Ke, and Zhengyou Liu, Transmission enhancement of acoustic waves through a thin hard plate embedded with elastic inclusions, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 021910 (2012)
19. Xuefei Mei, Manzhu Ke *, Zhaojian He, Zhenhua Yu, Liangbo Yu, Zhengyou Liu, Acoustic Tamm States in Double 1D Phononic Crystals, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Edition, 27(2) : 374-376(2012)
20. Zhaojian He, Shasha Peng, Rui Hao, Chunyin Qiu, Manzhu Ke(柯滿竹), Jun Mei, and Zhengyou Liu, Extraordinary acoustic reflection enhancement by acoustically transparent thin plates, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 091904 (2012)
21. 柯滿竹,邱春印,彭莎莎,劉正猷, 聲學超構材料, 物理·41卷10期,663-668 (2012)
22. Zhaojian He, Shasha Peng, Yangtao Ye, Zhongwei Dai, Chunyin Qiu, Manzhu Ke* and Zhengyou Liu,symmetric acoustic gratings,Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 083505 (2011)
23. Manzhu Ke, Mikhail Zubtsov, and Ralf Lucklum,Sub-wavelength phononic crystal liquid sensor, J. Appl. Phys. 110, 026101 (2011)
24. Zhaojian He, Han Jia, Chunyin Qiu, Yangtao Ye, Rui Hao, Manzhu Ke, and Zhengyou Liu,Nonleaky surface acoustic waves on a textured rigid surface, Phys. Rev. B 83, 132101 (2011)
25. Shasha Peng, Chunyin Qiu, Zhaojian He, Yangtao Ye, Shengjun Xu, Kun Tang, Manzhu Ke, and Zhengyou Liu,Extraordinary acoustic shielding by a monolayer of periodical polymethyl methacrylate cylinders immersed in water, J. Appl. Phys. 110, 014509 (2011)
26. Han Jia, Manzhu Ke*, et al.,Subwavelength imaging by a simple planar acoustic superlens,Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 173507(2010)
27. Shasha Peng, Zhaojian He, Han Jia, Anqi Zhang, Chunyin Qiu, Manzhu Ke*, and Zhengyou Liu,Acoustic far-field focusing effect for two-dimensional graded negative refractive-index sonic crystals, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 263502 (2010)
28. Fengming Liu, Manzhu Ke, Anqi Zhang, Weijia Wen, Jing Shi, Zhengyou Liu, and Ping Sheng,Acoustic analog of electromagnetically induced transparency in periodic arrays of square rods, Phys. Rev. E 82, 026601 (2010)
29. Xuefei Mei, Gangqiang Liu, Zhaojian He, Liangbo Yu, Zhenhua Yu, Manzhu Ke*, and Zhengyou Liu, Experimental investigation of shell modes in two-dimensional phononic crystal consisting of hollow cylinders, J. Appl. Phys. 107, 064503 (2010)
30. Zhaojian He, Han Jia, Chunyin Qiu, Shasha Peng, Xuefei Mei, Feiyan Cai, Pai Peng, Manzhu Ke, and Zhengyou Liu,Acoustic Transmission Enhancement through a Periodically Structured Stiff Plate without Any Opening,Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 074301 (2010)
31. Rui Hao, Han Jia, Yangtao Ye, Fengming Liu, Chunyin Qiu, Manzhu Ke and Zhengyou Liu,Exotic acoustic transmission through hard plates perforated with quasiperiodic subwavelength apertures,EPL, 92, 24006 (2010)
32. Yun Wang, Shasha Peng, Yangtao Ye, Han Jia, Zhaojian He, Manzhu Ke, Hai Yang, Chunyin Qiu, Zhengyou Liu ,Acoustic Zitterbewegung in ordinary sonic crystals: A general classical description,Physics Letters A 374, 4933–4936(2010)
33. Han Jia, Manzhu Ke*, Zhaojian He, Shasha Peng, Gangqiang Liu, Xuefei Mei, and Zhengyou Liu,Experimental Demonstration of Surface Acoustic Waves in Two-Dimensional Phononic Crystals with Fluid Background, J. Appl. Phys., 106, 044512 (2009)
34. Shasha Peng, Xuefei Mei, Pei Pang, Manzhu Ke*, Zhengyou Liu, Experimental investigation of negative refraction and imaging of 8-fold-symmetry phononic quasicrystals, Solid State Communications 149 (2009) 667
35. Fengming Liu, Shasha Peng, Han Jia, Manzhu Ke, and Zhengyou Liu,Strongly localized acoustic surface waves propagating along a V-groove,Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 023505 (2009)
36. Fengming Liu, Feiyan Cai, Shasha Peng, Rui Hao, Manzhu Ke, and Zhengyou Liu,Parallel acoustic near-field microscope: A steel slab with a periodic array of slits,Phys. Rev. E 80, 026603 (2009)
37. Zhaojian He, Yaofu Heng, Shasha Peng, Yiqun Ding, Manzhu Ke, and Zhengyou Liu, Acoustic collimating beams by negative refraction in two-dimensional phononic crystal,J. Appl. Phys. 105, 116105(2009)
38. Jun Mei, Bo Hou, Manzhu Ke, et al.,Acoustic wave transmission through a bull’s eye structure,Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 124106 (2008)
39. Bo Hou, Jun Mei, Manzhu Ke, et al.,Experimental determination for resonance-induced transmission of acoustic waves through subwavelength hole arrays,J. Appl. Phys., 104, 014909 (2008)
40. Manzhu Ke, Zhaojian He, Shasha Peng, Zhengyou Liu, Jing Shi, Weijia Wen and Ping Sheng, Surface Resonant-States-Enhanced Acoustic Wave Tunneling in Two-Dimensional Phononic Crystals,Phys. Rev. Lett., 99, 044301 (2007)
41. Manzhu Ke, Zhengyou Liu, et al.,Experimental demonstration of directional acoustic radiation based on two-dimensional phononic crystal band edge states,Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 083509(2007)
42. Bo Hou, Jun Mei, Manzhu Ke, et al.,Tuning Fabry-Perot resonances via diffraction evanescent waves,Phys. Rev. B 76, 054303(2007)
43. Manzhu Ke, Zhengyou Liu, et al. Flat superlens by using negative refraction in two-dimensional phononic crystals, Solid State Communications 142, 177–180 (2007)
44. Zhaojian He, Shasha Peng, Feiyan Cai, Manzhu Ke, and Zhengyou Liu,Acoustic Bloch oscillations in a two-dimensional phononic crystal,Phys. Rev. E 76, 056605(2007)
45. Zhaojian He, Shasha Peng, Yun Wang, Manzhu Ke, Zhengyou Liu,Zener tunneling of acoustic waves in a one-dimensional phononic crystal,Solid State Communications 144, 433–436(2007)
46. Degang Zhao, Zhengyou Liu, Chunyin Qiu, Zhaojian He, Feiyan Cai, and Manzhu Ke,Surface acoustic waves in two-dimensional phononic crystals: Dispersion relation and the eigenfield distribution of surface modes,Phys. Rev. B 76, 144301(2007)
47. Manzhu Ke, Zhengyou Liu, et al., Highly directional acoustic wave radiation based on asymmetrical two-dimensional phononic crystal resonant cavity,Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 263505(2006)
48. 王文剛,劉正猷,趙德剛,柯滿竹, 聲波在一維聲子晶體中共振隧穿的研究,物理學報,第55 卷第9 期,P4744,2006
49. Manzhu Ke, Zhengyou Liu, et al., Negative-refraction imaging with two-dimensional phononic crystals, Phys. Rev. B72, 064306 (2005).
50. Chunyin Qiu, Zhengyou Liu Jun Mei and Manzhu Ke, The layer multiple scattering method for calculating transmission coefficients of 2D phnonic crystals, Solid State Communications 134, 765–770(2005)