





2002.09 - 2006.07 大慶石油學院(現東北石油大學),化學,理學學士
2006.09 - 2009.07 大連理工大學,工業催化,工學碩士
2009.10 - 2013.03 日本東北大學,材料學,工學博士
2013.04 - 2013.12 哈爾濱工業大學,講師
2013.12 - 2017.12 哈爾濱工業大學,副教授
2017.12 - 2018.04 哈爾濱工業大學,教授
2018.04 - 哈爾濱工業大學,教授,博士生導師




發表包括Adv. Mater, Adv. Funct. Mater., ACS Nano, Small, Biomaterials等期刊論文70餘篇,累計影響因子超過400,H因子30。主持國家自然科學基金2項,以及多項省市級基金,參與國家儀器重大項目,授權發明專利5項,黑龍江省高校科技進步一等獎。






1. Wei Guo,Chongshen Guo,*Nannan Zheng, Tiedong Sun, Shaoqin Liu*, CsxWO3Nanorods Coated with Polyelectrolyte Multilayers as a Multifunctional Nanomaterial for Bimodal Imaging-Guided Photothermal/Photodynamic Cancer Treatment, Advanced Materials, 2017, 29, 1604157. (IF=19.791) (ESI高被引論文)
2. Chunyu Yang#, Yaodong Chen#, Wei Guo, Yan Gao, Chuanqi Song, Qun Zhang, Nannan Zheng, Xiaojun Han,* Chongshen Guo*, Bismuth Ferrite-Based Nanoplatform Design: An Ablation Mechanism Study of Solid Tumor and NIR-Triggered Photothermal/Photodynamic Combination Cancer Therapy, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 201706827. (IF=12.124)
3.Gu, Hongxi;# Guo, Chongshen,# Zhang, Shouhao; Bi, Lihua; Li, Tianchan; Sun, Tiedong; Liu, Shaoqin, Highly Efficient, Near-Infrared and Visible-Light Modulated Electrochromic Devices Based on Polyoxometalates and W18O49 Nanowires, ACS Nano, 2018, 12, 559-567.(IF =13.942)
4. Wei Guo, Fei Wang, Dandan Ding, Chuanqi Song,Chongshen Guo,Shaoqin Liu, TiO2-x Based Nano-platform for Bimodal Cancer Imaging and NIR-Triggered Chem/Photodynamic/Photothermal Combination Therapy,Chemistry of Materials, 2017,29 (21), 9262-9274.(IF=9.4)
5. Guilian Li, Chongshen Guo,* Mei Yan, Shaoqin Liu,* "CsxWO3 Nanorods: Realization of Full-spectrum-responsive Photocatalytic Activities from UV, Visible to Near-Infrared Region", Appl. Catal. B, 2016,183,142-148.(IF=9.446)
6. Chongshen Guo, Haijun Yu, Bing Feng, Weidong Gao, Mei Yan, Zhiwen Zhang, Yaping Li*, Shaoqin Liu * Highly Efficient Ablation of Metastatic Breast Cancer Using Ammonium-Tungsten-Bronze Nanocube as a Novel 1064 nm-Laser-Driven Photothermal Agent, Biomaterials, 52 (2015) 407-416. (IF=8.5)
7.Mei Yan,# Guilian Li,# Chongshen Guo*, Wei Guo, DanDan Ding, Shouhao Zhang, Shaoqin Liu *,WO3-x Sensitized TiO2 Sphere with Full-spectrum-driven Photocatalytic Activities from UV to Near infrared, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 17828-17835. (IF=7.76)
8. Guilian Li#, Shouhao Zhang#, Chongshen Guo*, Shaoqin Liu*, Absorption and Electrochromic modulation on Near Infrared light: Realized by Tungsten Suboxide, Nanoscale, 2016,8, 9861-9868.(IF=7.76)
9. Dandan Ding, Wei Guo,Chongshen Guo,* Jianzhe Sun, Nannan Zheng, Fei Wang, Mei Yan and Shaoqin Liu *, MoO3-x Quantum Dot for Photoacoustic imaging Guided Photothermal/Photodynamic Cancer Treatment , Nanoscale, 2017,9,2020-2029.(ESI高被引論文)
10. Wei Guo#, Zhenyu Qiu#,Chongshen Guo*, Dandan Ding, Tianchan Li, Fei Wang, Jianzhe Sun, Nannan Zheng, Shaoqin Liu*, Multifunctional Theranostic Agent of Cu2(OH)PO4 Quantum Dots for Photoacoustic Image-Guided Photothermal/Photodynamic Combination Cancer Therapy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(11), 9348-9358. (IF=7.504)
11. Dandan Ding, Weicheng Huang, Chuanqi Song, Mei Yan*, Chongshen Guo* and Shaoqin Liu , Non-stoichiometric MoO3-x Quantum Dots as Light-harvesting Material for Interfacial Water Evaporation, ChemComm,2017, 53, 6744.
12. Xiao Liang,# Chongshen Guo,# Mei Chen, Shumeng Guo, Lanying Zhang, Fasheng Li, Shaojun Guo,* and Huai Yang*, A Roll-to-Roll Process for Multi-Responsive Soft-Matter Composite Films Containing CsxWO3 Nanorods for Energy-Efficient Smart Window Applications, Nanoscale Horizons, 2017, 2, 319.
13. Chongshen Guo, Shu Yin, Haijun Yu, Shaoqin Liu, Qiang Dong, Takehiro Goto, Zhiwen Zhang, Yaping Li Tsugio Sato, “Photothermal ablation cancer therapy using homogeneous CsxWO3 nanorods with broad near-infra-red absorption”, Nanoscale, 2013,5, 6469-6478. (IF=7.394)
14. Chongshen Guo, Shu Yin, Xiaoyong Wu, Mei Yan, Qiang Dong, Shu Yin, Sato Tsugio and Shaoqin Liu, “Visible-light-driven Photocatalytic Destruction of NOx Using Mesoporous TiO2 Spheres Synthesized by a “Water Controlled-Releasing Process”, Nanoscale, 2013,5, 8184-8191(IF=7.394)
15. Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Qiang Dong, Tsugio Sato, “Simple route to (NH4)xWO3 nanorods for near infrared absorption ” Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 3394-3398. (IF=7.394)
16. Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Lijun Huang, Lu Yang, Tsugio Sato, “Discovery of an excellent IR absorbent with a broad working waveband: CsxWO3 nanorods” Chem. Comm., 2011, 47, 8853-8855. (IF=6.834)
17.Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Mei Yan, Tsugio Sato, “Facile synthesis of homogeneous CsxWO3 nanorods with excellent low-emissivity and NIR shielding property by a water controlled-release process” J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 5099-5105.(IF=6.626)
18. Chongshen Guo, Shu Yin*, Peilin Zhang, Mei Yan, Kenji Adachi, Takeshi Chonan, Tsugio Sato, “Novel synthesis of homogenous CsxWO3 nanorods with excellent NIR shielding properties by a water controlled-release solvothermal process” J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 8227-8229. (IF=6.626)
19. Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Lijun Huang, Tsugio Sato, “Synthesis of one-dimensional potassium tungsten bronze with Excellent near-Infrared Absorption Property”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2011, 3, 2794-2799. (IF=7.504)
20. Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Yunfang Huang, Qiang Dong, Tsugio Sato, “Synthesis of W18O49 nanorod via ammonium tungsten oxide and its interesting optical properties”, Langmuir, 2011, 27, 12172-12178. (IF=4.457)
21. Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Mei Yan, Makoto Kobayashi, Masato Kakihana, Tsugio Sato, “Morphology-controlled synthesis and interesting near-infrared absorption properties of W18O49 nanomaterials”, Inorganic chemistry, 2012, 51, 4763-4771.(IF=4.76).


