

西北工業大學博士、博士後。福州大學材料學院教授,博士生導師。國家自然科學基金通訊評審專家,American Nano Society資深會員,Fuel、Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis、Chemical Engineering Journal等刊物評審專家。


  • 中文名:林起浪
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:福建省寧德市
  • 出生日期:1975.10
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:西北工業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:先進高分子材料,樹脂基複合材料,功能炭材料的研究與開發
  • 職務:無
  • 主要成就:2013年陝西省科技進步一等獎、陝西省高等學校科技進步一等獎、2016年陝西省高等學校科技進步一等獎
  • 學術代表作:已在國內外刊物發表論文七十餘篇,其中SCI收錄41篇、EI收錄65篇,並申請發明專利16件
2011.11--目 前:福州大學材料學院教授、校關鍵崗責任教授
[1]Hai-Bo Zhao, Wen-Dong Wang, Qiu-Feng Lü, Ting-Ting Lin, Qilang Lin, Haijun Yang. Preparation and application of porous nitrogen-doped graphene obtained by co-pyrolysis of lignosulfonate and graphene oxide. Bioresource Technology, 2015,176:106-111.
[2]Huiyuan Liu, Qilang Lin, Yangfeng Li, Bei Luo, Changqing Fang. Preparation of near net-shape carbon foams from allyl COPNA-modified bismaleimide resin. Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis, 2014, 110:476-480.
[3]Hao Xu, Qilang Lin, Tianhong Zhou, Tingting Chen, Shuping Lin, Shaohai Dong. Facile preparation of graphene nanosheets by pyrolysis of coal-tar pitch with the presence of aluminum. Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis, 2014, 110:481-485
[4]Qilang Lin, Lijuan Qu, Bei Luo, Changqing Fang, Kun Luo. Preparation and properties of multiwall carbon nanotube/carbon foam composites. Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis, 2014, 105:177-182.
[5]Qilang Lin, Shaohai Dong, Lijuan Qu, Changqing Fang, Kun Luo. Preparation and properties of carbon foam by pyrolysis of ally novolak-modified bismaleimide resin. Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis, 2014,106:164-170.
[6]Qinfeng Lian, Qilang Lin, Huiyuan Liu, Changqing Fang, Kun Luo. Preparation and electrochemical performance of carbon foam by direct pyrolysis of cyanate ester resin. Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis, 2014, 109:244-248.
[7]Qilang Lin, Lijuan Qu, Qiufeng Lü, Changqing Fang. Preparation and properties of graphene oxide nanosheets/cyanate ester resin composites. Polymer Testing. 2013, 32(2):330-337.
[8]Qilang Lin, Bei Luo, Lijuan Qu, Changqing Fang, Zhiming Chen. Direct preparation of carbon foam by pyrolysis of cyanate ester resin at ambient pressure. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 2013,104:714-717.
[9]Cheng Zeng, Qilang Lin, Changqing Fang, Dongwei Xu, Zhichao Ma. Preparation and characterization of high surface area activated carbons from co-pyrolysis product of coal-tar pitch and rosin. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 2013,104:372-377.
[10]Zhi-Wei He, Qiu-Feng Lü, Qilang Lin. Fabrication, characterization and application of nitrogen-containing carbon nanospheres obtained by pyrolysis of lignosulfonate/poly(2-ethylaniline). Bioresource Technology. 2013,127(1):66-71.
[11]Qiu-Feng Lü, Jia-Yin Zhang, Jun Yang, Zhi-Wei He, Chang-Qing Fang, Qilang Lin. Self-assembled poly(N-methylaniline)–lignosulfonate spheres: from silver-ion adsorbent to antimicrobial material. Chemistry-A European Journal. 2013,19(33):10935-10944.
[12]Zhi-Wei He, Jun Yang, Qiu-Feng Lü, Qilang Lin. Effect of structure on the electrochemical performance of nitrogenand oxygen-containing carbon micro/nanospheres prepared from lignin-based composites. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Enginering. 2013, 1(3):334-340.
[13]Qiu-Feng Lü, Zhi-Wei He, Jia-Yin Zhang, Qilang Lin. Fabrication of nitrogen-containing hollow carbon nanospheres by pyrolysis of self-assembled poly(aniline-co-pyrrole). Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 2012,93(1):147-152.
[14]Zhen-Kun Huang, Qiu-Feng Lü, Qilang Lin, Xiansu Cheng. Microstructure, properties and lignin-based modification of wood–ceramics from rice husk and coal tar pitch. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials. 2012,22(5):1113-1121.
[15]Zhi-Wei He, Qiu-Feng Lü, Qilang Lin. Fabrication of poly(N-ethylaniline)/lignosulfonate composites and their carbon microspheres. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2012, 51(5):946-952.
[16]Tie-Hu Li, Xiao-Xian Wang, Yong-Bin Ji, Wei Jin, Qi-Lang Lin. Synthesis of ordered mesoporous carbons by non-aqueous solvent evaporation method. Carbon. 2012,50(1):344.
[17]Qilang Lin, Haiyan Tang, Chuanhui Li, Liqian Wu. Carbonization behavior of coal-tar pitch modified with lignin/silica hybrid and optical texture of resultant semi-cokes. Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis. 2011,90(1):1-6.
[18]Youjie Yang, Qilang Lin, Yunqing Huang, Danyu Guo. Efficient preparation of mesocarbon microbeads by pyrolysis of coal-tar pitch in the presence of rosin. Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis. 2011, 91(2):310-315.
[19]Qiu-Feng Lü, Zhi-Wei He, Jia-Yin Zhang, Qilang Lin. Preparation and properties of nitrogen-containing hollow carbon nanospheres by pyrolysis of polyaniline–lignosulfonate composites. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 2011,92(1):152-157.
[20]Qilang Lin, Minzhi Zheng, Tao Qin, Rongrong Guo, Penghui Tian. Preparation of solid carbon spheres by pyrolysis of allyl COPNA-BMI resin. Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis. 2010,89(1):112-116.
[21]Qilang Lin, Ruigang Zheng, Penghui Tian. Preparation and characterization of BMI resin/graphite oxide nanocomposites. Polymer Testing. 2010, 29(5):537-543.
[22]Qilang Lin,Jintu Li ,Youjie Yang, Zhihuang Xie. Thermal behavior of coal-tar pitch modified with BMI resin. Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis. 2010,87(1):29-33.
[23]Qilang Lin, Haiyan Tang, Danyu Guo, Minzhi Zheng. Preparation and properties of carbon microbeads by pyrolysis of N-phenyl maleimide modified novolac resin. Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis. 2010,87(2):276-281.
[24]Qilang Lin,Wu Su,Yao Xie. Effect of rosin to coal-tar pitch on carbonization behavior and optical texture of resultant semi-cokes. Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis. 2009,86(1):8-13.
[25]Qilang Lin,Tiehu Li,Yongbin Ji,Wenzhi Wang,Xiaoxian Wang. Study of the modification of coal-tar pitch with P-methyl benzaldehyde. Fuel. 2005,84(2-3):177-182.
[26]Qilang Lin,Tiehu Li,Changzheng Zheng,Shihua Song,Yong Zhao. Carbonization behavior of coal tar pitch modified with divinylbenzene and optical texture of resultant semicokes. Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis. 2004,71(1):56-65.
[27]C.Q. Ren,T.H. Li,Q.L. Lin,H. Li,X.Y. Sun. Preparation of carbon materials by modeling of impregnating coal-tar pitch into carbon perform. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2006,172(3):424-430.
[28]Chengqiang Ren,Tiehu Li,Faju Song,Xiaoyan Sun,Qilang Lin. Influence of additives on the permeability of impregnating coal-tar pitch. Materials Letters.2006,60(13-14):1570-1574.
[29]Yongbin Ji,Tiehu Li,Li Zhu,Xiaoxian Wang,Qilang Lin. Preparation of activated carbons by microwave heating KOH activation. Applied Surface Science.2007,254(2):506-512.
[30]Xiaoxian Wang, Tiehu Li, Yongbin Ji, Yanling Ai, Qilang Lin. Synthesis and characteristics of continuous mesoporous carbon films by a rapid solvent evaporation method. Applied Surface Science.2008,255(5):1719-1725.


