

林秋鎮,博士,深圳大學計算機與軟體學院 副教授。


  • 中文名:林秋鎮
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:香港城市大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:演化計算,多目標最佳化,深度學習,機器學習
  • 任職院校:深圳大學計算機與軟體學院




[1] Qiuzhen Lin, Songbai Liu, Ka-Chun Wong, Maoguo Gong, Carlos A. Coello Coello, Jianyong Chen*, and Jun Zhang, A Clustering-based Evolutionary Algorithm for Many-objective Optimization Problems,IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, in press, online: DOI: 10.1109/TEVC.2018.2866927. (中科院TOP期刊,中科院1區,IF:10.629)
[2] Qiuzhen Lin, Songbai Liu, Qingling Zhu, Chaoyu Tang, Ruizhen Song, Jianyong Chen*, Carlos. A. Coello Coello, Ka-Chun Wong, Jun Zhang, Particle Swarm Optimization with A Balanceable Fitness Estimation for Many-objective Optimization Problems,IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2018, 22(1), 32-46. (中科院TOP期刊,中科院1區,IF:10.629)
[3] Qiuzhen Lin, Jianyong Chen*, Zhi-Hui Zhan, Wei-neng Chen, Carlos A. Coello Coello, Yilong Yin, Chih-Min Lin, and Jun Zhang, A Hybrid Evolutionary Immune Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization Problems,IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Oct. 2016, 20(5), 711-729. (中科院TOP期刊,中科院1區,IF:10.629)
[4] Wenjun Wang, Shaoqiang Yang, Qiuzhen Lin*, Qingfu Zhang, Ka-Chun Wong, Carlos A. Coello Coello and Jianyong Chen, An Effective Ensemble Framework for Multiobjective Optimization,IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, in press, online: DOI: 10.1109/TEVC.2018.2879078.(中科院TOP期刊,中科院1區,IF:10.629)
[5] Qiuzhen Lin, Genmiao Jin, Yueping Ma, Ka-Chun Wong, Carlos A. Coello Coello, Jianyong Chen*, and Jun Zhang, A Diversity-Enhanced Resource Allocation Strategy for Decomposition-based Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2018, 48(8), 2388-2401. (中科院TOP期刊,中科院1區,IF:7.384)
[6] Qingling Zhu(研究生), Qiuzhen Lin*, Weineng Chen, Ka-Chun Wong, Jianyong Chen, Carlos A. Coello Coello, Jianqiang Li, and Jun Zhang, An External Archive-Guided Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Sep 2017, 47(9), 2794 - 2808. (中科院TOP期刊,中科院1區,IF:7.384)
[7] Fei Chen, Donghong Wang, Qiuzhen Lin*, Jianyong Chen, Zhong Ming, Wei Yu, and Jing Qin, Towards Dynamic Verifiable Pattern Matching,IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2018, in press, DOI: 10.1109/TBDATA.2018.2868657.
[8] Lijia Ma, Jianqiang Li*, Qiuzhen Lin, Maoguo Gong, Carlos A. Coello Coello, and Zhong Ming, Reliable Link Inference for Network Data With Community Structures,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2018, in press, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2018.2860284. (中科院TOP期刊,中科院1區,IF:7.384)
[9] Qiuzhen Lin, Xiaozhou Wang, Bishan Hu, Lijia Ma*, Fei Chen*, Jianqiang Li, Carlos A. Coello Coello, Multi-objective Personalized Recommendation Algorithm using Extreme Point Guided Evolutionary Computation,Complexity, Volume 2018, Article ID 1716352, 18 pages.(中科院小類1區)
[10] Qiuzhen Lin, Na Wang, Qingling Zhu, Peizhi Huang, Wenjun Wang, Jianyong Chen, Zhong Ming, A Novel Mutiobjective Immune Algorithm With Dynamic Population Strategy,Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2018, in press,(中科院大類2區)
[11] Jia Wang, Jianqiang Li*, Huihui Wang, Leo Yu Zhang, Lee-ming Cheng, Qiuzhen Lin, Dynamic Scalable Elliptic Curve Cryptographic Scheme and Its Application to In-Vehicle Security,IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2018, in press, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2869872.(中科院小類1區)
[12] Jianqiang Li, Genqiang Deng, Chengwen Luo*, Qiuzhen Lin, Qiao Yan, Zhong Ming,
A Hybrid Path Planning Method in Unmanned Air/Ground Vehicle (UAV/UGV) Cooperative Systems,IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 2016, 65(12), 9585-9596.(中科院大類2區)
[13] Qiuzhen Lin, Yueping Ma, Jianyong Chen, Qingling Zhu, Carlos A. Coello Coello, Ka-Chun Wong, Fei Chen*, an Adaptive Immune-inspired Multi-objective Algorithm with Multiple Differential Evolution Strategies,Information Sciences, 2018, Volumes 430–431, 46–64. (中科院TOP期刊,中科院1區,IF:4.832)
[14] Qiuzhen Lin, Zhiwang Liu, Qiao Yan, Zhihua Du*, Carlos A. Coello Coello, Zhengping Liang, Wenjun Wang, Jianyong Chen, Adaptive Composite Operator Selection and Parameter Control for Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm,Information Sciences, APR 2016, vol. 339, pp. 332-352. (中科院TOP期刊,中科院1區,IF:4.832)
[15] Qiuzhen Lin, Jianqiang Li*, Zhihua Du, Jianyong Chen, Zhong Ming, A novel multi-objective particle swarm optimization with multiple search strategies,European Journal of Operational Research, Dec 2015, vol. 247, pp. 732-744. (中科院TOP期刊,中科院2區,IF:3.297)
[16] Qingling Zhu(研究生), Qiuzhen Lin*, Zhihua Du, Zhengping Liang, Wenjun Wang, Zexuan Zhu, Jianyong Chen, Peizhi Huang, Zhong Ming, A Novel Adaptive Hybrid Crossover Operator for Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm,Information Sciences, JUN 2016, vol. 345, pp. 177-198. (中科院TOP期刊,中科院1區,IF:4.832)
[17] Laizhong Cui, Genghui Li, Qiuzhen Lin*, Zhihua Du, Weifeng Gao, Jianyong Chen, Nan Lu, A novel artificial bee colony algorithm with depth-first search framework and elite-guided search equation,Information Sciences, Nov 2016, vol. 367, pp. 1012-1044. (中科院TOP期刊,中科院1區,IF:4.832)
[18] Xuancai Zhao, Qiuzhen Lin*, Jianyong Chen, Xiaomin Wang, Jianping Yu, Optimizing Security and Quality of Service using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm,Expert Systems With Applications, Dec 2016, vol. 64, pp. 11-23. (中科院TOP期刊,中科院2區,IF:3.928)
[19] Qiuzhen Lin, Qingling Zhu, Peizhi Huang, Jianyong Chen*, Zhong Ming, Jianping Yu, A novel hybrid multi-objective immune algorithm with adaptive differential evolution,Computers & Operations Research, OCT 2015, vol. 65, pp. 95-111. (ESI TOP 1%高被引論文,中科院3區,IF:2.6)
[20] Zhengping Liang, Ruizhen Song, Qiuzhen Lin*, Zhihua Du, Jianyong Chen, Zhong Ming, Jianping Yu, A double-module immune algorithm for multi-objective optimization problems,Applied Soft Computing, Oct 2015, vol. 35, pp. 161-174. (ESI TOP 1%高被引論文,中科院2區,IF:3.541)
[21] Qingling Zhu(研究生), Qiuzhen Lin*, Jianyong Chen, A Gene-level Hybrid Search Framework for Multiobjective Evolutionary Optimization,Neural Computing and Applications, August 2018, 30 (3), pp. 759-773. (IF: 4.213)
[22] Zhengping Liang, Xuyong Wang, Qiuzhen Lin*, Fei Chen, Ka-Chun Wong, Jianyong Chen, Zhong Ming, A Novel Multi-objective Co-evolutionary Algorithm based on Decomposition Approach,Applied Soft Computing, 2018, vol. 73, pp. 50-66. (中科院2區,IF:3.541)
[23] Qiuzhen Lin, Miaomiao Zhu, Genghui Li*, Wenjun Wang, Laizhong Cui, Jianyong Chen, Jian Lu, A novel artificial bee colony algorithm with local and global information interaction,Applied Soft Computing, 62, 2018, 702-735. (中科院2區,IF:3.541)
[24] Qiuzhen Lin, Bishan Hu, Ya Tang, Jianyong Chen*, Leo Yu Zhang, Xiaomin Wang, Zhong Ming, A Local Search Enhanced Differential Evolutionary Algorithm for Sparse Recovery,Applied Soft Computing, 57, 2017, 144-163. (中科院2區,IF:3.541)
[25] Qiuzhen Lin, Chaoyu Tang, Zhihua Du, Jianqiang Li, Jianyong Chen*, Zhong Ming, A Novel Adaptive Control Strategy for Decomposition-based Multiobjective Algorithm,Computers & Operations Research, 78, 2017, 94-107. (中科院3區,IF:2.6)
[26] Qiuzhen Lin, Kwok-Wo Wong, Ming Li, and Jianyong Chen*, An effective error correction scheme for arithmetic coding,Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2015, Article ID 861093, 10 pages. (IF: 0.644)
[27] Genghui Li, Qiuzhen Lin*, Laizhong Cui, Zhihua Du, Zhengping Liang, Jianyong Chen, Nan Lu, Zhong Ming, A Novel Hybrid Differential Evolution Algorithm with Modified CoDE and JADE,Applied Soft Computing, OCT 2016, vol. 47, pp. 577-599. (中科院2區,IF:3.541)
[28] Zhengping Liang, Jiangtao Sun, Qiuzhen Lin*, Zhihua Du, Jianyong Chen, Zhong Ming, A Novel Multiple Rule Sets Data Classification Algorithm Based on Ant Colony Algorithm,Applied Soft Computing, Jan 2016, vol. 38, pp. 1000-1011. (中科院2區,IF:3.541)
[29] Laizhong Cui, Genghui Li, Qiuzhen Lin*, Jianyong Chen, Nan Lu, Adaptive differential evolution algorithm with novel mutation strategies in multiple sub-populations,Computers & Operations Research, Mar 2016, vol. 67, pp. 155-173.
[30] Qiuzhen Lin, Jianyong Chen*, A novel micro-population immune multiobjective optimization algorithm,Computers & Operations Research, 2013, 40(6): 1590–1601.
[31] Qiuzhen Lin*, Kwok-Wo Wong, Jianyong Chen, An enhanced variable-length arithmetic coding and encryption scheme using chaotic maps,Journal of Systems and Software, 2013, 86(5): 1384–1389.
[32] Qiuzhen Lin*, Kwok-Wo Wong, Jianyong Chen, An efficient chaotic source coding scheme with variable-length blocks,Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20(7) , art. no. 070501.
[33] Qiuzhen Lin*, Kwok-Wo Wong, Jianyong Chen, Generalized arithmetic coding using discrete chaotic maps,International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2012, 22(10), art. no. 1250256.
[34] Laizhong Cui, Genghui Li, Zexuan Zhu, Qiuzhen Lin, Ka-Chun Wong, Jianyong Chen, Nan Lu, Jian Lu, Adaptive multiple-elites-guided composite differential evolution algorithm with a shift mechanism. 2018,Information Sciences, 422, 122-143.
[35] Naili Luo, Xia Li*, Qiuzhen Lin, Objective reduction for many-objective optimization problems using objective subspace extraction, 2018,Soft Computing, 22(4), 1159-1173.
[36] Laizhong Cui, Genghui Li, Zexuan Zhu, Qiuzhen Lin, Zhenkun Wen, Nan Lu, Ka-Chun Wong, Jianyong Chen, A novel artificial bee colony algorithm with an adaptive population size for numerical function optimization,Information Sciences, 2017, 414, 53-67.
[37] Laizhong Cui, Genghui Li, Xizhao Wang, Qiuzhen Lin, Jianyong Chen, Nan Lu, Jian Lu: A ranking-based adaptive artificial bee colony algorithm for global numerical optimization.Information Sciences, 2017, 417: 169-185.
[38] Yuchao Su, Jia Wang, Lijia Ma, Xiaozhou Wang, Qiuzhen Lin, Jianyong Chen, A Novel Many-Objective Optimization Algorithm Based on the Hybrid Angle-Encouragement Decomposition, 2018,ICIC(3), 47-53.
[39] Jianqiang Li, Xiaofeng Shi, Zhuhong You, Zhuangzhuang Chen, Qiuzhen Lin, Min Fang, Using Weighted Extreme Learning Machine Combined with Scale-Invariant Feature Transform to Predict Protein-Protein Interactions from Protein Evolutionary Information, 2018,ICIC(1), 527-532.
[40] Songbai Liu, Qiuzhen Lin, Jianyong Chen, A Novel Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on a Further Decomposition Strategy. 2018,CIS, 25-29.
[41] Qingling Zhu, Qiuzhen Lin, Jianyong Chen, An Elite Archive-Based MOEA/D Algorithm. 2017,SEAL, 236-247
[42] Qiuzhen Lin, Kwok-Wo Wong*, An improved iterative decoding scheme based on error-resistant arithmetic code,Proceedings of2014 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems(ISCAS 2014), Melbourne VIC, Australia, 2014, pp. 1704–1707.
[43] Qiuzhen Lin, Kwok-Wo Wong*, Improving the error correction capability of arithmetic coding by forecasting forbidden symbols,Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems(ISCAS 2013), Beijing, P.R. China, 2013, pp. 1139–1142.
[44] Qiuzhen Lin, Kwok-Wo Wong*, Junwei Zhou, Leo Yu Zhang, A Comparative Study of Various Simultaneous Compression and Encryption Schemes Based on Chaotic Systems,Proceedings of 2014 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications(NOLTA2014), pp. 381-384, Luzern, Switzerland, September 14-18, 2014.
[45] Qingling Zhu, Qiuzhen Lin*, Jianyong Chen, Peizhi Huang, A Gene-Level Hybrid Crossover Operator for Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm,2015 Second International Conference on Soft Computing and Machine Intelligence(ISCMI), 2015, pp. 20-24.
[46] Laizhong Cui, Genghui Li, Li Li, Qiuzhen Lin, Jianyong Chen, and Nan Lu, Enhance differential evolution algorithm based on novel mutation strategy and parameter control method.Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Information Processing(ICONIP), Nov 2015, pp.634-643, Istanbul, Turkey.
[47] Jianyong Chen*, Qiuzhen Lin, Zhen Ji, A hybrid immune multiobjective optimization algorithm,European Journal of operational research, 2010, 204(2): 294–302. (IF: 2.679)
[48] Jianyong Chen*, Qiuzhen Lin, Qingbin Hu, Application of novel clonal algorithm in multiobjective optimization,International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 2010, 9(2): 239–266. (IF: 1.183)
[49] Kwok-Wo Wong*, Qiuzhen Lin, Jianyong Chen, Error detection in arithmetic coding with artificial markers,Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2011, 62(1): 359-366. (IF: 1.398)
[50] Jianyong Chen*, Qiuzhen Lin, Zhen Ji, Chaos-based multiobjective immune algorithm with a fine-grained selection mechanism,Soft Computing, 2011, 15(7): 1273-1288. (IF: 1.63)
[51] Kwok-Wo Wong*, Qiuzhen Lin, Jianyong Chen, Simultaneous arithmetic coding and encryption using chaotic map,IEEE transaction on circuits and systems-II: Express briefs, 2010, 57(2): 146–150. (IF: 1.136)


