


  • 中文名:林宏陽
  • 畢業院校:廈門大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 任職院校:廈門大學近海海洋環境科學國家重點實驗室
  • 性別:男


B.S., Xiamen University (2009)
Visiting Student, Dalhousie University (2012-2014)
Ph.D., Xiamen University (2014)
Postdoc, Xiamen University (2015-2017)
Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2018-)


Oceanic (sub)mesoscale dynamics; Sea level tilt


本科生 《海洋科學基礎實驗(水文部分)》 與胡建宇教授聯合授課
博士生 《衛星海洋學》 與商少凌教授聯合授課





Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts (* = corresponding author)
[11] Lin, Z., H. Zhang, H. Lin, W. Gong (2019). Intraseasonal and interannual variabilities of saltwater intrusion during dry seasons and the associated driving forcings in a partially mixed estuary. Continental Shelf Research, 174, 95–107.
[10] Chen, X., Z. Sun, H. Lin, J. Zhu, J. Hu (2019). Analysis of temperature inversion in the Zhujiang River Estuary in July 2015. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 38(4): 167-174.
[9] Zhu, J., Q. Zheng, J. Hu, H. Lin, et al. (2019). Classification and 3-D distribution of upper layer water masses in the northern South China Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 38(4): 126-135.
[8] Lin, H., J. Hu, Z. Liu, I. M. Belkin, Z. Sun and J. Zhu (2017). A peculiar lens-shaped structure observed in the South China Sea. Scientific Reports, 7, 478, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-00593-y.
[7] Lin, H., Z. Chen, J. Hu, A. Cucco, J. Zhu, Z. Sun and L. Huang (2017). Numerical simulation of the hydrodynamics and water exchange in Sansha Bay. Ocean Engineering, 139, 85-94.
[6] Lin, H., J. Hu, J. Zhu, P. Cheng, Z. Chen, Z. Sun, and D. Chen (2017). Tide- and wind-driven variability of water level in Sansha Bay, Fujian, China. Frontiers of Earth Science, 11(2): 332-346, doi:10.1007/s11707-016-0588-x.
[5] Tseng, Y.-H., H. Lin*, H.-C. Chen, K. Thompson, et al. (2016). North and equatorial Pacific Ocean circulation in the CORE-II hindcast simulations. Ocean Modelling, 104, 143–170.
[4] Lin, H., K.R. Thompson, J. Huang, and M. Véronneau (2015). Tilt of mean sea level along the Pacific coasts of North America and Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 120, 6815–6828.
[3] Lin, H., K.R. Thompson, and J. Hu (2014). A frequency-dependent description of propagating sea level signals in the Kuroshio Extension region. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44(6), 1614–1635.
[2] Zheng, Q., J. Hu, B. Zhu, Y. Feng, Y.-H. Jo, Z. Sun, J. Zhu, H. Lin, J. Li, and Y. Xu (2014). Standing wave modes observed in the South China Sea deep basin. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 119, doi:10.1002/2014JC009957.
[1] Zheng, Q., C.K. Tai, J. Hu, H. Lin, R. H. Zhang, F.C. Su, and X. Yang (2011). Satellite altimeter observations of nonlinear Rossby eddy-Kuroshio interaction at the Luzon Strait. Journal of Oceanography, 67(4), 365–376.
[3] 林宏陽, 安佰超, 陳照章, 孫振宇, 陳海陽, 朱佳, 黃凌風 (2016). 三沙灣夏、冬季節溫、鹽分布特徵及影響因素分析. 廈門大學學報(自然科學版), 55(3), 349–356.
[2] 林宏陽, 胡建宇, 鄭全安 (2012). 南海及西北太平洋衛星高度計資料分析: 海洋中尺度渦統計特徵. 台灣海峽, 31(1), 105–113.
[1] 林宏陽, 胡建宇, 鄭全安 (2012). 呂宋海峽附近中尺度渦特徵的統計分析. 海洋學報, 34(1), 1–7.
Book Chapters
[1] 劉志宇, 林宏陽 (2018). 海洋中小尺度過程及其能量串級機制與效應. 10000個科學難題(海洋科學卷), pp54-57, 科學出版社.
[2] Lin, H. and J. Hu (2019). Mesoscale eddies in the South China Sea. Regional Oceanography of the South China Sea and its Adjacent Areas, World Scientific Publishing.
[3] Wu, Q., H. Lin, and J. Hu (2019). Ocean fronts in the northern South China Sea. Regional Oceanography of the South China Sea and its Adjacent Areas, World Scientific Publishing.


