- 中文名:林存潔
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:生物統計,數理統計,生存分析,缺失數據分析,有偏抽樣
2014.09至今 中國人民大學統計學院
1. 2018年—2020年,主持複雜數據下治療影響的半參數統計推斷及其套用,國家自然科學基金項目青年科學基金,11701561,
2. 2015年-2016年,主持複雜數據下治療影響的統計推斷問題,中國人民大學科學研究基金,15XNF025,
本科課程: 回歸分析 、多元統計分析
研究生課程:生存分析 、生物統計模型選講 、高等機率論
1. Lin, C.* and Zhou, Y. (2014). Inference for the treatment effects in two sample problems with right-censored and length-biased Data. Statistics and Probability Letters, 90:17-24.
2. Lin, C.* and Zhou, Y. (2014). Analyzing right-censored and length-biased data with varying-coefficient transformation Model. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 130: 45-63.
3. Lin, C.*, Zhang, L. and Zhou, Y. (2015). Conditional quantile residual lifetime models for right censored data. Lifetime Data Anaylsis, 21:75-96.
4. Lin, C.*, Zhang, L. and Zhou, Y. (2016). Inference on quantile residual life function under right censored data. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 28(3): 617-643.
5. Lin, C.* and Zhou, Y. (2016). Semiparametric varying-coefficient model with right-censored and length-biased data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 152:119-144.
6. 林存潔 & 李楊 (2016). 大數據分析仍需要統計思想——以ARGO模型為例. 統計研究,33(11): 109-112.
7. 鄒超,林存潔,趙誠和,王霞,孫凌雲,易丹輝,楊宇飛 (2016). 結直腸癌術後中醫證型與預後相關性的巢式病歷對照研究. 世界科學技術-中醫藥現代化,18(6): 1040-1045.
8. Chen, J, Tang, Y., Zhu, M., Lv, J., Fu, S., He, H., Zeng, Y, Lin, C. and Xu, A.P. (2017). The association of echocardiographic parameters with mortality in hospitalized patients with lupus nephritis. Nephrology, 22: 872-884.
9. Zhao, M., Lin, C.* and Zhou,Y. (2017). Analyzing right-censored length-biased data under additive hazard model. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series), 33(4): 893-908.
10. Zhang, L., Lin, C., Zhou, Y. (2017). A resampling method by perturbing the estimating functions for quantile regression with missing data. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 46(8): 6661-6671.
11. 林存潔,吳朦,易丹輝,胡鏡清 (2017). 多個回響變數的縱向數據聯合建模方法及套用. 世界科學技術-中醫藥現代化,09:1443-1448.
12. Lin, C., Wei, W. H.* and Zhou, Y. (2018). Semiparametric estimation of treatment effect with density ratio model. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 47(14): 3338-3359.