SHANGYAN television advertising Co., LTD zhejiang broadcasting television subordinate units. The international leading level of creation, planning, advertising, media, film, television, culture, charities and other industry exploration and development. Provide integration and planning, market research, marketing strategy, brand management, enterprise strategy, city marketing, creative design, softening agent, the film and television manufacture, event planners and other professional engineering service. In zhejiang as the center, in Beijing, Qingdao, shenzhen, shandong, establish branch offices, this elite group most creative work. SHANGYAN television advertising Co., LTD is a professional enterprise promotion advertising, documentaries, feature films, in a company, is also the long history of the commercial visual communication service team. Word is committed to the movie and TV is excellent film and television ads, and this concept to spread, films, animation, multimedia, TV and so on the many kinds of means of communication, provide for the customer from planning, recording, the release of the overall image communication solutions, high quality service and good effect and improve customer, realize value. The company for zhejiang broadcasting television subordinate unit, deep industry background, has the first-class producers, directors, the photographer and the dubbing staff, and equipped with studio, studio, studio, director and a large number of high-end car film and television equipment and advanced apple, PC nonlinear hd after editing system, makes the picture and the perfect combination of voice. Because the company has the advanced video equipment and high-quality professional talent advantage and provide from initial plan, take post-production, inhibit CD one-stop service. The company's new operating mode, low cost, high quality, production cycle is short and perfect post-production, the industry a significant advantage. The company has the outstanding enterprise culture and enterprise position, adhering to the "customer first, quality first, service first" management idea, the company has won the general customers trust and the support, we will do our best to your enterprise makes the perfect image promotion, realize the win-win situation of the company and its clients.
目前,浙江廣電集團己完成了作為法人實體的內部整合,形成了以廣播影視為核心主業,兼營多種媒體,開發相關產業,集團母體和子公司兩個層次,集多媒體、多功能、多品種於一體的集團化發展的格局。集團管理層由黨委會、管理委員會、編輯委員會及10個相關管理部門組成。浙江廣播電視集團的母體,由原浙江人民廣播電台、浙江電視台以及為之服務的技術保障、行政服務單位整合組成,擁有廣播、電視共14個頻道,即廣播新聞綜合頻道、經濟頻道、文藝頻道、音樂調頻、交通之聲、健康之聲、旅遊之聲等7個頻道;電視新聞綜合頻道(浙江衛視)、錢江都市頻道、經濟生活頻道、教育科技頻道、影視文化頻道、6頻道、公共新農村頻道、少兒頻道、留學世界、國際頻道、好易購等11個頻道,實行以頻道制為主,集團對頻道的兩級管理。集團每天播出廣播電視節目270多個小時。其中綜合頻道(游江衛視)於1994年起通過衛星傳送,是國內最早實現全國覆蓋的幾個省級廣播電視機構之一。目前,浙江衛視已有效覆蓋全國大部分省、市、縣。集團廣播電視協調發展,節目質量、製作水平、經營收入等在國內都有較好的聲譽.較大的影響力和較強的實力。浙江廣電 logo