



  • 中文名:杜金洲
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:同位素海洋學、 環境放射化學、近海生物地球化學過程
  • 任職院校:華東師範大學


同位素海洋學‚ 環境放射化學, 近海生物地球化學過程




Chen Xiaogang, Lao Yangling, Wang Jinlong,Du Jinzhou*,Mingzhong Liang, and Bin Yang.Submarine Groundwater‐Borne Nutrients in a Tropical Bay (Maowei Sea, China) and Their Impacts on the Oyster Aquaculture[J]. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 2018,
Zhao Lijun, Liu Dantong, Wang Jinlong,Du Jinzhou *,Xiaolin Hou, Yifei Jiang. Spatial and vertical distribution of radiocesium in seawater of the East China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin , 2018 ,
Liu Jianan, Du*,JinzhouYing Wu, Sumei Liu. Nutrient input through submarine groundwater discharge in two major Chinese estuaries: The Pearl River Estuary and the Changjiang River Estuary[J]. Estuarine Coastal & Shelf Science, 2018,
Weiwei Li, Fenfen Zhang* , Qi Ye , Dan Wu, Liying Wang, Yihu Yu, Bing Deng andJinzhou Du. Composition and copper binding properties of aquatic fulvic acids in eutrophic Taihu Lake, China Chemosphere. 2017
Jianan Liu,Jinzhou Du*, Blazenka Gasparovic, MilanČanković, Enis Hrustić. Neven Cukrov, Zhuoyi Zhu, Ruifeng Zhang.Ra andRa in the stratified estuary of the Krka River (Adriatic Sea, Croatia): implications for submarine groundwater discharge and its derived nutrients. Biogeosciences Discussions, 2017
Liu Jianan,Du Jinzhou*,Yi Lixin. Ra Tracer-Based Study of Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Associated Nutrient Fluxes into the Bohai Sea, China: A highly human-Affected marginal sea. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 2017,
Zhang, Fenfen, andJinzhou Du*. "How to Change the Chemical Composition of Sea Spray Aerosol via Marine Bloom." Chem,2017,
Wang Jinlong, Baskaran M, Hou Xxiaolin,Du Jinzhou*, Zhang Jing. Historical changes inPu andPu sources in sedimentary records in the East China Sea: Implications for provenance and transportation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2017,
Zhang Yaoling, Yang Keli,Du Jinzhou*, Zhang Fenfen, Dong Yaping, Li Wu. Chemical characterization of fractions of dissolved humic substances from a marginal sea—a case from the Southern Yellow Sea. Chinese Journal of Oceanology & Limnology, 2017
Sha Zhanjiang*, Wang Qiugui, Wang Jinlong,Du Jinzhou, Hu Jufang, Ma Yujun, Kong Fancui, Wang zhuan. Regional environmental change and human activity over the past hundred years recorded in the sedimentary record of Lake Qinghai, China. Environmental Science & Pollution Research International, 2017,
Wang Jinlong,Du Jinzhou*, Bi Qqianqian. Natural radioactivity assessment of surface sediments in the Yangtze Estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017,
劉丹彤,王錦龍,畢倩倩, &杜金洲*.福島核事故後上海氣溶膠中I、Cs和Cs的來源途徑分析.核化學與放射化學, 2017,
Liu Jianan, Su Ni. Wang Xilong,Du Jinzhou*. Submarine groundwater discharge and associated nutrient fluxes into the Southern Yellow Sea: A case study for semi-enclosed and oligotrophic seas-implication for green tide bloom, Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 2017,
Wang Jinlong,Du Jinzhou*, Baskaran, M., Zhang Jing. Mobile mud dynamics in the East China Sea elucidated usingPb,Cs,Be, andTh as tracers. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2016,
Zhang Yaoling,Du Jinzhou*, Ding X, Zhang Fenfen. Comparison study of sedimentary humic substances isolated from contrasting coastal marine environments by chemical and spectroscopic analysis. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016,
Du Juan,Du Jinzhou*, Huang Dekun, Wang Jinlong, Zhang Jing. Seasonal distribution patterns ofBe andPb in surface sediments in the Changjiang Estuary, China and their implication. Journal of Marine Systems, 2016,
Wang Xilong,Du Jinzhou*. Submarine groundwater discharge into typical tropical lagoons: A case study in Eastern Hainan Island, China. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 2016,
Su Kaijun,Du Jinzhou*,Baskaran, M., Zhang Jing.Po andPb disequilibrium at the pn section in the east china sea. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 2016,
Li Zhongqiao, Wu Ying*, Liu Sumei,Du Jinzhou, J Zhang. An 800-year record of terrestrial organic matter from the east China sea shelf break: Links to climate change and Human activity in the Changjiang basin. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2016
Liu Dan , Hou Xiaolin* ,Du Jinzhou, Zhang Luyuan, Zhou Weijian.I and its species in the East China Sea: level, distribution, sources and tracing water masses exchange and movement. Scientific Reports, 2016
周婧,杜金洲*,畢倩倩,王錦龍, &劉丹彤.懸浮泥沙在長江口鈾非保守行為中的重要作用.海洋學報. 2016,
蘇鍇駿,杜金洲*,吳梅桂, &畢倩倩.崇明東灘不同高程潮間帶沉積物中Po和Pb的時空特徵.海洋環境科學. 2016
Zhou Jing,Du Jinzhou*, Moore S. Moore, Qu Jianguo, Zhang Guiling.Concentrations and fluxes of uranium in two major Chinese rivers: The Changjiang River and the Huanghe River. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2015
Mei Xuefei, Dai Zhijun*,Du Jinzhou,Chen Jiyu.Linkage between Three Gorges Dam impacts and the dramatic recessions in China‘s largest freshwater lake, Poyang Lake. Scientific Reports. 2015
Su Ni,Du Jinzhou*, Duan Zonglian, Deng Bing, Zhang Jing. Radium isotopes and their environmental implications in the Changjiang River system. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2015
Fancui Kong , Zhanjiang Sha* ,Jinzhou Du, Su Weigang, Yu Chenguang, Zhao Shunli, Hu Jufang. Analysis of the distribution characteristics ofRa andRa and their sources in the western part of Qinghai Lake. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2015
畢倩倩,杜金洲*.海洋環境中放射性分析及其套用.核化學與放射化學, 2015
Wang Xilong,Du Jinzhou*, Ji Tao, Wen Tingyu, Liu Sumei, Zhang Jing. An estimation of nutrient fluxes via submarine groundwater discharge into the Sanggou Bay—A typical multi-species culture ecosystem in China, Marine Chemistry. 2014
WenTingyu ,DuJinzhou*,JiTao , WangXilong,DengBing.Use of Rn-222 to trace submarine groundwater discharge in a tidal period along the coast of Xiangshan, Zhejiang, China. Journal of Radioanalytical Nuclear Chemistry, 2014
Zhang Yaoling,Du Jinzhou, Zhao X, et al. A multi-proxy study of sedimentary humic substances in the salt marsh of the Changjiang Estuary, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2014
Zhu Zhuoyi, Wu Ying, Zhang Jing,Du Jinzhou, Zhang Guosen. Reconstruction of anthropogenic eutrophication in the region off the Changjiang Estuary and central Yellow Sea: From decades to centuries. Continental Shelf Research, 2014
Zhang Xiaoling, Dai Zhijun, Chu Ao,Du Jinzhou. Impacts of relative sea level rise on the shoreface deposition, Shuidong Bay, South China. Environmental earth sciences, 2014
李磊,任景玲,劉素美,蔣增傑,杜金洲,方建光.桑溝灣溶解態無機砷的分布,季節變化及影響因素.環境科學, 2014
Du Jinzhou*, Moore Willard, Hsu F.H., Wang Guizhi, Scholten Jan, Henderson P., Men Wu., Rengarajan R., Sha Zhanjiang., Jiao J.J.. Inter-calibration of Radium analysis in coastal sea water of the Asian region. MarineChemistry, 2013
Su Ni,Du Jinzhou *, Ying Li, Jing Zhang. Evaluation of surface water mixing and associated nutrient fluxes in the East China Sea usingRa andRa. MarineChemistry, 2013
Su Ni,Du Jinzhou*, Liu Sumei, Zhang Jing. Nutrient fluxes via radium isotopes from the coast to offshore and from the seafloor to upper waters after the 2009 Spring Bloom in the Yellow Sea. Deep-Sea Research II, 2013
Huang Dekun,Du Jinzhou *, Deng Bing, Jing Zhang. Distribution feature of natural radionuclides of the sediments and their implication to source and transport of sediment, in the east coast of Hainan Island, China. Continental and Shelf Research, 2013
Zhang Yaoling,Du Jinzhou, Peng Bo, Zhang Fenfen and Zhao Xin, Zhang Jing. Chemical and spectroscopic characterization of dissolved humic substances in a mangrove-fringed estuary in the eastern coast of Hainan Island, China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2013
Huang Dekun,Du Jinzhou*, Moore Willard S., Zhang Jing. Particle dynamics of the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent coastal region determined by natural particle-reactive radionuclides (Be,Pb, andTh). Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2013
Ji Tao,Du Jinzhou*, Moore S. Willard, Zhang Guosen, Su Ni, ZhangJing. Nutrient inputs to a Lagoon through submarine groundwater discharge: The case of Laoye Lagoon, Hainan, China. Journal of Marine Systems, 2013
Bi Qianqian,Du Jinzhou*, Wu Ying, Zhou Jing, Zhang Jing. Particulate organic carbon export flux byTh/U disequilibrium in the continental slope of the East China Sea. Acta Oceanol Sinica, 2013
Wang Jinglong, Jiang Yifei, Huang Dekun, Wen Tingyu,Du Jinzhou*, Zhang Jing. Promotion of the lower limit of detection of gamma emitting nuclides in radioaerosol samples after Fukushima accident. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2012
Huang Dekun,Du Jinzhou*, Zhang Jing. Intercalibrated Radionuclide Activities in Spiked Water Samples of the IAEA Worldwide Open Proficiency Test. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2012
Gu Hequan*, Moore Willard S., Zhang Lei,Du Jinzhou, Zhang Jing. Using radium isotopes to estimate the residence time and the contribution of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in the Changjiang effluent plume, East China Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 2012
Dai Zhijun,Du Jinzhou*, Zhang xiaoling, Su Ni, Li Jiufa. Variation of Riverine Material Loads and Environmental Consequences on the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary in Recent Decades (1955-2008). Environmental Science and Technology, 2011
Su Ni,Du Jinzhou*, Moore Willard S., Liu Sumei, Zhang Jing. An examination of groundwater discharge and the associated nutrient fluxes into the estuaries of eastern Hainan Island, China usingRa. Science of the Total Environment, 2011
Su Ni,Du Jinzhou*, Ji Tao, Zhang Jing.Ra andRa tracer study on nutrient transport in east coastal waters of Hainan Island, China.Water Science and Engineering,2011
Zhang S,Du Jinzhou, C. Xu, K. A. Schwehr, Y.-F. Ho, H.-P. Li, K. A. Roberts, D. I. Kaplan, R. Brinkmeyer, C. M. Yeager, Hyun-shik Chang, P. H. Santschi. Concentration-Dependent Mobility, Retardation, and Speciation of Iodine in Surface Sediment from the Savannah River Site. Environmental Science and Technology, 2011
Liu Sumei, Rui Huanli, Zhang Guiling, Wang Daoru,Du Jinzhou, Herbeck Lucia S., Zhang Jing, Ren Jingling. The impact of anthropogenic activities on nutrient dynamics in the tropical Wenchanghe and Wenjiaohe Estuary and Lagoon system in East Hainan, China. Marine Chemistry, 2011
Huang Dekun,Du Jinzhou*, Zhang Jing. Particle dynamics ofBe,Pb and the implications of sedimentation of heavy metals in the Wenjiao/Wenchang and Wanquan River estuaries, Hainan, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,2011
Du Jinzhou*,Wu Yunfeng, Huang Dekun, Zhang Jing. Use ofBe,Pb andCs tracers to the transport of surface sediments of the Changjiang Estuary, China. Journal of Marine Systems, 2010
Huang Dekun,Du Jinzhou*, Wu Yunfeng, Li Daoji, Zhang Jing. Scavenging of particulateTh,Be andPb in the high turbidity estuary-Changjiang estuary, China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2010,
Dai Zhijun,Du Jinzhou, Chu Ao, Li Jiufa, Chen Jiyu, Zhang Xiaoling. Groundwater discharge to the Changjiang River, China, during the drought season of 2006: effects of the extreme drought and the impoundment of the Three Gorges Dam. Hydrogeology, 2010


