


  • 中文名:杜小霞
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:腦功能成像研究神經內科疾病
  • 性別:女
  • 任職院校:華東師範大學物理與電子科學學院




主持國家自然科學基金 青年基金1項,面上項目1項
1.Qin Z, He XW, Zhang J, Xu S, Li GF, Su J, Shi YH, Ban S, Hu Y, Liu YS, Zhuang MT, Zhao R, Shen XL, Li J, Liu JR,Du X*. Altered spontaneous activity and functional connectivity in the posterior pons of patients with migraine without aura.The journal of pain.2019 Aug 7. pii: S1526-5900(18)30904-0. doi:10.1016/j.jpain.2019.08.001.(2區,IF=5.4)
2.Qin Z, He XW, Zhang J, Xu S, Li GF, Su J, Shi YH, Ban S, Hu Y, Liu YS, Zhuang MT, Zhao R, Shen XL, Li J, Liu JR*,Du X*. Structural changes of cerebellum and brainstem in migraine without aura.The journal of headache and pain.2019 Sep 2;20(1):93. doi: 10.1186/s10194-019-1045-5.(2區,IF=3.9)
3.Zhang K, Wang M, Zhang J, Xie J, Su X,Du X*, Chen Z*. Dynamic Alterations in Spontaneous Brain Activity in Mothers: A Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Neuroscience bulletin. 2019;35(4):766-70.
4.Xu S, He XW, Zhao R, Chen W, Qin Z, Zhang J, Ban S, Li GF, Shi YH, Hu Y, Zhuang MT, Liu YS, Shen XL, Li J, Liu JR*,Du X*. Cerebellar functional abnormalities in early stage drug-naive and medicated Parkinson's disease.Journal of neurology.2019;266(7):1578-87.(2區,IF=4.2)
5.Su J, Wang M, Ban S, Wang L, Cheng X, Hua F, Tang Y, Zhou H, Zhai Y*,Du X*, Liu J*. Relationship between changes in resting-state spontaneous brain activity and cognitive impairment in patients with CADASIL.The journal of headache and pain. 2019;20(1):36.(2區,IF=3.9)
6.Wang M, Zhang A, Qin Z, Xu S, Ban S, Zhang J, Ma J*, Du X*.Abnormal neural responses to emotional stimuli in children with primary monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis.Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2018 Nov 24. doi: 10.1007/s00787-018-1255-4.(2區,IF=3.7)
7.Wang M, Zhang A, Zhang J, Lu H, Xu S, Qin Z, Ma J*, Du X*. Morphometric Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study in Children With Primary Monosymptomatic Nocturnal Enuresis. Frontiers in pediatrics. 2018;6:103.
8.Li GF, Ban S, Wang M, Zhang J, Lu H, Shi YH, He XW, Wu YL, Peng P, Liu YS, Zhuang MT, Zhao R, Shen XL, Li Q*, Liu JR*, Du X*. Brain functional changes in patients with botulism after illegal cosmetic injections of botulinum toxin: A resting-state fMRI study. PloS one. 2018;13(11):e0207448.
9.Zhang J, Wu YL, Su J, Yao Q, Wang M, Li GF, Zhao R, Shi YH, Zhao Y, Zhang Q, Lu H, Xu S, Qin Z, Cui GH, Li J, Liu JR*, Du X*. Assessment of gray and white matter structural alterations in migraineurs without aura.The journal of headache and pain. 2017;18(1):74.
10.Zhang J, Su J, Wang M, Zhao Y, Zhang QT, Yao Q, Lu H, Zhang H, Li GF, Wu YL, Liu YS, Liu FD, Zhuang MT, Shi YH, Hou TY, Zhao R, Qiao Y, Li J, Liu JR*, Du X*. The Posterior Insula Shows Disrupted Brain Functional Connectivity in Female Migraineurs Without Aura Based on Brainnetome Atlas. Scientific reports. 2017;7(1):16868.
11.Zhang J, Su J, Wang M, Zhao Y, Zhang QT, Yao Q, Lu H, Zhang H, Li GF, Wu YL, Liu YS, Liu FD, Zhuang MT, Shi YH, Hou TY, Zhao R, Qiao Y, Li J, Liu JR*, Du X*. The sensorimotor network dysfunction in migraineurs without aura: a resting-state fMRI study.Journal of neurology.2017.
12.Zhang H, Chen Y, Hu R, Yang L, Wang M, Zhang J, Lu H, Wu Y*, Du X*. rTMS treatments combined with speech training for a conduction aphasia patient: A case report with MRI study. Medicine. 2017;96(32):e7399.
13.Wang M, Zhang J, Dong G, Zhang H, Lu H, Du X*. Development of rostral inferior parietal lobule area functional connectivity from late childhood to early adulthood. International journal of developmental neuroscience : the official journal of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience. 2017;59:31-6.
14.Wang M, Su J, Zhang J, Zhao Y, Yao Q, Zhang Q, Zhang H, Wang S, Li GF, Liu JR*, Du X*. Visual cortex and cerebellum hyperactivation during negative emotion picture stimuli in migraine patients. Scientific reports. 2017;7:41919.
15.Zhang J, Su J, Wang M, Zhao Y, Yao Q, Zhang Q, Lu H, Zhang H, Wang S, Li GF, Wu YL, Liu FD, Shi YH, Li J, Liu JR*, Du X*. Increased default mode network connectivity and increased regional homogeneity in migraineurs without aura. The journal of headache and pain. 2016;17(1):98.
16.Zhang K,Wang H, Dong G, Wang M, Zhang J, Zhang H, Meng W,Du X*. Neural activation during imitation with or without performance feedback: An fMRI study. Neuroscience letters. 2016;629:202-7.
17.Qiao Y, Mei Y,Du X,Xie B, Shao Y. Reduced brain activation in violent adolescents during response inhibition. Scientific reports. 2016;6:21318.(並列第一作,2區,IF=4.259)
18.Zhang K, Ma J, Lei D, Wang M, Zhang J, Du X*. Task positive and default mode networks during a working memory in children with primary monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis and healthy controls.Pediatr Res.2015;78(4):422-9.(2區,第一單位,IF=2.761)
19.Wang M, Zhang K, Zhang J, Dong G, Zhang H, Du X*. Abnormal Neural Responses to Emotional Stimuli but Not Go/NoGo and Stroop Tasks in Adults with a History of Childhood Nocturnal Enuresis. PloS one. 2015;10(11):e0142957.
20.Lei D, Ma J, Zhang J, Wang M, Zhang K, Chen F, Suo X, Gong Q, Du X*. Connectome-Scale Assessments of Functional Connectivity in Children with Primary Monosymptomatic Nocturnal Enuresis. Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:463708.
21.Shen G, Zhang J, Wang M, Lei D, Yang G*, Zhang S, Du X*.Decoding the individual finger movements from single-trial functional magnetic resonance imaging recordings of human brain activity.Eur J Neurosci. 2014;39(12):2071-82.
22.Lei D, Ma J, Du X*, Shen G, Jin X, Gong Q*. Microstructuralabnormalities in the combined and inattentive subtypes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a diffusion tensor imaging study.Scientific reports. 2014;4:6875.(2區,第二單位,IF=5.578)
23.Zhang J, Lei D, Ma J, Wang M, Shen G, Wang H, Yang G, Du X*. Brain metabolite alterations in children with primary nocturnal enuresis using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Neurochem Res. 2014;39(7):1355-62.
24.沈國華,張劍,王慧,吳殷,曾雨雯,杜小霞*.大學生運動員腦白質的變化:基於磁共振散張量成像.華東師範大學學報(自然科學版). 2014;4:93-101.
25.張慧,王夢星,張凱華,張記磊,孟衛霞,杜小霞*.兒童青少年反應抑制能力的發展:基於Go/NoGo任務的功能MRI研究.磁共振成像. 2015;6(11):860-5.
26.張慧,胡瑞萍,王夢星,張記磊,陸海鋒,杜小霞*.基於磁共振腦功能和腦結構成像的TMS線圈定位方法.磁共振成像. 2016;7(11):861-6.
27.王夢星,雷都,張慧,張記磊,張凱華,馬駿*,杜小霞*.注意缺陷型和混合型注意缺陷多動障礙兒童在Go/NoGo任務中的腦fMRI.中國醫學影像技術. 2016;32(5):678-82.
28.陸海鋒,張記磊,王夢星,徐帥,秦朝霞,杜小霞*.面肌痙攣的靜息態腦功能和結構的初步探究.磁共振成像. 2018;9(1):680-684.
29.杜小霞*,秦朝霞.腦功能成像回顧與展望.磁共振成像. 2019;10(10):721-726.
30.Zheng H, Hu Y, Wang Z, Wang M,Du X,Dong G. Meta-analyses of the functional neural alterations in subjects with Internet gaming disorder: Similarities and differences across different paradigms. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. 2019;94:109656.
31.Wang Z, Liu X, Hu Y, Zheng H,Du X,Dong G. Altered brain functional networks in Internet gaming disorder: independent component and graph theoretical analysis under a probability discounting task. CNS spectrums. 2019:1-13.
32.Wang Z, Hu Y, Zheng H, Yuan K,Du X, Dong G. Females are more vulnerable to Internet gaming disorder than males: Evidence from cortical thickness abnormalities. Psychiatry research Neuroimaging. 2019;283:145-53.
33.Wang M, Zheng H,Du X, Dong G. Mapping Internet gaming disorder using effective connectivity: A spectral dynamic causal modeling study. Addictive behaviors. 2019;90:62-70.
34.Wang M, Hu Y, Wang Z,Du X, Dong G. Sex difference in the effect of Internet gaming disorder on the brain functions: Evidence from resting-state fMRI. Neuroscience letters. 2019;698:44-50.
35.Sun Y, Zhang C, Duan S,Du X, Calhoun VD. Neural intrinsic functional connectivity associated with sensation seeking in heavy metal music and classical music lovers. Neuroreport. 2019;30(5):317-22.
36.Dong G, Wang Z, Wang Y,Du X, Potenza MN. Gender-related functional connectivity and craving during gaming and immediate abstinence during a mandatory break: Implications for development and progression of internet gaming disorder. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. 2019;88:1-10.
37.Dong G, Wang M, Liu X, Liang Q,Du X, Potenza MN. Cue-elicited craving-related lentiform activation during gaming deprivation is associated with the emergence of Internet gaming disorder. Addiction biology. 2019.
38.Wang Z, Wu L, Yuan K, Hu Y, Zheng H,Du X, Dong G. Cortical thickness and volume abnormalities in Internet gaming disorder: Evidence from comparison of recreational Internet game users. The European journal of neuroscience. 2018.
39.Wang M, Zhang A, Qin Z, Xu S, Ban S, Zhang J, Ma J,Du X. Abnormal neural responses to emotional stimuli in children with primary monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis. European child & adolescent psychiatry. 2018.
40.Wang L, Zhang Y, Lin X, Zhou H,Du X, Dong G. Group independent component analysis reveals alternation of right executive control network in Internet gaming disorder. CNS spectrums. 2018;23(5):300-10.
41.Liu X, Lin X, Zheng M, Hu Y, Wang Y, Wang L,Du X, Dong G. Internet Search Alters Intra- and Inter-regional Synchronization in the Temporal Gyrus. Frontiers in psychology. 2018;9:260.
42.Dong G, Zheng H, Liu X, Wang Y,Du X, Potenza MN. Gender-related differences in cue-elicited cravings in Internet gaming disorder: The effects of deprivation. Journal of behavioral addictions. 2018;7(4):953-64.
43.Dong G, Wu L, Wang Z, Wang Y, Du X, Potenza MN. Diffusion-weighted MRI measures suggest increased white-matter integrity in Internet gaming disorder: Evidence from the comparison with recreational Internet game users. Addictive behaviors. 2018;81:32-8.
44.Dong G, Wang L,Du X, Potenza MN. Gender-related differences in neural responses to gaming cues before and after gaming: implications for gender-specific vulnerabilities to Internet gaming disorder. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience. 2018;13(11):1203-14.
45.Wang Y, Wu L, Zhou H, Lin X, Zhang Y,Du X, Dong G. Impaired executive control and reward circuit in Internet gaming addicts under a delay discounting task: independent component analysis. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience. 2017;267(3):245-55.
46.Wang Y, Wu L, Wang L, Zhang Y,Du X, Dong G. Impaired decision-making and impulse control in Internet gaming addicts: evidence from the comparison with recreational Internet game users. Addiction biology. 2017;22(6):1610-21.
47.Wang Y, Hu Y, Xu J, Zhou H, Lin X,Du X, Dong G. Dysfunctional Prefrontal Function Is Associated with Impulsivity in People with Internet Gaming Disorder during a Delay Discounting Task. Frontiers in psychiatry. 2017;8:287.
48.Wang L, Wu L, Wang Y, Li H, Liu X,Du X, Dong G. Altered Brain Activities Associated with Craving and Cue Reactivity in People with Internet Gaming Disorder: Evidence from the Comparison with Recreational Internet Game Users. Frontiers in psychology. 2017;8:1150.
49.Liu Y, Fan H, Guo Q, Jiang A,Du X, Zhou J. Ultra-small pH-responsive Nd-doped NaDyF4 Nanoagents for Enhanced Cancer Theranostic by in situ Aggregation. Theranostics. 2017;7(17):4217-28.
50.Hu R, Zhu Y, Tang X,Du X, Zhang H, Liu Q, Wu J, Fan S, Hao Y, Wu Y. Continuous theta burst stimulation inhibits the bilateral hemispheres. Neuroscience letters. 2017;657:134-9.
51.Dong G, Wang L,Du X, Potenza MN. Gaming Increases Craving to Gaming-Related Stimuli in Individuals With Internet Gaming Disorder. Biological psychiatry Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging. 2017;2(5):404-12.
52.Bornstein MH, Putnick DL, Rigo P, Esposito G, Swain JE, Suwalsky JTD, Su X,Du X, Zhang K, Cote LR, De Pisapia N, Venuti P. Neurobiology of culturally common maternal responses to infant cry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2017;114(45):E9465-E73.
53.Zhang Y, Lin X, Zhou H, Xu J,Du X, Dong G. Brain Activity toward Gaming-Related Cues in Internet Gaming Disorder during an Addiction Stroop Task. Frontiers in psychology. 2016;7:714.
54.Wang Y, Wu L, Zhou H, Lin X, Zhang Y,Du X, Dong G. Impaired executive control and reward circuit in Internet gaming addicts under a delay discounting task: independent component analysis. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience. 2016.
55.Wang Y, Wu L, Wang L, Zhang Y,Du X, Dong G. Impaired decision-making and impulse control in Internet gaming addicts: evidence from the comparison with recreational Internet game users. Addiction biology. 2016.
56.Wang L, Wu L, Lin X, Zhang Y, Zhou H,Du X, Dong G. Altered brain functional networks in people with Internet gaming disorder: Evidence from resting-state fMRI. Psychiatry Res. 2016;254:156-63.
57.Wang L, Gao C, Liu K, Liu Y, Ma L, Liu L,Du X, Zhou J. Cypate-Conjugated Porous Upconversion Nanocomposites for Programmed Delivery of Heat Shock Protein 70 Small Interfering RNA for Gene Silencing and Photothermal Ablation. Advanced Functional Materials. 2016;26(20):3480.
58.Wu JL, Zhang JL,Du XX,Shen YJ, Lao X, Zhang ML, Chen LQ, DZ*. Evaluation of the distribution of adipose tissues in fish using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Aquaculture. 2015;448:112-22.
59.Lin X, Zhou H, Dong G,Du X. Impaired risk evaluation in people with Internet gaming disorder: fMRI evidence from a probability discounting task. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2015;56:142-8.
60.Lin X, Dong G, Wang Q, Du X. Abnormal gray matter and white matter volume in 'Internet gaming addicts'. Addict Behav. 2015;40:137-43.
61.Lei D, Du M, Wu M, Chen T, Huang X,Du X,Bi F, Kemp GJ, Gong Q. Functional MRI reveals different response inhibition between adults and children with ADHD. Neuropsychology. 2015;29(6):874-81.
62.Dong G, Zhang Y, Xu J, Lin X,Du X. How the risky features of previous selection affect subsequent decision-making: evidence from behavioral and fMRI measures. Front Neurosci. 2015;9:364.
63.Dong G, Lin X, Hu Y, Xie C,Du X. Imbalanced functional link between executive control network and reward network explain the online-game seeking behaviors in Internet gaming disorder. Sci Rep. 2015;5:9197.
64.Xue S, Wang Y, Wang M, Zhang L,Du X, Gu H, Zhang C. Iodinated oil-loaded, fluorescent mesoporous silica-coated iron oxide nanoparticles for magnetic resonance imaging/computed tomography/fluorescence trimodal imaging. Int J Nanomedicine. 2014;9:2527-38.
65.Dong G, Lin X, Zhou H,Du X. Decision-making after continuous wins or losses in a randomized guessing task: implications for how the prior selection results affect subsequent decision-making. Behav Brain Funct. 2014;10:11.
66.Dong G, Shen Y, Huang J,Du X. Impaired error-monitoring function in people with Internet addiction disorder: an event-related fMRI study. Eur Addict Res. 2013;19(5):269-75.


