杜國英(DU Guo-ying),女,1971年9月生,山東嘉祥人。海洋學博士。
- 中文名:杜國英
- 出生地:山東嘉祥人
- 出生日期:1971年9月生
- 學歷:海洋學博士
2003年-今: 中國海洋大學海洋生命學院,生物工程系,高級工程師。
- 國家自然基金,底棲微藻垂直遷移特性對群落光合效率的影響,2013-2016年,主持。
- 國家海洋局公益項目,基於群落特定物種的海洋生態監測與評價關鍵技術研究,2013-2016年,主要參加人。
- 山東自然科學基金,海洋微藻抗菸草病原菌活性物質的篩選,2011-2014年,主持。
- 教育部留學歸國人員啟動項目,底棲微藻光合生產及其對溫室氣體CO2減少的貢獻,2011-2013年,主持。
- 教育部高校教師科研啟動項目,潮間帶底棲微藻對主要環境因子的生理生態學回響,2011-2012年,主持。
- 國家海洋局公益項目,近岸大型海藻和栽培經濟海藻固碳效應評估及套用技術示範2011-2014年,主要參加人。
- 山東省海洋與漁業廳908專項,山東近海生態資本評估,2010-2011年,項目結題報告第二撰寫人。
- 韓-法聯合項目,底棲微藻對沿岸底質氮循環的作用,2007年,主要參加人。
- 韓國國土海洋部,利用海藻減少CO2溫室氣體,2006-2010年,第四參加人。
- 韓國環境部,洛東江河口受損濕地生態系的修復和管理技術,2005-2007年,主要參加人。
- DU Guo-ying, MAO Yun-xiang, GUO Sheng-hua, WU Fei-fei, XUE Hong-fan. DNA barcoding assessment of green macroalgae in coastal zone around Qingdao, China. Journal of Ocean University of China. 2014 13(1), 97-103. (SCI)
- Guoying Du, Wentao li, HongBo Li, Ik Kyo Chung, 2012. Migratory response of estuarine benthic diatoms to light and temperature monitored by chlorophyll fluorescence. Journal of Plant Biology 55, 159–164. (SCI)
- GuoYing Du, Moonho Son, Soonmo An, Ik Kyo Chung, 2010. Temporal variation in vertical distribution of microphytobenthos in intertidal sand flats on Nakdong River estuary, Korea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 86, 62-70. (SCI, IF: 2.366)
- GuoYing Du, Moonho Son, Misun Yun, Soonmo An, Ik Kyo Chung, 2009. Microphytobenthic biomass and species composition in intertidal flats of the Nakdong River estuary, Korea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 82, 663-672. (SCI, IF: 2.366)
- GuoYing Du, Ik Kyo Chung, 2009. Estimation of areal production of intertidal microphytobenthos based on spatio-temporal community dynamics and laboratory measurements. Ocean Science Journal 44,189-197.
- Guoying Du, Ik kyo Chung, 2007. Spatio-temporal Variation of Intertidal Microphytobenthos in the Nakdong Estuary. Journal of the Korean Society of Oceanography 12- 3, 186-190.
- GuoYing Du, Jung Hyun Oak, Ik Kyo Chung, 2010. Effect of light and sediment grain size on vertical migration of benthic diatoms. Journal of Phycology. Algae 25(3), 133-140.
- 杜國英,陳尚,夏濤,王敏,張濤,趙志遠. 2011. 山東近海生態資本價值評估—近海生物資源現存量價值. 生態學報, 31(19):5553-5560.
- 王敏,陳尚,夏濤,杜國英,王蔚,張濤. 2011. 山東近海生態資本價值評估— — —供給服務價值. 生態學報,31(19):5561-5570.
- Aug.2013, 10th Annual Phycological Congress,Orlando, USA, “Species diversity of intertidal macroalgae in northwest coast of Yellow Sea: By Morphology combining DNAbarcoding”.
- Apr.2013, 21International Seaweeds Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, “Survey of intertidal macroalgae in northwest coast of Yellow Sea: Primary exploring assisted by DNAbarcoding”.
- 2012.05, the Second International Symposium: Effect of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans and its associated workshops, Yeosu, Korea. “Responses of intertidal microphytobenthos community to environmental factors”
- 2011.09, LOICZ-OSC Yantai, China,”Migratory response of estuarine benthic diatoms to light and temperature”.
- 2010.10, PICEs 19 Portland, USA “Valuation of ecological capital in Shandong coastal waters, Western Yellow Sea”
- 2010.1, International Symposium of “Climate Change, Seaweed and CO2 Sequestration”. Busan, Korea.
- 2009.10, PICES18 Jeju, Korea. “Estimating areal production of intertidal microphytobenthos based on spatio-temporal community dynamics and laboratory measurements”
- 2009.8, 9 International Phycological Congress (IPC 9), Tokyo, Japan. “Vertical migratory photoresponse and photosynthetic activity of benthic diatoms determined by chlorophyll fluorescence”
- 2008.11, Vth Asian Pacific Phycological Forum, Willington, New Zealand. “Temporal variation in the vertical distribution of microphytobenthos in the intertidal flats of the Nakdong River estuary, South Korea”
- 2007.11, North Pacific Marine Science Annual Meeting (PICES16). Victoria, Canada. “Spatio-temporal variation of intertidal microphytobenthos in Nakdong Estuary, Korea”
- 2007.10, International Symposium of River and Lake Environment. Jeju, Korea “Intertidal microphytobenthic community dynamics in the Nakdong Estuary”
- 2007.5, International Symposium of Korea Society of Phycology. Seoul, Korea. “Variation in vertical distribution of intertidal microphytobenthos in Nakdong Estuary”
2009年6月, 獲韓國釜山大學“學術獎”;
2009年12月, 獲韓國教育科學技術部國立國際教育院“功勞獎”。
2011年9月, LOICZ-OSC2011學會最佳poster一等獎