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李雪梅 中國科學院上海高等研究院研究員。




通訊地址: 上海市浦東新區張江高科技園區海科路99號


Dr Xue-Mei Li was born in Qian`an. She entered Dalian University of Technology in 1990 and obtained her bachlor degree of engineering in 1994. In the same year she was admitted by Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, and obtained a master degree in 1997. She moved to the Netherlands in 1998 and began to work as a research assistant at the research group of Prof. Reinhoudt at University of Twente. In the beginning of 1999, she started her Ph. D. study under the supervisor of dr. Jurriaan Huskens and Prof. Reinhoudt. Her thesis entitled ‘Catalytic Approaches to Nanolithography’ was awarded the Backer prize in 2004 as the best ph.d. thesis in organic chemistry branch of the Royal Dutch Chemical Society. In the beginning of 2004, Dr. Li began her career at DSM Composite Resins B.V. In August 2005, she went back to Prof. Reinhoudt’s group and worked there as a postdoctoral researcher on self-cleaning spray nozzles for drug delivery. In August 2007, she co-founded Nanjing Altrateck Co. Limited and was appointed as the technical director.In 2011, she joined Shanghai Advanced Research Institute and is responsible for NanoBioMaterials group (NMB)




1. Q. Ke, G. Li, Y. Liu, T. He, X.-M. Li, Langmuir
2. X.-M. Li, T. He, C. Crego Calama, D.N. Reinhoudt, Langmuir
3. X. -M. Li, C. Crego Calama, D. N. Reinhoudt, Chem. Soc. Rev
4. M. Peter, X. -M. Li, J. Huskens, D. N. Reinhoudt, J. Am. Chem. Soc
5. X. -M. Li, M. Peter, J. Huskens, D. N. Reinhoudt, Nano Lett.
6. X. -M. Li, V. Paraschiv, J. Huskens, D. N. Reinhoudt, J. Am. Chem. Soc


