


  • 中文名:李雨升
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:老師
  • 畢業院校:廈門大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:英語教學、認知語言學、語言哲學
  • 主要成就:宏碁龍騰論文獎:碩士優等獎
  • 學術代表作:《提升技專學生外語能力整合計畫項目成果報告》


Education Background
Doctor of Philosophy, Xiamen University
Research interests
Applied Linguistics、Cognitive Linguistics
Philosophy of Language、Taoism and Chinese folk religion


Comprehensive English/ IELTS Speaking/ IELTS Writing
Applied Linguistics methodology
Academic English/ Business Communication





(美國)Lasalle School(391 Western Avenue Albany, New York)中學英語教師
Sep 2009 - Jan 2014 English Teacher, Language Teaching Center of Formosa University
Feb 2011- Feb 2012 English Teacher, Language Teaching Center of Chiayi University
Sep 2001- Mar 2003 High School English Teacher, Lasalle School (391 Western Avenue Albany,New York, New York)
Teaching English is certainly a joy to me and gives me immense satisfaction both on a personal and professional level. Since I obtained the Cambridge Diploma in CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) in New York, this gave me a deeper insight as to the various and newest English teaching mechanisms available.
For the past 10 years, I have to taught English in a variety of places to students in different level both in Taiwan and the US, which taught me how to adapt my teaching style to suit the student’s respective cultural background, social requirements and specific needs.
Since the spring of 2014, I have been fortunate enough to set foot on the land of China, started my teaching journey in International College of Xiamen University. I feel that students in China are still in lack of opportunity to learn and practice English which is essential for them to improve their careers and gain access to the global community.
With this aim in mind, I structure my lessons very carefully, and adopted all sorts of methods to prepare students to acquire the languages while using the context of any subject matter so that students learn the language by using it within the specific context rather than learning a language out of context. Thus, my goals toward teaching English is to effectively increases learners' English language proficiency and teaches them the skills necessary for the success in various professions and then the learners would gradually acquire greater control of the English language, enabling them to participate more fully in an increasingly complex academic and social environment.


1、 2011年(台灣)虎尾科技大學"提升學生外語能力"項目整合計畫(含六項子計畫)主持人計畫編號: 100-475,已結案。研究成果於該年11月9日(星旗三)舉辦科技大學中區教學觀摩會展示外並出版《提升技專學生外語能力整合計畫項目成果報告》。
2、黃永廣, 李雨升, 2010, 數字學習提升科技大學學生英文字彙量, 提升外語能力項目補助計畫.


1. Li, Yu-sheng, Enhancing Students' Language Skills Project(including six sub-programs), Formosa
University of Science and TechnologyProject Number:
100-475, 2011
2. Huang Guang, Li Yu-sheng, Digital Learning to Enhance Students' English Vocabulary,
Enhancing the Foreign Language Skills Project , 2010
、The Effect of Using IELTS Model Essays on Learners’ Writing Ability and Awareness of Writing
Features(中外合作教育研究ISSN 2222-95902015年第1期)
2、Interaction between Po-seng Tai-te Faith and Taoist culture in Fujian and Taiwan(博士學位論文)
5、蔡宗叡、李雨升、楊育芬、葉惠菁(2012). Applying Concept Map Mining in English Reading.
ICIM2012第23屆國際信息管理學術研討會, May, 19, Kaochung, Taiwan.
導向與適性化學習套用於英文學習輔助系統,第二十二屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,May 21,
2011, Taichung, Taiwan.
1. The Effect of Using IELTS Model Essays on Learners’ Writing Ability and Awareness of Writing
Features, QuarterlyJournal of China-Foreign Education Cooperation vol.1, 2015(ISSN-2222-9590)
2. Interaction between Po-seng Tai-te Faith and Taoist culture in Fujian and Taiwan(PhD Thesis)
3. The Conceptual Metaphor as the Center of Zhu Xi Human Nature, Swan Lake Monthly vol.460,
4. Brief Analysis of the Conceptual Metaphor in Tao Te Ching, Taoism News No.54, 2013
5. Caizong Rui, Li Yu-sheng, Yang Yufen, Yehui Jing(2011) Applying Concept Map Mining in
English Reading, 23rd International Information Management Symposium, May19, 2012,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
6. Huang Weihao, Chencheng Hui, Li Yu L, Cai Hongyi, Wu Jun million Xuzhong Chuan, Yehui
Jing, Yang Yufen (2011), Peer Interaction Orientation and Applies Adaptive Learning English
Learning Support System, the twenty-second International Symposium on Information
Management, May 21, 2011, Taichung, Taiwan.
7. A Computer-aided Analysis of Spelling Errors Made by Taiwanese High School English Learners
(Master's Thesis)


1、Acer Dragon Paper Award: Thesis Excellence Award


