李贊,1975年生於陝西西安,教授、博士生導師、工學博士,西安電子科技大學學術帶頭人,綜合業務網(ISN)國家重點實驗室固定科研人員,IEEE Member, IEEE Communications and Information Security Technical Committee (CISTC)Member,中國電子學會高級會員,中國通信學會會員。
[1]Zan Li, Jueping Cai, Yilin Chang. Determining the Complexity of FH/SS Sequence by Approximate Entropy. IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol.57, no.3, Mar. 2009:812-820. (SCI檢索號:000263967900030; EI檢索號:20091512026120)
[2]Zan Li, Yilin Chang, Lijun Jin. A Novel Family of Frequency Hopping Sequences for Multi-hop Bluetooth Networks,IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, vol.49, no.4, Nov. 2003:1084-1089. (SCI檢索號:000188464300048; EI檢索號:04138081675)
[3]Zan Li, Yilin Chang, Lijun Jin, Jueping Cai. Analysis of FHMA Performance on Block Cipher Based Frequency Hopping Sequences, IEEE Communications letters, vol.8, no.7, July 2004:434-436. (SCI檢索號:000222792300008; EI檢索號:04338315170)
[4]Zan Li, Yilin Chang, Weidong Kou, Lijun Jin, Yumin Wang. A Family of FH Sequences Based on 3DES Block Cipher for FHMA Communications, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2004), vol.1, 20-24 June, 2004:311-315. (EI檢索號:04368338937 ;ISTP檢索號:000223459600061)
[5]Zan Li, Jian Shen, Jueting Cai, Jueping Cai. Semi-blind Joint Data Equalization and Channel Estimation for Meteor Burst Communication, IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (IEEE AINA 2006), 18-20 April 2006, 1: 617-622. (EI檢索號:064710255685;ISTP檢索號:000239778200096)
[6]Zan Li, Jueting Cai, Jian Shen. Time-Variant Doppler Frequency Estimation and Compensation for Mobile OFDM Systems,IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference(IEEE WCNC 2006), vol.2, 3-6 April, 2006:1040-1045. (EI檢索號:072510661486)
[7]Zan Li, Jueping Cai, Xiaojun Chen and Xiaofeng Lu. A Novel Complexity Metric of FH/SS Sequences Using Approximate Entropy. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference(IEEE WCNC 2009), 5-8 April 2009:1-5. (EI檢索號:20093912336877)
[8]Zan Li, Jueping Cai, Xiaofeng Lu and Jiangbo Si. Complexity Measure of FH/SS Sequences Using Approximate Entropy. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2009), 14-18 June 2009:1-5. (EI檢索號:20094712480841)
[9]Zan Li, Yi Tie, Lijun Jin, Yilin Chang, Jueping Cai. Analysis of FHMA Performance Based on Non-period Chaotic Frequency Hopping Sequences. 2003 IEEE Topical Conference on Wireless Communication Technology (TCWCT 2003). 0-7803-8197-1/03/2003 IEEE.
[10]Zan Li, Yilin Chang, Lijun Jin, Cai Jueping. A semi-blind joint data and channel estimation based receiver for Meteor Burst Communication. Science in China, Series (F), vol.48, no.2, 2005:137-150. (SCI檢索號:000229230300001)