中國人民大學勞動人事學院教授,心理學博士,數據與案例研究中心兼勞動科學實驗室主任。中國人民大學勞動人事學院教授,博士畢業於中國科學院心理研究所,本科畢業於北京大學心理系。2011-2012年在密西根州立大學心理系工業與組織心理學研究中心做訪問學者,主攻企業文化、領導力、員工創新和團隊績效研究。美國管理學會(AOM)、中國管理研究國際學會(IACMR)、國際套用心理學會(IAAP)和國際測評協會(ITC)會員。工作以來,已發表論文60餘篇,包含Academy of Management Journal、Journal of Applied Psychology、Leadership Quarterly、Journal of Vocational Behavior、Journal of Occupational Health Psychology、Journal of Business Psychology、《心理學報》、《管理評論》、《心理科學》等國內外權威學術刊物,著作多部。主持/參與過多項國家自然科學基金、教育部社科基金、北京市青年人才項目等課題,同時積極投身社會服務,為政府和企事業單位提供全方位的管理諮詢和培訓服務。
中國人民大學勞動人事學院教授,碩博士畢業於中國科學院心理研究所,本科畢業於北京大學心理系。2011-2012年在密西根州立大學心理系工業與組織心理學研究中心做訪問學者,主攻企業文化、領導力、員工創新和團隊績效研究。美國管理學會(AOM)、中國管理研究國際學會(IACMR)、國際套用心理學會(IAAP)和國際測評協會(ITC)會員。工作以來,已發表論文60餘篇,包含Academy of Management Journal、Journal of Applied Psychology、Personnel Psychology、Leadership Quarterly、Journal of Business Psychology、Journal of Occupational Health Psychology、Journal of Vocational Behavior、Journal of Happiness Studies、《心理學報》、《心理科學》、《管理評論》等國內外權威學術刊物,著作7部,同時擔任多個期刊的評審工作。主持和參加過多項國家自然科學基金課題,入選教育部青年英才計畫,獲得中國人民大學“十佳班主任”、“大學生創新實驗計畫”項目優秀指導教師等稱號。
1. Ann Peng, John Schaubroeck, Sinhui Chong, Yuhui Li*. Discrete Emotions Linking Abusive Supervision to Employee Intention and Behavior. Personnel Psychology, 2019 In press. (A類, SSCI收錄, 通訊作者)
2.Yuhui Li, Zhen Wang*, Liu-Qin Yang, & Songbo Liu. The crossover of psychological distress from leaders to subordinates in teams: The roles of abusive supervision, psychological capital and team performance.Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 2016,21(2), 20-31. (A類,SSCI收錄)
3.Yuhui Li*, Yanjun Guan, Fuxi Wang, Xiang Zhou, Kun Guo, Peng Jiang, Zichuan Mo, Yumeng Li, Zheng Fang. Big-five personality and BIS/BAS traits as predictors of career exploration: The mediation role of career adaptability. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2015, 89, 39-45. (A類,SSCI收錄)
4. Ann Peng, John Schaubroeck, Yuhui Li*. Social Exchange Implications of Own and Coworkers' Experiences of Supervisory Abuse. Academy of Management Journal, 2014 (10), 1385-1405. (A+, 通訊作者, SSCI收錄,管理學領域排名第一的期刊)
5. Chia-Huei Wu,Hong Deng,Yuhui Li*,Enhancing a Sense of Competence at Work by Engaging in Proactive Behavior: The Role of Proactive Personality,Journal of Happiness Studies,March 2018, Volume 19, Issue 3, 801-816.(A類,SSCI收錄, 通訊作者)
6. Huang, Jason L.; Cropanzano, Russell; Li, Andrew; Shao, Ping; Zhang, Xin-an; & Li, Yuhui. Employee conscientiousness, agreeableness, and supervisor justice rule compliance: A three-study investigation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 2017, 102(11), 1564-1589. (A+,SSCI收錄,套用心理學領域排名第一的期刊)
7. Hu, J., Erdogan, B., Bauer, T. N., Jiang, K., Liu, S., & Li, Yuhui.. There are lots of big fish in this pond: the role of peer overqualification on task significance, perceived fit, and performance for overqualified employees. Journal of Applied Psychology, 2014, 100(4): 1228-1238. (A+, SSCI收錄,套用心理學領域排名第一的期刊)
8. Jason L. Huang, Nathan A. Bowling, Mario Liu, Yuhui Li*. Detecting insufficient effort responding with an infrequency scale: Evaluating validity and participant reactions.Journal of Business and Psychology, 2015, 30(2), 299-311. (A類,SSCI收錄)
9. Yu, K., &Li, Yuhui. Childhood economic status predicting later income: the role of networking ability and encouragement of participation. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2018, 2, 1673-7326. (B類,SSCI收錄,通訊作者)
10. Wei Huang, Yuhui Li, Shuo Wang, Jingjing Weng. Can ‘democratic management’ improve labour relations in market-driven China? Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resource, 2016, 54(2), 230–257. (SSCI收錄)
11. Songbo Liu, Jia Hu, Yuhui Li, Zhen Wang. Examining the cross-level relationship between shared leadership and learning in teams: Evidence from China.Leadership Quarterly, 2014, 25( 2), 282-295. (SSCI收錄)
12. Yanjun Guan,Hong Deng,Jiaqing Sun,Yanan Wang,Zijun Cai,Lihui Ye,Ruchunyi Fu,Yang Wang,Shu Zhang,Yuhui Li*. Career Adaptability, Job Search Self-Efficacy and Outcomes: A Three-Wave Investigation among Chinese University Graduates. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2013,83(3), 561–570. (SSCI收錄, 通訊作者).
13. Shiyong Xu, Qing Wang, Cong Liu, Yuhui Li. Content and Construct of Counterproductive Work Behavior in a Chinese Context. Social Behavior and Personality: an International Journal, 2013, 41(6): 921-932. (SSCI收錄)
14. Zhou Wenxia, Sun Jianmin, Guan Yanjun, Yuhui Li*. Criteria of Career Success Among Chinese Employees: Developing a Multidimensional Scale With Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Journal of Career Assessment, 2013(1), 265-277. (SSCI收錄)
15.Yuhui Li*. Procedural justice, workplace envy, and interpersonal counterproductive work behaviour: A moderated mediation analysis. International Journal of Psychology, 2012(47), 506. (SSCI收錄)
16.Yuhui Li*, Weizhen Xie, Fengmei Hou. The relationship between expectancy divide and loneliness in freshmen: The mediating role of self-esteem. International Journal of Psychology, 2012(47), 306-307. (SSCI收錄)
17.Yuhui Li*, Fei Huang. Interpersonal perception and relationship quality in university dormitory. International Journal of Psychology, 2012(47), 722-723. (SSCI收錄)
18.Yuhui Li*. Measurement equivalence of Internet-based testing and paper-and-pencil testing: Illustrated with cross-mode repeated measures of five-factor model. International Journal of Psychology, 2012(47), 8-9. (SSCI收錄)
19.Yuhui Li*, etc. A Comparative Study of Different Types of Scales with Online Survey and Paper-and-pencil Assessment. International Journal of Psychology, 2008, 43(4), 284-285.(SSCI收錄)
20.Yuhui Li*. Occupational Stressors, Turnover Intention and the Mediating Influence of Job Satisfaction: Evidence from China. International Journal of Quality and Reliability, 2011(9), 341-344. (SSCI收錄)
21.Yuhui Li*, etc. A Comparative Study of Different Types of Scales with Online Survey and Paper-and-pencil Assessment. International Journal of Psychology, 2008, 43(3-4), 284.(SSCI收錄)
22.Yuhui Li*. Comparative study on variant degree Likert Scale on satisfaction research. Journal of Data Analysis, 2006, 1(2), 153-67. (SSCI收錄)
Zhen Wang, Yuhui Li*. Team Proactive Personality and Team Performance: the Effects of Collaborative Job Crafting and Empowering Leadership. Academy of Management conference, August 2017.
Yuhui Li*, Zhen Wang, Luomeng Wan, Dan Yang. Stress Crossover in Teams: The Mediating Role of Abusive Supervision and Multiple Boundaries. Academy of Management conference, Philadelphia, August 2014.
Jason L. Huang, Mario Liu, Yuhui Li*. Leader Proactive Personality, Member Need For Approval, and Team Performance. Annual meeting of SIOP, Hawaii, April 2014.
Yuhui Li*,John M. Schaubroeck. Joint Effects of Envy and Perceived Injustice on Adverse Outcomes: A Social Dominance Perspective. Academy of Management conference, Orlando, August 2013.
Wendong Li, Yuhui Li*. Proactive Personality and Career Success: Examining Reciprocal Relationships in a Longitudinal Study. Academy of Management conference, Orlando, August 2013.
Jia Hu, Songbo Liu, Yuhui Li*. Relationship Matters: the Contingent Effects of Directive and Empowering Leadership on Self-efficacy and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Academy of Management conference, Orlando, August 2013.
Yuhui Li*, John M. Schaubroeck. Envy and Interpersonal Counterproductive Work Behaviors: the Mediation of Self-esteem. Academy of Management conference, San Antonio, August 2011.
Yuhui Li*. The Relationship between Psychological Contracts and Behavior Risk of Employees in IT Corporations. Psychology and Social Harmony, 2011, 4. (ISSHP收錄)
Yuhui Li*. Research on analysis of human resource management. Information and Financial Engineering, 2010(10), 894 - 897. (EI & ISTP收錄)
Yuhui Li*. Research on economies of scale of investment in human capital. Educational and Information Technology, 2010(9), 307-310.
Yuhui Li*. Work Stressors, Performance, and the Moderating Influence of Engagement of Knowledge Employees. 27 International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia, 11-16 July 2010.
Lihua Zhang, Xuya Chen, Yuhui Li*. The Comparative Research of Employee's Career Commitment in Japan and Korea, 2009 AIB Hong Kong Conference, September 30, 2009,China.
Yuhui Li*. A Comparative Study on the Variant Degree Likert Scale in Satisfaction Research, 2008 International Testing Conference, UK.
9.Li Yuhui, Zhang Jianxin. The application of the Fairy Tale Test in China. Coulacoglou, Carina (Ed), (2008). Chapter: Exploring the child's personality: Developmental, clinical and cross-cultural applications of the Fairy Tale Test, (pp. 219-242). Springfield, IL, US: Charles C. Thomas Publisher. xx, 344 pp. ISBN: 978-0-398-07804-1