



  • 中文名:李翠偉
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:河北省石家莊市欒城縣
  • 職業北京交通大學教授
  • 畢業院校:北京科技大學,清華大學


姓 名: 李翠偉
性 別: 女
技術職務: 教授
學 歷: 工學博士








1. 北京市自然基金“面上”:高性能多孔陶瓷製備方法-泡沫注凝法的系統研究,2018-01-01--2020-12-31,15.0萬元,主持
2. 國家自然科學基金“面上”:鈣長石基多孔陶瓷中莫來石晶須的原位合成機理與調控,2015-01-01-2018-12-31,83萬元,主持
3. 國家自然科學基金“面上”:MAX 陶瓷抗熱震和耐燒蝕性能及其機制研究,2014-01-01--2017-12-31,80.0萬元,參加
4. 基本科研業務費:汽車尾氣淨化用新型導電多孔陶瓷的製備與性能,2013-01-01--2014-12-31,7.0萬元,主持
5. 基本科研業務費:MAX/Ni基高溫複合材料的製備與性能研究,2012-03-26--2013-03-26,5.0萬元,參加
6. 北京市自然基金“面上”:新型梯度多孔吸聲隔音陶瓷的設計及性能,2011-01-01--2013-12-31,11.0萬元,主持
7. 國家自然科學基金"青年基金":超輕、高強鈣長石基多孔隔熱陶瓷的顯微結構控制及隔熱,, 2012-01-01--2014-12-31,26.0萬元,主持
8. 基本科研業務費:超輕高強多孔陶瓷吸聲隔音材料的組分及結構設計,2011-01-01--2012-12-31,6.0萬元,主持
9. 紅果園:熱/力性能匹配的高強度隔熱材料方案研究,2010-01-08--2010-12-31,20.0萬元,主持
10. 博士點基金:Ti3SiC2系高速列車受電弓滑板材料的載流摩擦學機理研究,2010-03-01--2012-12-31,3.6萬元,參加
11. 北京交通大學:凝石鐵路軌枕力學性能檢測試驗,2008-12-17--2008-12-26,9.8萬元,主持
12. 科技部“973”:高速弓網載流滑動失效機制與材料設計,2007-07-01--2011-12-31,18.0萬元,參加
13. 校科技基金:M/Mn+1AXn族金屬陶瓷製備技術及摩擦學性能,2007-01-01--2009-12-31,25.0萬元,參加
14. 科技部“863”:高速鐵路接觸網線與受電弓滑板及其適配性研究,2006-12-01--2009-12-31,50.0萬
15. 鐵道部科技司:2006年鐵路旅客運輸站車服務的用戶滿意度測評,2006-03-01--2007-06-30,70.0萬元,參加
16. 校科技基金:Ti3SiC2系滑板技術基礎與多場耦合問題研究(二),2004-01-01--2005-12-13,15.0萬元,參加
17. 科技部“863”:Ti3SiC2系材料在高速列車受電弓滑板的套用,2003-08-01--2005-12-31,100.0萬元,參加
18. 校科技基金:織構化Ti3SiC2陶瓷的製備,2003-07-12--2005-07-12,2.0萬元,主持


1. Li Hao,Li Cuiwei,Wu Linghao,Porous cordierite ceramics prepared by foam-gelcasting technique: Phase evolution and properties,Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2019,791: 690-699.
2. Chen Kepi, Pei Xintong, Lei Haoran, Li Cuiwei, Zhang Xiaowen, An Li-nan. A five-component entropy-stabilized fluorite oxide. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY,2018,11(38): 4161-4164.
3. 田 雪,李翠偉,武令豪,劉 碩,李 昊,鄧娜娜,汪長安,莫來石晶須的合成與分散,現代技術陶瓷,2018-04 39/2/122-130.
4. Li Cuiwei, Han Yao, Wu Linghao, Wang Chang-An, Synthesis and growth of anorthite crystal during in situ preparation of porous anorthite ceramics by foam-gelcasting, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2017-09 14/5/957-962.
5. Li Cuiwei, Han Yao, Wu Linghao, Chen Kepi, An Li-nan,Fabrication and properties of porous anorthite ceramics with modeling pore structure, Materials Letters, 2017-03 190/95-98.
6. 李翠偉,劉偉,課堂練習在《工程製圖基礎》教學中的套用探索,景德鎮學院學報,2016-12 31/6/96-100.
7. Li Cuiwei,Bian Chao,Han Yao,Wang Chang-an,An Linan, Mullite whisker reinforced porous anorthite ceramics with low thermal conductivity and high strength, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2016-02 36/3/761-765.
8. Wang Wenjuan, Li Cuiwei, Zhai Hongxiang and Wang Chang-an,Preparation of High-Strength Ti3AlC2 by Spark Plasma Sintering, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2015-05 SI/E126-E131.
9. Chen Kepi, Zhou Jianqiang, Zhang Fangli, Zhang Xiaowen, Li Cuiwei and An Linan, Screening Sintering Aids for (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 Ceramics, J. Am. Ceramic. Soc., 2015, DOI: 10.1111/jace.13583.
10. Chen Kepi, Zhang Fangli, Zhou Jianqiang, Zhang Xiaowen, Li Cuiwei and An Linan, Effect of borax addition on sintering and electrical properties of (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 lead-free piezoceramics, Ceram. Int., 2015, DOI:10.1016/j.ceramint.2015.04.131.
11. Wang Wenjuan, Li Cuiwei, Chen Kepi, Electrical, dielectric and mechanical properties of a novel Ti3AlC2/epoxy resin conductive composites, Materials Letters, 2013-11 110/0/61-64.
12. Han Yao, Li Cuiwei, Bian Chao, Li Shibo, Wang Chang-an, Porous anorthite ceramics with ultra-low thermal conductivity, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2013-10 33/10/2573-2578.
13. 李翠偉, 韓耀, 陳筱媛, 汪長安, 燒結溫度對多孔鈦酸鋁陶瓷結構與性能的影響 稀有金屬材料與工程, 2013-06 42/s1/868-872.
14. 李翠偉, 楊鳳坤, 韓耀, 汪長安, 陳克丕,發泡劑對莫來石多孔陶瓷結構與性能的影響, 稀有金屬材料與工程, 2013-06 42/s1/932-935.
15. Yang Fengkun, Li Cuiwei, Lin Yamei, Wang Chang-an, Effects of sintering temperature on properties of porous mullite/corundum ceramics, Materials Letters, 2012-04 73/15/36-39.
16. Yang Fengkun, Li Cuiwei, Lin Yamei, Wang Chang-an, Fabrication of Porous Mullite Ceramics with High Porosity, Key Engineering Materials, 2012-06 512-515/6/580-586.
17. Lin Yamei, Li Cuiwei, Yang Fengkun, Wang Chang-an, Fabrication and Properties of Porous Anorthite/mullite Ceramics, Key Engineering Materials, 2012-06 512-515/6/590-595.
18. 林亞梅, 李翠偉, 汪長安,莫來石含量對鈣長石/莫來石復相多孔陶瓷組織結構與性能的影響,無機材料學報, 2011-10 26/10/1095-1100.
19. Li Cuiwei, Lin Yamei, Wang Mingfu, Wang Chang-an, Preparation and mechanical properties of ZrB2-based ceramics using MoSi2 as sintering aids, Frontiers of Materials Science in China, 1673-7377, 2010-12 4/3/271-275.
20. 李翠偉, 王文娟, 翟洪祥, 周洋, 李世波, Ti3Si0.6Al0.6C1.98陶瓷的製備與性能研究, 稀有金屬材料與工程, 2009-12 38/s2/168-171.
21. Li Cuiwei, Zhai Hongxiang, Zhou Yang, Li Shibo, Zhang Zhili , Synthesis of Ti3Si0.4Al0.8C1.8 solid solution, Key Engineering Materials, 2008-12 368/2/995-997.
22. Li Cuiwei, Ding Yan, Zhai Hongxiang, Zhou Yang, Li Shibo, Zhang Zhili, Synthesis of Ti3Si0.8Al0.4C1.8 solid solutions from Ti-Si-Al-C powder mixture, Materials Letters, 2007-12 61/16/3575-3577.
23. 李翠偉, 汪長安, 黃勇, Si3N4/BN層狀複合陶瓷的防彈結構設計, 稀有金屬材料與工程, 2007-12 351-353/36/351-353.
24. Li Cuiwei, Zhai Hongxiang, Ding Yan, Zhou Yang, Li Shibo, Zhang Zhili,Study of Ti3Si1.2-xAlxC2 x=0-1.2 solid solution via X-ray diffraction,Key Engineering Materials, 2007 336-338/II/952-954.
25.李萌啟,翟洪祥,黃振鶯,劉曉涵,周洋,李世波,李翠偉.Tensile behavior and strengthening mechanism in ultrafine TiC0.5 particle reinforced Cu-Al matrix composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2015,628(1)
26. 李萌啟,翟洪祥,黃振鶯,劉曉涵,周洋,李世波,李翠偉.Microstructure and mechanical properties of TiC0.5 reinforced copper matrix composites .Materials Science and Engineering: A,2013,2013(588)
27.Li Cuiwei, Ding Yan, Zhai Hongxiang, Zhou Yang, Li Shibo, Zhang Zhili. Synthesis of Ti3Si0.8Al0.4C1.8 solid solutions from Ti-Si-Al-C powder mixture. Materials Letters,2007,16(61).
28.Li CW, Wang CA, Huang Y. Mechanical properties and oxidation behavior of Si3N4/BN laminated ceramics, Key Engineering Materials,2005, 280-283:1869-1872.
29. 李翠偉,黃勇,汪長安.幾何因素對Si3N4/BN層狀複合陶瓷抗穿甲性能的影響.稀有金屬材料與工程,2005,增刊1(34).
30. 李翠偉,汪長安,黃勇,趙世柯,Si3N4/BN層狀複合陶瓷的抗穿甲破壞實驗研究,無機材料學報, 2005,20(1):99-104.
31. 李翠偉,翟洪祥,汪長安,氟化物添加劑對低溫合成Ti3SiC2的影響,稀有金屬材料與工程,34.s1,2005:471-474.
32. 李翠偉,汪長安,黃勇,昝青峰,Si3N4基層燒結助劑對Si3N4/BN層狀複合陶瓷結構與性能的影響, 無機材料學報,18(5),2003:1091-1096.
33. 李翠偉, 汪長安, 黃勇. Si3N4/BN層狀複合陶瓷的高溫力學性能, 稀有金屬材料與工程, 2003, 32:348-351.
34. 李翠偉,汪長安,黃勇.燒結助劑對Si3N4/BN層狀複合陶瓷抗蠕變性能的影響.稀有金屬材料與工程,2003,增刊1(32)
35. Li CW, Huang Y, Wang CA, et al. Effects of sintering aid composition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Si3N4/BN laminated ceramics. Materials Letters, 2003, 57(22-23): 3473-3478.
36. Li CW, Huang Y, Wang CA, et al. Mechanical properties and microstructure of laminated Si3N4+SiCw/BN+Al2O3 ceramics densified by spark plasma sintering. Materials Letters, 2002, 57(2): 336-342.
37. Li CW, Huang Y, Wang C, et al. Effects of additive to BN interlayers on microstructure and properties of laminated Si3N4/BN ceramics, Key Engineering Materials, 2002, 224-2: 395-398.
38. 李翠偉, 黃勇, 汪長安, 等. 放電等離子快速燒結SiC晶須增強Si3N4/BN層狀複合材料. 無機材料學報, 2002, 6: 1220-1226.
39. Chen KP, Li CW, Lei C, et al. Preparation and electric properties of dense Lead Nickel Niobate-Lead Titanate (Pb(Ni1/3Nb2/3)-PbTiO3) ceramics by spark plasma sintering, Journal Of Materials Science Letters, 2002, 21 (22): 1785-1787.
40. Chen KP, Li CW, Zhang XW and Y. Huang. Microstructure and electrical properties of 0.70Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.30PbTiO3 ceramics by spark plasma sintering, Materials Letters, 2002, 57 (1): 20-23.
41. Qiao L, Zhou H P, and Li C W. Microstructure and thermal conductivity of spark plasma sintering AlN ceramics. Materials Science and Egineering B, 2002:103-105.
42. 黃勇, 李翠偉, 汪長安, 等. 陶瓷強韌化新紀元——仿生結構設計. 材料導報, 2000, 14:8-12.


1、中國矽酸鹽學會工藝岩石學分會理事 2、中國矽酸鹽學會會員


