



  • 中文名:李習保
  • 外文名:Li Xibao
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:教授
  • 畢業院校:上海交通大學 清華大學
李習保老師的研究興趣主要集中在創新管理、創業管理和知識管理等研究領域,他的主要研究成果發表在Research Policy, Journal of Small Business Management, International Journal of Technology Management, World Development等國際期刊和管理世界、中國軟科學、技術經濟數量經濟研究、經濟學報、中國與世界經濟(英文版)等國內期刊。李老師曾主持國家自然科學基金項目和國家社會科學基金項目,參與編著中國創業觀察報告(2005,2007),是多家學術期刊和國家自然科學基金項目的匿名評審,目前主要講授技術創新管理、商業計畫設計等課程。
李習保,解峰(2013),我國高校知識生產和創新活動影響因素的實證研究,數量經濟技術經濟研究 30(1),39-53。
李習保(2008),基於面板計數模型的中國高技術產業R&D-專利關係研究,經濟學報 3 (1),132-148。
李習保(2007),區域創新環境對創新活動效率影響的實證研究,數量經濟技術經濟研究 24 (8),13-24。
Matias Remirez, Xibao Li, Weifeng Chen (2013), The importance of intra-regional labour mobility in problem-solving: Evidence from Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park, accepted at Regional Studies.
Xibao Li, Hao Ni (2012), Intellectual Property Management and Patent Propensity in Chinese Small Firms, Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, 14(1), 43-58.
Xibao Li (2012), Behind the Recent Surge of Chinese Patenting: An Institutional View, Research Policy, 41(1), 236-249.
Xibao Li (2011), Sources of External Technology, Absorptive Capacity and Innovation Capability in Chinese Stated-Owned High-Tech Enterprises, World Development, 39(7), 1240-1248.
Xibao Li, Guisheng Wu (2010), In-house R&D, Technology Purchases and Innovation: Empirical Evidence from Chinese Hi-Tech Industries 1995-2004, International Journal of Technology Management, 51(2/3/4), 217-238.
Delin Yang, Xibao Li, Jiagui Chen (2010), Patent Propensity in Small Technology-based Firms: Evidence from Zhongguancun Science Park, China & World Economy, 18(1), 99-116.
Matias Ramirez, Xibao Li (2009), Learning and Sharing in a Chinese High-Technology Cluster: A Study of Inter-firm and Intra-firm Knowledge Flows between R&D Employees, New Technology, Work and Employment, 24(3), 277-296.
Xibao Li, Ronald K. Mitchell (2009), The Pace and Stability of Small Enterprise Innovation in Highly Dynamic Economies: A China-Based Template, Journal of Small Business Management, 47(3), 370–397.
Xibao Li (2009), China’s Regional Innovation Capacity in Transition: An Empirical Approach, Research Policy, 38(2), 338-357.
Xibao Li (2006), Regional innovation pe


