累計在Industrial Crops and Products (農林類I區TOP,IF=4.191)、Applied Catalysis B- Environmental(工程技術I區TOP,IF=11.698) 和Food Chemistry(食品科技類I區,IF=5.399)等工程技術、農業及食品科技SCI收錄的期刊上發表高水平論文15篇,其中第一或通訊作者論文12篇。主編專著2部(英文),合著三部(英文),共四章節,均由Springer等國際學術雜誌社出版;此外,以口頭報告或海報形式參加國際會議十餘次;參與主辦第一屆“天然產物綠色萃取”國際會議一次,第三屆“天然產物綠色萃取”國際會議,第二屆“迷迭香及其益處”國際研討會等國際組委會成員;擔任SCI期刊Green Chemistry, Food Chemistry, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, LWT, European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology審稿人。2014年獲歐洲超音波化學協會頒發的“優秀青年科學家”獎,2017年入選暨南大學第五批“優秀青年教師”培養計畫(第一層次)。
1.Li Y, Chemat F (2019) Plant Based “Green Chemistry 2.0”-Moving from Evolutionary to Revolutionary, Springer Singapore,ISBN 978-981-13-3809-0
2.Li Y,Fabiano-TixierAS,ChematF (2014)Essential oils as reagents for green chemistry, Springer, New York, USA,ISBN 978-3-319-08448-0
1. Li Y, Fabiano-Tixier AS, Chemat F (2017) Vegetable oils as alternative solvents for green extraction of natural products. In Chemat S (Eds) Edible Oils: Extraction, Processing and Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, p 205-222
2. Li Y,Fabiano-TixierAS,Abert-VianM,ChematF (2013)Microwave-assisted extraction of antioxidants and food colors. In: Chemat F,Cravotto G (Eds)Microwave-assisted extraction for bioactive compounds, Springer, New York, p 103-125
3. Li Y,Radoiu M, Fabiano-TixierAS,ChematF (2013)From laboratory to industry: scale-up, quality and safety consideration for microwave-assisted extraction. In: Chemat F,Cravotto G (Eds)Microwave-assisted extraction for bioactive compounds, Springer, New York, p 207-229
4. Sicaire AG, Abert-Vian M, Filly A, Li Y, Bily A, Chemat F (2014) 2-Methyl-tetrahydrofuran: main properties, production processes, and application in extraction of natural products. In: Abert-Vian M, Chemat F (Eds) Alternative solvents for natural products extraction, Springer, Berlin, p 253-268
1. Yang, S., Li, Y., Jia D et al. (2017) The synergy of Box-Behnken designs on the optimization of polysaccharide extraction from mulberry leaves. Industrial Crops and Products99: 70-78 (IF2016=3.181)
2. Sun G,Li Y,Cai Z et al (2017) K2CO3-loaded hydrotalcite: A promising heterogeneous solid base catalyst for biolubricant base oil production from waste cooking oils. Applied Catalysis B:Enviromental209: 118-127(IF2016=9.446)
3. ChenQ,Li Y,Fu Jet al (2017) Production of diacylglycerol-enriched oils by enzymatic interesterification and molecular distillation using soybean oil and distilled saturated monoacylglycerol. EuropeanJournal of Lipid Science and Technology119: 1600332-343 (IF2016=2.145)
4.Li Y, Fabiano-TixierAS, Ruiz K et al. (2015) Comprehension of direct extraction of hydrophilic antioxidants usingvegetable oils by polar paradox theory and small angle X-ray scattering analysis. Food Chemistry173: 873-880 (IF2015=4.052)
5. Li Y, Fabiano-TixierAS, Ginies C, Chemat F (2014) Direct green extraction of volatile aroma compounds usingvegetable oils as solvents: Theoretical and experimental solubility study. LWT-FoodScience and Technology59: 724-731 (IF2014=2.416)
6.Li Y, Fine F, Fabiano-TixierASet al. (2014) Evaluation of alternative solvents for improvement of oil extraction from rapeseeds. Comptes Rendus Chimie17: 242-251(IF2014=1.713)
7.Li Y,Fabiano-TixierAS, Abert-Vian M,ChematF (2013)Solvent-free microwave extraction of bioactive compounds provides a tool for green analytical chemistry.TrAC-Trends in Analytical Chemistry47: 1-11 (IF2013=6.612)
8.Li Y,Fabiano-TixierAS,Tomao V,Cravotto G,ChematF (2013)Green ultrasound-assisted extraction of carotenoids based on the bio-refinery concept using sunflower oil as an alternative solvent.UltrasonicsSonochemistry20: 12-18(IF2013=3.816)
9. Messgo-Moumene S,Li Y, Bachir K et al (2015) Antifungal power of essential oils of three citrus species against potato late blight causative agent in Algeria. Journal of Essential Oil Research27: 169-176 (IF2015=0.871)
10. ChematF, Li Y,Tomao V, Ginies C, Cravatto G(2014)Optimisation of procedures for in-line extraction of lipids and polyphenols from grape seeds.Food Analytical Methods7: 459-464(IF2014=1.956)
11. Richard R, Li Y,Dubreuil B, Thiebaud-Roux S, Prat L (2011) On-line monitoring of the transesterification reaction between triglycerides and ethanol using near infrared spectroscopy combined with gas chromatography.Bioresource Technology102:6702-6709 (IF2011=4.980)