2. Li, Zushu; Liang, Dongwu; Chen, Guiqiang, Fuzzy self-tuning of parameters onlinefor human simulated intelligent controller, Proceedings of 2007 IEEEInternational Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2007, p.2402-2407, Montreal, QC, Canada,2007,EI 081311169608
3. Dan, Yuanhong; Li, Zushu; Tan, Zhi, Down-down to down-up control of acircular-rail double inverted pendulum with human simulated intelligentcontrol, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for OpticalEngineering, ICMIT 2007: International Conference on Mechatronics andInformation Technology 2007 - Mechatronics, MEMS, and Smart Materials, v 6794,p 67940K, EI 080811102612.
5. Liu, Tung-Kuan; Shen, Yao-Chun; Li, Zu-Shu; An application of multiobjectiveoptimization genetic algorithm for cart-double pendulum-system control,Conference Proceedings – 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man andCybernetics, p 3292-3297, EI 073510786973.
6. 邵桂芳, 李祖樞, 溫永玲, 莊黎明. 基於動態勢場法的人工生命體行為編碼, 第六屆全球智慧型控制與自動化大會論文集, p. 2546-2550,2006.6. EI 071510541677
7. 張華, 李祖樞, 古建功, 陳桂強, 但遠宏. 一種通用仿人智慧型控制器的參數整定方法及套用研究, 第六屆全球智慧型控制與自動化大會論文集, p. 9089-9093,2006.6. EI 071510544278
8. Li, Zushu; Dan, Yuanhong; Wen, Yongling; Zhang, Hua; Zhang, Xiaochuan. Swinging-up and handstand control of cart triple-pendulum system based on HSIC,Proceedings of the Eighth IASTED International Conference on IntelligentSystems and Control, ISC 2005, p 1-6, 2005.10. EI 06099730576
9. Dan, Yuanhong; Li, Zushu; Wen, Yongling. Structural Design and Discussion ofKey Parameters in Swing-up and Handstand Control of a Cart-DoublePendulum System. SICE Annual Conference 2005 in Okayama, Japan. August p.8-10, 2005. EI 06149796051
10. Shao, Guifang; Li, Zushu; Huang, Tongyuan; Zhang, Xiaochuan. An evaluation method for fusion imagequality based on HVS, Proceedings of SPIE, The International Society forOptical Engineering, v 6041, ICMIT 2005: Information Systems and SignalProcessing, p. 604103, 2005. EI 06129771221.
12. Li, Zu-Shu; Shao, Gui-Fang; Li, Hui-Lan; Zhuang, Li-Ming. An behavior selection model of artificiallife with dodge action based on priority degree, 2005 International Conferenceon Machine Learning and Cybernetics, ICMLC 2005, p. 304-308, 2005. EI 05509538759
13. 李祖樞, 謝汝林, 張小川, 邵桂芳. 人工生命體行為選擇及其進化研究, 模式識別與人工智慧,第18卷3期,p.303-309,2005.6. EI 05509538759
14. 徐靈敏, 李祖樞, 曹長修, 王牛. 基於預測的足球機器人截球動作的實現, 控制理論與套用, 第21卷增刊, p 93-96,2004.12. EI 05259171335.
15. 李祖樞,王育新,譚智,張華,溫永玲.小車二級擺系統的擺起倒立控制與實踐.第五屆全球智慧型控制與自動化大會論文集,中國杭州, p 2360-2365,2004.6. EI 04388368233, 大會最優套用論文獎.
16. 李祖樞,張華,溫永玲,王桂平.基於動覺智慧型圖式的仿人智慧型控制.第五屆全球智慧型控制與自動化大會論文集,中國杭州, vol.3,p.2423-2427, 2004.6. EI 04388368246.
17. 雷李,李祖樞,王牛. 基於仿人智慧型控制的足球機器人底層運動研究,哈爾濱工業大學學報,vol.36,no.7, p 978-980,2004. EI 04368345311
18. 王牛,李祖樞,潘婭, Research on soccer-robot's shooting goal based on forecast,華中科技大學學報,vol.32,p143-145,2004.EI 05209109162
19. 張小川,李祖樞,劉海濤,李勇,機器人足球決策子系統的分析與設計,華中科技大學學報(自然科學版),2004.10(32) p146-149 EI 05209109163
20. 李祖樞,但遠宏,溫永玲,張華. 小車三級擺擺起倒立的仿人智慧型控制, 華中科技大學學報,第32卷增刊,p 38-41 2004. EI 05209109129.
21. 陳 眾,顏 偉,李祖樞,王官潔,徐國禹,基於仿人智慧型控制的NPID控制器,控制與決策, 第18卷 6期, 2003. EI 04148102999
22. 張小川,李祖樞等,基於行為的足球機器人動作規劃,哈爾濱工業大學學報,vol.35,no.9, p. 1071-1073, 2003. EI 04068009169
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24. Xie, Jian,Li, Zushu.Dynamic Model and Motion Control Analysis of Three-linkGymnastic Robot on Horizontal Bar, IEEE InternationalConference on Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing, RISSP 2003,changsha, china, 2003.10.8 ISTP收錄
27. Li, Zushu; Chen, Qingchun; Li, Xuemei; Inooka, Hikaru, Human SimulatingIntelligent Controller and Its Application to Swinging-Up of Cart-Pendulum,Proceedings of97’ RO-MAN, 6ts IEEE international workshop on Robert and human communication,Sendai, Japan, p. 218-223, 1997. EI 98034097420,ISTP收錄
30. Li, Zushu; Tu,Yaqing; Zhou,Qijian; Gao,Fuqiang; Inooka, Hikarn; Obinata, Gora.Design and Application of Controllers Based on Methods for Emulating HumanIntelligence. Proc. Of IMEKO TC7 Int’1 Symp. On AIMaC’91,Artificial IntelligentBased Measurement and Control, Kyoto, JAPAN, 327-332,1991.
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