- 中文名:李知藝
- 畢業院校:美國伊利諾伊理工大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師、科研人員
- 專業方向:智慧城市與運籌學等
- 任職院校:浙江大學電氣工程學院
伊利諾伊理工大學, 伊利諾州芝加哥, 2014-08 -- 2017-08,工學博士(電氣工程);
浙江大學, 浙江杭州, 2011-09 -- 2014-03,工學碩士(電力系統及其自動化)
西安交通大學, 陝西西安, 2007-09 -- 2011-07,工學學士(電氣工程與自動化)
研究員、博士生導師, 浙江大學電氣工程學院 2019-06 -- 目前
高級副研究員(Senior Research Associate), 伊利諾伊理工大學加爾文電力創新中心2017-08 -- 2019-05
客座講師(Guest Lecturer), 伊利諾伊理工大學電氣與計算機工程學系 2017-01 -- 2019-05
研究助理, 伊利諾伊理工大學加爾文電力創新中心2014-08 -- 2017-08
教學助理, 伊利諾伊理工大學電氣與計算機工程學系2014-08 -- 2016-12
研究助理, 浙江大學電力經濟與信息研究所2011-09 -- 2014-03
1.Z. Li, M. Shahidehpour* and F. Aminifar, 'Cyber Security in Distributed Power Systems', Proceedings of the IEEE, 2017.
2.Z. Li, M. Shahidehpour*, F. Aminifar, A. Alabdulwahab and Y. Al-Turki, 'Networked Microgrids for Enhancing the Power System Resilience', Proceedings of the IEEE, 2017.
3.Z. Li and M. Shahidehpour*, “Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Operation of Networked Microgrids with the Local Utility Grid Based on Enhanced Benders Decomposition”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
4.Z. Liand M. Shahidehpour*, 'Small-Signal Modeling and Stability Analysis for Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids', IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,2019.
5.Z. Li, R. Al Hassan, M. Shahidehpour*, S. Bahramirad and A. Khodaei, 'A Hierarchical Operational Framework for Improving Traffic Efficiency in Smart Cities', IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019.
6.Z. Li, M. Shahidehpour*, A. Alabdulwahab and A. Abusorrah, 'Analyzing Locally Coordinated Cyber-Physical Attacks for Undetectable Line Outages', IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018
7.Z. Li, M. Shahidehpour*, S. Bahramirad and A. Khodaei, 'Optimizing Traffic Signal Settings in Smart Cities', IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2017.
8.Z. Li, M. Shahidehpour*, A. Alabdulwahab and A. Abusorrah, 'Bilevel Model for Analyzing Coordinated Cyber-Physical Attacks on Power Systems', IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2016.
9.Z. Li*, M. Shahidehpour and X. Liu, 'Cyber-Secure Decentralized Energy Management for IoT-Enabled Active Distribution Networks', Journal of Modern Power System and Clean Energy, 2018.
10.Z. Li, D. Jin, C. Hannon, M. Shahidehpour* and J. Wang, 'Assessing and Mitigating Cybersecurity Risks of Traffic Light Systems in Smart Cities', IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications, 2016.
11.Z. Liand M. Shahidehpour*, “Valuation of Distributed Energy Resources in Active PowerDistribution Networks”, The Electricity Journal, 2019.
12.Z. Liand M. Shahidehpour*, “Blockchain for Transactive Energy Management System ofNetworked Microgrids”, The Electricity Journal, 2019.
13.Z. Liand M. Shahidehpour*, “Deployment of Cybersecurity for Managing Traffic Efficiencyand Safety in Smart Cities”, The Electricity Journal, 2017.
14. Y. Zhao, J. Yu, M. Ban, Y. Liu, andZ. Li*, “Privacy-Preserving Economic Dispatch for AnActive Power Distribution Network with Multiple Networked Microgrids”, 2018.
15. M. Shahidehpour*,Z. Liand M. Ganji, “Smart Cities for a Sustainable Urbanization”, IEEEEl ectrifaction Magazine, 2018.
16. M. Shahidehpour*,Z. Li, S. Bahramirad, W. Tian and Z. Li, “Networked Microgrids: Exploring the Possibilities of the IIT-Bronzeville Grid”, IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, 2017.
17. M. Shahidehpour*,Z. Li, W. Gong, S. Bahramirad, and M. Lopata, “A Hybrid AC/DCNanogrid: The Keating Hall Installation at the Illinois Institute of Technology”, IEEE Electrification Magazine, 2017.
18. M. Shahidehpour* andZ. Li, “Design and Implementation of Microgrid Master Controllers:An IIT Microgrid Experience”, Southern Power System Technology, 2017.
19. C. Feng,Z. Li, M. Shahidehpour*, F. Wen and Q. Li,“Stackelberg Game Based Transactive Pricing for Optimal Demand Response in Power Distribution Systems”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2020.
20. Y. Li,Z. Li, F. Wen and M. Shahidehpour*, “Minimax-Regret Robust Co-optimization forEnhancing the Resilience of Integrated Power Distribution and Natural Gas System”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2020.
21. Y. Li,Z. Li, F. Wen and M. Shahidehpour*, “Privacy-Preserving Optimal Dispatch for an Integrated Power Distribution and Natural Gas System in Networked Energy Hubs”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2019.
22. Q. Zhou,Z. Li, M. Shahidehpour* and X. Xu, “Two-Layer Control Scheme for Maintainingthe Frequency and the Optimal Economic Operation of Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
23. Q. Zhou,Z. Li, Q. Wu and M. Shahidehpour*, “Two-Stage Load Shedding for SecondaryControl in Hierarchical Operation of Islanded Microgrids”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
24.X. Wang, Z. Li, M. Shahidehpour*and C. Jiang, “Robust Line Hardening Strategies for Improving the Resilience of Distribution Systems With Variable Renewable Resources”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2019.
25. D. Jin*,Z. Li, C. Hannon, C. Chen, J. Wang and M. Shahidehpour, “Towards a Resilient andSecure Microgrid Using Software-Defined Networking”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2017.
26. X. Liu,Z. Li, and Z. Li*, “Optimal Protection Strategy against False Data Injection Attacksin Power Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2017.
27. C. Feng,Z. Li, M. Shahidehpour*, F. Wen, W. Liu and X. Wang, “Decentralized Short-termVoltage Control in Active Power Distribution Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018.
28. Y. Wang,Z. Li, M. Shahidehpour*, L. Wu and C. Guo, “Stochastic Co-Optimization ofMidterm and Short-Term Maintenance Outage Scheduling Considering Covariates in Power Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Power System, 2016.
29. X. Liu,Z. Liand Z. Li*, “Masking Transmission Line Outages via False Data InjectionAttacks”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2016.
30. A. Alabdulwahab, A. Abusorrah,Z. Liand M. Shahidehpour*, “Minimax-Regret RobustDefensive Strategy Against False Data Injection Attacks”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019.
31. F. Qi, M. Shahidehpour*,Z. Li, F. Wen, and C. Shao, “A Chance-Constrained DecentralizedOperation of Multi-Area Integrated Electricity-Natural Gas Systems with Variable Wind and Solar Energy”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
32. Q. Zhou, M. Shahidehpour*,Z. Li, L. Che, A. Alabdulwahab and A. Abusorrah, “Compartmentalization Strategy for the Optimal Economic Operation of a Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
33. M. Ban*, J. Yu,Z. Li, D. Guo and J. Ge, “Battery Swapping: An Aggressive Approach toTransportation Electrification”, IEEE Electrification Magazine, 2019.
34. L. Huang, H. Xin*,Z. Li, P. Ju, H. Yuan, Z. Lan and Z. Wang, “Grid-Synchronization StabilityAnalysis and Loop Shaping for PLL-based Power Converters With Different Reactive Power Control”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
35. Y. He, M. Shahidehpour*,Z. Li, C. Guo and B. Zhu, “Robust Constrained Operation of Integrated Electricity-Natural Gas System Considering Distributed Natural Gas Storage”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2018.
36. Y. Song, X. Liu*,Z. Li,M. Shahidehpour and Z. Li, “Intelligent Data Attacks Against PowerSystems Using Incomplete Network Information: A Review”, Journal of Modern Power System and Clean Energy, 2018.
37. D. Jin*, C. Hannon,Z. Li, P. Cortes, S. Ramaraju, P. Burgess, N. Buch and M. Shahidehpour,“Smart Street Lighting System: A Platform for Innovative Smart City Applications and A New Frontier for Cyber-security”, The Electricity Journal, 2016.
38. F. Qi, M. Shahidehpour*, F. Wen,Z. Li, Y. He and M. Yan, “Decentralized Privacy-PreservingOperation of Multi-Area Integrated Electricity and Natural Gas Systems with Renewable Energy Resources”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
39. Y. Zhou, M. Shahidehpour*, Z. Wei,Z. Li, G. Sun and S. Chen, ‘Distributionally Robust UnitCommitment in Coordinated Electricity and District Heating Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
40. Y. Zhou, M. Shahidehpour*, Z. Wei,Z. Li, G. Sun and S. Chen, ‘Distributionally Robust Co-optimization of Energy and Reserve for Combined Distribution Networks of Power and District Heating”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
41. X. Wang, M. Shahidehpour*, C. Jiang andZ. Li, “Coordinated Planning Strategy for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Coupled Traffic-Electric Network”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019.
42. X. Wang, M. Shahidehpour*, C. Jiang andZ. Li, “Resilience Enhancement Strategy for PowerDistribution Network Coupled with Urban Transportation System”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019.
43. C. Liu, J. Zhou, Y. Pan,Z. Li, Y. Wang, D. Xu, Q. Ding, Z. Luo and M. Shahidehpour,“Multi-period Market Operation of Transmission-Distribution Systems Based on Heterogeneous Decomposition and Coordination”, Energies, 2019.
44. C. Feng, F. Wen*, Y. Shi,Z. Li, F. Shahnia and M. Shahidehpour, “Coalitional Game BasedTransactive Energy Management in Local Energy Communities”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
45. C. Feng, W. Liu, F. Wen*,Z. Li, M. Shahidehpour and X. Shen, “Expansion Planning forActive Distribution Networks Considering Deployment of Smart Grid Technologies”, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2018.
46. X. Xu, Z. Yan, M. Shahidehpour*,Z. Li, M. Yan and X. Kong, “Data-Driven Risk-Averse Two-Stage Optimal Stochastic Scheduling of Energy and Reserve with Correlated Wind Power”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2020.
47. F. Shen, P. Ju, M. Shahidehpour*,Z. Li, C. Wang and X. Shi, “Singular Perturbation forthe Dynamic Modeling of Integrated Energy Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
48. P. Ju, F. Shen, M. Shahidehpour*,Z. Liand C. Qin, “Generalized Discrete-Time EquivalentModel for Representing Interfaces in Wide-Area Power Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019.
49. F. Shen, P. Ju, M. Shahidehpour*,Z. Liand X. Pan, “Generalized Discrete-Time Equivalent Model for Dynamic Simulation of Regional Power Area”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018.
50. M. Song, C. Gao, M. Shahidehpour*,Z. Li, J. Yang and H. Yan, “State Space Modeling andControl of Aggregated TCLs for Regulation Services in Power Grids”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019.
51. M. Song, C. Gao, M. Shahidehpour*,Z. Li, S. Lu and G. Lin, “Multi Time-Scale Modelingand Parameter Estimation of TCLs for Smoothing Out Wind Power Generation Variability”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2019.
52. M. Song, C. Gao, M. Shahidehpour*,Z. Li, J. Yang and H. Yan, “Impact of UncertainParameters on TCL Power Capacity Calculation via HDMR for Generating Power Pulses”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019.
53. M. Ban, M. Shahidehpour*, J. Yu andZ. Li, “A Cyber-Physical Energy Management Systemfor Optimal Sizing and Operation of Networked Nanogrids With Battery Swapping Stations”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2019.
54. Y. He, M. Yan, M. Shahidehpour*,Z. Li, C. Guo, L. Wu and Y. Ding, “Decentralized Optimization of Multi-Area Electricity-Natural Gas Flows Based on Cone Reformulation”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018.
55. M. Song, W. Sun, C. Gao, Y. Wang, M. Shahidehpour*, andZ. Li, “Hierarchical Schedulingof Aggregated TCL Flexibility for Transactive Energy in Power Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
56. X. Wu*, Z. Wang, T. Ding, X. Wang, andZ. Li, “Microgrid Planning Considering the Resilience against Contingencies”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2019.
57. B. Li, X. Wang, M. Shahidehpour*, C. Jiang andZ. Li, “Optimal DR Activation Strategyand Risk Aversion Considering Hourly System Load and LMPs”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019.
58. B. Li, X. Wang, M. Shahidehpour*, C. Jiang andZ. Li, “DER Aggregator′s Data-DrivenBidding Strategy Using the Information Gap Decision Theory in a Non-Cooperative Electricity Market”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019.
59. B. Li, X. Wang, M. Shahidehpour*, C. Jiang andZ. Li, “Robust Bidding Strategy and ProfitAllocation for Cooperative DSR Aggregators with Correlated Wind Power Generation”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2019.
60. M. Yan, X. Ai, M. Shahidehpour*, J. Wen,Z. Li, S. Bahramirad and A. Paaso, “Enhancing theTransmission Grid Resilience in Ice Storms by Optimal Coordination of Power System Schedule with Pre-Positioning and Routing of Mobile DC De-Icing Devices”, IEEE Transactions onPower Systems. 2019.
61. X. Wu*, Z. Wang, T. Ding, X. Wang, andZ. Li, “Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid Planning withOptimal Placement of DC Feeders”, Energies, 2019.
62. M. Yan, Y. He, M. Shahidehpour*, X. Ai,Z. Liand J. Wen, “Coordinated Regional-DistrictOperation of Integrated Energy Systems for Resilience Enhancement in Natural Disasters”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019.
63. X. Wang, M. Shahidehpour*, C. Jiang, W. Tian,Z. Liand Y. Yao, “Three-Phase DistributionPower Flow Calculation for Loop-Based Microgrids”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018.
64. X. Xu, M. Shahidehpour*, Z. Yan, S. Chen, H. Wang,Z. Liand Q. Zhou, “Maximum Loadability of Islanded Microgrids with Renewable Energy Generation”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019.
65. Y. Cao, W. Wei*, S. Mei, L. Wu, M. Shahidehpour andZ. Li, “Decentralized Operation ofInterdependent Power Distribution Network and District Heating Network: A Market-Driven Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019.
66. X. Liu, M. Shahidehpour*, Z. Li, X. Liu, Y. Cao andZ. Li, “Power System Risk Assessmentin Cyber Attacks Considering the Role of Protection Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2017.
1. IEEE Access
2. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy(Excellent Associate Editor, 2018)
3.Journalof Electrical Engineering and Technology(Best Associate Editor, 2019)
4. The IET Journal of Engineering
1. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (Outstanding Reviewer, 2017)
2. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (Best Reviewer Award, 2017)
3. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
4. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
5. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
6. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
7. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications
8. IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems
9. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
10. IEEE Power and Energy Technology Systems Journal
11. IEEE Internet of Things Journal
12. IEEE Power Engineering Letters
13. IEEE Access
14. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
15. IET Smart Grid
16. Applied Energy
17. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
18. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
19. Electric Power Components and Systems
20. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (Excellence in Reviewing, 2017, 2018, 2019)
21. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems
22. Journal of Energy Engineering
23. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
24. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems
25. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
26. Sensors
27. Electronics
28. Systems
29. Energies
30. Processes
31. Sustainability
32. Computers & Industrial Engineering
33.Applied Sciences
34.Sustainable Cities and Society
35.Electric Power Systems Research
1. 2019 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (Atlanta, GA)
2. 2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Conference & Congress (Baltimore, MD)
3. 2019 Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (Washington, DC)
4. 2019 IEEE-PES GTD Grand International Conference & Exposition Asia (Bangkok, Thailand)
5. International Conference on Mechanical, Electric & Industrial Engineering (Hangzhou, China)
6. International Conference on Energy Engineering & Environmental Protection (Sanya, China)
7. 2018 Australian & New Zealand Control Conference (Melbourne, Australia)
8. 2018 Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia (Singapore)
9. 2018 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (Portland, OR)
10. 2018 IEEE PES T&D Conference & Exposition (Denver, CO)
11. 2017 North American Power Symposium (Morgantown, WV)
12. 2017 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (Chicago, IL)
傑出編委, Journalof Electrical Engineering & Technology 2020-02
南瑞繼保獎教金,浙江大學教育基金會 2020-01
傑出審稿人, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 2020-01
傑出編委, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 2019-08
傑出審稿人, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 2019-01
最佳會議論文, 2018 IEEE PES General Meeting2018-08
年度最佳論文, IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications 2018-08
優秀自費留學生獎學金, 國家留學生基金委 2018-04
傑出審稿人, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 2017-12
傑出審稿人, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2017-12
傑出審稿人, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy2017-12
Sigma Xi 研究卓越獎, 伊利諾理工大學2017-04
Paul D. McCoy Family 獎學金, 伊利諾理工大學 2016-12
優秀研究生, 浙江大學 2013-09
三好研究生, 浙江大學 2012-09
優秀研究生幹部, 浙江大學 2012-09