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  • 中文名稱:李琳
  • 職業:醫生 
  • 執業地點:上海交通大學醫學院附屬第九人民醫院 








1、2018-2019年哈佛大學醫學院“China Leadership In Medicine Bridge with Harvard Medical School”項目第一名


1、氯離子通道基因RP32突變致視網膜色素變性的機制研究 國家自然基金面上項目 課題負責人
2、眼外肌纖維化家系的致病基因篩查和分析 上海交通大學醫學院眼視光學專項建設子課題 課題負責人
3、遺傳性視網膜色素變性的基因診斷 教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金 課題負責人
4、TALENs新技術敲除和敲入znf513基因建立與研究視網膜色素變性的模型與發病機制 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目 課題負責人


1、Lin Li (共同第一作者), YeFei Wang, XiuHong Qin,Jing Zhang, ZhenZhen Zhang Echinacoside protects retinal ganglion cells from ischemia/ reperfusion-induced injury in the rat retina Molecular Vision 2018 2018; 24:746-758
2、Lin Li (共同第一作者), Xiaodong Jiao, Ilaria D’Atri. Mutation in the intracellular chloride channel CLCC1 associated with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa PLoS Genet 2018 2018 Aug 29; 14 (8):e1007504.
3、Zhou YL, Chen CL, Wang YX, Tong Y, Fang XL, Li L (通訊作者), Wang ZY. Association between polymorphism rs11200638 in the HTRA1 gene and the response to anti-VEGF treatment of exudative AMD: a meta-analysis BMC Ophthalmology 2017 2017;17:97-106
4、Li L (通訊作者), Chen Y, Jiao X, et al Homozygosity mapping and genetic analysis of autosomal recessive retinal dystrophies in 144 consanguineous Pakistani families Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2017 2017;58:2218-2238
5、David Li, Chongfei Jin, Xiaodong Jiao, Lin Li, S. Amer Riazuddin, and J. Fielding Hejtmancik AIPL1 implicated in the pathogenesis of two cases of autosomal recessive retinal degeneration Molecular Vision 2014 2014; 20: 1–14
6、Huang L, Li S, Xiao X, Jia X, Sun W, Gao Y, Li L, Wang P, Guo X, Zhang Q. Novel GUCA1A mutation identified in a Chinese family with cone-rod dystrophy Neurosci Lett. 2013 2013 ;541:179-83.
7、Lin Li, Xueshan Xiao, Changxian Yi, Xiaodong Jiao, Xiangming Guo, James Fielding Hejtmancik and Qingjiong Zhang. Confirmation and refinement of an autosomal dominant congenital motor nystagmus locus in chromosome1q31.3–q32.1. Journal of Human Genetics 2012 2012,1–4
8、Li L, Xiao X, Li S, et al. Detection of variants in 15 genes in 87 unrelated Chinese patients with Leber congenital amaurosis PLoS One 2011 2011; 6(5):e19458.
9、Xueshan Xiao, Wei Li, Panfeng Wang, Lin Li, Shiqiang Li, Xiaoyun Jia,1 Wenmin Sun, Xiangming Guo, Qingjiong Zhang. Cerulean cataract mapped to 12q13 and associated with a novel initiation codon mutation in MIP Molecular Vision 2011 2011; 17:2049-2055.
10、Lin Li, Xueshan Xiao, Shiqiang Li, Xiaodong Jiao, J. Fielding Hejtmancik, Qingjiong Zhang Lack of phenotypic effect of triallelic variation in SPATA7 in a family with Leber congenital amaurosis resulting from CRB1 mutations Molecular Vision 2011 2011; 17:3326-3332
11、Naz S, Riazuddin SA, Li L, Shahid M, Kousar S, Sieving PA, Hejtmancik JF, Riazuddin S. A Novel Locus for Autosomal Recessive Retinitis Pigmentosa in a Consanguineous Pakistani Family Maps to Chromosome 2p. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2010 2010 May; 149(5):861-6.
12、Lin Li (共同第一作者), Naoki Nakaya, Venkata R.M. Chavali,et al. A mutation in ZNF513, a putative regulator of photoreceptor development, causes autosomalrecessive Retinitis Pigmentosa American Journalof Human Genetics 2010 2010;87:400-409
13、Li L, Guan H, Xun P, Zhou J, Gu H. Prevalence and causes of visual impairment among the elderly in Nantong, China Eye 2008 2008 Aug; 22 (8):1069-75.
14、Li L, Guan H, Xun P, et al. An Epidemiological Survey of Cataract among Adults Aged 60 Years and above in Xinchengqiao Block, Nantong. Zhongguo Shi Yong Yan Ke Za Zhi (Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology) 2006 2006, 24(7): 752-757.
15、Li L, Guan H, Zhou J, et al. A cross-sectional survey of blindness and low vision among adults aged 60 years and above in Xinchengqiao Blocks, Nantong Zhonghua Yan ke Za Zhi 2006 2006, 42(9): 802-807


