- 中文名:李玉忠
- 出生日期:1976.8
- 性別:男
- 學歷:博士
- 國家重點研發計畫,燃煤電廠新型高效除塵技術及工程示範,2017YFB0603200,參與
- 山東省重點研發計畫,協同煙氣淨化的煙氣餘熱利用技術,2016GGX104009,主持
- 山東省自然科學基金,凝結相變過程顆粒匯流團聚機制研究,***,主持
- 國家博士後科學基金項目,PAC/CaO 調理劑對污泥脫水焚燒過程重金屬遷移特性影響,2013M531845,主持
- 全國節能先進個人(2012)
- 廣東省科技進步三等獎(第一位,2014)
- 濟南市泉城產業領軍人才支持計畫入選者(2017)
- 濟南市泉城重點產業緊缺人才集聚計畫入選者(2017)
- 廣東省江門市科技進步一等獎(第一位,2014)
- Yan Dong,Yuzhong Li*,Liqiang Zhang, Lin Cui, Bo Zhang, and Yong Dong. Novel Method of Ultralow SO2 Emission for CFB Boilers: Combination of Limestone Injection and Activated Carbon Adsorption. Energy&Fuels, 2017, 31: 11481-11488. (SCI)
- Yuzhong Li*,Jingcai Chang, Dong Yong, Qingchao Huan, Chunyuan Ma. Policy and case study on heat and power cogeneration and industrial centralized heat supply in China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2017, 121: 93-102. (SCI)
- Yuzhong Li*, Min Yan, Liqiang Zhang, Guifang Chen, Lin Cui, Zhanlong Song, Jingcai Chang,Chunyuan Ma. Method of flash evaporation and condensation - heat pump for deep cooling of coal-fired power plant flue gas: Latent heat and water recovery. Applied Energy, 2016, 172: 107-117. (SCI)
- Yuzhong Li*,Chunyuan Ma. Circular economy of a papermaking park in China: a case study, Journal of Cleaner Production,2015,92 : 65-74. (SCI)
- 李玉忠, 馬曉茜*,沈超青, 蔡梓琳. 造紙污泥與褐煤混合燃燒特性反應動力學研究. 環境科學與技術,2014, 37(11): 1-6.
- 李玉忠, 馬曉茜*, 謝澤瓊, 蔡梓林. 造紙污泥與稻草混燒動力學的熱重分析法研究.華南理工大學學報(自然科學版),2013, 41 (12):12-17.(EI)
- 李玉忠*, 佟會玲, 李彥, 禚玉群, 徐旭常.煙氣中的CO2對CaO吸附痕量硒元素的影響.清華大學學報(自然科學版), 2007, 47(5): 699-702 .(EI)
- Yuzhong Li*,Huiling Tong, Yuqun Zhuo, Yan Li, Changhe Chen, Xuchang Xu. Feasibility study on simultaneous removal of sulfur and trace selenium in the MTD-FGD reactor. Front. Energy Power Eng. China2007, 1(3): 259–263
- Yuzhong Li*,Huiling Tong, Yuqun Zhuo, Yan Li, Changhe Chen, Xuchang Xu.. Simultaneous removal of SO2 and trace As2O3 from flue gas: mechanism, kinetics study and effect of main gases on arsenic capture. Environmental Science & Technology, 2007, 41: 2894-2900.(SCI)
- Yuzhong Li*,Huiling Tong, Yuqun Zhuo, Changhe Chen, Xuchang Xu. Simultaneous removal of SO2 and trace SeO2 from flue gas: effect of product layer on mass transfer.Environmental Science & Technology, 2006, 40 (13): 4306-4311. (SCI)
- Yuzhong Li*, Huiling Tong, Yuqun Zhuo, Shujian Wang, Xuchang Xu. Simultaneous removal of SO2 and trace SeO2 from flue gas: effect of SO2 on selenium capture and kinetics study. Environmental Science & Technology, 2006, 40 (24): 7919-7924. (SCI)
- 李玉忠*,佟會玲,禚玉群,陳昌和,徐旭常.中溫脫硫過程同時脫除痕量硒元素的試驗研究.工程熱物理學報, 2006, 27(S2): 223-226.
- Yuzhong Li*,Huiling Tong, Chunyan Ma, Yuqun Zhuo, Xuchang Xu. Analytic study on approach to adiabatic saturation temperature and the control scheme for the amount of water sprayed in the semi-dry FGD process. Fuel, 2004,83(17-18): 2255-2264. (SCI)