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李淵,材料學博士。現為華中科技大學材料科學與工程學院 教授,博士生導師。


  • 中文名:李淵
  • 民族:漢
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:中南大學 - 美國阿拉巴馬大學
  • 學位:博士(PhD)


2005年09月 至 2009年06月,中南大學,學士學位
2009年09月 至2011年06月,中南大學,碩士學位(導師:劉業翔院士,賴延清教授)
2011年08月 至2015年05月,美國阿拉巴馬大學,博士學位(導師:Nitin Chopra)
2015年06月 至2018年12月,美國西北大學,博士後(合作導師:Vinayak P. Dravid)
2018年12月 至 2019年8月,西北工業大學,教授
2019年09月 至今,華中科技大學,教授


1. 微納成形與加工
2. 二維材料與微納器件
3. 光電功能材料


主要從事低維無機光電功能材料和微納器件方面的研究工作,在國際學術期刊ACS Nano, Nano Lett., Adv. Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Mater. Horiz., Carbon等上發表學術論文50餘篇,申請中國/國際專利5項。長期擔任J. Mater. Chem. A, Carbon, Chem. Comm., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Electrochim. Acta等20多個期刊的審稿專家;在TMS, MRS等國際會議講授口頭報告、海報14次;獲得NUANCE Gold Star Award, NUANCE Postdoc Fellow, MINT GSS Fellowship, MRS Best Poster Award等獎勵20餘項。


1. Mengran Wang,Yuan Li,*Jing Fang, Cesar J. Villa, Yaobin Xu, Shiqiang Hao, Jie Li, Yexiang Liu, Chris Wolverton, Yanqing Lai,* Xinqi Chen, Vinayak P. Dravid.* Superior Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Phosphorus-Doped Carbon Dot/Graphene Aerogel for All-Solid-State Flexible Al-Air Batteries.Advanced Energy Materials,2019, 1902736.
2.Yuan Li,Akshay A. Murthy, Jennifer G. DiStefano, Hee Joon Jung, Shiqiang Hao, Cesar J. Villa, Chris Wolverton, Xinqi Chen,* Vinayak P. Dravid.* MoS2-Capped CuxS Nanocrystals: A New Heterostructural Geometry of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides for Broadband Optoelectronics.Materials Horizons,2019, 6, 587-594.
3.Yuan Li,Emily C. Moy, Akshay A. Murthy, Shiqiang Hao, Jeffrey D. Cain, Eve D. Hanson, Jennifer G. DiStefano, Woo Hyun Chae, Qianqian Li, Chris Wolverton, Xinqi Chen,* Vinayak P. Dravid.* Large-Scale Fabrication of MoS2Ribbons and Their Light-Induced Electronic/Thermal Properties: Dichotomies in the Structural and Defect Engineering.Advanced Functional Materials,2018, 1704863.
4.Yuan Li,Jennifer G. DiStefano, Akshay A. Murthy, Xinqi Chen,* Vinayak P. Dravid.* Site-Specific Positioning and Patterning of MoS2Monolayers – The Role of Au Seeding.ACS Nano,2018, 12, 8970-8976.
5.Yuan Li,Marek B Majewski, Saiful M. Islam, Akshay A. Murthy, Jennifer G. DiStefano, Eve D. Hanson, Yaobin Xu, Mercouri G. Kanatzidis, Michael R. Wasielewski, Xinqi Chen,* Vinayak P. Dravid.* Morphological Engineering of Winged Au@MoS2Heterostructures for Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution.Nano Letters,2018, 18, 7104-7110.
6.Yuan Li,Jennifer G. DiStefano, Akshay A. Murthy, Jeffrey D. Cain, Eve D. Hanson, Qianqian Li, Fernando C. Castro, Xinqi Chen,* Vinayak P. Dravid.* Superior Plasmonic Photodetectors based on Au@MoS2Core-Shell Heterostructures.ACS Nano,2017, 11, 10321-10329.
7.Yuan Li,Jeffrey D. Cain, Eve D. Hanson, Akshay A. Murthy, Shiqiang Hao, Fengyuan Shi, Qianqian Li, Chris Wolverton, Xinqi Chen,* Vinayak P Dravid.* Au@MoS2Core-shell Heterostructures with Strong Light-Matter Interactions,Nano Letters,2016, 16, 7696-7702.
8. Jennifer G DiStefano,Yuan Li,Hee Joon Jung, Shiqiang Hao, Akshay A Murthy, Xiaomi Zhang, Chris Wolverton, Vinayak P Dravid.* Nanoparticle@MoS2Core-Shell Architecture: Role of the Core Material.Chemistry of Materials,2018, 30, 4675-4682.
9. Akshay A. Murthy,#Yuan Li,# Edgar Palacios, Qianqian Li, Shiqiang Hao, Jennifer G. DiStefano, Chris Wolverton, Koray Aydin, Xinqi Chen, and Vinayak P. Dravid.* Optically Active 1D MoS2Nanobelts.ACS applied materials & interfaces,2018, 10, 6799-6804.(#共同一作)
10. Heguang Liu,Yuan Li,*John Dykes, Todd Gilliam, Kelly Burnham, Nitin Chopra.* Manipulating the functionalization surface of graphene-encapsulated gold nanoparticles with single-walled carbon nanotubes for SERS sensing.Carbon,2018, 140, 306-313.
11.Yuan Li,John Dykes, Todd Gilliam, Nitin Chopra.* A New Heterostructured SERS Substrate: Free-standing Silicon Nanowires Decorated with Graphene-encapsulated Gold Nanoparticles.Nanoscale,2017, 9, 5263-5272.
12.Yuan Li,Wenwu Shi, Nitin Chopra.* Functionalization of carbon-encapsulated gold nanoparticles for surface-enhanced Raman scattering sensing and DNA immobilization.Carbon,2016, 100, 165-177.
13.Yuan Li,Nitin Chopra.* Chemically modified and doped carbon nanotube-based nanocomposites with tunable thermal conductivity gradient.Carbon,2014, 77, 675-687.
14.Yuan Li,Nitin Chopra.* Novel multi-component cobalt oxide-tungsten oxide nanowire heterostructures for efficient organic Photodegradation.Journal of Catalysis,2015, 329, 514-521.
15. Heguang Liu,Yuan Li,*Todd Gilliam, Wenwu Shi, Nitin Chopra.* Surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) effect using flexible and self-closing ZnO nanowire-Au nanoparticle heterostructures.Applied Surface Science,2019, 496, 143681.
16. Heguang Liu, Yadong Xu,Yuan Li,*Nitin Chopra.* Controlled thermal shrinking of gold nanoparticle-decorated polystyrene substrate for advanced surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.Applied Surface Science,2019, 466, 262-267
17.Yuan Li,Nitin Chopra.* Graphene Encapsulated Gold Nanoparticle-Quantum Dot Heterostructures and their Electrochemical Characterization.Applied Surface Science,2015, 344, 27-32.
18. Jipeng Cheng, Jiao Wang, Qianqian Li, Heguang Liu,Yuan Li.*A review of recent developments in tin dioxide composites for gas sensing.Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,2016, 44, 1-22. (invited review)
19.Yuan Li,Nitin Chopra.* Plasmon-enhanced Photodegradation using novel heterostructures of semiconducting quantum dots integrated with multilayer graphene shells encapsulated gold nanoparticles.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2015, 17, 12881-12893.
20.Yuan Li,Kassandra Keith, Nitin Chopra.* Structural and morphological evolution of free-standing Co3O4 nanowires via water vapor-assisted thermal oxidation of Co foil.Journal of Alloys and compounds,2017, 703, 414-423.
21.Yuan Li,Kelly Burnham, John Dykes, Nitin Chopra.* Self-patterning of Graphene-encapsulated Gold Nanoparticles for Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy.MRS Communications,2018, 8, 79-87. (invited article)
22.Yuan Li,Junchi Wu, Nitin Chopra.* Nano-carbon based hybrids: structural evolution and application in Li-ion batteries.Journal of Materials Science,2015, 50, 7843-7865. (invited review)
23.Yuan Li,Nitin Chopra.* Progress in Large-Scale Production of Graphene. Part 1: Chemical Methods.JOM,2015, 67, 34-43. (invited review, editor’s choice)
24.Yuan Li,Nitin Chopra.* Progress in Large-Scale Production of Graphene. Part 2: Vapor Methods.JOM,2015, 67, 44-52. (invited reveiw)
25.Yuan Li,Aditya Gupta, Nitin Chopra.* Morphological evolution of gold nanoparticles on silicon nanowires for surface-enhanced Raman scattering effects.RSC Advances,2015, 5, 49708-49718.
26.Yuan Li,Nitin Chopra.* Self-assembly and properties of graphene nanoparticles-semiconducting quantum dots heterostructures.Gold Bulletin,2015, 48, 73-83.
27.Yuan Li,Yanqing Lai, Liangxing Jiang,* Xiaojun Lv, Jie Li, Yexiang Liu. Novel P-doped PbO2-MnO2anode for oxygen evolution reaction.RSC Advances,2014, 4, 24020-24028.
28.Yuan Li,Liangxing Jiang,* Jie Li, Yexiang Liu. Novel phosphorus-doped lead oxide electrode for oxygen evolution reaction.RSC Advances,2014, 4, 5339-5342
29.Yuan Li,John Dykes, Nitin Chopra.* Silicon nanowire-gold nanoparticle heterostructures for Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy.Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects,2016, 7, 12-22.
30.Yuan Li,Kuldeep Kumar, Nitin Chopra.* Fabrication and electrochemical properties of copper oxide (CuO) nanowire-cobalt oxide (Co3O4) nanoparticle heterostructures for oxygen evolution reaction.Nanomaterials and Energy,2014, 3, 93-101 (invited article)
31. Yanqing Lai,Yuan Li, Liangxing Jiang,* Xiaojun Lv, Jie Li, Yexiang Liu. Electrochemical behaviors of co-deposited Pb/Pb-MnO2composite anode in sulfuric acid solution – Tafel and EIS investigations.Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry,2012,671, 16-23.
32. Yanqing Lai,Yuan Li, Liangxing Jiang,* Xiaojun Lv, Jie Li, Yexiang Liu. Electrochemical performances of Pb/Pb-MnO2composite in H2SO4solution containing Mn.Hydrometallurgy,2012, 115-116, 64-70.
33.Yuan Li, Liangxing Jiang, Xiaojun Lv, Yanqing Lai, Hongliang Zhang,* Jie Li, Yexiang Liu. Oxygen evolution and corrosion behaviors of co-deposited Pb/Pb-MnO2composite anode for electrowinning of nonferrous metals.Hydrometallurgy,2011, 109, 252-257.
34. 李淵, 蔣良興, 倪恆發, 呂曉軍,* 賴延清, 李劼, 劉業翔. 鋅電積用Pb/Pb-MnO2複合電催化陽極的製備及性能. 中國有色金屬學報2010, 12, 94-102.


