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  • 中文名:李洪國
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生日期:1981年9月
  • 畢業院校北京師範大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:關聯成像、 量子成像、單像素成像、量子光學及信息光學
  • 職稱:教授




關聯成像、 量子成像、單像素成像、量子光學及信息光學


[1] Hong-Guo Li, Rui-Xue Zhang, Zhan-Dong Liu, and Zong-Guo Li*, Second-order Talbot self-imaging effect in the time domain, Physical Review A, 2019, 100:013846.
[2] Hong-Guo Li, Yan Wang, Rui-Xue Zhang, De-Jian Zhang, Hong-Chao Liu, Zong-Guo Li*, and Jun Xiong, Robust reflective ghost imaging against different partially polarized thermal light, Optics Communications, 2018 , 410:867-870.
[3] Zong-Guo Li, Zhan-Dong Liu, Rui-Xue Zhang, and Hong-Guo Li*, Nonclassicality of Dirac–Pauli quantum states, Quantum Information Processing, 2019, 18:291.
[4] Rui-Xue Zhang, Hong-Guo Li, Zong-Guo Li*, Temporal imaging based on first-order field correlation, Acta Physica Sinica, 2019, 68(10):104202.
[5] Zhang Ying-tao, Li Hong-guo*, Investigation of Fresnel biprism interference from the perspetive of information optics, Chinese Optics, 2019 , 12(1):122-129.
[6] Sheng Liu, Shishuai Sun*, Chee Kwan Gan, Andrés Granados del Águila, Yanan Fang, Jun Xing, T. Thu Ha Do, Timothy J. White, Hongguo Li, Wei Huang and Qihua Xiong*, Manipulating efficient light emission in two-dimensional perovskite crystals by pressure-induced anisotropic deformation, Science Advances, 2019 5(7): eaav9445.
[7] Hong-Guo Li, De-Jian Zhang, De-Qin Xu, Qiu-Li Zhao, Sen Wang, Hai-Bo Wang, Jun Xiong*, and KaigeWang*, Ghost imaging via optical parametric amplification, Physical Review A, 2015, 92:043816.
[8] Hong-Guo Li, De-Jian Zhang, Qiu-Li Zhao, Sen Wang, Hai-Bo Wang, and Jun Xiong*, Influence of detector response speed on the contrast-to-noise ratio of reflective ghost imaging, Optics Communications, 2015, 355: 558.
[9] Hong-Guo Li, De-Qin Xu, De-Jian Zhang, Jiao-Jiao Zhao, Hai-Bo Wang, Jun Xiong, and Kaige Wang*, Near field and far field correlations of thermal Light, Optics Communications, 2014, 326:155.
[10] De-Jian Zhang, Hong-Guo Li, Qiu-Li Zhao, Sen Wang, Hai-Bo Wang, Jun Xiong*, and Kaige Wang*, Wavelength-multiplexing ghost imaging, Physical Review A 2015, 92: 013823.
[11] De-Jian Zhang; Shuang Wu; Hong-Guo Li; Hai-Bo Wang; Jun Xiong*; Kaige Wang*; Young’s double-slit interference with two-color biphotons, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:17372.
[12] De-Qin Xu, Xin-Bing Song, Hong-Guo Li, De-Jian Zhang, Hai-Bo Wang, Jun Xiong*, Kaige Wang*, Experimental observation of sub-Rayleigh quantum imaging with a two-photon entangled source, Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 106, 171104 .
[13] De-Jian Zhang, Qiang Tang, Teng-Fei Wu, Hao-Chuan Qiu, De-Qin Xu, Hong-Guo Li, Hai-Bo Wang, Jun Xiong*, and Kaige Wang, Lensless ghost imaging of a phaseobject with pseudo-thermal light, Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 104:121113.
[14] De-Qin Xu, Xin-Bing Song, Hong-Guo Li, De-Jian Zhang, Jiao-Jiao Zhao, Hai-Bo Wang, Jun Xiong*, and Kaige Wang, Second-order Lau effect with pseudo-thermal light, Optics Communications, 2013, 309, 298.
[15] Hong-guo Li, Ying-tao Zhang, Ding Zhong, Suo-cheng Xu, Qin-ni Fei and Da-jian Wang* Influence of blue-light polarization on light scattering in nanocrystal luminescent glass for white light-emitting-diodes, Optoelectronics Letters, 2010, 6: 164–167.
[16] Li Hong-Guo, Zhang Ying-Tao, Cao De-Zhong, Xiong Jun and Wang Kai-Ge*, Third-order ghost interference with thermal light, Chinese Physics B, 2008, 17:4510.
[17] Zhang Ying-Tao, He Chen-Juan*, Li Hong-Guo, and Wang Kai-Ge, Novel Ghost Imaging Method for a Pure Phase Object, Chinese Physics Letters, 2008, 25:2481.
[18] Xiong Jun, Li Hong-Guo, Sun Xu-Juan, Lin Lu-Fang and Wang Kai-Ge, *Hanbury-Brown and Twiss type double-slit interference with photorefractive fanning light, Chinese Physics, 2006, 15: 2942.
[19] Jun Xiong, De-Zhong Cao, Feng Huang, Hong-Guo Li, Xu-Juan Sun, and Kaige Wang*, Experimental Observation of Classical Subwavelength Interference with a Pseudothermal Light Source, Physical Review Letters, 2005, 94: 173601.
[20] Xiong Jun, Huang Feng, Cao De-Zhong, Li Hong-Guo, Sun Xu-Juan and Wang Kai-Ge*, Super-Resolution of Interference Pattern with Independent Laser Beams, Chinese Physics Letters, 2005, 22:2824.




國家自然科學基金項目同行評議專家, 擔任Journal of Optics、Optics Communications、Chinese Physics B、物理學報等期刊審稿人.


