1.廣東省重點領域研發計畫項目,廣東大果高產本土油茶良種選育與利用,600萬元, 2020-2023,主持;
1.LiY.; Zhang, B.; Huang, R.;Wen, M.; Huang, L.; Su, Y.; Sun, Y.;Wang, N.; Guo, W. Metabolomic Response to Drought Stress inBelosynapsis ciliata (Blume) ‘Qiuhong’. Agronomy 2022, 12(2), 466. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12020466.( Q1, IF=3.42).
2.Xue B, Shao Y, Xiao C, Liu M,Li Y*, Tan Y. 2021.Meiogyne oligocarpa (Annonaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China. PeerJ 9:e10999 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.10999. (Q2, IF=3.80)
3. Xue B; SubektiNurmawati; Y. Xu & Y. Li *. 2021. Excluding the speciesMonoon fragrans (Annonaceae) from the flora of China. Phytotaxa 487 (1): 091–096. (Q3, IF= 1.70)
4.Hu X., J. Tan, J. Chen,Y Li *, and J. Huang *. 2020. Efficient regeneration ofHedychium coronarium through protocorm-like bodies, Agronomy, 10, 1068; doi:10.3390/agronomy10081068.( Q1, IF=3.42).
5. Y. Chen, W. Guo, L. Wang, W. Wu &Y. Li *. 2020. The complete chloroplast genome sequence ofRubus cochinchinensis, Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 5:2, 1636-1637.(Q4, IF= 0.90)
6. Xue B, Wang G-T, Zhou X-X, Huang Y, Tong Y,Li Y, Chen J. 2021. Artabotrys pachypetalus (Annonaceae), a new species from China. PhytoKeys 178: 71–80. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.178.64485.(Q3, IF=1.80).
7.Tan J, Y. Wang, W. Wu,Y. Li, W. Zhao, W. Liao, Qiang Fan & Boyong Liao. 2020. The complete genome sequence ofSorbus insignis (Rosaceae: Amygdaloideae), an epiphytic shrub in this genus, Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 5:3, 3257-3258, DOI: 10.1080/23802359.2020.1810150. (Q4, IF= 0.90)
8.Wang W., F. Shao, X. Deng, Y. Liu, S. Chen,Y. Li, W. Guo, Q. Jiang, H. Liang & X. Zhang. 2020. Genome surveying reveals the complete chloroplast genome and nuclear genomic features of the crocin-producing plantGardenia jasminoides Ellis. Genet Resour Crop E, DOI: 10.1007/s10722-020-01056-6.(Q3, IF=2.70)
9.Wang W, S. Chen, W. Guo,Y. Li & X. Zhang. 2020. Tropical plants evolve faster than their temperate relatives: a case from the bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) based on chloroplast genome data, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 34:1, 482-493.(Q4, IF=2.60)
10.X. Deng, Z. Jiang, Q. Jiang, W. Guo,Y. Li& X.Zhang. 2020. Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome ofAquilaria sinensis, an endangered agarwood-producing tree, Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 5:1, 422-423.(Q4, IF= 0.90)
11.Li Y., G. Yao. 2015. Reinstatement and lectotypification ofBridelia fordii (Phyllanthaceae). Phytotaxa 226 (3): 295–297. (Q3, IF= 1.70)
12.Li Y., S. Luo and D. Zhang. 2014. Fly pollination and duodichogamy inBridelia stipularis andCleistanthus sumatranus(Phyllanthaceae). Plant Species Biology, 29(3): E85-92. (Q3, IF= 2.70)
13.Luo, S.,Y. Li, Chen, S., Zhang, D., and S. S. Renner. 2011. Gelechiidae moths are capable of chemically dissolving the pollen of their Phyllanthaceae hosts. PLoS ONE 6(4): e19219. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0019219. (Q2, IF=5.30)
14.Li Y., S. Dressler, D. Zhang, and S. S. Renner. 2009. More Miocene dispersal between Africa and Asia — the case ofBridelia (Phyllanthaceae). Systematic Botany, 34(3): 521-529. (Q4, IF= 2.20)
15.Li Y., D. Zhang. 2007. Fly pollination ofAntidesma montanum (Euphorbiaceae) in Hainan, China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 45 (2): 217-226. (Q1, IF=6.20)
16.黃潤生,張暉,廖柏勇,王龍遠,代文魁,薛彬娥,王溢,李永泉*. 2021.油茶分子生物學研究進展[J/OL].分子植物育種. https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/46.1068.S.20210930.1448.010.html(通訊作者)
17.黃潤生,張暉,廖柏勇,王龍遠,代文魁,薛彬娥,王 溢,李永泉*.油茶花芽分化後期內源激素與代謝組學差異分析[J].經濟林研究,2021,39(3):99-113,155. (通訊作者)
18.張暉,薛彬娥,張碧佩,董斌,吳偉,郭微,陳平,李永泉*.陰香根部與樹瘤的細菌群落及內含功能性成分比較[J].經濟林研究,2021,39(3):74-81. (通訊作者)
19.李永泉,劉喻娟,李莉玲,等. 2015.廣寧紅山茶果實生長特性及含油率變化的研究.廣東林業科技, 31(5) : 23-25.
20.李永泉,陳清鳳,張應中,丁曉綱,蔡堅,劉喻娟. 2012.廣寧紅花油茶根尖壓片製作技術.廣東林業科技, 28(2):22-25.
21.李永泉,李遠平,蔡堅,張應中,潘文,馬遠香,鐘乃盛,張曉東. 2010.油茶優良品種在廣州的早期生長表現.廣東林業科技, 26(6): 49-54.
22.李永泉,羅中萊,張奠湘. 2007.葉下珠科花粉組織化學、花粉數和胚珠數及其與傳粉者關係的研究.生物多樣性, 15 (6): 645-651.
23.粵港澳執法機構送檢常見植物,光明日報出版社, 2019, 副主編。
n 教學科研獲獎情況
序號 專利或成果名稱 鑑定部門 專利或成果水平
1. 油茶葉面肥及施用技術推廣示範,2020年,廣東省農業技術推廣獎一等獎;
2. 油茶專用葉面肥研製及施用技術,2020年,南粵林業科技獎二等獎;
3. 廣東油茶養分高效管理技術,2015年,廣東省科學技術三等獎;
4. 廣東油茶養分高效管理技術推廣,2015年,廣東省農業技術推廣獎二等獎;
5. 廣東油茶主要病蟲害防控關鍵技術,2016年,廣東省科學技術獎二等獎;
6. 一種海南黃花梨和越南黃花梨的分子鑑定方法和鑑定引物(ZL2016102319580),發明專利;
7. 用於金姜花離體培養的培養體系及其套用( ZL2020108343306),發明專利;
8. “烈焰”(Camellia azalea,證書號:第508號,國家林業局品種權號:20120102);
9. “鬱金”(Camellia azalea,證書號:第509號,國家林業局品種權號:20120103);
10. 《廣寧紅花油茶和高州油茶優樹選擇及無性系選育技術規程》(DB44/T 1915-2016),廣東省地方標準。