



  • 中文名:李春彪
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:信息與通信工程
  • 任職院校:南京信息工程大學-電子與信息工程學院


Nonlinear Dynamics; Memristor; Energy harvesting technology; Weak signal detection;




1. 1990.9 - 1994.6 南京經濟學院學士
2. 2001.9 - 2004.3 南京理工大學碩士
3. 2004.9 - 2009.6 南京理工大學博士
1. 1994.7 - 1997.7 南京天悅集團助理工程師
2. 1997.8 - 1999.7 南京市經貿中專校 講師
3. 1999.8 - 2013.12 江蘇經貿職業技術學院 講師、副教授
4. 2014.1 - 現在 南京信息工程大學 校聘教授、教授
5. 2010.3 - 2014.9 東南大學博士後流動站 博士後
6. 2012.5 -2013.11 美國威斯康星大學 訪問學者
Nonlinear Dynamics,International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems,Chaos,Physics Letters A, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems,IET Circuits, Devices & Systems,IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution,International Journal of Systems Science, Acta Physica Sinica, Applied Mathematical Modelling,Chinese Physics B等期刊審稿人


1. 2008.12 高校“青藍工程”優秀青年骨幹教師培養對象(江蘇省教育廳蘇教師〔2008〕30號)
2. 2011.12 江蘇省第四期“333高層次人才培養工程”第三層次培養對象(蘇人才〔2011〕15號)


[2019]Li, C., Lu,T., Chen,G. and Xing, H. Doubling the coexisting attractors. Chaos, 29, 051102 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5097998[2019]Li, C., Xu, Y., Chen, G., Liu Y., Zheng J. Conditional symmetry: bond for attractor growing. Nonlinear Dyn (2019). 95, 1245-1256
[2018]Li, C., Sprott, J.C., Liu, Y.,Gu, Z., Zhang, J. Offset Boosting for Breeding Conditional Symmetry. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2018, 28(14), 1850163 (13 pages). DOI: 10.1142/S0218127418501638
[2018]Li,C.,Thio W.,Sprott,J.C.,Iu H. H. C.,Xu Y.,Constructing Infinitely Many Attractors in a Programmable Chaotic Circuit. volume 6,IEEE Access, 2018, DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2824984[2018]Li, C., Akgul, A., Sprott, J.C., H. C. Iu, H., Thio, W.: A symmetric pair of hyperchaotic attractors. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 1-10, DOI: 10.1002/cta.2569
[2018]Li,C., Thio, W., Iu H. H. C., Lu T.,A memristive chaotic oscillator with increasing amplitude and frequency,IEEE Access, 2018, DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2788408[2018]Li,C., Sprott,J.C.,Kapitaniak T., Tianai Lu, T. Infinite lattice of hyperchaotic strange attractors, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 109, 76–82.
[2018] Li,C., Sprott,J.C.An infinite 3-D quasiperiodic lattice of chaotic attractors. Physics Letters A 382, 581–587.
[2017] Li,C., Sprott,J.C., Hu,W & Xu, Y. Infinite multistability in a self-reproducing chaotic system. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2017, 27(10), 1750160 (11 pages). DOI:10.1142/S0218127417501607
[2017]Li,C., Sprott,J.C., How to bridge attractors and repellors. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 27(10), 1750149 (11 pages). DOI:10.1142/S0218127417501498
[2017]Li,C., Wang, X. and Chen,G. Diagnosing multistability by offset boosting. Nonlinear Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s11071-017-3729-1.
[2017] Li,C., Sprott J.C., Akgul,A., Iu, H. H. C. and Zhao Y. A new chaotic oscillator with free control, Chaos, 27, 083101,DOI: 10.1063/1.4997051.
[2017]Li,C., Sprott, J.C. & Mei, Y. An infinite 2-D lattice of strange attractors. Nonlinear Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s11071-017-3612-0.
[2017]Li,C., Sprott, J.C. & Xing, H. Constructing chaotic systems with conditional symmetry. Nonlinear Dynamics. (DOI: 10.1007/s11071-016-3118-1), 87(2), 1351-1358.
[2017] Sprott J.C. & Li,C. Asymmetric bistability in the R?ssler system, Acta Physica Polonica B , (Acta Phys. Pol. B), 48(1), 97-107.
[2017] Hu,W., Akgul,A., Li,C., Zheng,T., Li,P. A Switchable Chaotic Oscillator with Two Amplitude–Frequency Controllers, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, DOI: 10.1142/S0218126617501584,26(10), 1750158 .
[2017] Akgul,A., Li,C., Ihsan, P. Amplitude Control Analysis of a Four-Wing Chaotic Attractor, its Electronic Circuit Designs and Microcontroller-Based Random Number Generator, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, DOI:10.1142/S0218126617501900, Vol. 26, No. 12, 1750190 (20 pages) .
[2016]Li,C., Sprott J.C. & Xing, H. Crisis in amplitude control hides in multistability.. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 26(14), 1650233 (11 pages).
[2016]Li,C., Sprott,J.C., Variable-boostable chaotic flows. Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, DOI:10.1016/j.ijleo.2016.08.046,127, 10389-10398.
[2016]Li,C., Sprott, J.C. & Xing, H. Hypogenetic Chaotic Jerk Flows, Physics Letters A 380, 1172-1177.
[2016]Li,C., Pehlivan, I. & Sprott, J.C.. Amplitude-phase control of a novel chaotic attractor. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer sciences (Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci), DOI 10.3906/elk-1301-55(2016). 24, pp:1-11.
[2016] Li,P., Zheng, T., Li,C., Wang, X.,Hu,W. A unique jerk system with hidden chaotic oscillation Nonlinear Dynamics. DOI 10.1007/s11071-016-2882-2 , 86, 197-203.
[2016]Jafari,S., Sprott,J.C., Pham,V.T., Volos,C., Li,C. Simple chaotic 3D flows with surfaces of equilibria. Nonlinear Dynamics. DOI 10.1007/s11071-016-2968-x, 86(2), 1349–1358.
[2016]Zha,J., Li,C., Song, B., Hu,W. Synchronisation control of composite chaotic Systems. International Journal of Systems Science, DOI 10.1080/00207721.2016.1157224, pp. 1464-5319.
[2015] Li, C., Sprott, J.C. Yuan, Z. & Li, H. Constructing chaotic systems with total amplitude control. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (Int. J. Bifurcation. Chaos), 24(10), 1450131 (7 pages).
[2015] Li, C., Hu,W., Sprott, J.C., & Wang, X. Multistability in symmetric chaotic systems. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 224(8), pp 1493-1506.
[2015] Li, C., Pehlivan, I. & Sprott, J.C. Amplitude-phase control of a novel chaotic attractor. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer sciences (Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci), DOI 10.3906/elk-1301-55.
[2015] Li, C., Pehlivan, I. & Sprott, J.C. A novel four-wing strange attractor born in bistablity, IEICE Electronics Express (ELEX), 12(4), 1-12, DOI: 10.1587/ele x.12.20141116.
[2015] Li, C., Sprott, J.C., & Thio, W. Linearization of the Lorenz System, Physics Letters A (Phys. Lett. A), 379, 888-893, DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2015.01.003.
[2015] Li, H., Li, C., Yuan, Z., Hu, W. & Zhen, X. A new class of chaotic circuit with logic elements, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 24(9), 1550136. DOI: 10.1142/S0218126615501364.
[2015] Dang, X., Li, C., Bao, B. & Wu, H. Complex transient dynamics of hidden attractors in a simple 4D system, Chinese Physics B (Chin. Phys. B), 24(5), 050503. DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/5/050503.
[2015] Meng, Z., Li,Y., Li, C., Xing, M. & Bao, Z. A raw data simulator for bistatic forward-looking high-speed maneuvering-platform SAR. Signal Processing, 117, pp: 151-164.
[2014] Li, C., Sprott, J.C., Thio, W. & Zhu, H. A New Piecewise Linear Hyperchaotic Circuit , IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems--II: Express Briefs 61, 977-981.
[2014] Li, C. & Sprott, J.C. Mulstability in the Lorenz system: A broken butterfly,Int. J. Bifurcation. Chaos, 24(10), 1450131 (7 pages).
[2014] Li, C. & Sprott, J.C. Finding Coexisting Attractors using Amplitude Control, Nonlinear Dyn., 2014, 78, 2059-2064,DOI 10.1007/s11071-014-1568-x
[2014] Li, C. & Sprott, J.C. Chaotic flows with a single nonquadratic term. Phys. Lett. A,378 (3), pp: 178-183.
[2014] Li, C., Sprott, J.C., Thio, W. Bistability in a hyperchaotic system with a line equilibrium, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics (J. Exp. Theor. Phys.), 118(3), pp: 494-500.
[2014] Li, C. & Sprott, J.C. Coexisting hidden attractors in a 4-D simplified Lorenz system. Int. J. Bifurcation. Chaos, 24(3), 1450034 (13 pages).
[2014] Sprott, J.C. & Li, C. Comment on `How to obtain extreme multistability in coupled dynamical systems, Physical Review E (Phys. Rev. E), 89, 066901.
[2013] Li, C. & Sprott, J.C. Multistability in a butterfly flow. Int. J. Bifurcation. Chaos, 23(12),1350199 (10 pages).
[2013] Li, C. & Sprott, J.C. Amplitude control approach for chaotic signals. Nonlinear Dyn., pp: 1335-1341.
[Textbooks and Academic Monograph]
[2017] Li, H., Li, C., Hu, W., Zhu X. Design of Digital Signal Processing System (in Chinese). Peking: National Defence Industry Press.
[2009] Li, C. Electric Circuit Theory and Practice (revised edition) (in Chinese). Peking: Peking University Press.
[2005] Li, C. Electric Circuit Theory and Practice (1st edition) (in Chinese). Peking: Peking University Press.
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2.李春彪,張裕成,胡文,王雄.一種可調幅超混沌信號源.授權號:ZL 2016 1 0398370.4.
3.李春彪,張裕成,朱煥強.單變數控制模擬選通門電路. 授權號:ZL 201610392857.1.
4.李春彪,Ihsan Pehlivan,J.C. Sprott.一種四翼混沌信號源電路. 授權號:ZL 2012 1 0395656.9.
5.李春彪,Ihsan Pehlivan,J.C. Sprott.一種基於二次項非線性作用的新型混沌源. 授權號:ZL 201210395657.3.
6.李春彪.一種三階切換恆Lyapunov指數譜混沌電路及其使用方法.授權號:ZL 2009101833793.
1.李春彪,姚瀏翔,趙雲楠,張博凱,陳浩然,趙興強.一種多模俘能自供電雷射筆.授權號:ZL 201720990553.5.
2.李春彪,陳浩然,趙雲楠,張博凱,姚瀏翔,趙興強.一種基於複合能量收集技術的指紋式解鎖裝置.授權號:ZL 201720895437.5.
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4. 李春彪,朱煥強,吉駿.一種遠距離位置檢測系統.授權號:ZL 201721001223.5.
5. 李春彪,張博凱,趙雲楠,陳浩然,姚瀏翔,趙興強.一種基於壓電俘能的水文氣象浮標站.授權號:ZL 201720990555.4.
6. 李春彪,董李江,朱煥強,沈威東,高成月,周偉.一種無線旅遊電子助理.授權號:ZL 201120189771.1.
7. 李春彪,朱煥強,董李江.一類基於雪崩光電二極體的混頻電路.授權號:ZL 2012 2 0149369.5.


