

李旭日,著名血管生物學家,中組部千人計畫專家,廣東省引進創新領軍人才,中山大學引進學科領軍人才,中山大學中山眼科中心眼科學國家重點實驗室科學主任 (Scientific Director),教授,博士生導師。山東省濰坊人,醫學士畢業於上海醫科大學(原上海第一醫學院,現復旦大學上海醫學院) ,博士畢業於瑞典斯德哥爾摩卡羅琳斯卡研究院,瑞典卡羅琳斯卡研究院和比利時魯汶大學雙博士後,師從國際著名血管生物學家Dr.Ulf Eriksson和Dr.Peter Carmeliet教授多年,後於瑞典卡羅林斯卡研究院任助理研究員(Assistant Investigator)。2005年10月-2012年10月期間於美國國立衛生院眼研究所(NIH/NEI)任研究室主任,首席科學家(Principal Investigator)。2012年10月率領其在美國NIH/NEI的研究團隊骨幹成員集體全職加盟中山大學眼科中心,創建了包括來自韓國、瑞典、印度和中國的科學家的國際化眼血管神經生物學實驗室。


  • 中文名:李旭日
  • 出生地:山東省濰坊人
  • 職業:血管生物學家
  • 畢業院校:上海醫科大學


李旭日教授長期從事血管神經生物學研究,於2000和2001年與同事一起連續首次發現了兩個重要的血管生長因子PDGF-C和PDGF-D。這兩項開創性的成果發表在國際頂級期刊Nature Cell Biology上,Nature Cell Biology雜誌就此做了題目為“一個古老家族的新成員”的專題報導。李旭日教授為亞太血管生物學協會(APVBO)創始人,其帶領的研究團隊在眼新生血管研究方面保持國際領先。歸國前作為首席科學家(Principal Investigator)承擔NIH及其他國際科研項目10多項,科研總經費達881.2萬美元。截止2018年7月,在Science、Cell Metabolism、Nature Cell Biology、J Clin Invest、J Exp Med、PNAS、Cancer Res等著名雜誌發表SCI論文82篇,總影響因子(IF) 713分,平均 IF 8.6。獲Nature Cell Biology、New Engl J Med、ATVB等國際期刊的專欄報導2,37,38。獲國際發明專利5項。李旭日教授於2012年10月回國工作,至2014年10月,已發表SCI文章6篇1,3,5,6,總IF分值為55.2,平均IF >9,其中通訊作者3篇。




2004-2005 American Cancer Society Young
Investigator award, US$40K, Principal Investigator
2005-2006 Swedish Cancer Society Investigator award, 500KSEK, Principal Investigator
2007-2009 American Health Assistance Foundation, Macular Degeneration Research award,
US$100K, Principal Investigator
2007-2009 American Health Assistance Foundation, Glaucoma Research award, US$90K,
Principal Investigator
2009 Notable Researcher of the American Health Assistance Foundation, USA
2012 5 Mayo Clinic Angiogenesis Symposium Abstract Award, USA
2013 Chinese National 1000-Plan Expert award
2014 Canton Province Leading Expert award, China
NIH Intramural Funding as a Principal Investigator
2006 US $1,770,000
2007 1Z01EY000447-01 US $1,774,036
2008 1Z01EY000447-02 US $1,523,283
2009 1ZIAEY000447-03 US $1,347,483
2010 1ZIAEY000447-04 US $1,342,304
2011 1ZIAEY000447-05 US $1,409,461
2012 1ZIAEY000447-06 US$1,047,086
Funding in China
2013-2017 1000-Plan Expert, Leading Expert of the Sun Yat-sen University, Principal Investigator, 12000000 RMB
2014-2018 NSFC National Key Program, Principal Investigator, 2900000 RMB
2014-2018 Guangdong Province Leading Expert Program, Principal Investigator, 5000000 RMB
2016-2017 NSFC China-Sweden International Collaboration Program, Principal Investigator,240000 RMB
2017-2020 NSFC grant, Principal Investigator, 540000 RMB
2018-2021 Guangzhou Science and Development Key Program, Principal Investigator,2000000 RMB


  • Nature Protocols
  • Journal of Experimental Medicine
  • Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
  • Blood
  • Circulation Research
  • The FASEB Journal
  • Gene Therapy
  • The Journal of Pathology
  • PLoS ONE
  • Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research
  • Experimental Eye Research
  • Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
  • British Journal of Ophthalmology
  • Journal of Visualized Experiments
  • Journal of Geriatric Cardiology


  • Intercellular Interactions Study Section, Center for Scientific Review, NIH, USA
  • Atherosclerosis and Inflammation in the Cardiovascular Systems Study Section, Center for Scientific Review, NIH, USA
  • The Agency for Science, Technology and Research’s (A*STAR), Biomedical Research Council (BMRC), Singapore
  • Ministry of Research and Innovation,Government of Ontario, Canada
  • Medical Research Council, Research Councils UK
  • American Institute of BiologicalSciences (AIBS), USA


  1. Ekstrom T.J., Cui H.,Li, X., Ohlsson R., Promoter-specific IGF2 imprinting status and its plasticity during human liver development,Development,121(2):309-316, 1995
  2. Li, X., Adam G., Cui H., Sandstedtedt B., Ohlsson R., Ekstrom T.J. Expression, promoter usage and parental imprinting status of insulin-like growth factor II (IGF2) in human hepatoblastoma: uncoupling of IGF2 and H19 imprinting,Oncogene, 1(2):221-229, 1995
  3. Li, X., Cui H., Sandstedtedt B., Nordlinder H., Larsson E., Ekstrom T. J. Expression levels of the insulin-like growth factor-II gene (IGF2) in the human liver: developmental relationships of the four promoters,J Endocrinol,149(1):117-124, 1996
  4. Li, X.,Nong Z., Ekström C., Larsson E., Nordlinder H., Hofmann W. J, Trautwein C., Odenthal M., Dienes H.P., Ekstrom T. J. and Schirmacher P. DisruptedIGF2promoter control by silencing of promoter P1 in human hepatocellular carcinoma,Cancer Res,57(10):2048-2054, 1997
  5. Li, X., Kogner P., Sandstedtedt B., Haas O.A., Ekstrom T.J. Promoter-specific methylation and expression alterations ofIGF2andH19are involved in human hepatoblastoma,Int J Cancer,75(2):176-180, 1998
  6. Li, X., Gray S. G., Flam F., Pietsch T. and Ekstrom, T. J. Developmental-dependent DNA methylation of the IGF2 and H19 promoters is correlated to the promoter activities in human liver development,Int J Dev Biol,42(5):637-740, 1998
  7. Li, X., Ponten A., Aase K., Linda K., Abramsson A., Uutela M., Backman G., Hellstrom M., Bostrom H., Li H., Betsholtz C., Heldin C. H., Alitalo K., Ostman A. & Eriksson U. PDGF-C is a new protease-activated ligand for the PDGF-a receptor,Nat Cell Biol,2(5):302-309, 2000
  8. Li, X., Aase K., Li, H., Von Euler, G., Eriksson, U. Isoform-specific expression of VEGF-B in normal tissues and tumors,Growth Factors, 19(1):49-59, 2001
  9. Bergsten, E., Uutela, M.,Li, X., Pietras, K., Ostman, A., Heldin, C. H., Alitalo, K., Eriksson, U. PDGF-D is a specific, protease-activated ligand for the PDGF beta-Receptor,Nat Cell Biol,3(5):515-516, 2001
  10. Hellstrom, M., Gerhardt, H., Kalen, M.,Li, X.,Eriksson, U., Wolburg, H., Betsholtz, C. , Lack of pericytes leads to endothelial hyperplasia and abnormal vascular morphogenesis,J Cell Biol, 153(3):543-554, 2001
  11. Uutela, M., Lauren, J., Bergsten, E.,Li, X., Horelli-Kuitunen, N., Eriksson, U., Alitalo, K., Chromosomal location, exon structure, and vascular expression patterns of the human PDGF-C and PDGF-C genes,Circulation, 103(18):2242-2247, 2001
  12. Aase, K., Von Euler, G.,Li, X., Ponten, A., Thoren, P., Cao, Y., Olofsson, B., Gebre-Medhin, S., Pekny, M., Alitalo, K., Betsholtz C., Eriksson, U. VEGF-B deficient mice display an atrial conduction defect,Circulation,104(3):358-364, 2001
  13. Eitner F., Ostendorf T., Van Roeyen C., Kitahara M.,Li, X.,Aase K., Groene H-J., Eriksson U., Floege J. Expression of a Novel PDGF Isoform, PDGF-C, in Normal and Diseased Rat Kidney,J Am Soc Nephrol, 13(4):910-917, 2002
  14. Cao, R., Brakenhielm, E.,Li, X., Pietras K., Widenfalk J., Ostman A., Eriksson, U., Cao, Y. Angiogenesis stimulated by PDGF-CC, a novel member in the PDGF family, involves activation of PDGFR-αα and -αβ receptors,FASEB J,16(12):1575-1583, 2002
  15. Li, H., Karlsson L.,Li, X.,Eriksson, U. PDGF-D is a potent transforming and angiogenic factor,Oncogene, 22(10):1501-1510, 2003
  16. Ponten A.,Li, X., Aase K., Thoren P., Sjoblom T., Ostman A. and Eriksson U., Overexpression of PDGF-C in mouse heart induces cardiac fibrosis, hypertrophy and dilated cardiomyopathy,Am J Pathol, 163(2):673-682, 2003
  17. Li, X.,Eriksson, U. Novel PDGF family members: PDGF-C and PDGF-D,Cytokine & Growth Factor Rev, (14)2:91-98, 2003, (review)
  18. Fredriksson, L., Li, H., Fieber, C.,Li, X. and Eriksson U., Tissue plasminogen activator is a potent activator of PDGF-CC,EMBO, 23(19):3793-3802, 2004
  19. Li, X., Tjwa, M.,Moons, L.,Fons, P.,Noel, A.,Ny, A.,Zhou, J. M.,Lennartsson, J.,Li, H.,Luttun, A.,Ponten, A.,Devy, L.,Bouche, A.,Oh, H.,Manderveld, A.,Blacher, S.,Communi, D.,Savi, P.,Bono, F.,Dewerchin, M.,Foidart, J. M.,Autiero, M.,Herbert, J. M.,Collen, D.,Heldin, C. H.,Eriksson, U.,Carmeliet, P., Revascularization of ischemic tissues by PDGF-CC via effects on endothelial cells and their progenitors,J Clin Invest,115(1):118-127, 2005
  20. Li, Y., Zhang, F., Nagai, N., Tang, Z., Zhang, S., Scotney, P., Lennartsson, J., Zhu, C., Qu, Y., Fang, C., Hua, J., Matsuo, O., Fong, G. H., Ding, H., Cao, Y., Becker, K. G., Nash, A., Heldin, C. H.,Li, X.*,VEGF-B inhibits apoptosis via VEGFR-1-mediated suppression of the expression of BH3-only protein genes in mice and rats,J Clin Invest, 118(3):913–923, 2008
  21. Li, X.,Tjwa, M., Van Hove, I., Enholm, B., Neven, E., Paavonen, K., Jeltsch, M., Diez Juan, T., Sievers, R. E., Chorianopoulos, E., Wada, H., Vanwildemeersch, M., Noel, A., Foidart, J. M., Springer, M. L., von Degenfeld, G., Dewerchin, M., Blau, H. M., Alitalo, K., Eriksson, U., Carmeliet, P., Moons, L., Reevaluation of the Role of VEGF-B Suggests a Restricted Role in the Revascularization of the Ischemic Myocardium,Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol,28(9):1614-1620, 29, 2008
  22. Anderberg, C., Li, H., Fredriksson, L., Andrae, J., Betsholtz, C.,Li, X.,Eriksson, U., Pietras, K., Paracrine signaling by PDGF-CC promotes tumor growth by recruitment of cancer-associated fibroblasts,Cancer Res, 69(1):369-378, 2009
  23. Gavard, J., Hou, X., Qu, Y., Masedunskas, A., Weigert, R.,Li, X., Gutkind, JS., A role for a CXCR2/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase gamma signaling axis in acute and chronic vascular permeability,Mol Cell Biol, 29(9):2469-2480, 2009
  24. Zhang, F., Tang, Z., Hou, X., Lennartsson, J., Li, Y., Koch, A. W., Scotney, P., Lee, C., Arjunan, P., Dong, L., Kumar, A., Rissanen, T. T., Wang, B., Nagai, N., Fons, P., Fariss, R., Zhang, Y., Wawrousek, E., Tansey, G., Raber, J., Fong, G. H., Ding, H., Greenberg, D. A., Becker, K. G., Herbert, J. M., Nash, A., Yla-Herttuala, S., Watts, R. J.,Li X.*,VEGF-B is dispensable for blood vessel growth but critical for their survival, and VEGF-B targeting inhibits pathological angiogenesis,Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 106(15):6152-6157, 2009
  25. Li, X.*,Lee, C., Tang, Z., Zhang, F., Arjunan, P., Li, Y., Hou, X., Kumar, A., Dong, L., VEGF-B: a survival, or an angiogenic factor?Cell Adhesion & Migration, 3(4):322-327, 2009 (review)
  26. Tang, Z., Arjunan, P., Lee, C., Li, Y., Kumar, A., Hou, X., Wang, B., Wardega, P., Zhang, F., Dong, L., Zhang, Y., Zhang, S. Z., Ding, H., Fariss, R. N., Becker, K. G., Lennartsson, J., Nagai, N., Cao, Y.,Li, X.*, Survival effect of PDGF-CC rescues neurons from apoptosis in both brain and retina by regulating GSK3beta phosphorylation,J Exp Med, 207(4):867-880, 2010
  27. Kumar, A., Hou, X., Lee, C., Li, Y., Maminishkis, A., Tang, Z., Zhang, F., Langer, H. F., Arjunan, P., Dong, L., Wu, Z., Zhu, L. Y., Wang, L., Min, W., Colosi, P., Chavakis, T.,Li, X.*,PDGF-DD targeting arrests pathological angiogenesis by modulating glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3{beta}) phosphorylation,J Biol Chem, 285(20):15500-15510, 2010
  28. Sakurai, A., Gavard, J., Annas-Linhares, Y., Basile, J. R., Amornphimoltham, P., Palmby, T. R., Yagi, H., Zhang, F., Randazzo, P. A.,Li, X., Weigert, R., Gutkind, J. S., Semaphorin 3E initiates antiangiogenic signaling through plexin D1 by regulating Arf6 and R-Ras,Mol Cell Biol, 30(12):3086-98, 2010
  29. Hou, X., Kumar, A., Lee, C., Wang, B., Arjunan, P., Dong, L., Maminishkis, A., Tang, T., Li, Y., Zhang, F., Zhang, S-Z., Wardega, P., Chakrabarty, S., Liu, B., Wu, Z., Colosi, P., Fariss, R. N., Lennartsson, J., Nussenblatt, R., Gutkind, J. S., Cao, Y.,Li, X.*, PDGF-CC blockade inhibits pathological angiogenesis by acting on multiple cellular and molecular targets,Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 107(27):12216-12221, 2010
  30. Narazaki, M., Segarra, M., Hou, X., Tanaka, T.,Li, X., Tosato, G.,Oligo-guanosinenucleotide induces Neuropilin-1 internalization in endothelial cells and inhibits angiogenesis,Blood, 116(16):3099-3107, 2010
  31. Langer, H. L., Chung, K-J., Orlova, V. V., Choi, E. Y., Kaul, S., Kruhlak, M. J., Alatsatianos, M., DeAngelis, R. A., Roche, P. A., Magotti, P.,Li, X., Economopoulou, M., Rafail, S., Lambris, J. D., Chavakis, T., Complement-mediated inhibition of neovascularization reveals a point of convergence between innate immunity and angiogenesis,Blood, 116(22):4395-4403, 2010
  32. Li, X.*,VEGF-B: a thing of beauty,Cell Res, 20(7): 741-744, 2010, (review)
  33. Hou, X., Hu, D., Wang, Y-S., Tang, Z., Zhan, F., Chavakis, T., Li, Y.,Li, X., Targeting of Junctional Adhesion Molecule-C Inhibits Experimental Choroidal Neovascularization,Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 53(3):1584-1591, 2012
  34. Langer, H. F., Choi, E. Y., Zhou, H., Schleicher, R., Chung, K. J., Tang, Z., Gobel, K., Bdeir, K., Chatzigeorgiou, A., Wong, C., Bhatia, S., Kruhlak, M. J., Rose, J. W., Burns, J. B., Hill, K. E., Qu, H., Zhang, Y., Lehrmann, E., Becker, K. G., Wang, Y., Simon, D. I., Nieswandt, B., Lambris, J. D.,Li, X.,Meuth, S. G., Kubes, P., Chavakis, T., Platelets contribute to the pathogenesis of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, 110(9):1202-1210,Circ Res,2012
  35. Zhang, F.,Li, Y., Tang, Z., Kumar, A., Lee, C., Zhang, L., Zhu, C., Ameln, A. K., Wang, B., Gao, Z., Zhang, S., Langer, H., Hou, X., Jensen, L., Ma, W., Wong, W., Chavakis, T., Liu, Y., Cao, Y.,Li, X.*, Proliferative and survival effects of PUMA promotes angiogenesis, 2(5):1272-1285,Cell Reports, 2012
  36. Segarra, M., Ohnuki, H., Maric, D., Salvucci, O., Hou, X.,Li, X., and Tosato, G., Semaphorin 6A regulates angiogenesis by modulating VEGF signaling,Blood, 120(19):4104-4115, 2012
  37. Li, X.*, Kumar, A., Zhang, F., Lee, C., Tang, Z., Complicated life, complicated VEGF-B,Trends Mol Med,18(2):119–127,2012 (review)
  38. Hosaka, K., Yang, Y., Seki, T., Nakamura, M., Andersson, P., Rouhi, P., Yang, X., Jensen, L., Lim, S., Feng, N., Xue, Y.,Li, X., Larsson, O., Ohhashi, T., Cao, Y., Tumour PDGF-BB expression levels determine dual effects of anti-PDGF drugs on vascular remodelling and metastasis,Nat Commun,4:2129, 2013
  39. Dong, M., Yang, X., Lim, S., Cao, Z., Honek, J., Lu, H., Zhang, C., Seki, T., Hosaka, K., Wahlberg, E., Yang, J., Zhang, L., Lanne, T., Sun, B.,Li, X., Liu, Y., Zhang, Y., Cao, Y., Cold exposure promotes atherosclerotic plaque growth and instability via UCP1-dependent Lipolysis,Cell Metab, 18(1):118-129. 2013
  40. Lee, C.,Zhang, F.,Tang, Z., Liu, Y.,Li, X.*, PDGF-C: a new performer in the neurovascular interplay,Trends Mol Med,19(8):474-86,2013, (review)
  41. Huang, Y., Hoffman, C., Rajappa, P., Kim, J. H., Hu, W., Huse, J. T., Tang, Z.,Li, X., Weksler, B., Bromberg, J., Lyden, D., Greenfield, J. P., Oligodendrocyte progenitor cells promote neovascularization in glioma by disrupting the blood-brain barrier,Cancer Res, 74(4):1011-1021, 2014
  42. Manavski, Y., Carmona, G., Bennewitz, K., Tang, Z., Zhang, F., Sakurai, A., Zeiher, A. M., Gutkind, J. S.,Li, X., Kroll, J., Dimmeler, S., Chavakis, E., Brag2 differentially regulates beta1- and beta3-integrin-dependent adhesion in endothelial cells and is involved in developmental and pathological angiogenesis,Basic Res Cardiol, 109(2):404, 2014
  43. Wang, Y., Abu-Asab, M. S., Yu, C. R., Tang, Z., Shen, D., Tuo, J.,Li, X., Chan, C. C., Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-C inhibits neuroretinal apoptosis in a murine model of focal retinal degeneration, 94(6):674-682,Lab Invest, 2014
  44. He, C., Zhao, C., Kumar, A., Lee, C., Chen, M., Huang, L., Wang, J., Ren, X., Jiang, Y., Chen, W., Wang, B., Gao, Z., Zhong, Z., Huang, Z., Zhang, F., Huang, B., Ding, H., Ju, R., Tang, Z., Liu, Y., Cao, Y.,Li, X*., Liu, X., Vasoprotective effect of PDGF-CC mediated by HMOX1 rescues retinal degeneration,Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 111(41):14806-11, 2014
  45. Salvucci, O., Ohnuki, H., Maric, D., Hou, X.,Li, X., Yoon, S. O., Segarra, M., Eberhart, C. G., Acker-Palmer, A., Tosato, G., EphrinB2 controls vessel pruning through STAT1-JNK3 signalling,Nat Commun, 6:6576, 2015
  46. R. I. Schleicher, F. Reichenbach, P. Kraft, A. Kumar, M. Leskan, F. Todt, K. Goebel, T. Geisler, A. Bauer, S. Wesselborg, L. O’Reilly, S. G. Meuth, K. Schulze-Osthoff, M. Gawaz,X. Li, C. Kleinschnitz, F. Edlich, H. Langer, Platelets induce apoptosis via membrane-bound FasL,Blood,126(12):1483-1493, 2015
  47. L D. Jensena, M Nakamuraa, L Bräutigamc,X Li, Y Liu, N J. Samanie, and Y Cao, VEGF-B-Neuropilin-1 signaling is spatiotemporally indispensable for vascular and neuronal development in zebrafish,PNAS, 12(44):E5944-53, 2015
  48. Economopoulou, M., Avramovic, N., Klotzsche-von Ameln, A., Korovina, I., Sprott, D., Samus, M., Gercken, B., Troullinaki, M., Grossklaus, S., Funk, R. H.,Li, X., Imhof, B. A., Orlova, V. V., Chavakis, T., Endothelial-specific deficiency of Junctional Adhesion Molecule-C promotes vessel normalisation in proliferative retinopathy,Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 114(6), 2015
  49. Lin, H., Ouyang, H., Zhu, J., Huang, S., Liu, Z., Chen, S., Cao, G., Li, G., Signer, R. A., Xu, Y., Chung, C., Zhang, Y., Lin, D., Patel, S., Wu, F., Cai, H., Hou, J., Wen, C., Jafari, M., Liu, X., Luo, L., Qiu, A., Hou, R., Chen, B., Chen, J., Granet, D., Heichel, C., Shang, F.,Li, X., Krawczyk, M., Skowronska-Krawczyk, D., Wang, Y., Shi, W., Chen, D., Zhong, Z., Zhong, S., Zhang, L., Morrison, S. J., Maas, R. L., Zhang, K., Liu, Y., Lens regeneration using endogenous stem cells with gain of visual function,Nature, 351(7594):323-328, 2016
  50. Seki, T., Hosaka, K., Lim, S., Fischer, C., Honek, J., Yang, Y., Andersson, P., Nakamura, M., Naslund, E., Yla-Herttuala, S., Sun, M., Iwamoto, H.,Li, X., Liu, Y., Samani, N. J., Cao, Y., Endothelial PDGF-CC regulates angiogenesis-dependent thermogenesis in beige fat,Nat Commun, 7:12152, 2016
  51. Nguyen, Q. D., De Falco, S., Behar-Cohen, F., Lam, W. C.,Li, X., Reichhart, N., Ricci, F., Pluim, J., Li, W. W., Placental growth factor and its potential role in diabetic retinopathy and other ocular neovascular diseases,Acta Ophthalmol, 2016
  52. Jia, X., Zhao, C., Chen, Q., Du, Y., Huang, L., Ye, Z., Ren, X., Wang, S., Lee, C., Tang, Z.,Li, X*., Ju, R*., JAM-C maintains VEGR2 expression to promote retinal pigment epithelium cell survival under oxidative stress,Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 117(4):750-757, 2017
  53. Jiang, Y., Lin, X., Tang, Z., Lee, C., Tian, G., Du, Y., Yin, X., Ren, X., Huang, L., Ye, Z., Chen, W., Zhang, F., Mi, J., Gao, Z., Wang, S., Chen, Q., Xing, L., B. Wang, Y. Cao, W. C. Sessa, R. Ju*, Y. Liu*,X. Li*, Critical role of caveolin-1 in ocular neovascularization and multitargeted antiangiogenic effects of cavtratin via JNK,Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 114(40): 10737-10742, 2017
  54. Nakamura M, Zhang, Y, Yang Y, Sonmez C, Zheng W, Huang G, Seki, T, Iwamoto, H, Ding, B, Yin, L, Foukakis T, Hatschek T,Li X, Hosaka K, Li J, Yu G, Wang X*, Liu Y*, Cao Y*, Off-tumor targets compromise antiangiogenic drug sensitivity by inducing kidney erythropoietin production,Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 114(45): 9635-9644, 2017
  55. Weisi Lu,Xuri Li*, Vascular stem/progenitor cells: functions and signaling pathways,Cell. Mol. Life Sci., 75(5):859-869, 2017 (review)
  56. Fischer, C., Seki, T., Lim, S., Nakamura, M., Andersson, P., Yang, Y., Honek, J., Wang, Y., Gao, Y., Chen, F., Samani, N. J., Zhang, J., Miyake, M., Oyadomari, S., Yasue, A.,Li, X., Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Cao, Y., A miR-327-FGF10-FGFR2-mediated autocrine signaling mechanism controls white fat browning,Nat Commun, 8(1): 2079, 2017
  57. Xuri Li*, Peter Carmeliet*, Endothelial cell metabolism in angiogenesis,Science, 359(6382):1335-1336, 2018
  58. Peter Carmeliet*,Xuri Li*, Lucas Treps, Lena-Cristin Conradi & Sonja Loges, RAISEing VEGF-D's importance as predictive biomarker for ramucirumab in metastatic colorectal cancer patients,Annals of Oncology, 29(3):527-529, 2018
  59. Chunsik Lee,Xuri Li*, Platelet-derived growth factor-C and -D in the cardiovascular system and diseases,Molecular Aspects of Medicine, 62:12-21, 2018 (review)
  60. Weisi Lu,Xuri Li*, PDGFs and their receptors in vascular stem/progenitor cells: Functions and therapeutic potential in retinal vasculopathy,Molecular Aspects of Medicine, 62:22-32, 2018 (review)
  61. Anil Kumar,Xuri Li*, PDGF-C and PDGF-D in ocular diseases,Molecular Aspects of Medicine, 62:33-43, 2018 (review)
  62. Zhang, Y., Wang, D., Li, M., Wei, X., Liu, S., Zhao, M., Liu, C., Wang, X., Jiang, X.,Li, X., Zhang, S., Bergquist, J., Wang, B., Yang, C., Mi, J., Tian, G.Quantitative Proteomics of TRAMP Mice Combined with Bioinformatics Analysis Reveals That PDGF-B Regulatory Network Plays a Key Role in Prostate Cancer Progression,J Proteome Res,17(7):2401-2411, 2018
  63. S. Vandekeere, C. Dubois, J. Kalucka, M. R. Sullivan, M. Gar-cía-Caballero, J. Goveia, R. Chen, F. F. Diehl, Libat Bar-Lev, J. Souffreau, A. Pircher, S. Kumar, S. Vinckier, Y. Hirabayashi, S-g. Furuya, L. Schoonjans, G. Eelen, B. Ghesquière, E. Keshet,X. Li*, M. G. V. Heiden, M. Dewerchin*, & P. Carmeliet*, Serine synthesis via PHGDH is essential for heme production in endothelial cells,Cell Metabolism, July 12, 2018
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  66. Guy Eelen*, Charlotte Dubois, Anna Rita Cantelmo, Jermaine Goveia, Ulrike Brüning, Michael DeRan, Gopala Jarugumilli, Jos van Rijsse, Giorgio Saladino, Federico Comitani, Annalisa Zecchin1, Susana Rocha, Rongyuan Chen, Hongling Huang, Saar Vandekeere, Joanna Kalucka, Christian Lange, Francisco Morales-Rodriguez, Bert Cruys, Lucas Treps, Leanne Ramer, Stefan Vinckier, Katleen Brepoels, Sabine Wyns, Joris Souffreau, Luc Schoonjans, Wouter H. Lamers, Yi Wu, Jurgen Haustraete, Johan Hofkens, Sandra Liekens, Richard Cubbon, Bart Ghesquière, Mieke Dewerchin, Francesco L. Gervasio,Xuri Li*,Jaap D. van Buu, Xu Wu & Peter Carmeliet*, Role of glutamine synthetase in angiogenesis beyond glutamine synthesis,Nature, August 29, 2018
  67. Pachiappan Arjunan#, Xianchai Lin#, Zhongshu Tang, Yuxiang Du, Anil Kumar, Lixian Liu, Xiangke Yin, Lijuan Huang, Wei Chen, Qishan Chen, Zhimin Ye, Linbin Zhou, Kai Xu, Xue Chen, Haitao Zeng, Weisi Lu, Yihai Cao, Yizhi Liu, Chen Zhao*,Xuri Li*, VEGF-B is a potent antioxidant,PNAS, 115(41): 10351-10356, 2018
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