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李新征,男,1970年3月生,山東萊蕪人。博士,山東農業大學生命科學學院副教授,碩士生導師;生物化學國家雙語示範課程、生物化學與分子生物學國家級教學團隊成員,山東省政府“泰山學者”特聘崗位學術團隊骨幹。在《Plant Molecular Biology》、《Journal Experimental Botany》、《Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology》、《PLOS ONE》和《Gene》等國際知名學術期刊發表SCI文章10多篇。


  • 中文名:李新征
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生地:山東萊蕪
  • 出生日期:1970年3月
  • 畢業院校山東農業大學


1994年山東農業大學農學系作物專業本科畢業,留校任教至今。先後獲得山東農業大學農學碩士和理學博士學位。 2006年成為山東省政府“泰山學者”特聘崗位學術團隊骨幹。






近3年來主要主持或副主持國家轉基因重大專項子課題、國家自然科學基金及省攻關課題等多項,申請國家發明專利3項,在《Journal Experimental Botany》、《Journal Agronomy of Crop Science》等國內外學術刊物發表文章多篇。
1. 國家轉基因重大專項子課題《小麥條鏽病抗性基因Yr36的同源克隆、功能驗證及利用》(2009ZX08009-053B),2009-2010
2. 國家轉基因重大專項子課題《轉基因高油脂棉花材料的創造與利用》(2009ZX08005-024B),2009-2010
3. 國家自然科學基金《植物G蛋白相互作用因子的篩選與鑑定及其信號轉導途徑的分子機制研究》(30771305),2008-2010
4. 國家自然科學基金《海洋單細胞微藻EPA/DHA 生物合成相關基因的篩選與鑑定及其在植物中高效表達的密碼子偏性研究》(30970222),2010-2012
5. 省攻關《海洋單細胞微藻DHA/EPA合成相關基因的克隆及其在花生中的生產》(2007GGB02001),2008-2010
6. 省農業玉米良種工程重大課題子課題《高產優質抗逆專用玉米新品種培育》,(魯農良種字(2007)7號),2008-2010
::1. Xiaowei Yuan, Shizhong Zhang, Shiyang Liu, Mingli Yu, Hongyan Su, Huairui Shu Xinzheng Li*. Global Analysis of Ankyrin Repeat Domain C3HC4-type RING Finger Gene Family in Plants. PLOS ONE. 8(3): e58003. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058003. 2013.
2. Xiaowei Yuan, Shizhong Zhang, Xiaohe Qing, Meihong Sun, Shiyang Liu, Hongyan Su, Huairui Shu, Xinzh
3. Baoxiu Qi*. Characterization of three novel desaturases involved in the delta-6 desaturation pathways for polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis from Phytophthora infestans. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. DOI 10.1007/s00253-012-4613-z.d, 1-9. 2012.
4. Tongtong Xue, Xinzheng Li, Wei Zhu, Changai Wu, Guodong Yang and Chengchao Zheng. Cotton metallothionein GhMT3a, a reactive oxygen species scavenger, increased tolerance against abiotic stress in transgenic tobacco and yeast. Journal Experimental Botany. 60(1):339-349. 2009.(相同貢獻)
5. Yinping Gai, Xinzheng Li, Xianling Ji, Changai Wu, Guodong Yang & Chengchao Zheng. Chilling Stress Accelerates Degradation of Seed Storage Protein and Photosynthetic Protein during Cotton Seed Germination. Journal Agronomy of Crop Science. 194: 278-288. 2008. (相同貢獻)
6. Wang, P., Li, X. Z⃰., Cui, H. R., Feng, Y. G., & Wang, X. Y. (2014). Identification and functional analysis of a novel parvulin-type peptidyl-prolyl isomerase from Gossypium hirsutum. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 76 (2014) 58e66.
7 . Yuan, X., Li, Y., Liu, S., Xia, F., Li, X., & Qi, B. (2014). Accumulation of eicosapolyenoic acids enhances sensitivity to abscisic acid and mitigates the effects of drought in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany, eru031.
8. Yuan, X., Zhang, S., Qing, X., Sun, M., Liu, S., Su, H., ... & Li, X⃰. (2013). Superfamily of Ankyrin Repeat Proteins in Tomato. Gene.
9. Yuan, X., Zhang, S., Liu, S., Yu, M., Su, H., Shu, H., & Li, X⃰. (2013). Global Analysis of Ankyrin Repeat Domain C3HC4-Type RING Finge
Gene Family in Plants. PloS one, 8(3), e58003.
10. Sun, Q., Liu, J., LiY., Zhang, Q., Shan, S., Li, X⃰., & Qi, B. (2013). Creation and validation of a widely applicable multiple gene transfer. vector system for stable transformation in plant. Plant molecular biology, 83(4-5), 391-404.
11. Fu, Y., Fan, X., Li, X., Wang, H., & Chen, H. (2013). The Desaturase OPIN17 from Phytophthora infestans Converts Arachidonic Acid to
Eicosapentaenoic Acid in CHO Cells. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, 171(4), 975-988.
12 . Yuan, X., Zhang, S., Sun, M., Liu, S., Qi, B., & Li, X⃰. (2013). Putative DHHC-Cysteine-Rich Domain S-Acyltransferase in Plants.PloSne,8(10), e75985.
13. Sun, Q., Liu, J., Zhang, Q., Qing, X., Dobson, G., Li, X⃰., & Qi, B. (2012). Characterization of three novel desaturases involved in the delta-6
desaturation pathways for polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis from Phytophthora infestans. Applied microbiology and biotechnology. 97(17),7689-7697.
14. Xue, T., Li, X⃰., Zhu, W., Wu, C., Yang, G., & Zheng, C. (2009). Cotton metallothionein GhMT3a, a reactive oxygen species
scavenger, increased tolerance against abiotic stress in transgenic tobacco and yeast. Journal of experimental botany, 60(1), 339-349.
15. Gai, Y. P., Li, X. Z⃰., Ji, X. L., Wu, C. A., Yang, G. D., & Zheng, C. C. (2008). Chilling stress accelerates degradation of seed storage protein
and photosynthetic protein during cotton seed germination. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 194(4), 278-288.
16. 馬海珍, 朱偉偉, 王啟柏, 王國良, 李新征⃰, & 亓寶秀. (2014). 玉米幼苗不同部位的再生能力和某些影響因子. 作物學報, 40 (02): 313- 319.
. 17. 劉江, 馬燕斌, 孫全喜, 吳霞, 李雪瀅, 孫美紅, 李新征⃰, & 亓寶秀. (2014). 超長鏈多不飽和脂肪酸在棉花中的異源合成. 作物學報40(01), 86-92.
. 18 . 劉江, 孫全喜, 李新征⃰, & 亓寶秀. (2013). 球等鞭金藻 Δ5 去飽和酶基因 IgD5 在擬南芥中的功能鑑定. 作物學報, 39(5), 928-934.
19 . 陳靖, 董浩, 馬海珍, 孫全喜, 劉江, 亓寶秀, 李新征⃰, & 董樹亭. (2011). 玉米幼胚和源於幼苗的幼嫩葉段愈傷誘導及其植株再生的比較. 中國農業科學, 44(17), 3676-3682.


