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  • 中文名:李文
  • 畢業院校:國防科學技術大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:管理科學與工程
  • 任職院校:湖南大學


1999.9-2003.7 俄羅斯聖彼得堡國立電子技術大學 信息與計算技術 學士
2003.9-2005.7 俄羅斯聖彼得堡國立電子技術大學 計算機網路與通訊 碩士
2006.3-2013.12 國防科學技術大學 管理科學與工程 博士






[1] 李文,高鵬,陳英武,等. 遙感數據處理任務調度的Petri網模型及求解算法. 國防科技大學學報,2011:138-142,EI Compendex:20111613922800.
Abstract: For effectively managing and scheduling remotely sensed data processing task, which can improve the utility of processing resources, Petri net was adopted to describe this problem based on its characteristics, and its mathematical model was also presented. An ant colony optimization algorithm was proposed for solving this problem. Finally, experiment results, compared with the results of heuristic algorithm and the very fast simulated algorithm, show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
[2] 李文,陳英武,李菊芳,等. 基於快速模擬退火的遙感數據處理調度方法. 系統工程與電子技術,2011,33(2):334-338,EI Compendex:20111513910521
Abstract: For effectively managing and scheduling remotely sensed data processing task and improving the utilization ratio of processing resources, this paper presents a mathematical model of the problem based on the characteristics of the problem. A quick simulated annealing algorithm is proposed for solving this problem, which uses two types of neighborhood structure: total counterchange (including total redistribution and total swap) and local counterchange (including local redistribution and local swap). Finally, experiment results compared with the results of heuristic algorithm, show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
[3] Li Wen, Gao Peng, Chen Ying-Wu, et al. Approach of remotely sensed data processing task scheduling problem based on ant colony optimization. International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC 2011), 2011: 532-536, EI Compendex: 20113514280149
Abstract: With the development of remote sensing technology, remote sensing data frequency-intensive has received and processed, the demand of remote sensing applications has kept an increasing growth. The management and planning for multi-source remote sensing data processing became very complicated with the evolution of remote sensed application requests. The way of effect management and scheduling can improve utility of processing resources and sufficiently exert abilities of remote sensing processing center. Based on the multi-objective optimization characteristic of the problem, this paper presents the mathematical model of the problem. An ant colony optimization algorithm is proposed for solving this problem. At last, experiments results show the effectiveness of our approach compared with the results of heuristic algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm.
[4] Gao Peng, Li Wen, Feng Yao, et al. Simulated annealing algorithm for EOS scheduling problem with task merging. International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC 2011), 2011: 547-552, EI Compendex: 20113514280152
Abstract: The slew operations of earth observation satellites are tightly constrained, observation scheduling with task merging can improve satellites observing efficiency. The model of satellite observation scheduling problem with task merging is proposed in this paper article and a Very Fast Simulated Annealing algorithm (VFSA) is developed to solve the problem. The VFSA algorithm employs compose and decompose neighborhoods for dynamic task merging. To avoid the local optimum solutions and improve the exploration abilities, re-annealing and three diversification strategies, perturb, rearrange and restart are defined in VFSA. Experiments results show the effectiveness of our approach.
[5] Wen Li, Yingwu Chen, Jufang Li, et al. Remotely sensed data processing task scheduling based on limited concentration model. IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC2010), 2010: 15-18, EI Compendex: 20110713666593
Abstract: This paper presents a new model for the remotely sensed data processing task scheduling problem – limited concentration model based on analysis of existing models of this problem. This model consists of two parts: task dispensation of schedule manager and local scheduling. A framework is presented for solving this problem. At last, experiments results show the effectiveness of our approach.
[6] 姚鋒,李菊芳,李文,等. 對地觀測衛星動態能力評估系統.火力與指揮控制,2010,35(12):18-21
Abstract: To solve the problem of macrocosmic design and planning argumentation of satellites system, a method on dynamic capability assessment of earth observation satellites is proposed based on mission planning, and the corresponding soft system is designed and implemented. In this paper, the components and functions of a dynamic capability assessment system of earth observation satellites system are described, a variant neighborhood tabu-search method is designed for the problem of multi—satellites scheduling. In this paper end, the application of the system in the future is summarized.
[7] Wen Li, Yingwu Chen, Renjie He. The study on data customization and collection planning system of remote sensing satellite for environment. International Conference on Geoinformatics - remotely sensed data and information, Bellingham WA, United States, SPIE, 2007, 6752 (2), 675246: 1-11, EI Compendex: 20074810943858
Abstract: With the development of the earth observing satellites science and technologies, the data customization and collection planning system as a bridge linking users and satellite managers, is designed to try to make use of the whole satellites network sufficiently. Its research fixes attention on how to utilize the satellites network cooperatively and optimally, discusses whole correlation of various activities in process from submission user’s requirements to acquisition remote sensing products. The paper looks at demand from remote sensing application sector including regional monitoring as well as reducing and preventing disasters etc., presents a architecture of data customization and collection planning system, aiming at remote sensing satellite managed by different domestic departments, and discusses the cooperative mission planning and scheduling technology to improve the macro utilization benefits of remote sensing resources as well as users’ satisfaction of remote sensing products and service.
[8] Xueren Xu, Renjie He, Wen Li. The Architecture of Data Collection Planning System for Environment Observing Satellite Network. International Conference on Geoinformatics - remotely sensed data and information, Bellingham WA, United States, SPIE, 2007, 6752 (1), 675203: 1-8, EI Compendex: 20074810943680
Abstract: Based on the analysis of the characteristics of remote sensing satellite constellation for environment, this paper is proposed an architecture of data collection planning system for environment observing satellite network. This architecture integrates following functions: the request generation, task planning, task scheduling and information distribution.


[1] 國家自然科學基金青年項目,61203180,快響敏捷衛星合成觀測的批調度問題模型與方法研究,2013/01-2015/12,25萬元,已結題。
[2] 國家自然科學基金青年項目,71201171,基於數學規劃啟發式的多星多站集成調度方法研究,2013/01-2015/12,19萬元,已結題。
[3] 國家自然科學基金青年項目,70801062、靈巧衛星對地觀測調度的分解最佳化方法研究,2009/01-2011/12,18萬元,已結題。
[4] 橫向項目:資源三號衛星數據處理和服務設施建設項目——計畫編排軟體系統(2011--2012),負責計畫編排模組的設計與實現,已結題。
[5] 橫向項目:中國航天東方紅衛星公司“CAST3000小衛星平台地面仿真系統任務規劃分系統”(2009--2011),負責整個軟體的集成和測試,已結題。
[6] 橫向項目:中國資源衛星套用中心:全國陸地觀測衛星數據處理和服務設施建設項目——計畫編排軟體包(2007--2009),負責多星任務規劃和計畫編排模組的設計與實現,以及整個軟體的集成和測試,已結題。


