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李文超,天津科技大學生物工程學院 副教授。2019年博士畢業於天津大學,同年加入天津科技大學


  • 中文名:李文超
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 畢業院校:天津大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:生物化工
  • 職稱:天津科技大學生物工程學院




[1] 生物質煉製,致力於木質纖維素生物轉化。
[2] 合成生物學,致力於基於合成生物學的天然產物、生物能源、生物基化學品微生物製造。
[3] 發酵食品/飼料生物技術,致力於功能性食品、單細胞蛋白開發。


[1] 國家自然科學青年基金(2022-2024),主持
[2] 天津市高等學校基本科研業務資助項目(2020-2022),主持。
[3] 食品營養與安全國家重點實驗室開放課題(2019-2021),主持。


先後發表各類科研論文30篇,授權發明專利1項。擔任《Bioresource Technology》《Energy》《Energy Conversion and Management》《Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects》等雜誌審稿人,發表的主要學術論文有:
[1] Li WC, Xu B, Xu MF, Wu Y, Liu ZH, Li BZ, Zhong C*, Jia SR; Mild and recyclableethylenediamine pretreatment for bacterial cellulose fermentation and ligninvalorization; Ind. Crops. Prod., 2024
[2]LiWC,Huang XX, Liu H, Lian H, Xu B, Zhang WJ, Sun XW, Wang W, Jia SR, Zhong C*;Improvement in bacterial cellulose production by co-culturing Bacillus cereus and Komagataeibacter xylinus; Carbohydr. Polym., 2023
[3]Li WC; Shen YQ; Liu H; Huang XX; Xu B; Zhong C*;Jia SR; Bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass into bacterial nanocellulose:Challenges andperspectives. Green Chem. Eng., 2023
[4] Wang FP, Li JJ, Zhang Y, Sun MY, Li L, Wahid F, XieYY, Jia SR, Li WC*, Zhong C*; TEMPO-mediated oxidation promotescellulose dissolution in a Zincate–NaOH system at suprazero temperatures; ACSSustain. Chem. Eng., 2022
[5]LiWC,Zhang SJ, Zhang TZ, Shen YQ, Han LJ, Peng ZJ, Xie ZX, Zhong C*, Jia SR;Bacterial cellulose production from ethylenediamine pretreated CaraganakorshinskiiKom. Ind. Crops. Prod., 2021
[6] Li WC,Lv JG, Dong TY, Li XY, Li XN, Tan ZL*, Jia SR*, Effects of amino acids and overexpressionof dapA gene on the production of ε-poly-L-lysine by Streptomycesdiastatochromogenes strains. Curr. Microbiol., 2021
[7] Li WC, Zhang SJ, Xu T, Sun MQ, Zhu JQ, Zhong C, Li BZ*, Yuan YJ. Fractionation of corn stover by two-step pretreatment for production of ethanol, furfural, and lignin. Energy 2020
[8] Li WC, Han LJ, Peng TB, Xie YY, Zou Y, Li LZ, Jia SR, Zhong C*, Structural and behavior changes of herbaceous and hardwood biomass during steam explosion pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis. Bioresources 2020
[9] Li WC, Zhu JQ, Zhao X, Qin L, Xu T, Li BZ*, Yuan YJ. Improving co-fermentation of glucose and xylose by adaptive evolution of engineering xylose-fermenting Saccharomyces cerevisiae and different fermentation strategies. Renew. Energ. 2019
[10] Li WC, Li X, Zhu JQ, Qin L, Li BZ*, Yuan YJ. Improving xylose utilization and ethanol production from dry dilute acid pretreated corn stover by two-step and fed-batch fermentation. Energy2018
[11] Li WC, Li X, Qin L, Zhu JQ, Han X, Li BZ*, Yuan YJ. Reducing sugar loss in enzymatic hydrolysis of ethylenediamine pretreated corn stover. Bioresour. Technol. 2017


[1] 元英進;李文;秦磊;朱家慶;李炳志;一種玉米秸稈的預處理方法,CN104561183B


