


  • 中文名:李德富
  • 職業:四川大學化學工程學院副教授,碩士導師


2013/12-至今 四川大學,化學工程學院生物化工專業,碩士生導師
2014/07-至今 四川大學,化學工程學院製藥與生物工程系,副教授




1. 納米粘土改性膠原蛋白塑膠的結構與性能. 四川大學青年教師科研啟動基金(2010SCU11042),2011.1-2012.12,項目負責人;
2. Brookfield粘度計功能的深度開發及在大學生創新實驗中的套用. 四川大學實驗技術立項項目,2011.11-2012.11,項目負責人;
3. 生物工程專業課程探究式教學方式的改革與實踐. 四川省“高等教育質量工程”建設項目,2012-2015,負責人;
4. 納米粘土在膠原蛋白塑膠中的剝離行為及誘導作用研究. 國家自然科學基金青年基金(21206098),2013.1-2015.12,項目負責人;
5. 活性有機蒙脫土在膠原蛋白中的剝離行為及誘導作用研究. 高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金(20120181120105),2013.1-2015.12,項目負責人;
6. 一種功能性明膠粉條及其製備方法,企業委託(14Z0005),2014.4-2019.4,項目負責人;
7. 醛多糖改性膠原蛋白塑膠的微相分離行為研究. 四川大學優秀青年學者科研基金(2015SCU04A34),2015.1-2017.12,項目負責人。


1. 大學生創新創業訓練計畫與探究式教學結合模式的探索與實踐. 四川大學教學成果獎二等獎,2012年度;
2. 四川大學2011屆本科優秀畢業論文指導教師;
3. 四川大學2013屆本科優秀畢業論文指導教師;
4. 四川大學2014屆本科優秀畢業論文指導教師;
5. 2013年度四川大學課堂教學質量優秀獎;
6. 2014年度四川大學青年骨幹教師獎;
7. 2014-2015學年四川大學學術型社團優秀指導教師二等獎;
8. 2015中國化工學會年會優秀論文獎;


1. 李德富,林煒,穆暢道,賀麗蓉. 一種功能性明膠粉條及其製備方法. 中國發明專利,專利號:ZL201010119060.7
2. 李德富,穆暢道,郭佶慜. 一種納米複合材料中納米粘土的冷凍分散方法. 中國發明專利,專利號:ZL201110130461.7
3. 李德富,郭佶慜,穆暢道,王亮傑,張寒光. 一種酚酸類改性膠原蛋白面膜及其製備方法. 中國發明專利,專利號:ZL201110309522.6
4. 李德富,畢彩霞,穆暢道,李新瑩,王瑞瑞,葛黎明. 一種II型膠原和硫酸軟骨素的綜合提取工藝. 中國發明專利,專利號:ZL201210196922.5
5. 李德富,郭佶慜,穆暢道,丁偉輝,胡園,王瑞瑞. 一種廢水中陽離子染料吸附劑及其製備方法. 中國發明專利,專利號:ZL201210482472.6
6. 李德富,郭佶慜,穆暢道,盧雪,周敏. 一種明膠基納米複合材料及其製備方法. 中國發明專利,專利號:ZL201210528098.9
7. 李德富,葉友鑫,葛黎明,穆暢道. 一種功能性明膠食品包裝膜及其製備方法. 中國發明專利,申請號:201510137884.X
8. 李德富,葛黎明,梁偉傑,李德榮,趙文博. 一種納米複合大豆蛋白塑膠及其製備方法. 中國發明專利,申請號:201510304629.X
9. 李德富,葛黎明,李德榮,向傳超,周芳. 一種膠原基創傷敷料及其製備方法. 中國發明專利,申請號:201510712123.2


17.Defu Li*, Youxin Ye, Derong Li, Xinying Li, Changdao Mu*. Biological properties of dialdehyde carboxymethyl cellulose crosslinked gelatin-PEG composite hydrogel fibers for wound dressings. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2016, 137, 508-514.
16. Ying Zhou, Xinying Li, Yongbo Lv, Yifeng Shi, Yu Zeng,Defu Li*, Changdao Mu*. Effect of oxidation level on the inclusion capacity and solution stability of oxidized amylose in aqueous solution. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2016, 138, 41-48.
15. Liming Ge, Xinying Li, Run Zhang, Tianhan Yang, Xiaowei Ye, Defu Li*, Changdao Mu. Development and characterisation of dialdehyde xanthan gum crosslinked gelatin based edible films incorporated with amino-functionalized montmorillonite. Food Hydrocolloids, 2015, 51, 129-135.
14. Wenwen Zhang, Xinying Li, Taocheng Yu, Lun Yuan, Gang Rao, Defu Li*, Changdao Mu*. Physicochemical and release characterisation of the inclusion complex of β-cyclodextrin and trans-anethole. Food Research International, 2015, 74, 55-62.
13. Kechen Li, Jiangen Peng, Meizhou Zhang, Jian Heng, Defu Li*, Changdao Mu. Comparative study of the effects of anatase and rutile titanium dioxide nanoparticles on the structure and properties of waterborne polyurethane. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015, 470, 92-99.
12. Jimin Guo, Liming Ge, Xinying Li, Changdao Mu, Defu Li*. Periodate oxidation of xanthan gum and its crosslinking effects on gelatin-based edible films. Food Hydrocolloids, 2014, 39, 243-250.
11. Xinying Li, Hongyan Ma, Huilian Huang, Defu Li, Shun Yao. Natural anthocyanins form phytoresources and their chemical researcher. Natural Product Research, 2013, 27(4-5): 456-469.
10. Changdao Mu, Ke Zhang, Wei Lin, Defu Li*. Ring-opening polymerization of genipin and its long-range crosslinking effect on collagen hydrogel. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, 2013, 101A, 385-393.
9. Changdao Mu, Xinying Li, Yige Zhao, Hanguang Zhang, Liangjie Wang,Defu Li*. Freezing/thawing Effects on the Exfoliation of Montmorillonite in Gelatin-based Bionanocomposite. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 128, 3141-3148.
8. Changdao Mu, Xinying Li, Jimin Guo, Caixia Bi, Defu Li*. Effects of Montmorillonite on the Structure and Properties of Gelatin-PEG Composite Fibers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 129, 773-778.
7. Jimin Guo, Xinying Li, Changdao Mu, Hanguang Zhang, Pan Qin, Defu Li*. Freezing-thawing effects on the properties of dialdehyde carboxymethyl cellulose crosslinked gelatin-MMT composite films. Food Hydrocolloids, 2013, 33, 273-279.
6. Changdao Mu, Jimin Guo, Xinying Li, Wei Lin, Defu Li*. Preparation and properties of dialdehyde carboxymethyl cellulose crosslinked gelatin edible films. Food Hydrocolloids, 2012, 27, 22-29.
5. Lirong He, Changdao Mu, Defu Li, Wei Lin. Revisit the pre-transition of type I collagen denaturation in dilute solution by ultrasensitive differential scanning calorimetry. Thermochimica Acta, 2012, 548, 1-5.
4. Dihan Su, Chunhua Wang, Sumei Cai, Changdao Mu, Defu Li, Wei Lin. Influence of palygorskite on the structure and thermal stability of collagen. Applied Clay Science, 2012, 62-63, 41-46.
3. Defu Li, Changdao Mu, Qian Zhang, Yuling Zhou, Wei Lin*. Effects of Microwave Irradiation on Collagen Denaturation. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2010, 34, 1319-1331.
2. Defu Li, Changdao Mu, Cai Sumei, Wei Lin. Ultrasonic irradiation in the enzymatic extraction of collagen. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2009, 16, 605-609.
1. Changdao Mu, Defu Li, Wei Lin, Yanwei Ding, and Guangzhao Zhang. Temperature induced denaturation of collagen in acidic solution. Biopolymers, 2007, 86(4), 282-287.


