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男,1981年出生,博士,研究員。2010年中科院亞熱帶農業生態研究所獲生態學博士學位。2015-2018年中科院南京地理與湖泊研究所博士後。2015-2016美國Florida Gulf Coast University訪問學者。主要從事濕地植被演替、濕地植被生態化學計量學、濕地生態恢復及濕地植物資源化利用等方面研究。曾獲中科院三好學生、中科院地奧獎學金、中科院青年創新促進會會員、中科院青年創新促進會優秀會員及湖南省121創新人才培養工程第三層次人選等榮譽稱號。基金委通訊評審專家,中國自然資源學會青年委員會委員。先後主持國家自然科學基金、湖南省科技支撐計畫重點項目、中國科學院科技服務網路計畫(STS)項目課題、中國科學院重點部署項目課題及中國科學院知識創新工程領域前沿項目等15項,並作為主要人員參與國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973)、國家水體污染控制與治理科技重大專項、國家科技支撐計畫、中國科學院知識創新工程重大項目等20餘項。發表研究論文100餘篇,其中SCI源刊60篇,參編專著6部,申請發明專利4項。獲湖南省科技自然科學獎二等獎一項(排名第三)。為20餘個國內外刊物審稿專家。

1.Wu, H.P.,Li, F., Hao, B.B., Zhou, W., Xing, W., Liu, W.Z., Liu, G.H. 2019.Does hydrological reconnection enhance nitrogen cycling rates in lakeshore wetlands of a eutrophic lake?Ecological Indicator.96:241-249.(Co-first author)
2.Li, F., Hu, C., Xie, Y.H., Liu, W.Z., Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M. 2018. Influence of different P enrichment frequency on plant growth and plant C:N:P in a P-limited subtropical lake wetland, China.Frontier in Plant Science.9:1608
3.Li, F., Hu, J.Y., Xie Y.H., Yang, G.S., Hu, C., Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M.. 2018. Foliar carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry ofCarex brevicuspisalong a small-scale elevation gradient.Ecological Indicator.92:322-329
4.Liu, W.Z, Jiang, X.L., Zhang, Q.F.,Li, F.*, Liu, G.H. 2018. Has submerged vegetation loss altered sediment denitrification, N2O production and denitrifying microbial communities in subtropical lakes?Global Biogeochemical Cycles.32: 1195-1207. (Corresponding author)
5.Fu, X.H.,Li, F.*, Zhu, L.L., Xie Y.H., Hu, C., Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M. 2018. ChangeinecologicalstoichiometryofCarexbrevicuspisinresponsetosamplingtimeandelevationinDongtingLake,China.Nordic Journal of Botnay.e01821 (Corresponding author)
6.Li, F., Yang, N., Zhu, L.L., Xie Y.H., Yang, G.S., Hu, C., Chen X.S., Deng Z.M. 2018. Competition and facilitation of two typical wetland macrophytes under different water level and nutrient heterogeneous conditions.Freshwater Science.37(2):296-306
7.Hu, C.,Li, F., Xie, Y.H., Deng, Z.M., Chen, X.S. 2018. Soilcarbon, nitrogen and phosphorusstoichiometry of three dominate plant communitiesdistributed along a small-scale elevation gradient in the East Dongting Lake.Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 103: 28-34.(Co-first author)
8.Bai, Y.P.,Li, F., Yang, G., Shi, S.W., Dong, F.Q., Liu, M.X., Nie, X.Q., Hai, J.B. 2018.Meta-analysis of experimental warming on soil invertase and urease activities.Acta Agriculture Scandinavia, Section B - Plant Soil Science68:104-109(Co-first author)
9.Li, F., Gao, H., Zhu, L.L., Xie Y.H., Yang, G.S., Hu, C., Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M. 2017. Foliar nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of three wetland plants distributed along an elevation gradient in Dongting Lake, China.Scientific Reports.7:2820
10.Li, F., Xie Y.H., Yang, G.S., Zhu, L.L., Hu, C., Chen X.S., Deng Z.M. 2017. Interactive influence of water level, nutrient heterogeneity and plant density on the growth performance and root characteristics ofCarex brevicuspis.Limnologica.62:111-117
11.Li, F., Zhu, L.L., Xie Y.H., Liang S.C., Hu, C., Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M. 2016. Fragment growth performance of the invasive submerged macrophyteMyriophyllum spicatumunder conditions of different water depths and sediment types.Aquatic Ecology.50(4): 727-734
12.Li, F., Qin Y.Y., Zhu, L.L., Xie Y.H., Liang S.C., Hu, C., Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M. 2016.Effects of fragment size and sediment heterogeneity on the colonization and growth ofMyriophyllum spicatum.Ecological Engineering.95: 457-462
13.Gao, H., Tan, H.Z., Xie, Y.H., Zhou, M.X.,Li, F., Zhu, L.L. 2016. Morphological responses to different flooding regimes inCarex brevicuspis.Nordic Journal of Botany.34:435-441(Co-first author)
14.Li, F., Pan, Y., Xie Y.H., Chen X.S., Deng, Z.M., Li, X., Hou, Z.Y., Tang, Y. 2016. Different role of three emergent macrophytes in promoting sedimentation in the Dongting Lake, China.Aquatic sciences. 78: 159-169
15.Li, F., Yang, G.., Xie Y.H., Chen X.S., Deng Z.M.,Hu J.Y. 2015. Competition between two wetland macrophytes under different levels of sediment saturation.Journal of Limnology.74(3):623-630.
16.Li, F., Zhu, L.L., Xie Y.H., Jiang, L., Chen, X.S., Deng Z.M.,Pan, B.H. 2015. Colonization by fragments of the submerged macrophyteMyriophyllum spicatumunder different sediment type and density conditions.Scientific Reports.5. 11821.
17.Li, F., Xie Y.H., Zhu L.L., Jiang, L., Chen X.S., Pan B.H., Deng Z.M. 2015. Changed clonal growth form induced by sand burial facilitatesCarex brevicuspisto acclimate to competitionPlos one.10(3): e0121270.
18.Li, F., Xie Y.H., Zhang C., Chen X.S., Song B.B., Li, Y.Z., Tang, Y., Hu J.Y. 2014. Increased density facilitates plant acclimation to drought stress in the emergent macrophytePolygonum hydropiper.Ecological Engineering.71: 66-70.
19.Li, F., Xie Y.H., Tang Y., Liu Y.Y., Chen X.S., Deng Z.M. , Hu J.Y., Liu N. 2014. Negative influence of burial stress on plant growth was ameliorated by increased plant density inPolygonum hydropiper.Limnologica.45: 33-37.
20.Li, F., Xie Y.H., Chen X.S., Hou Z.Y., Li X., Deng Z.M.,Liu Y.Y., Hu J.Y., Liu N. 2013. Succession of aquatic macrophytes in the Modern Yellow River Delta after permanent alluviation over 150 year.Wetland Ecology and Management.21:219-228.
21.Li, F., Qin, X.Y., Xie, Y.H., Chen, X.S., Hu, J.Y., Hou, Z.Y. 2013. Physiological mechanisms for plant distribution pattern: responses to flooding and drought in three wetland plants from Dongting Lake, China.Limnology.14:71-76.
22.Li, F., Xie Y., Chen, X.S., Pan, Y., Deng, Z.M., Li, X. 2011. Plant distribution can be reflected by physiological responses to salinity of three submerged macrophytes from the Modern Yellow River Delta.Fundamental & Applied Limnology.179:159-167.
23.Li, F., Li Y.,Qin, H.., Xie, Y. 2011. Plant distribution can be reflected by the different growth and morphological responses to water level and shade in two emergent macrophyte seedlings in the Sanjiang Plain.Aquatic Ecology.45:89-97.
24.Li, F., Xie, Y.. 2009.Spacer elongation and plagiotropicgrowthare the primary clonal strategiesused byVallisneria spiralisto acclimate to sedimentation.Aquatic Botany,91:219- 223.
25.Lan, Z.C., Chen, Y.S.,Li, L.,Li, F., Jin, B.S., Chen, J.K. 2019.Testing mechanisms underlying elevational patterns of lakeshore plant community assembly in Poyang Lake, China.Journal of plant ecology(accepted)
26.Chen, X.S., Li, Y.F., Cai, Y.H., Xie, Y.H., Deng, Z.M.,Li, F., Hou, Z.Y. 2019. Contrasting flooding tolerance strategies inPolygonum hydropiperplants originating from low- and high-elevation habitats.Frontier in plant science.9:1970
27.Xie, Y.j., Xie, Y.H., Xiao, H.Y., Chen, X.S., Li, F. 2019. The effects of siulated inundation duration and frequency on litter decomposition: a one-year experiment.Limnologica. 74: 8-13.
28.Zou, Y.A., Zhang, P.Y., Xie, Y.H.,Li, F., Deng, Z.M. 2019. Response of thewintering migratory waterbirds to the natural wetland changes in the East Dongting Lake, China.Science of the Total Environment.655:147-157.
29.Deng Z., Chen X., Xie Y.*, Pan Y.,Li F. et al. 2018. Hydrologic and edaphic controls on soil carbon emission in Dongting Lake floodplain, China.Biogeosciences. 123(9):3088-3097.
30.Hu, J.Y., Xie, Y.H., Tang,Y.,Li, F., Zou, Y.A. 2018. Changes of vegetation distribution in the East Dongting Lake after the running of the Three Gorge Dam, China.Frontier in plant science.9:582.
31.Pan, B.H., Xie, Y.H.,Li, F., Zou, Y.A., Deng, Z.M. 2018. Responses to sedimentation in ramet populations of the clonal plantCarex brevicuspis.Frontier in plant science.9:512.
32.Yao, L., Chen, C.G., Liu, G.H.,Li, F., Liu, W.Z. 2018. Environmental factors rather than abundance and diversity of nitrifying microorganisms control sediment nitrification rates in Yangtze lakes.RSC Advances.8:1875.
33.Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M., Xie, Y.H.,Li, F., Hou, Z.Y., Wu, C. 2017. Concurrent effects of sediment accretion and nutrient availability on the clonal growth strategy of Carex brevicuspis: a wetland sedge that produces both spreading and clumping ramets.Frontier in Plant Science.8:1685.
34.Xie, Y.J., Xie, Y.H., Xiao, H.Y., Chen, X.S.,Li, F.2017.Controls on litter decomposition of emergent macrophyte in Dongting Lake Wetlands.Ecosystems. 20:1383-1389
35.Deng, Z.M., Xie, Y.H., Chen, X.S.,Li, F., Liu, N. 2017. Effect of clone size on submergence tolerance and post-submergence growth recovery inCarex brevicuspis(Cyperaceae).Journal of Limnology.76(1):355-361.
36.Pan, Y., Liu, C.,Li, F., Zhou, C.Q., Yan, S.W., Dong, J.Y., Li, T., Duan, C.Q.. 2017.Norfloxacin disrupts Daphnia magna-induced colony formation inScenedesmus quadricaudaand facilitates grazing.Ecological Engineering.102:255-261
37.Chen, X.S., Liao, Y.L., Xie, Y.H., Wu, C.,Li, F., Deng, Z.M., Li, X. 2017.Enhanced growth and propagation ofPhalaris arundinaceafollowing burial is related to nutrient enrichment, not sand accretion.Scientific Reports6:39963
38.Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M., Xie, Y.H.,Li, F., Hou, Z.Y., Wu, C. 2016. Consequences of repeated defoliation on belowground bud banks ofCarex brevicuspis(Cyperaceae) in the Dongting Lake wetlands, China.Frontier in Plant Science7:1119
39.Xie, Y.J., Xie, Y.H., Hu, C., Chen, X.S.,Li, F. 2016. Non-additive effects of water availability and litter quality on decomposition of litter mixtures.Journal of freshwater Ecology.31: 153-168
40.Xie, Y.J., Xie, Y.H., Hu, C., Chen, X.S.,Li, F.2016. Interaction between litter quality and simulated water depth on decomposition of two emergent macrophytes.Journal of Limnology.75: 36-43.
41.Chen, X.S., Li, Y.F., Xie, Y.H., Deng, Z.M., Li, X.,Li, F., Hou, Z.Y. 2015. Trade-off between allocation to reproductive ramets and rhizome buds inCarex brevicuspispopulations along a small-scale elevational gradient.Scientific Reports.5:12688
42.Hu, C, Deng, Z.M., Xie, Y.H., Chen X.S.,Li, F. 2015. The risk assessment of sediment heavy metal pollution in the East Dongting Lake wetland.Journal of Chemistry.ID835487
43.Xie, Y.H., Tang, Y., Chen, X.S.,Li, F., Deng, Z.M. 2015.Theimpact of Three Gorges Dam on the downstream eco-hydrological environment and vegetation distribution of East Dongting Lake.Ecohydrology8:738-746
44.Chen, X.S., Li, X., Xie, Y.H.,Li, F., Hou, Z.Y., Zeng, J. 2015. Combined influence of hydrological gradient and edaphic factors on the distribution of macrophyte communities in Dongting Lake wetlands, China.Wetland Ecology and Management.23:481-490
45.Chen, X.S., Cao, C.S., Deng, Z.M., Xie, Y.H.,Li, F., Hou, Z.Y., Li, X. 2015. Assessment of regeneration potential in the clonal macrophyteMiscanthus sacchariflorus(Poaceae) after burial disturbance based on bud bank size and sprouting capacity.Plos one10(3):e0121270
46.Deng, Z.M., Chen, X.S., Xie, Y.H., Xie, Y.J., Hou, Z.Y.,Li, F. 2015. The role of seedling recruitment from juvenile populations ofCarex brevicuspis(Cyperaceae) at the Dongting Lake wetlands, China.Scientific Reports.5:8646.
47.Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M., Xie, Y.H.,Li, F., Hou, Z.Y., Li, X. 2015.Belowground bud banks offourdominant macrophytes along asmall-scaleelevationalgradient in Dongting Lake wetlands, China.Aquatic Botany.122:9-14.
48.Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M., Xie, Y.H.,Li, F., Hou, Z.Y., Li, X. 2014.Effects of sediment burial disturbance on the vegetative propagation ofPhalaris arundinaceawith different shoot statuses.Aquatic Ecology. 48: 409-416
49.Li, Y.Z., Chen, X.S., Xie, Y.H., Li, X., Li, F., Hou, Z.Y. 2014.Effects of poplar plantations on understory plant diversity in the Dongting Lake wetlands.Scientific Reports.4:6339.
50.Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M., Xie, Y.H.,Li, F., Li, X. 2014. Differential growth and vegetative reproduction by two co-occurring emergent macrophytes along a water table gradient.Pakistan Journal of Botany.46(3):881-886.
51.Chen, X.S., Deng, Z.M., Xie, Y.H.,Li, F., Hou, Z.Y., Li, X. 2014.Demography of Rhizome Population ofCarex brevicuspis(Cyperaceae): a Wetland Sedge Produces both Elongatedand Shortened Rhizomes.Nordic Journal of Botany.32:251-256.
52.Qin, X.Y.,Li, F., Chen, X.S., Xie, Y.H. 2013.The responses ofgrowth andnon-structural carbohydrate to submergence and de-submergence in three emergent macrophytes from Dongting Lake wetlands.Acta Physiologiae Plantarum.35:2069-2074.
53.Deng, Z.M., Chen, X.S., Xie, Y.H., Pan, Y.,Li, F., Hou, Z.Y., Li, X., Xie, Y.J. 2013. Plasticity of the clonal growth in the wetland sedge Carex brevicuspis along a small-scale elevation gradient in Dongting Lake wetlands, China.Ann. Bot. Fennici.50: 151-159.
54.Deng, Z.M., Chen, X.S., Xie, Y.H., Li, X., Pan, Y.,Li, F. 2013. Effects of size and vertical distribution on bud sprouting and plan growth of the clonal emergent macrophyteMiscanthus sacchariflorus(Poaceae).Aquatic Botany. 104:121-126.
55.Pan,Y.,Xie,Y.H.,Li, F., Pan, B. H. 2012.Morphological and physiological responses to burial depth and sediment type in the wetland macrophyteMiscanthus sacchariflorus.Fundamental & Applied Limnology.180(3):271-277.
56.Pan, Y., Xie, Y.H., Chen, X.S.,Li, F. 2012. Effects of flooding and sedimentation on the growth and physiology of two emergent macrophytes from Dongting Lake.Aquatic Botany,100: 35-40.
57.Chen, X.S., Xie, Y.H., Deng, Z.M.,Li, F., et al. 2011. A change from phalanx to guerrilla growth form is an effective strategy to acclimate to sedimentation in a wetland sedge speciesCarex brevicuspis(Cyperaceae).Flora.206: 347-350.
58.Luo, W., Xie, Y., Chen, X.,Li, F., Qin, X.2010.Competition and facilitation in three marsh plants in response to a water-level gradient.Wetlands,30: 525-530
59.Xie, Y., Ren, B.,Li, F. 2008. Increased nutrient supply facilitates acclimation to high water level in the marsh plantDeyeuxia angustifolia: the response of root morphology.Aquatic Botany, 91:1-5.
60.Xie, Y., Luo, W., Ren, B.,Li, F. 2007. Morphological and Physiological Responses to Sediment Type and Light Availability in Roots of the Submerged PlantMyriophyllum spicatum.Annals of botany,100(7): 1517-1523.
3.中國科學院青年創新促進會優秀會員項目:洞庭湖濕地演變生態環境效應及退化風險評估. (2014337,2019-2021)
7.中國科學院青年創新促進會項目:洞庭湖典型水文情勢對濕地植被種間關係的影響及調控機理. (2014337,2014-2017)
8.中國科學院知識創新工程領域前沿項目:洞庭湖次生裸地濕地植被演替特徵及其調控機理研究(ISACX-LYQY-QN-1208, 2013-2015)
9.中國博士後基金一等資助:洞庭湖不同演替階段植被生態化學計量格局及維持機制.(2015M580479, 2015-2017)


