- 中文名:李小昱
- 國籍:中國
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 性別:女
在教學方面,先後為本科生、研究生開設“工程測試與信息處理”、“機電一體化技術”、 “虛擬儀器技術”、“感測器原理與設計”、“信號處理”、“機動車安全檢測技術”、“機械振動”等課程,指導碩士研究生和博士研究生。
在《農業工程學報》、《農業機械學報》、《CATENA》等國內外學術刊物上發表論文180餘篇, 其中52篇被SCI、EI收錄,主要有:
1. 展 慧,李小昱(通訊),王為,汪成龍,周竹,黃懿. 基於機器視覺的板栗分級檢測方法研究.農業工程學報,2010,26(4). EI收錄.
2. 劉潔,李小昱(通訊),李培武,王為,周煒,張軍.基於近紅外光譜的板栗水分檢測方法. 農業工程學報,2010,26(2). EI收錄.
3. Zhu Zhou, Xiaoyu Li(Corresponding Author),Peiwu Li,Yun Gao,Jie Liu,Wei Wang. Discriminate of Moldy Chestnut based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Feature Extraction by Fourier Transform. The Fourth International Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture (CCTA2010), Nanchang: Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture, 2011, 344: 625-635. EI收錄.
4. Chenglong Wang,Xiaoyu Li(Corresponding Author), Wei Wang, Yaoze Feng, Zhu Zhou, Hui Zhan. Recognition of Worm-eaten Chestnuts Based on Machine Vision. Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 2010. SCI收錄.
5. Jie Liu,Xiaoyu Li,Peiwu Li,Wei Wang,Jun Zhang,Wei Zhou,Zhu Zhou. Non-destructive Measurement of Sugar Content in Chestnuts Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy. The First International Conference on Intelligent Nondestructive Detection & Information Processing Technology (INDIP2010), Nanchang: Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture, 2011, 347: 230-238.EI收錄.
6. Yaoze Feng, Xiaoyu Li(Corresponding Author). Detection of Soil Total Nitrogen by Vis-SWNIR Spectroscopy. The First International Conference on Intelligent Nondestructive Detection & Information Processing Technology (INDIP2010), Nanchang: Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture, 2011, 347: 161-168.EI收錄.
7. Zhang Jun,Li Xiao Yu(Corresponding Author),Wang Wei,Zhou Zhu,Zhou Wei. Development and Application of Gas Sensor Array in Determination Freshwater Fish Freshness. 2009ASABE Annual International Meeting, Reno. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. 095546. EI收錄.
8. Zhou Wei,Li Xiao Yu(Corresponding Author),Wang Wei,Zhang Jun,Zhou Zhu. Research on the Non-destructive Testing of Pork Freshness Based on Multi-sensor Fusion Technology. 2009ASABE Annual International Meeting, Reno. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. 096158. EI收錄.
9. Jie Liu,Xiaoyu Li (Corresponding Author),Wei Wang,Jun Zhang,Zhu Zhou,Wu Xiao,Wei Zhou. Study of Discrimination of Moldy Chestnut Using Near- Infrared Spectroscopy Study of discrimination of moldy chestnut using near-infrared ectroscopy. 2009ASABEAnnual International Meeting, Reno. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. 095715. EI收錄.
10. Wu Xiao,Xiaoyu Li (Corresponding Author),Peiwu Li,Elbashir M. A.,Wei Wang,Yaoze Feng. Research of soil moisture Detection based on data fusion of near-infrared spectroscopy and machine vision. 2009ASABE Annual International Meeting, Reno. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. 095764. EI收錄.
11. 李小昱,韓鶴友,王 為,陳浩,張軍.生物柴油的經濟性能和排放特性的試驗. 農業工程學報,2009,25(5). EI收錄.
12. 李小昱,肖武,李培武,王為.基於近紅外傅立葉特徵提取方法的土壤含水量檢測.農業機械學報,2009,40(5). EI收錄.
13. 周 竹,劉潔,李小昱(通訊),李培武,王為,展慧.霉變板栗的近紅外光譜和神經網路方法判別. 農業機械學報,2009,40(S). EI收錄.
14. 張 軍,李小昱(通訊),王 為,周竹,吳澤鑫,馮耀澤.電子鼻檢測鰱魚新鮮度的試驗參數最佳化.農業機械學報,2009,40(4). EI收錄.
15. 張 軍,李小昱(通訊),王 為,周竹,周煒,黃懿,肖武,胡波.基於虛擬儀器的淡水魚鮮度電子鼻測量系統.農業工程學報,2009,25(3).EI收錄.
16. 肖 武,李小昱(通訊).基於近紅外光譜的土壤水分檢測模型的適應性.農業工程學報,2009,25(3).EI收錄.
17. 肖 武,李小昱(通訊),李培武,馮耀澤,王為,張軍.近紅外光譜和機器視覺信息融合的土壤含水率檢測.農業工程學報,2009,25(8). EI收錄.
18. Feng Yaoze,Li Xiaoyu (Corresponding Author),Lei Tingwu,Wang Wei,Xiao Wu,Zhou Zhu. Detecting Southern Soil Moisture Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy. JIAC 2009.BeiJing,Book of Abstracts of Joint Interational Agricural Conference.
19. Zhou Zhu,Liu Jje,Li Xiaoyu(Corresponding Author),Li Peiwu,Wang Wei,Zhai Hui. Discrimination Analysis of Moldy Chinese Chestunt Using Artificial Neurl Network Model Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy. JIAC 2009.BeiJing,Book of Abstracts of Joint Interational Agricural Conference.
20. 張榮榮,李小昱(通訊),王為,劉潔.基於有限元方法的板栗破殼力學特性分析. 農業工程學報,2008,24(9). EI收錄.
21. 劉 鵬,李小昱(通訊),王為. 基於相關法的坡面徑流流速測量系統.農業工程學報,2008,24(3). EI收錄.
22. 蔣 猛,李小昱(通訊),李洪軍,楊曉紅.三峽庫區生物柴油植物資源可持續發展評價體.農業工程學報,2008,24(10). EI收錄.
23. Wu Xiao,Xiaoyu Li(Corresponding Author). Estimating Soil Moisture using Fourier Feature Transform Extraction of the Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Tokyo,Japan:The 1st Asian NIR Symposium,2008.
24. Jiang Aihua,,Li Xiaoyu(Corresponding Author),Huang Xiuchang,Zhang Zhenhua,Hua Hongxing. Detection of engine misfire by wavelet analysis of cylinder-head vibration signals. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2008,1(2).
25. 周 煒,李小昱(通訊),王為,黃懿,張軍,肖武. 基於機器視覺的豬肉新鮮度無損檢測方法的研究. 北京:CCTA2008論文集.2008.
26. 張 軍,李小昱(通訊),王為.淡水魚鮮度檢測系統的阻抗特性測試.農業機械學報,2007,38(9). EI收錄.
27. 張 軍,李小昱(通訊),王為.用阻抗特性評價鯽魚鮮度的試驗研究. 農業工程學報,2007,23(6). EI收錄.
28. 李小昱,汪小芳,王為等.基於機械特性BP神經網路的蘋果貯藏品質預測.農業工程學報,2007,23(5). EI收錄.
29. Zhang Jun,Li Xiaoyu(Corresponding Author),Luo Xiwen,Wang Wei.Evaluation of Fresh Water Fish Freshness Based on lmpedance Characteristics. 2007 ASABE Annual. EI收錄.
30. 張榮榮,李小昱(通訊),王為.基於揉搓方法的板栗破殼性能的試驗研究. 農業工程學報,2007,23(5). EI收錄.
31. 張榮榮,李小昱(通訊),王為.基於揉搓方法的板栗破殼性能的試驗研究. 農業工程學報,2007,23(5). EI收錄.
32. 王祝平,李小昱(通訊),王為. 基於EMD與神經網路的內燃機氣門故障診斷的研究.農業機械學報,2007,38(12). EI收錄.
33. 蔣愛華,李小昱(通訊),王為.基於小波分析的發動機氣缸失火故障診斷. 農業工程學報,2007,23(4). EI收錄.
34. 王 為,李小昱,張軍等.基於電導式感測器徑流流速測量系統的試驗研究. 農業工程學報,2007,23(2). EI收錄.
35. Li Xiaoyu,Wang Wei. Forecasting Apple Storage Quality Property with Mechanical Properties Based on Grey System Theory. The Proceeding of the China Association for Science and Technology,2007.
36.Wang Xiaofang,Wang Wei,Li xiaoyu. Study on Testing the Properties of Starch Gels. Transactions of the CSAE,2006,22(12). EI收錄.
37. 李小昱,王為,沈逸,雷廷武.基於虛擬儀器技術的光電式坡面徑流流速測量系統.農業工程學報,2006,22(6). EI收錄.
38. 曾國軍,李小昱(通訊),王為,蔣愛華.基於虛擬儀器技術的聲強法識別拖拉機噪聲源.農業工程學報,2006,22(10). EI收錄.
39. 蔣愛華,李小昱(通訊),王為,曾國軍. 利用缸蓋振動信號檢測發動機功率的試驗研究.農業工程學報,2006,22(11). EI收錄.
40. 李小昱,張軍,王為,肖武.影響測量淡水魚阻抗特性因素的試驗研究. 中國農業通報,2006,(22).
41. 李小昱,王為.基於灰色系統理論用機械特性指標預測蘋果品質特性. 農業工程學報,2005,21(2). EI收錄.
42. Li Xiaoyu,Lei Tingwu,Wang Wei. Capacitance sensors for measuring suspended sediment concentration. CATENA ,2005,60.SCI收錄.
43. 李小昱,雷廷武,王為.,張軍..基於統計理論數據融合的水流泥沙含量測量儀. 農業工程學報,2004,20(5).EI收錄.
44. 李小昱,雷廷武,王為.電容式感測器測量水流泥沙含量的神經網路融合算法.振動、測試與診斷,2004,15(6). EI收錄.
45. 李小昱,雷廷武,王為,沈逸.多感測器信息融合技術及在農業工程中的套用前景.農業工程學報,2003,19(3).
46. 張明社,李小昱(通訊),雷廷武,王為.用基於人工神經網路的數據融合法測量水流泥沙含量.農業工程學報,2002,18(4).
47. 李小昱,雷廷武,王為.電容式水流泥沙含量感測器溫度補償技術的研究.農業機械學報,2002,33(5).
48. 李小昱,雷廷武,王為.電容式感測器測量水流泥沙含量的研究.土壤學報,2002,39(3).
49. 李小昱,雷廷武,王為.土壤抗壓強度的試驗研究. 農業工程學報,2001,17(5).
50. 李小昱,王為等.農田土壤特性的空間變異性及分形特徵. 乾旱地區農業研究,2000,(6).
52. 李小昱,孫驪,王為,王宏東.蘋果聲波特性的測試研究.農業機械學報,1992,23
1. 展 慧,李小昱(通訊),王為,汪成龍,周竹,黃懿. 基於機器視覺的板栗分級檢測方法研究.農業工程學報,2010,26(4). EI收錄.
2. 劉潔,李小昱(通訊),李培武,王為,周煒,張軍.基於近紅外光譜的板栗水分檢測方法. 農業工程學報,2010,26(2). EI收錄.
3. Zhu Zhou, Xiaoyu Li(Corresponding Author),Peiwu Li,Yun Gao,Jie Liu,Wei Wang. Discriminate of Moldy Chestnut based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Feature Extraction by Fourier Transform. The Fourth International Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture (CCTA2010), Nanchang: Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture, 2011, 344: 625-635. EI收錄.
4. Chenglong Wang,Xiaoyu Li(Corresponding Author), Wei Wang, Yaoze Feng, Zhu Zhou, Hui Zhan. Recognition of Worm-eaten Chestnuts Based on Machine Vision. Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 2010. SCI收錄.
5. Jie Liu,Xiaoyu Li,Peiwu Li,Wei Wang,Jun Zhang,Wei Zhou,Zhu Zhou. Non-destructive Measurement of Sugar Content in Chestnuts Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy. The First International Conference on Intelligent Nondestructive Detection & Information Processing Technology (INDIP2010), Nanchang: Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture, 2011, 347: 230-238.EI收錄.
6. Yaoze Feng, Xiaoyu Li(Corresponding Author). Detection of Soil Total Nitrogen by Vis-SWNIR Spectroscopy. The First International Conference on Intelligent Nondestructive Detection & Information Processing Technology (INDIP2010), Nanchang: Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture, 2011, 347: 161-168.EI收錄.
7. Zhang Jun,Li Xiao Yu(Corresponding Author),Wang Wei,Zhou Zhu,Zhou Wei. Development and Application of Gas Sensor Array in Determination Freshwater Fish Freshness. 2009ASABE Annual International Meeting, Reno. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. 095546. EI收錄.
8. Zhou Wei,Li Xiao Yu(Corresponding Author),Wang Wei,Zhang Jun,Zhou Zhu. Research on the Non-destructive Testing of Pork Freshness Based on Multi-sensor Fusion Technology. 2009ASABE Annual International Meeting, Reno. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. 096158. EI收錄.
9. Jie Liu,Xiaoyu Li (Corresponding Author),Wei Wang,Jun Zhang,Zhu Zhou,Wu Xiao,Wei Zhou. Study of Discrimination of Moldy Chestnut Using Near- Infrared Spectroscopy Study of discrimination of moldy chestnut using near-infrared ectroscopy. 2009ASABEAnnual International Meeting, Reno. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. 095715. EI收錄.
10. Wu Xiao,Xiaoyu Li (Corresponding Author),Peiwu Li,Elbashir M. A.,Wei Wang,Yaoze Feng. Research of soil moisture Detection based on data fusion of near-infrared spectroscopy and machine vision. 2009ASABE Annual International Meeting, Reno. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. 095764. EI收錄.
11. 李小昱,韓鶴友,王 為,陳浩,張軍.生物柴油的經濟性能和排放特性的試驗. 農業工程學報,2009,25(5). EI收錄.
12. 李小昱,肖武,李培武,王為.基於近紅外傅立葉特徵提取方法的土壤含水量檢測.農業機械學報,2009,40(5). EI收錄.
13. 周 竹,劉潔,李小昱(通訊),李培武,王為,展慧.霉變板栗的近紅外光譜和神經網路方法判別. 農業機械學報,2009,40(S). EI收錄.
14. 張 軍,李小昱(通訊),王 為,周竹,吳澤鑫,馮耀澤.電子鼻檢測鰱魚新鮮度的試驗參數最佳化.農業機械學報,2009,40(4). EI收錄.
15. 張 軍,李小昱(通訊),王 為,周竹,周煒,黃懿,肖武,胡波.基於虛擬儀器的淡水魚鮮度電子鼻測量系統.農業工程學報,2009,25(3).EI收錄.
16. 肖 武,李小昱(通訊).基於近紅外光譜的土壤水分檢測模型的適應性.農業工程學報,2009,25(3).EI收錄.
17. 肖 武,李小昱(通訊),李培武,馮耀澤,王為,張軍.近紅外光譜和機器視覺信息融合的土壤含水率檢測.農業工程學報,2009,25(8). EI收錄.
18. Feng Yaoze,Li Xiaoyu (Corresponding Author),Lei Tingwu,Wang Wei,Xiao Wu,Zhou Zhu. Detecting Southern Soil Moisture Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy. JIAC 2009.BeiJing,Book of Abstracts of Joint Interational Agricural Conference.
19. Zhou Zhu,Liu Jje,Li Xiaoyu(Corresponding Author),Li Peiwu,Wang Wei,Zhai Hui. Discrimination Analysis of Moldy Chinese Chestunt Using Artificial Neurl Network Model Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy. JIAC 2009.BeiJing,Book of Abstracts of Joint Interational Agricural Conference.
20. 張榮榮,李小昱(通訊),王為,劉潔.基於有限元方法的板栗破殼力學特性分析. 農業工程學報,2008,24(9). EI收錄.
21. 劉 鵬,李小昱(通訊),王為. 基於相關法的坡面徑流流速測量系統.農業工程學報,2008,24(3). EI收錄.
22. 蔣 猛,李小昱(通訊),李洪軍,楊曉紅.三峽庫區生物柴油植物資源可持續發展評價體.農業工程學報,2008,24(10). EI收錄.
23. Wu Xiao,Xiaoyu Li(Corresponding Author). Estimating Soil Moisture using Fourier Feature Transform Extraction of the Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Tokyo,Japan:The 1st Asian NIR Symposium,2008.
24. Jiang Aihua,,Li Xiaoyu(Corresponding Author),Huang Xiuchang,Zhang Zhenhua,Hua Hongxing. Detection of engine misfire by wavelet analysis of cylinder-head vibration signals. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2008,1(2).
25. 周 煒,李小昱(通訊),王為,黃懿,張軍,肖武. 基於機器視覺的豬肉新鮮度無損檢測方法的研究. 北京:CCTA2008論文集.2008.
26. 張 軍,李小昱(通訊),王為.淡水魚鮮度檢測系統的阻抗特性測試.農業機械學報,2007,38(9). EI收錄.
27. 張 軍,李小昱(通訊),王為.用阻抗特性評價鯽魚鮮度的試驗研究. 農業工程學報,2007,23(6). EI收錄.
28. 李小昱,汪小芳,王為等.基於機械特性BP神經網路的蘋果貯藏品質預測.農業工程學報,2007,23(5). EI收錄.
29. Zhang Jun,Li Xiaoyu(Corresponding Author),Luo Xiwen,Wang Wei.Evaluation of Fresh Water Fish Freshness Based on lmpedance Characteristics. 2007 ASABE Annual. EI收錄.
30. 張榮榮,李小昱(通訊),王為.基於揉搓方法的板栗破殼性能的試驗研究. 農業工程學報,2007,23(5). EI收錄.
31. 張榮榮,李小昱(通訊),王為.基於揉搓方法的板栗破殼性能的試驗研究. 農業工程學報,2007,23(5). EI收錄.
32. 王祝平,李小昱(通訊),王為. 基於EMD與神經網路的內燃機氣門故障診斷的研究.農業機械學報,2007,38(12). EI收錄.
33. 蔣愛華,李小昱(通訊),王為.基於小波分析的發動機氣缸失火故障診斷. 農業工程學報,2007,23(4). EI收錄.
34. 王 為,李小昱,張軍等.基於電導式感測器徑流流速測量系統的試驗研究. 農業工程學報,2007,23(2). EI收錄.
35. Li Xiaoyu,Wang Wei. Forecasting Apple Storage Quality Property with Mechanical Properties Based on Grey System Theory. The Proceeding of the China Association for Science and Technology,2007.
36.Wang Xiaofang,Wang Wei,Li xiaoyu. Study on Testing the Properties of Starch Gels. Transactions of the CSAE,2006,22(12). EI收錄.
37. 李小昱,王為,沈逸,雷廷武.基於虛擬儀器技術的光電式坡面徑流流速測量系統.農業工程學報,2006,22(6). EI收錄.
38. 曾國軍,李小昱(通訊),王為,蔣愛華.基於虛擬儀器技術的聲強法識別拖拉機噪聲源.農業工程學報,2006,22(10). EI收錄.
39. 蔣愛華,李小昱(通訊),王為,曾國軍. 利用缸蓋振動信號檢測發動機功率的試驗研究.農業工程學報,2006,22(11). EI收錄.
40. 李小昱,張軍,王為,肖武.影響測量淡水魚阻抗特性因素的試驗研究. 中國農業通報,2006,(22).
41. 李小昱,王為.基於灰色系統理論用機械特性指標預測蘋果品質特性. 農業工程學報,2005,21(2). EI收錄.
42. Li Xiaoyu,Lei Tingwu,Wang Wei. Capacitance sensors for measuring suspended sediment concentration. CATENA ,2005,60.SCI收錄.
43. 李小昱,雷廷武,王為.,張軍..基於統計理論數據融合的水流泥沙含量測量儀. 農業工程學報,2004,20(5).EI收錄.
44. 李小昱,雷廷武,王為.電容式感測器測量水流泥沙含量的神經網路融合算法.振動、測試與診斷,2004,15(6). EI收錄.
45. 李小昱,雷廷武,王為,沈逸.多感測器信息融合技術及在農業工程中的套用前景.農業工程學報,2003,19(3).
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