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2007.8-2011.5 天津大學(本科)
2011.8-2013.5 美國凱斯西儲大學(碩士)
2013.8 -2018.5 美國凱斯西儲大學(博士)
2019.12-2021.5 河北雄安榮烏高速公路有限公司副總經理(掛職)
2018.7-今 河北工業大學 副教授




[1] SCI 期刊 Advances in Civil Engineering 編委
[2] 第五屆中國公路學會青年專家委員會委員
[3] 中國土木工程學會岩土分會青年工作委員會委員
[4] 世界交通大會(WTC)第二屆學部委員會交叉學部學部技術委員會委員
[5] United States Department of Transportation-Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee on Surface Transportation Weather (AH010) standing committee member 美國交通學會學術委員會(AH010)委員


[1] 天津市創新人才推進計畫青年科技優秀人才,2020 年
[2] 天津市“131”創新型人才第三層次,2019 年
[3] 河北工業大學“元光學者”,2018 年


[1] 國家自然科學基金項目. 帶約束盤大直徑鋼管樁貫入機理與承載特性研究, 2020.1-2022.12 (項目負責人)
[2] 河北省自然科學基金項目. 近海岸強風風荷載時空特性實測研究,2019.1-2021.12 (項目負責人)
[3] 電工裝備可靠性與智慧型化國家重點實驗室優秀青年創新基金. 智慧型電網下支持充放電策略的電動汽車充電網路最優規劃, 2020.1-2021.12 (項目負責人)
[4] 河北省交通廳科技計畫項目. 基於物聯網的高速公路鋼橋橋面智慧型養護系統研究, 2019.9-2022.7 (項目負責人)
[5] 河北省風工程和風能利用工程技術創新中心開放課題. 基於深度學習的風速及風電場功率長期預測方法研究, 2020.1-2021.12 (項目負責人)




[1] Jiale Li et al. "A novel offshore wind farm typhoon wind speedprediction model based on PSO–Bi-LSTM improved by VMD." Energy(2022): 123848. (中科院 SCI 一區, 頂級期刊,IF 5.5)
[2] Jiale Li et al. Automated asphalt pavement damage rate detectionbased on optimized GA-CNN. Automation in Construction. 136 (2022): 104180.(中科院 SCI 一區,頂級期刊,IF 7.7)
[3] Jiale Li et al. Automated decision making in highway pavementpreventive maintenance based on deep learning, Automation in Construction,135 (2022) 104111. (中科院 SCI 一區,頂級期刊,IF 7.7)
[4] Jiale Li et al. Intelligent decision-making model in preventivemaintenance of asphalt pavement based on PSO-GRU neural network, AdvancedEngineering Informatics, 51 (2022) 101525. (中科院 SCI 二區,頂級期刊,IF 5.6)
[5] XuefeiWang, Shuxin Li, Jiale Li*.Effect of pile arrangement on lateral response of group-pile foundation foroffshore wind turbines in sand. Applied Ocean Research. 2022; 124: 103194. (中科院SCI 二區, IF2.98)
[6] Jiale Li, Zhenbo Liu, XuefeiWang*, Public charging station location determination for electric ride-hailingvehicles based on an improved genetic algorithm, Sustainable Cities andSociety 74 (2021) 103181. (中科院 SCI 一區,頂級期刊,IF 7.58)
[7]JialeLi, Yong Zhang, XuefeiWang*, and Zizheng Sun. "Assessment of offshore wind turbine with aninnovative monopile foundation under lateral loading." Ocean Engineering 237(2021) 109583. (中科院SCI一區,頂級期刊,IF 3.79)
[8] Jiale Li, Xuefei Wang*, Yuan Guo, and Xiong Yu, The loading behaviorof innovative monopile foundations for offshore wind turbine based oncentrifuge experiments, Renewable Energy 152 (2020) 1109-1120. (中科院 SCI 一區, 頂級期刊,IF 6.274)
[9] Wang,Xuefei, and Jiale Li*. "Parametric study of hybrid monopilefoundation for offshore wind turbines in cohesionless soil." OceanEngineering 218 (2020): 108172.(中科院SCI一區,頂級期刊,IF 3.79)
[10] Wang, Xuefei, Xiangwu Zeng, Xinyao Li, and JialeLi*. "Liquefaction characteristics ofoffshore wind turbine with hybrid monopile foundation via centrifugemodelling." Renewable Energy 145 (2020): 2358-2372. (中科院 SCI 一區, 頂級期刊,IF 6.274)
[11] JialeLi, Xuefei Wang, Yuan Guo,and Xiong Yu. "Vertical bearing capacity of the pile foundation withrestriction plate via centrifuge modelling." Ocean Engineering 181 (2019), 109-120. (中科院SCI一區,頂級期刊,IF 3.79)
[12] Xuefei, Xiangwu Zeng, Xu Yang, and Jiale Li*. "Seismic response ofoffshore wind turbine with hybrid monopile foundation based on centrifugemodelling." Applied energy235 (2019): 1335-1350. (中科院SCI 一區, 頂級期刊,IF 8.4)
[13] Xuefei Wang, Xiangwu Zeng, Xinyao Li, and Jiale Li*. "Investigation on Offshore Wind Turbine with anInnovative Hybrid Monopile Foundation: An Experimental Based Study." RenewableEnergy 132 (2019): 129-141. (中科院SCI一區, 頂級期刊,IF 5.43)
[14] Wang,Xuefei, Xiangwu Zeng, and Jiale Li*. "Vertical performance ofsuction bucket foundation for offshore wind turbines in sand." OceanEngineering 180 (2019): 40-48. (中科院SCI一區,頂級期刊,IF 3.79)
[15] Jiale Li, Xuefei Wang, and Xiong Bill Yu. "Use of spatio-temporalcalibrated wind shear model to improve accuracy of wind resourceassessment." Applied Energy 213 (2018): 469-485. (中科院 SCI 一區, 頂級期刊, IF 8.848)
[16] Jiale Li, and Xiong Bill Yu. "Onshore and offshore wind energy potentialassessment near Lake Erie shoreline: A spatial and temporal analysis. "Energy 147(2018): 1092-1107. (中科院 SCI 一區, 頂級期刊,IF 5.5)
[17] Jiale Li, Xiong Yu. LiDAR technology for wind energy potential assessment:Demonstration and validation at a site around Lake Erie. Energy Conversion and Management 144 (2017): 252-261. (中科院SCI 一區, 頂級期刊, IF 6.38)
[18] Jiale Li, Xiong Yu. "Assessment of fresh water wind resources on LakeErie." Wind Engineering 43, no. 1 (2019): 83-91. (EI)
[19] 李家樂,劉真伯,王雪菲。“智慧型電網下支持充放電策略的電動汽車配送路徑最佳化”,《華南理工大學學報(自然科學版)》,2021,已錄用待刊出(EI)
[20] 李家樂,張勇,王雪菲*。“加裝約束盤鋼管樁水平承載特性數值分析”,《同濟大學學報(自然科學版)》,2021,49(11): 1556-1564(EI)
[21] 王雪菲,馬成良,李家樂*。“海上風機筒型基礎-場地動力回響的實驗-模擬研究”,《天津大學學報(自然科學與工程技術版)》, 2021,54(08): 790-798(EI)


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9. 一種加裝約束盤的高承載力開口鋼管樁,ZL201821511947.9,實用新型,排名第一


