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  • 中文名稱:李太生
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:醫生
  • 畢業院校:北京協和醫學院
  • 臨床職稱:主任醫師
  • 專業:感染內科
  • 教學職稱:教授
  • 執業地點:北京協和醫院
  • 性別:男


1. 發熱待查;
2. 各種感染性疾病的診治;
3. 免疫抑制人群的診治。


1979年09月-1984年08月 廣州中山醫學院醫療系本科畢業,獲醫學學士學位
1987年09月-1990年02月 北京協和醫科大學內科學學系研究生畢業,獲醫學碩士學位
1995年12月-1999年01月 法國高等套用研究院地球與生命科學系,獲免疫學博士學位


1984年09月-1990年12月 北京協和醫院內科住院醫師,總住院醫師
1990年12月-1993年10月 北京協和醫院內科感染內科主治醫師
1993年10月-1995年12月 國家教育部公派赴巴黎Pitie-Salpetriere醫院感染與熱帶病學科進修學習
1999年01月-1999年10月 北京協和醫院感染內科主治醫師
1999年10月-2004年08月 北京協和醫院感染內科副主任醫師
2002年07月-2010年11月 北京協和醫院內科學系副主任,感染內科副主任
2002年07月-2017年12月 北京協和醫院內科學系總支書記
2002年08月-至今 北京協和醫院愛滋病診療中心主任
2004年09月-至今 北京協和醫院感染內科主任醫師
2005年04月-至今 中國協和醫科大學 博士生導師
2010年11月-至今 北京協和醫院感染內科主任
2018年04月-2021年03月 清華大學醫學院特聘教授




《Emerging Microbes & Infections》
《Journal of Clinical Virology》
《International Journal of Medical Informatics》
《AIDS Care》
《Journal of Medical Virology》
《Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management》
《AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses》
《International Journal of STD & AIDS》
《SAGE Open Medicine》
《Global Journal of Anesthesiology》
《BMJ Case Reports》
《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》
《Clinical Intensive Care and Medicine》




法國優秀外國醫師獎(Vctoria Hugo獎)(1999年)


1. 1998年在國際上提出愛滋病抗病毒免疫重建理論,並將免疫重建理論與我國抗艾實踐相結合,牽頭搭建全國愛滋病治療研究網路。開創並不斷最佳化國產抗病毒藥物方案,創建了適宜國情的愛滋病抗病毒及免疫重建模式。
2. 主持制定我國首部《愛滋病診療指南》,並向全國發布。近年來又在國內率先提出愛滋病綜合診治的理念並建立綜合診治體系,報導了HIV感染者多系統疾病的發病規律,為改善感染者的長期生存質量提供技術支持。
3. 首建臨床細胞免疫表型檢測平台並套用於疑難危重感染病的診治。在2003年SARS疫情期間,於國際上最早報導SARS急性期T細胞計數出現顯著降低,為早期識別和疫情防控提供了重要依據。在臨床實踐中提出的“早期、小量、短程”的激素治療方案,大幅降低了SARS患者的死亡率及併發症。




1、Luo L,Wang N,Yue Y,Han Y,Lv W,Liu Z,Qiu Z,Lu H,Tang X,Zhang T,Zhao M,He Y,Shenghua H,Wang M,Li Y,Huang S,Li Y,Liu J,Tuofu Z,Routy JP, Li T*. The effects of antiretroviral therapy initiation time on HIV reservoir size in Chinese chronically HIV infected patients:a prospective,multi-site cohort study[J]. BMC Infectious Diseases,2019,19(1).
2、Luo L,Wang H,Fan H,Xie J,Qiu Z,Li T*. The clinical characteristics and the features of immunophenotype of peripheral lymphocytes of adult onset chronic active Epstein-Barr virus disease at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Beijing. MEDICINE,97(9)(2018):e9854.
3、Luo L,Han Y,Song X,Zhu T,Zeng Y,Li T*. CD16-expressing monocytes correlate with arterial stiffness in HIV-infected ART-naive men,HIV CLIN TRIALS,19(2)(2018):39-45.
4、Sang X,Chen Y,Chen W,Xie J,Meng G,Zhong J,Li T*,Lu A*. Celastrol specifically inhibits the activation of NLRP3inflammasome.Sci China Life Sci.61(3)(2018):355-357.
5、Lu W,Feng Y,Jing F,Han Y,Lyu N,Liu F,Li J,Song X,Xie J,Qiu Z,Zhu T,Routy B,Routy JP,Li T*,Zhu B*. Association Between Gut Microbiota and CD4 Recovery in HIV-1 Infected Patients,Front Microbiol,9(2018):1451.
6、Guo F,Cheng X,Hsieh E,Du X,Fu Q,Peng W,Li Y,Song X,Routy JP,Li T*. Prospective plasma efavirenz concentration assessment in Chinese HIV-infected adults enrolled in a large multicentre study,HIV MED,19(7)(2018):440-451.
7、Guo F,Hsieh E,Lv W,Han Y,Xie J,Li YL,Song XJ,Li TS*. Cardiovascular disease risk among Chinese antiretroviral-naïve adults with advanced HIV disease. BMC Infect Dis,17(1)(2017):287.
8、Xie J,Hsieh E,Sun MQ,Wang HL,Lv W,Fan HW,Li TS*. Delays in HIV Diagnosis and Associated Factors among Patients Presenting with AdvancedDisease at A Tertiary Care Hospital in Beijing,China. PLOS ONE. 12(8)(2017):e0182335.
9、Du XL,Kou HJ,Fu Q,Li YL,Zhu Z,Li TS*. Steady-state pharmacokinetics of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in human immunodeficiency virus-infected Chinese patients. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol,10(7)(2017):783-788.
10、Li YJ,Xie J,Wang HL,Han Y,Wang ND,Thio CL,Li TS*.. Elevated pre-treatment IL-18 level is associated with HBeAg seroconversion in HIV-HBV coinfection. Antivir Ther,22(6)(2017):523-527.
11、Yue YS,Wang ND,Han Y,Zhu T,Xie J,Qiu ZF,Song XJ,Li YL,Routy JP,Wang JH,Li TS*. A higher CD4/CD8 ratio correlates with an ultralow cell-associated HIV-1 DNA level in chronically infected patients on antiretroviral therapy: a case control study. BMC Infect Dis,17(1)(2017):771.
12、Wang N,Li Y,Han Y,Xie J,Li T*. HIV sequence diversity during the early phase of infection is associated with HIV DNA reductions during antiretroviral therapy. J Med Virol. 89(6)(2017):982-988.
13、Zhang H,Wang HL*,Zhong DR,Liu Y,Li NN,Zhang W,Xiao Y,Li TS*. Fatal Pulmonary Kaposi Sarcoma in an HIV seronegative AIDS patient. Clin Respir J. 11(6)(2017):1040-1044.
14、Wang ND,Li TS*. Factors Associated with the Size of HIV DNA Reservoir[J]. Chinese Medical Journal,130(2)(2017):224-230.
15、Qin L,Xie J,Qiu ZF,Cao W,Jiao Y,Jean‐Pierre Routy,and Li TS*. Aging of immune system: Immune signature from peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets in 1068 healthy adults . AGING-US,8(5)(2016):848-859.
16、Guo FP,Li YJ,Qiu ZF,Lv W,Han Y,Xie J,Li YL,Song XJ,Du SS,Mehraj V,Li TS*,Routy JP. Baseline Naive CD4+ T-cell Level Predicting Immune Reconstitution in Treated HIV-infected Late Presenters. Chin Med J (Engl). 129(22)(2016):2683-2690.
17、Xie J,Han Y,Qiu ZF,Li YJ,Li YL,Song XJ,Wang HL,Chloe L Thio,Li TS*. Prevalence of hepatitis B and C viruses in HIV-positive patients in China: a cross-sectional study. J Int AIDS Soc,19:20659(2016).
18、Li YJ,Xie J,Han Y,Wang HL,Zhu T,Wang ND,Lv W,Guo FP,Qiu ZF,Li YL,DuSS,Song XJ,Chloe L Thio,Li TS*.Lamivudine monotherapy-based cART is efficacious for HBV treatment in HIV/HBV co-infection when baseline HBV DNA<20,000IU/ml. J Acquir Immune DeficSyndr. 72(1)(2016): 39-45.
19、Li YJ,Xie J,Han Y,Wang HL,Lv W,Guo FP,Qiu ZF,Li YL,Du SS,Song XJ,Zhu T,Thio,CL,Li TS*. Combination Antiretroviral Therapy Is Associated With Reduction in Liver Fibrosis Scores in HIV-1-Infected Subjects. MEDICINE,95(5)(2016):e2660.
20、Hsieh E,Fraenke L,Han Y,Xia W,Insogna KL,Yin MT,Zhu T,Cheng X,Li TS*. Longitudinal increase in vitamin D binding protein levels after initiation of tenofovir/lamivudine/efavirenz among individuals with HIV. AIDS. 30(12)(2016):1935-1942.
21、Li HP,Chang S,Han Y,Zhuang D,Li L,Liu Y,Liu S,Bao Z,Zhang W,Song H,Li TS*,Li J*. The prevalence of drug resistance among treatment-naïve HIV-1-infected individuals in China during pre- and post-2004[J]. BMC infectious diseases,16(605)(2016).
22、Han Y,Li YJ,Xie J,Qiu ZF,Li YL,Song XJ,Zhu T,Li TS*.Week 120 efficacy of tenofovir,lamivudine and lopinavir/r-based second-line antiretroviral therapy in treatment-experienced HIV patients. PLoS One.10(3)(2015)e120705.
23、Dou HT,Xu Y,Li TS*. Application of the DiversiLab system for tracing the source of the mixed infections caused by Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii from a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. Mycoses. 58(3)(2015):149-159.
24、Zhang CD,Chow FC,Han Y,Xie J,Qiu Z,Guo F,Li Y,Wang H,Li TS*. Multicenter cohort study of diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose in HIV-infected patients in China. J Acquir Immune DeficSyndr. 68(3)(2015):298-303.
25、GE Y& Li TS*.May early intervention with intravenous immunoglobulin pose a potentially successful treatment for Ebola virus infection? Life Sciences58(1)(2015):108-110.
26、Li YJ,Gu LJ,Han Y,Xie J,Wang HL,Lv W,Song XJ,Li YL,Iwamoto,A,Ishida T,Li TS*. HIV-1 Subtype B/B ' and Baseline Drug Resistance Mutation Are Associated With Virologic Failure: A Multicenter Cohort Study in China. JAIDS-JOURNAL OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES,68(3)(2015):289-297.
27、Hsieh E,Fraenkel L,Xia W,Hu YY,Han Y,Insogna K,Yin MT,Xie J,Zhu T,Li TS*. Increased bone resorption during tenofovir plus lopinavir/ritonavir therapy in Chinese individuals with HIV. Osteoporos Int.26(3)(2015):1035-1044.
28、Gu LJ,Han Y,Li Y,Zhu T,Song X,Huang Y,Yang F,Guan S,Xie J,Gohda J,Hosoya N,Kawana-Tachikawa A,Liu W,Gao GF,Iwamoto A,Li TS*,Ishida T. Emergence of Lamivudine-Resistant HBV during Antiretroviral Therapy Including Lamivudine for Patients Coinfected with HIV and HBV in China. PLoS One. 10(8)(2015) e0134539.
29、Li TS*,Xie J,Li Y,Routy JP,Li Y,Han Y,Qiu Z,Lv W,Song X,Sun M,Zhang X,Wang F,Jiang H. Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F extract in cART-treated HIV patients with poor immune response: a pilot study to assess its immunomodulatory effects and safety. HIV Clin Trials. 16(2)(2015):49-56.
30、Fan HW,Guo FP,Li YJ,Li N,Li TS*. Prevalence of thrombocytopenia among Chinese adult antiretroviral-naïveHIV-positive patients. Chin Med J (Engl). 128(4)(2015):459-464.
31、Li YJ,Han Y,Xie J,Gu L,Li W,Wang H,Lv W,Song X,Li Y,Routy JP,Ishida T,Iwamoto A,Li TS*; CACT0810 group. CRF01_AE subtype is associated with X4 tropism and fast HIV progression in Chinese patients infected through sexual transmission. AIDS.28(4)(2014):521-530.
32、Guo FP,Liu Y,Li Y,Fan H,Li TS*. Disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex infection manifested as Brown-Séquard syndrome in an HIV-infected patient. Chin Med J (Engl). 127(4)(2014):799.
33、Luo L,Zeng Y,Li TS*,Lv W,Wang HL,Guo FP,Han Y,Xie J,Qiu ZF,Li YL,Song XJ,Zhu T,Zhang XY,Li L,Ye YC,He Y,Lu HZ,Huang AQ,Tang XP,Wang H,Zhang T,Gao GJ,Lei JK,Wu XH,Sun YT,Bai JS,Li KL. . Prospective Echocardiographic Assessment of Cardiac Structure and Function in Chinese Persons Living With HIV. Clinical Infectious Diseases,58(10)(2014):1459-1466.
34、Li TS*,Guo F,Li Y,Zhang C,Han Y,Lye W,He Y,Lu H,Xie J,Huang A,Li Y,Tang X,Wang H,Zhang T,Gao G,Lei J,Zhang X,Wu X,Sun Y,Bai J,Luo L,Wang H. An antiretroviral regimen containing 6 months of stavudine followed by long-term zidovudine for first-line HIV therapy is optimal in resource-limited settings: a prospective,multicenter study in China. Chin Med J (Engl). 127(1)(2014):59-65.
35、Cao W,QiuZF,Zhu T,Li Y,Han Y,Li TS*.CD8+ T cell responses specific for hepatitis B virus core protein in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Journal of Clinical Virology.61(2014): 40-46.
36、Hsieh E,Fraenkel L,Bradley EH,Xia W,Insogna KL,Cui Q,Li K,Li TS*.Osteoporosis knowledge,self-efficacy,and health beliefs among Chinese individuals with HIV. Arch Osteoporos. 9(1)(2014):201.
37、Ge Y,Li TS*,Liu ZY,Liu M,Guan H,Chen L,Tian Y,Zhuang Q. A rare cause of fever of unknown origin-cervical spinal cord lesion. Chin Med J (Engl).127(19)(2014):3517-3518.
38、Hsieh E,Fraenkel L,Bradley E,Xia W,Qu C,Ling L,Insogna K,Li TS*. Osteoporosis knowledge,self-efficacy,and health beliefs among chinese men and women with HIV. Ann Rheum Dis. 73 Suppl 1(2014):A62-3.
39、Hsieh E,Fraenkel L,Xia W,Hu Y,Han Y,Insogna K,Yin MT,Xie J,Zhu T,Li TS*.Increased bone turnover after switch to tenofovir + lopinavir/ritonavir in chinese HIV + patients. Ann Rheum Dis. 73 Suppl 1(2014):A62.
40、Kou HJ,Du X,Li Y,Xie J,Qiu Z,Ye M,Fu Q,Han Y,Zhu Z,Li TS*,Comparison of nevirapine plasma concentrations between lead-in and steady-state periods in Chinese HIV-infected patients. PLoS One. 8(1)(2013):e52950.
41、Cao Y,Gong M,Han Y,Xie J,Li X,Zhang L,Li Y,Song X,Zhu T,Li TS*. Prevalence and risk factors for chronic kidney disease among HIV-infected antiretroviral therapy-naïve patients in Mainland China:A multicenter cross-sectional study. Nephrology (Carlton). 18(4)(2013):307-312.
42、Zhang C,Wang W,Zhou M,Han H,Xie J,Qiu Z,Guo F,Li Y,Wang H,Ghanem KG,Li TS*. The Interaction of CD4 T-Cell Count and Nevirapine Hepatotoxicity in China: A Change in National Treatment Guidelines May Be Warranted. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr.62(2013):540–545.
43、Cao Y,Han Y,Xie J,Cui Q,Zhang L,Li Y,Li Y,Song X,Zhu T,Li TS*. Impact of a tenofovir disoproxil fumarate plus ritonavir-boosted Prorese inhibitor-based regimen on renal function in HIV-infected Individuals:a prospective,multicenter study. BMC Infect Dis.13(2013):301.
44、Zhang LX,Su Y,Hsieh E,Xia W,Xie J,Han Y,Cao Y,Li Y,Song X,Zhu T,Li TS*,Yu W. Bone turnover and bone mineral density in HIV-1 infected Chinese taking highly active antiretroviral therapy-a prospective observational study. BMC MusculoskeletDisord. 14(2013):224.
45、Wang HL,Ghanem KG,Wang P,Yang S,Li TS*. Listeriosis at a tertiary care hospital in beijing,china: High prevalence of non-clustered healthcare-associated cases among adult patients. Clin Infect Dis.56(5)(2013):666-676.
46、Kou H,Du X,Li Y,Fu Q,Zhu Z,Li TS*.Quantification of tenofovir in human plasma by solid-phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with UV detection. Ther Drug Monit. 34(5)(2012):593-598.
47、Wang H,Li Y,Zhang C,Han Y,Zhang X,Zhu T,Li TS*. Immunological and virological responses to cART in HIV/HBV co-infected patients from a multicenter cohort. AIDS. 26(14)(2012):1755-1763.
48、Kou HJ,Ye M,Fu Q,Han Y,Du X,Xie J,Zhu Z,Li TS*. Simultaneous quantification of lopinavir and ritonavir in human plasma by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with UV detection. SciChina Life Sci. 55(4)(2012):321-327.
49、Li YJ,Wang HL,Li TS*. Hepatitis B virus/human immunodeficiency virus coinfection: Interaction among human immunodeficiency virus infection,chronic hepatitis B virus infection,and host immunity. Chin Med J (Engl). 125(13)(2012):2371-2377.
50、Li,CG; Yang,PH; Sun,Y; Li,TS; Wang,C; Wang,Z; Zou,Z; Yan,YW; Wang,W; Wang,C; Chen,ZW; Xing,L; Tang,C; Ju,XW; Guo,F; Deng,JJ; Zhao,Y; Yang,P; Tang,J; Wang,HL; Zhao,ZP; Yin,ZN; Cao,B; Wang,XL; Jiang,CY. 2012. IL-17 response mediates acute lung injury induced by the 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Virus. CELL RESEARCH,22(3):528-538.
51、Liu LF,Wang L,Fu Q,Zhu Z,Xie J,Han Y,Liu ZY,Ye M,Li TS*. Steady-state pharmacokinetics of zidovudine in ChineseHIV-infected patients. Chin Med J (Engl). 125(11)(2012):1931-1935.
52、Li TS*,Wu N.CD31(+) Cell Percentage Correlation With Speed of CD4(+) T-Cell Count Recovery in HIV-Infected Adults Is Reversed in Children:Higher Thymic Output May Be Responsible Reply. CLIN INFECT DIS .55(2) (2012):307-309.
53、Cao W,Qiu ZF,Li TS*. Parallel decline of CD8+CD38+ lymphocytes and viremia in treated hepatitis B patients. World J Gastroenterol. 17(17)(2011):2191-2198.
54、Liu LF,Xie J,Sun J,Han Y,Zhang C,Fan H,Liu Z,Qiu Z,He Y,Li TS*. Longitudinal profiles of immunoglobulin G antibodies against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus components and neutralizing activities in recovered patients[J]. Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases,43(6-7)(2011):515-521.
55、Li TS*,Wu N,Dai Y,Qiu Z,Han Y,Xie J,Zhu T,Reduced thymic output is a major mechanism of immune reconstitution failure in HIV-infected patients after long-term antiretroviral therapy. Clin Infect Dis. 53(9)(2011):944-51.
56、Han Y,Wu N,Zhu WJ,Li YL,Zuo LY,Ye JJ,Qiu ZF,Xie J and Li TS*.Detection of HIV-1 viruses in tears of patients evenunder long-term HAART,AIDS,25(15)(2011):1925-1927.
57、Wang J,Kou H,Fu Q,Han Y,Qiu Z,Zuo L,Li Y,Zhu Z,Ye M,Ma Q,Li TS*.Nevirapine plasma concentrations are associated with virologic response and hepatotoxicity in Chinese patients with HIV infection. PLoS One. 6(10)(2011):e26739.
58、Luo L,Li TS*.Overviewof antiretroviral treatment in china:advancement and challenges Chinese Medical Journal;124(3)(2011):440-444.
59、Ye M,Wang L,Fu Q,Zhu Z,Li P,Li TS*. Steady-State Pharmacokinetics of Lamivudine Once-Daily Versus Twice-Daily Dosing in Chinese HIV-Infected Patients. HIV Clin Trials. 11(4)(2010):230-237.
60、Ye Y,Zeng Y,Li X,Zhang S,Fang Q,Luo L,Qiu Z,Han Y,Li TS*. Human immunodeficiency Virus Infection: An Independent Risk Factor of Peripheral Arterial Disease. J Acquir Immune DeficSyndr. 53(2)(2010):276-278.
61、Guo FP,Lv W,Han Y,Qiu ZF,Zuo LY,Li YL,Li TS*. Impact of Hepatitis C Virus Coinfection on HAART in HIV-Infected Individuals: Multicentric Observation Cohort. JAIDS-JOURNAL OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES,54(2)(2010):137-142.
62、Luo L,Ye Y,Guo F,Zuo L,Li Y,Qiu Z,Han Y,Li L,Zeng Y*,Li TS*. Assessment of cardiac diastolic dysfunction in HIV-infected people without cardiovascular symptoms in China. Int J STD AIDS;21(12)(2010):814-818.
63、Zeng Y,Ye Yc,Luo L,Qiu ZF,Han Y,Li XM,Fang QA,Zang SY and Li TS*.Premature atherosclerosis in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Chinese Medical Journal,123(23)(2010):3396-3399.
64、Cao ZL,Liu LF,Du LY,Zhang C,Jiang S,Li TS*,He YX*. Potent and persistent antibody responses against the receptor-binding domain of SARS-CoV spike protein in recovered patients[J]. Virology journal,7(2010):299.
65、Xie J,Jiao Y,Qiu Z,Li Q,Li TS*. Significant elevation of B cells at acute stage in enterovirus 71-infected children with central nervous system involvement. Scand J Infect Dis. 42(11-12)(2010):931-935.
66、Liu J,Wu P,Gao F,Qi JX,Kawana-Tachikawa,A,Xie J,Vavricka,CJ, Iwamoto,A,Li TS*,Gao GF. Novel Immunodominant Peptide Presentation Strategy: a Featured HLA-A*2402-Restricted Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Epitope Stabilized by Intrachain Hydrogen Bonds from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein. JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY. 84(22)(2010):11849-11857.
67、Jiao Y,Qiu ZF,Xie J,Li DJ,Li TS*. Reference ranges and age-related changes of peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets in Chinese healthy adults. Sci China C Life Sci,52(7)(2009):643-650.
68、Liu ZY,Guo FP,Han Y,Qiu ZF,Zuo LY,Li YL,Li TS*. Impact of baseline CD4(+) T cell counts on the efficacy of nevirapine-based highly active antiretroviral therapy in Chinese HIV/AIDS patients: a prospective,multicentric study. Chin Med J (Engl). 122(20)(2009):2497-2502.
69、Luo L,Zhang L,Tao MM,Qiu ZF,Xie J,Han Y,Li M,Li TS*. Adiponectin and Leptin Levels in Chinese Patients with HIV-Related Lipodystrophy: A 30-Month Prospective Study. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 25(12)(2009):1265-1272.
70、Zhang HW,Qiu ZF,Jiao Y,Wang AX,Li TS*. HIV-specific CD8(+) T cell responses to HXB2 Gag and Nef peptide pools in Chinese HIV/AIDS patients. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES C-LIFE SCIENCES. 52(9)(2009):841-846.
71、Luo L,Li TS*.Idiopathic CD4 Lymphocytopenia and opportunistic infection an update.FEMSImmunol Med Microbiol.54(2008):283-289.
72、Li TS*,Dai Y,Kuang JQ,Jiang JM,Han Y,Qiu ZF,Xie J,Zu,LY,Li YL. Three Generic Nevirapine-Based Antiretroviral Treatments in Chinese HIV/AIDS Patients: Multicentric Observation Cohort. PLOS ONE. 3(12)(2008):e3918.
73、Qing ML,Li TS*,Han Y,Qiu ZF,Jiao Y. Accelerating effect of human leukocyte antigen-Bw6 homozygosity on disease progression in Chinese HIV-1 - Infected patients. JAIDS-JOURNAL OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES. 41(2)(2006):137-139.
74、Jiao Y, Xie J,Li TS*,Han Y,Qiu ZF,Zuo LY,Wang AX. Correlation between Gag-specific CD8 T-cell responses,viral load and CD4 count in HIV-1 infection is dependent on disease status. J Acquir Immune DeficSyndr,42(3)(2006):263-268.
75、Jiao Y,Li TS*,Xie J,Han Y,Qiu ZF,Zuo LY,Thomas Mourez,Wang AX. Association between Nef-Specific CD8+ T-Cell Responses and disease progression in HIV-1 Subtype B Infection. Chinese Medical Journal,119(19)(2006):1609-1615.
76、Wang AX,Wang FS,Wang QY,Jian W,Feng TJ,Lu HZ,Sun HQ,Sun YT,Ye HH,Li TS*,Li XW,Liu ZY,Xing YL,Yun H,Ning W,Hao W,Wu NP,Zhang FJ,Zhou ZQ,Gong EC,Zhao HX,Min Z,Tang XP,Xu LZ,Xu XY,Cao YZ,Kang LY,Yan J,Cai WP,Fan QB,Pan XZ. Guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of HIV/AIDS in China (2005). CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL. 119(19)(2006): 1589-1608.
77、Dai Y,QiuZF,Li TS*,Han Y,Zuo LY,Xie J,Ma XJ,Liu ZY,Wang AX. Clinical outcomes and immune reconstitution in 103 advanced AIDS patients undergoing 12-month highly active antiretroviral therapy. Chinese Medical Journal,119(20)(2006):1677-1682.
78、Li TS*,Xie J,He Y,Fan H,Baril L,Qiu Z,Han Y,Xu W,Zhang W,You H,Zuo Y,Fang Q,Yu J,Chen Z,Zhang L. Long-term persistence of robust antibody and cytotoxic T cell responses in recovered patients infected with SARS coronavirus[J]. PloS one,1(2006):e241.
79、Li TS*,Qiu ZF,Zhang LQ,Han Y,He W,Liu ZY,Ma XJ,Fan HW,Lu W,Xie J,Wang HL,Deng GH,Wang A. Significant changes of peripheral T lymphocyte subsets in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome. JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 189(4)(2004):648-651.
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4. 李太生,愛滋病,第175-191頁,肺孢子菌病,不明原因發熱的診斷思維,418-421頁,558-563頁,免疫缺陷患者的感染,586-599頁,《感染病學》,李蘭娟等主編,人民衛生出版社,2005,北京。




