李壽英,男,1977年5月出生,工學博士,教授,博士生導師,風工程與橋樑工程湖南省重點實驗室副主任,中國空氣動力學會風工程和工業空氣動力學專業委員會委員。2005年8月畢業於同濟大學土木工程防災國家重點實驗室,獲博士學位;2002年3月畢業於石家莊鐵道學院道路與鐵道工程專業,獲碩士學位。1998年畢業於石家莊鐵道學院交通土建工程專業,獲學士學位。2005年5月進入湖南大學工作。2010年10月至2011年9月赴美國University of Notre Dame進行為期一年的學術交流,合作導師為A. Kareem。參與國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973計畫)1項;主持國家自然科學基金項目2項、中國博士後科學基金項目1項、東南大學混凝土及預應力混凝土結構教育部重點實驗室開放基金項目1項、湖南省高校重點實驗室平台基金項目1項。主持完成國內100多項大型工程結構的抗風研究和諮詢工作,發表論文50餘篇,其中SCI收錄8篇,EI收錄40多篇。
(1) S. Y. Li, T. Wu, S. K. Li, and M. Gu, “Numerical Study on the Mitigation of Rain-wind Induced Vibrations of Stay Cables with Dampers”, Wind and Structures, 2016, 23(6): 615-639.
(2) S. Y. Li, T. Wu, T. Huang, Z. Q. Chen, “Aerodynamic stability of iced stay cables on cable-stayed bridge”, Wind and Structures, 2016, 23(3): 253-273.
(3) S. Y. Li, Z. Q. Chen, W. F. Sun, and S. K. Li, “Experimental Investigation on Quasi-steady and Unsteady Self-excited Aerodynamic Forces on Cable and Rivulet”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 2016, 142(1).
(4) S. Y. Li, Z. Q. Chen, T. Wu, and A. Kareem, “Rain-Wind Induced In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Vibrations of Stay Cables”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 2013, 139(12): 1688-1698.
(5) S. Y. Li, Z. Q. Chen, G. C. Dong, and J. H. Luo, “Aerodynamic stability of stay cables incorporated with lamps: a case study”, Wind and Structures, 2014, 18(1): 83-101.
(6) S. Y. Li, Z. Q. Chen, S. K. Li, “Theoretical investigation on rain-wind induced vibration of a continuous stay cable with given rivulet motion”, Wind and Structures, 2014, 19(5): 481-503.
(7) M. Gu, X. Q. Du, S. Y. Li, Experimental and theoretical simulations on wind–rain-induced vibration of 3-D rigid stay cables, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2009, 320, 184-200.
(8) Wu, T., Kareem, A., and Li, S. Y., “On the excitation mechanisms of rain–wind induced vibration of cables: Unsteady and hysteretic nonlinear features.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2013, 122, 83-95.
(9) S. Y. Li, M. Gu, Numerical Simulations of Flow around Stay Cables with and without Fixed Artificial Rivulets, Journal of Wind Engineering, 2006, 31(3), 307-310.
(10) Li Shouying, Chen Zhengqing, Liu Guangdong, Experimental Study of Wind Loading on a Concave Roof, Progress in Safety Science and Technology, 2006, 6: 2102-2106.
(11) LI Shou-ying, GU Ming. A theoretical model of rain-wind induced vibration of three-dimensional continuous stay cable with quasi-moving rivulet. ICWE12, Cairns, Australia, 2007, pp.887-894.
(12) LI Shouying, CHEN Zhengqing, GU Ming, Liu Guangdong. Theoretic Analysis of Rain-wind Induced Vibration of Stay Cable: A Coupled Two-mass Oscillator with Three Degrees-of-Freedoms. ICWE12, Cairns, Australia, 2007, pp.2543-2550.
(13) Li Shouying, Duan Shujin, Li Yunfeng, Bearing Capacity of Pin-connected Steel Structure, Proceeding of the 8th International Conference of Enhancement and Promotion of Computing Methods for Engineering and Science, 2001.
(14) Duan S.J., Li S.Y., Jia H.M. and Liang Z.Y. Linear stability analysis of pin-connected steel structures, ISEC-02, Steel Structures Session No.064, Rome, Italia, Sep., 2003.