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  • 中文名:李名友
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生日期:1977年2月
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:魚類生殖細胞研究,魚類幹細胞研究
  • 任職院校:上海海洋大學水產與生命學院






主要以青鱂為模式從事魚類生殖細胞發育、性別決定和性別分化以及其調控機制及其操作的研究,建立方法學,並將其套用於水產經濟魚類育種研究。主雅套嚷歸要包括以下三個方面:1.魚類生殖細胞研究;2. 魚類幹細胞研究;3.魚類遺傳育種。


在《Curr Mol Med》、《FASEB J》、《Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research》、《PLoS One》、《Stem Cell Rep》、《Sci Rep》等國際知名期刊上發表SCI收錄論文20多篇。主持和參與國家自然科學基金、藍色糧倉國家重大專項以及上海海洋大學高層次人才啟動經費等項目,分別於2015年入選上海市浦江人才計畫和2016年入選曙光計畫。
[1]藍色糧倉國家重大專項“重要養殖魚類優良種質創製與生殖操作技術研究” 課題“重要養殖魚類生殖幹細胞誘導與分化、移植技術與種質創製”,2殖幹細胞誘導與移植研究”、2018/12-2022/12、主持。
[5]國家自然科學基金面上項目 調控格漏碑頁青鱂生殖細胞和眼睛發育的機理研究、2014/01-2017/12、主持。
[1]Sun B#, Gui L#, Liu R, Hong Y, Li M*. Medaka oct4 is essential for gastrulation, central nervous system development and angiogenesis. Gene
[2]Li Y#, Song W#,*, Zhu Y, Zhu T, Ma L, Li M*. Evolutionarily conserved vasa identifies embryonic and gonadal germ cells in spinyhead croaker Collichthys luci. JFish Biol.
[3]Zhu T#, Gui L#, Zhu Y, Li Y, Li M*. Dnd is required for primordial germ cell specification in Oryzias celebensis.Gene.
[4]Qiu W#, Zhu Y#, Wu Y, Yuan C, Chen K, Li M*.Identification and expression analysis of microRNAs in medaka gonads. Gene.
[5]Yuan C#, Chen K#, Zhu Y, Yuan Y, Li M*.Medaka igf1 identifies somatic cells and meiotic germ cells of both sexes. Gene.
[6]Li M, Hong N, Xu H, Song J, Hon Y*.Germline replacement by blastula cell transplantation in the fish medaka. Sci Rep.
[7]Li M, Zhu F, Li Z, Hong N, Hong Y*. Dazl is a critical player for primordial germ cell formation in medaka. Sci Rep.
[8]Hong N#, Li M#, Yuan Y, Wang T, Yi M, Xu H, Zng H, Song J*, Hong Y*. Dnd Is a Critical Specifier of Primordial Germ Cells in the Medaka Fish. Stem Cell Reports.
[9]Li M, Zhao H, Wei J, Zhang J, Hong Y*. Medaka vasa gene has an exonic enhancer for germline expression. Gene
[10]Li M#, Zhu F#, Hong L, Zhang L, Hong Y*.Alternative transcription generates multiple Mitf isofroms with different expression pattern and activities in medaka. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research.
[11]Li M, Zhu F,Hong Y*. Differential evolution of duplicated medakafish mitf genes. Int J Biol Sci.
[12]Li M, Guan G, Hong N, Hong Y*. Multiple regulatory regions control the transcription of medaka germ gene vasa. Biochimie.
[13]Li M, Yuan Y, Hong Y*. Identification of the RNAs for Transcription Factor Mitf as a component of the Balbiani Body. J Genet Genomics.
[14]Li M, Hong N, Gui J*, Hong Y*. Medaka piwi is essential for primordial germ cell migration. Curr Mol Med.
[15]Li M#, Shen Q#, Xu H, Wong FM, Cui J, Li Z, Hong N, Wang L, Zhao H, Ma B, Hong Y*. Differential conservation and divergence of fertility genes boule and dazl in the rainbow trout. PLoS One.
[16]Li M#, Shen Q#, Wong F, Xu H, Hong N, Zeng L, Liu L, Guan G, Hong N, Hong Y*. Germ cell sex prior to meiosis in the rainbow trout. Protein & Cell.
[17]Li M, Hong N, Xu H, Yi M, Li C, Gui J, Hong Y*. Medaka vasa is required for migration but not survival of primordial germ cells. Mech Dev.
[18]韓程燕, 金禧珍, 萩原篤志, 李名友*.兩種餌料對褶皺臂尾輪蟲生殖及休眠卵孵化的影響. 基因組學與套用生物學, 2019 年,第38 卷,第9 期,第4013-4019 頁.
[19]陳克讓,丁天宜,李名友*. Minifish dazl和dnd基因的克隆及表達分析. 基因組學與套用生物學, 2018年,第37 卷,第7 期,第2795-2803 頁。
[20]解文杰, 吳贇, 王丹, 陳曉武, 李名友*.青鱂干擾素的克隆與表達分析. 基因組學與套用生物學, 2017 年, 第36 卷,第1 期, 第158-165 頁.
[21]李名友,周莉, 楊林, 劉靜霞, 桂建芳*. 彭澤鯽的分子遺傳分析及其與方正銀鯽A系的比較, 水產學報.
[1]Guo H, Du X, Zhang Y, Wu J, Wang C, Li M, Hua X, Zhang XA, Yan J. Specific miRNA-G Protein-Coupled Receptor Networks Regulate Sox9a/Sox9b Activities to Promote Gonadal Rejuvenation in Zebrafish.Stem Cells.
[2]Zhang X#, Guan G#, Li M, Zhu F, Liu Q, Naruse K, Herpin A, Nagahama Y, Li J*, Hong Y*. Autosomal gsdf acts as a male sex initiator in the fish medaka.Sci Rep.
[3]Liu R, Li M, Li Z, Hong N, Xu H, Hong Y*.Medaka Oct4 is Essential for Pluripotency in Blastula Formation and ES Cell Derivation. Stem Cell Rev.
[4]Yuan Y, Li M, Hong Y*. Light and electron microscopic analyses of Vasa expression in adult germ cells of the fish medaka.Gene.
[5]Li Z, Li M, Hong N, Yi M, Hong Y*. Formation and cultivation of medaka primordial germ cells. Cell Tissue Res.
[6]Yuan Y, Li M, Hong N, Hong Y*. Correlative light and electron microscopic analyses of mitochondrial distribution in blastomeres of early fish embryos. FASEB J.
[7]Yan Y, Hong N, Chen T, Li M, Wang T, Guan G, Qiao Y, Chen S, Schartl M, Li CM, Hong Y*. p53 gene targeting by homologous recombination if fish ES cells. PLoS One.
[8]Lin F, Liu Q, Li M, Li Z, Hong N, Li J, Hong Y*. Transient and stable GFP expression in germ cells by the vasa regulatory sequences from the red seabream (Pagrus major). Int J Biol Sci.
[9]Zhao H, Li M, Purwanti YI, Liu R, Chen T, Li Z, Hong N, Guan G, Yin A, Xiao L, Ge R, Song J, Hong Y*. Mitf is a transcriptional activator of medaka germ genes in culture. Biochimie.
[10]Rao F, Wang T, Li M, Li Z, Hong N, Zhao H, Yan Y, Lu W, Chen T, Wang W, Lim M, Yuan Y, Liu L, Zeng L, Wei Q, Guan G, Li C, Hong Y*. Medaka tert produces multiple variants with differential expression in vitro and in vivo. Int J Biol Sci.
[11]Xu H, Li M, Gui J*, Hong Y*. Fish germ cells. Sci China Life Sci.
[12]Hong N, Li M, Zeng Z, Yi M, Deng J, Gui J, Winkler C, Schartl M, Hong Y*. Accessibility of host cell lineages to medaka stem cells depends on genetic background and irradiation of recipient embryos. Cell Mol Life Sci.
[13]Liu L, Hong N, Xu H, Li M, Yan Y, Purwanti Y, Yi M, Li Z, Wang L, HongY*. Medaka dead end encodes a cytoplasmic protein and identifies embryonic and adult germ cells. Gene Expr Patterns.
[14]Xu H, Li Z, Li M, Wang L, Hong Y*. Boule is present in fish bisexually expressed in adult and embryonic germ cells of medaka. PLoS One.
[15]Yan Y, Du J, Chen T, Yi M, Li M, Wang S, Li CM, Hong Y*. Establishment of medaka fish as a model for stem cell based gene therapy: efficient delivery and potential chromosomal integration by baculoviral vectors. Exp Cell Res.
[16]Xu H, Li M, Gui J, Hong Y*. Cloning and expression of medaka dazl during embryogenesis and gametogenesis. Gene Expr Patterns.
[17]徐紅艷,李名友, 桂建芳*, 洪雲漢*. 魚類生殖細胞. 中國科學: 生命科學
[18]汲廣東,李名友,周莉, 桂建芳*. 斜帶石斑魚囊胚期胚胎和尾芽期胚胎差異表達基因的篩選及克隆, 動物學研究
朱新平,杜合軍, 周莉, 李名友, 桂建芳*. 烏龜遺傳多樣性的RAPD分析, 水生生物學報


[3]Zhu T#, Gui L#, Zhu Y, Li Y, Li M*. Dnd is required for primordial germ cell specification in Oryzias celebensis.Gene.
[4]Qiu W#, Zhu Y#, Wu Y, Yuan C, Chen K, Li M*.Identification and expression analysis of microRNAs in medaka gonads. Gene.
[5]Yuan C#, Chen K#, Zhu Y, Yuan Y, Li M*.Medaka igf1 identifies somatic cells and meiotic germ cells of both sexes. Gene.
[6]Li M, Hong N, Xu H, Song J, Hon Y*.Germline replacement by blastula cell transplantation in the fish medaka. Sci Rep.
[7]Li M, Zhu F, Li Z, Hong N, Hong Y*. Dazl is a critical player for primordial germ cell formation in medaka. Sci Rep.
[8]Hong N#, Li M#, Yuan Y, Wang T, Yi M, Xu H, Zng H, Song J*, Hong Y*. Dnd Is a Critical Specifier of Primordial Germ Cells in the Medaka Fish. Stem Cell Reports.
[9]Li M, Zhao H, Wei J, Zhang J, Hong Y*. Medaka vasa gene has an exonic enhancer for germline expression. Gene
[10]Li M#, Zhu F#, Hong L, Zhang L, Hong Y*.Alternative transcription generates multiple Mitf isofroms with different expression pattern and activities in medaka. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research.
[11]Li M, Zhu F,Hong Y*. Differential evolution of duplicated medakafish mitf genes. Int J Biol Sci.
[12]Li M, Guan G, Hong N, Hong Y*. Multiple regulatory regions control the transcription of medaka germ gene vasa. Biochimie.
[13]Li M, Yuan Y, Hong Y*. Identification of the RNAs for Transcription Factor Mitf as a component of the Balbiani Body. J Genet Genomics.
[14]Li M, Hong N, Gui J*, Hong Y*. Medaka piwi is essential for primordial germ cell migration. Curr Mol Med.
[15]Li M#, Shen Q#, Xu H, Wong FM, Cui J, Li Z, Hong N, Wang L, Zhao H, Ma B, Hong Y*. Differential conservation and divergence of fertility genes boule and dazl in the rainbow trout. PLoS One.
[16]Li M#, Shen Q#, Wong F, Xu H, Hong N, Zeng L, Liu L, Guan G, Hong N, Hong Y*. Germ cell sex prior to meiosis in the rainbow trout. Protein & Cell.
[17]Li M, Hong N, Xu H, Yi M, Li C, Gui J, Hong Y*. Medaka vasa is required for migration but not survival of primordial germ cells. Mech Dev.
[18]韓程燕, 金禧珍, 萩原篤志, 李名友*.兩種餌料對褶皺臂尾輪蟲生殖及休眠卵孵化的影響. 基因組學與套用生物學, 2019 年,第38 卷,第9 期,第4013-4019 頁.
[19]陳克讓,丁天宜,李名友*. Minifish dazl和dnd基因的克隆及表達分析. 基因組學與套用生物學, 2018年,第37 卷,第7 期,第2795-2803 頁。
[20]解文杰, 吳贇, 王丹, 陳曉武, 李名友*.青鱂干擾素的克隆與表達分析. 基因組學與套用生物學, 2017 年, 第36 卷,第1 期, 第158-165 頁.
[21]李名友,周莉, 楊林, 劉靜霞, 桂建芳*. 彭澤鯽的分子遺傳分析及其與方正銀鯽A系的比較, 水產學報.
[1]Guo H, Du X, Zhang Y, Wu J, Wang C, Li M, Hua X, Zhang XA, Yan J. Specific miRNA-G Protein-Coupled Receptor Networks Regulate Sox9a/Sox9b Activities to Promote Gonadal Rejuvenation in Zebrafish.Stem Cells.
[2]Zhang X#, Guan G#, Li M, Zhu F, Liu Q, Naruse K, Herpin A, Nagahama Y, Li J*, Hong Y*. Autosomal gsdf acts as a male sex initiator in the fish medaka.Sci Rep.
[3]Liu R, Li M, Li Z, Hong N, Xu H, Hong Y*.Medaka Oct4 is Essential for Pluripotency in Blastula Formation and ES Cell Derivation. Stem Cell Rev.
[4]Yuan Y, Li M, Hong Y*. Light and electron microscopic analyses of Vasa expression in adult germ cells of the fish medaka.Gene.
[5]Li Z, Li M, Hong N, Yi M, Hong Y*. Formation and cultivation of medaka primordial germ cells. Cell Tissue Res.
[6]Yuan Y, Li M, Hong N, Hong Y*. Correlative light and electron microscopic analyses of mitochondrial distribution in blastomeres of early fish embryos. FASEB J.
[7]Yan Y, Hong N, Chen T, Li M, Wang T, Guan G, Qiao Y, Chen S, Schartl M, Li CM, Hong Y*. p53 gene targeting by homologous recombination if fish ES cells. PLoS One.
[8]Lin F, Liu Q, Li M, Li Z, Hong N, Li J, Hong Y*. Transient and stable GFP expression in germ cells by the vasa regulatory sequences from the red seabream (Pagrus major). Int J Biol Sci.
[9]Zhao H, Li M, Purwanti YI, Liu R, Chen T, Li Z, Hong N, Guan G, Yin A, Xiao L, Ge R, Song J, Hong Y*. Mitf is a transcriptional activator of medaka germ genes in culture. Biochimie.
[10]Rao F, Wang T, Li M, Li Z, Hong N, Zhao H, Yan Y, Lu W, Chen T, Wang W, Lim M, Yuan Y, Liu L, Zeng L, Wei Q, Guan G, Li C, Hong Y*. Medaka tert produces multiple variants with differential expression in vitro and in vivo. Int J Biol Sci.
[11]Xu H, Li M, Gui J*, Hong Y*. Fish germ cells. Sci China Life Sci.
[12]Hong N, Li M, Zeng Z, Yi M, Deng J, Gui J, Winkler C, Schartl M, Hong Y*. Accessibility of host cell lineages to medaka stem cells depends on genetic background and irradiation of recipient embryos. Cell Mol Life Sci.
[13]Liu L, Hong N, Xu H, Li M, Yan Y, Purwanti Y, Yi M, Li Z, Wang L, HongY*. Medaka dead end encodes a cytoplasmic protein and identifies embryonic and adult germ cells. Gene Expr Patterns.
[14]Xu H, Li Z, Li M, Wang L, Hong Y*. Boule is present in fish bisexually expressed in adult and embryonic germ cells of medaka. PLoS One.
[15]Yan Y, Du J, Chen T, Yi M, Li M, Wang S, Li CM, Hong Y*. Establishment of medaka fish as a model for stem cell based gene therapy: efficient delivery and potential chromosomal integration by baculoviral vectors. Exp Cell Res.
[16]Xu H, Li M, Gui J, Hong Y*. Cloning and expression of medaka dazl during embryogenesis and gametogenesis. Gene Expr Patterns.
[17]徐紅艷,李名友, 桂建芳*, 洪雲漢*. 魚類生殖細胞. 中國科學: 生命科學
[18]汲廣東,李名友,周莉, 桂建芳*. 斜帶石斑魚囊胚期胚胎和尾芽期胚胎差異表達基因的篩選及克隆, 動物學研究
朱新平,杜合軍, 周莉, 李名友, 桂建芳*. 烏龜遺傳多樣性的RAPD分析, 水生生物學報




