2、李劍鋒張玉茹張啟先具有滾動接觸的多指手操作運動學算法自動化學報2002 No.2 3、李劍鋒張玉茹張啟先Robustness Analysis of Multiple-Limb Manipulation Systems Chinese J. of Aeronautics 1999 No.1 4、李劍鋒張玉茹張啟先An Efficient Algorithm of Kinematics for Dexterous Manipulation Proc. of 1999 IEEE Int. Conf. On Systems, Man and Cybernetics 1999. 10 5、李劍鋒張玉茹張啟先Kinematic Algorithm for Multi-Fingered Hand Manipulation with Rolling Contacts Proc. of 2000 IEEE Int. Conf. On Intelligent Robots and Systems 2000. 10 6、李劍鋒張玉茹張啟先多指手手指機構速度操作靈巧性分析機器人1999 No2 7、李劍鋒張玉茹張啟先多指手機構力操作靈巧性的分析與評價機器人2000 No2 8、李劍鋒張玉茹張啟先一類Power抓持的接觸力分解及其套用機器人1999.No6 9、李劍鋒汪勁松Inverse Kinematics and Dynamics of the 3-RRS Parallel Platform Mechanism Proc. of 2001 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation 2001. 5 10、李劍鋒汪勁松An Efficient Method for Inverse Dynamics of the Kinematic Defective Parallel Platforms J. of Robotic Systems 2002 No.2 11、李劍鋒汪勁松Inverse Kinematic and Dynamic Analyses of the Tricept Parallel Platform Mechanism Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf. on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision. 2002.12 12、李劍鋒汪勁松Inverse Kinematic and Dynamic Analyses of A 3-Dof Parallel Platform Mechanism Chinese J. of Mechanical Engineering 2003 No.1 13、李劍鋒汪勁松6-TPS型並在線上床曲面加工的刀具姿態能力分析北京工業大學學報2002 No.3 14、李劍鋒汪勁松Tricept型並在線上床曲面加工的刀軌規劃北京工業大學學報2002 No.4 15、李健李劍鋒張啟先基於可操作度的單冗餘度機器人容錯性指標北京航空航天大學學報2002 No.1 16、李健李劍鋒張啟先冗餘度機器人多關節故障的運動學容錯性及其最佳化機械工程學報2002 No.7 17、李育文李劍鋒汪勁松段廣洪並在線上床的運動學標定實驗研究中國機械工程2001 No.11 18、劉辛軍汪勁松李劍鋒高峰A New Planar Two Degrees of Freedom Parallel Mechanism. Proc. of 2001 IFAC Workshop on Mobile Robot Technology 2001.5 19、劉辛軍汪勁松李劍鋒高峰一種新型空間3自由度並在線上構的正反解及工作空間分析機械工程學報2001 No.10 20、發表論文30餘篇,其中SCI、EI檢索16篇。